Crowell - Medical Screening and Evacuation Cauda Equina in Combat Zone

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Medical Screening and Evacuation:

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Cauda Equina Syndrome in a Combat Zone

ow back pain (LBP) is a prevalent condition, particularly in cific LBP, nerve root syndrome (radicu-

L primary care clinics, with billions of dollars spent each year

on treatment.33 It is the fifth most common reason for all
physician visits in the United States.11 Approximately 25% of
adults report LBP lasting at least 1 day within the past 3 months,11
lopathy or stenosis), and serious spinal
LBP secondary to nerve root syn-
drome, although less common, is a po-
tentially disabling condition.23 Nerve
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

with approximately 14% having an episode that lasts longer than 2 root syndrome may be related to radicu-
weeks.15 Prevalence ranges from 15% to 20% over a single year40 lopathy, spinal stenosis, or cauda equina
and approximately 70% over the course of a person’s lifetime.15,27,30,40 syndrome (CES).23 Due to the potential
for poor prognosis, timely recognition of
The majority of patients (85%) ease or spinal abnormality.11,15 Current neurologic involvement is essential for
with LBP have conditions that cannot recommendations suggest classifying optimal patient outcomes.23
be reliably attributed to a specific dis- patients into 3 broad categories: nonspe- Acute lumbar disc herniation is one
potential source of both radiculopathy
TIJK:O:;I?=D0 Resident’s case problem. weakness, absent right ankle reflex, and decreased and CES. Approximately 90% of cases of
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

anal sphincter tone. No advanced medical imaging sciatica are caused by a herniated disc.29
T879A=HEKD:0 Cauda equina syndrome (CES)
is a rare, potentially devastating, disorder and is capabilities were available locally. Due to suspected Overall incidence of symptomatic disc
considered a true neurologic emergency. CES often CES, the patient was medically evacuated to a neuro- herniation is 1% to 2%,29,39 for which
has a rapid clinical progression, making timely rec- surgeon and within 48 hours underwent an emergent 200 000 discectomies are performed an-
ognition and immediate surgical referral essential. L4-5 laminectomy/decompression. He returned to full nually.39 Peak incidence of this disorder is
military duty 18 weeks after surgery without back or
T:?7=DEI?I0 A 32-year-old male presented to a between the ages of 30 to 55 years.15
lower extremity symptoms or neurological deficit.
medical aid station in Iraq with a history of 4 weeks Characteristics of acute disc hernia-
of insidious onset and recent worsening of low back, T:?I9KII?ED0 This case demonstrates the im- tion include abrupt, intense onset of
left buttock, and posterior left thigh pain. He denied portance of continual medical screening for physi-
pain that is increased by bending or lift-
symptoms distal to the knee, paresthesias, saddle cal therapists throughout the patient management
ing.48 The most common levels of symp-
anesthesia, or bowel and bladder function changes. cycle. It further demonstrates the importance of
At the initial examination, the patient was neuro- immediate referral to surgical specialists when
tomatic herniation are L5-S1 and L4-5,
logically intact throughout all lumbosacral levels CES is suspected, as rapid intervention offers the which comprise approximately 90% to
with negative straight-leg raises. He also presented best prognosis for recovery. 98% of cases11,15 and correspond to the
with severely limited lumbar flexion active range of spinal levels that receive the majority of
TB;L;BE<;L?:;D9;0 Differential diagnosis,
motion, and reduction of symptoms occurred with compressive forces in the lumbar spine.
level 4. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2009;39(7):541-
repeated lumbar extension. At the follow-up visit, 10 Clinically, disc herniation at these levels
549. doi: 10.2519/jospt.2009.2999
days later, he reported a new, sudden onset of saddle
frequently manifests as L5 and S1 nerve
anesthesia, constipation, and urinary hesitancy, TA;OMEH:I0 direct access, lumbar spine, low
with physical exam findings of right plantar flexion back pain, red flags, spinal cord root compression disorders character-
ized by radiating pain below the knee,

Brigade Combat Team Physical Therapist, Iraq. 2 Program Director and Associate Professor, US Army-Baylor University Postprofessional Doctoral Program in Orthopedic Manual
Physical Therapy, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, TX. This case was seen at a Troop Medical Clinic in Iraq. The opinions or assertions contained herein are the
private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or reflecting the views of the United States Army or Department of Defense. Address correspondence to CPT
Michael Crowell, 235 Lancaster Way, Richmond Hill, GA 31324. E-mail:

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 7 | july 2009 | 541
TABLE 1 Red Flags
History of Present Illness

Unrelenting night pain he patient was a 32-year-old
History of cancer or recent infection Caucasian male (height, 1.83 m;
Unexplained weight loss or gain body mass, 77.1 kg; body mass in-
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Recent trauma dex, 23.1 kg/m2) who initially presented

