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 Vocabulary: The Weather (SB Page 23)
 Vocabulary: Useful objects (SB Page 26)
 Vocabulary: Feelings (SB Page 35)
 Vocabulary: Preposition of movements (SB Page 38)
jump off the wall
walk along
run past the crowd
throw over
run down the stairs


 Simple Past: Affirmative, Negative and questions

Work worked didn’t work Did…work?
Finish finished didn’t finish Did…finish?
Close closed didn’t close Did…close?
Open opened didn’t open Did…open?
Watch watched didn’t watch Did…watch’
Play played didn’t play Did…play?
Study studied didn’t study Did…study?
Stop stopped didn’t stop Did…stop?
Go went didn’t go Did…go?
Come came didn’t come Did…come?
Do did didn’t do Did…do?
Buy bought didn’t buy Did…buy?
Take took didn’t take Did…take?
make made didn’t make Did…make?
read read didn’t read Did…read?
Be (am – is – are) was – were wasn’t – weren’t was/were….?
There is – are there was/ there were there wasn’t / there weren’t was there? / were there?

 Past Continuous: Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative form

(+) S + was/were + V + ING + C.
(-) S + wasn’t/weren’t + V + ING + C.
(?) Was/ Were + S + V + ING + C +?

READING. Study these words

Pond (charco), the Smartest (el más inteligente), Net (red), Worried (preocupado),
Laughed (reía), Path (camino), Bright (brillante), Caught (atrapó), Saw(vió), Road (camino,
carretera), Whispered (susurró), Safe (a salvo – seguro)


1. Why learning English is important?


2. What topic studied in this Quimestre did you like the most and why?
3. Which of the following skills is the most difficult for you to put into practice?
Check your options

Listening es la habilidad para escuchar y comprender lo que se escucha y luego responder apropiadamente . ____

Reading es la capacidad de una persona para leer, comprender, interpretar y decodificar el lenguaje y los textos
Writing es la habilidad para comunicar pensamientos e ideas de una forma escrita. ____
Conversation (Oral interaction) La interacción hablada se refiere a la capacidad de mantener y continuar una
conversación. La producción hablada se refiere simplemente a poder hablar en inglés. incluye la capacidad de iniciar un
diálogo, cambiar de tema durante la conversación, turnarse, saber lo que es apropiado decir en el contexto, hablar
directamente, etc.
Speaking (Oral Production) - Producción oral' (hablar)’, es producir un texto oral para uno o más oyentes, por
ejemplo, dando información a una audiencia en un discurso público. Esto puede implicar leer un texto escrito en voz alta,
hablar a partir de notas, representar un papel ensayado, hablar espontáneamente, improvisar o cantar una canción. ____

Use of Language (Vocabulary and Grammar) El vocabulario es un conjunto de palabras que usas para crear
una oración. La gramática son las reglas que aplicas a esas oraciones para que estén estructuradas correctamente y sean
más comprensibles. ____

4. According to what you chose in the previous activity. Argument your answer

5. Write what you are committed to improve your learning of the English language
I commit to:

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