Difficulty with micturation* to a physical therapist in a combat zone
Loss of anal sphincter tone or fecal incontinence* with a chief complaint of insidious onset
Saddle anesthesia* low back and left posterior thigh pain. He
Gait disturbance* was deployed for combat with a primary
* Indicates elements specific to cauda equina syndrome. responsibility of training foreign military
officers. During convoy operations, he was
a machine gunner, standing in the turret
decreased sensation in a dermatomal embryo development, the spinal cord and at the top of an armored vehicle. This job
pattern, myotomal weakness, reflex vertebral column have relatively unequal required prolonged periods of wearing
changes, and positive straight-leg raise rates of growth.20 As a result, the lumbar protective equipment weighing in ex-
tests.11,15 However, examination of pa- and sacral spinal nerves descend almost cess of 36 kg, often for periods exceed-
tients with acute disc herniation should vertically to reach their points of exit.20 ing 8 hours. His symptoms were located
always include careful screening for se- This configuration resembles a “horse’s in the lower lumbar spine (left greater
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

rious pathology, both before initiation tail,” from which the term cauda equina than right), left buttock, and left poste-
of and during ongoing conservative is derived in Latin. rior thigh, as shown in <?=KH;'. The total
interventions. 3,11 Red flag differential CES is a rare, potentially devastating duration of symptoms was approximately
diagnoses may include CES, metastatic disorder that may arise from an acute 4 weeks, but the patient reported a sig-
spinal disease, spinal infection, epi- disc herniation and is considered a true nificant increase in intensity of pain the
dural hematoma, and spinal fracture neurologic emergency.8,45,48 The estimated day prior to evaluation without any spe-
or dislocation. 3 Screening for red flag prevalence of CES is 0.04% of all patients cific trauma. He described a dull, aching
conditions should include questions presenting with a primary complaint of pain, and a pain that was intermittently
regarding bowel and bladder function LBP,11,15,45 and it is most prevalent in the sharp. The patient denied numbness or
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

changes, sensory function changes in fourth or fifth decade of age.43,45 CES oc- tingling in any location or pain below the
the perianal region and genitals, unex- curs in 1% to 2% of all lumbar disc her- level of the knee. Baseline numeric pain
plained weight loss or gain, fever, night niations that progress to surgery.1,8,15,43,44 rating scale (NPRS),25 where 0 is no pain
pain, history of cancer or infection, CES is most frequently associated with and 10 is the worst pain that the patient
history of trauma, and any gait distur- a nontraumatic massive midline posteri- could imagine, was 4/10 at rest and 7/10
bances (TABLE 1). 3,22 or disc herniation, commonly located at at worst. The patient noted increased
In adults, the spinal cord is approxi- L4-5, followed by L5-S1 and L3-4.43,44,45,48 pain with running and forward flexion of
mately 42 to 45 cm in length and ter- The sacral nerves, which lie medially in the lumbar spine. Rest and lying supine
minates at the lower border of the first the cauda equina, are affected dispropor- relieved his symptoms. His past medical
lumbar vertebra or upper border of the tionately in this disorder. A clear diagno- history was significant for 3 to 4 prior oc-
second lumbar vertebra at the conus med- sis or a high index of suspicion for CES currences of LBP over the past 8 years,
ullaris.20 The spinal cord is ensheathed by should prompt immediate referral to a with similar presentation that, he stated,
3 protective membranes from outward to surgical specialist. Referral to an ortho- resolved without treatment. The patient
within: the dura mater, arachnoid, and paedic spine surgeon or neurosurgeon, had no history of spine or extremity sur-
pia mater.20 These membranes extend where available, is the most direct route gery. No previous imaging studies had
to the first segment of the coccyx as the of referral; otherwise, the patient should been performed. His stated goal was to
filum terminale.20 The outer layer of the be sent to an emergency department. decrease his overall pain level during per-
dura, arachnoid, and the subarachnoid The purpose of this resident’s case formance of his military duties.
cavity is termed the thecal sac, which is problem is to describe the evaluation,
filled with cerebrospinal fluid.20 treatment, referral, and outcomes of a Systems Review
The term cauda equina describes the patient exhibiting signs and symptoms The patient denied saddle anesthesia,
lumbar and sacral spinal nerves descend- of CES evaluated by a physical therapist bowel or bladder function changes, unex-
ing from the conus medullaris. During in a direct-access environment. plained weight loss or gain, night pain, or

542 | july 2009 | volume 39 | number 7 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
Assessment, Intervention,
and Re-evaluation
Using a treatment-based classification
approach,6,7,18 the patient was classified
into the specific exercise classification
and prescribed extension-oriented exer-
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cises. Either standing or prone repeated

extension exercises were to be performed
every 2 waking hours, with 10 repetitions,
holding each repetition 2 to 3 seconds at
end range. Education consisted of avoid-
ance of sitting for greater than 20 to 30
minutes, avoidance of full end-range
flexion positions, and the use of a lumbar
roll while sitting and wearing protective
equipment. The treating physical thera-
pist, who had privileges for prescribing
nonnarcotic medication,5 prescribed 7.5
mg Meloxicam (Mobic, 2 tablets once
daily) and 500 mg acetaminophen (Tyle-
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

nol, 2 tablets every 4-6 hours, as needed)

<?=KH;'$Body chart of symptoms at initial presentation through day 9.
for pain relief during performance of his
military duties. Because this patient was
recent trauma, and had no history of cancer back, left buttock, and left posterior thigh essential to the success of his unit’s mis-
or infection. In screening for nonmusculo- at the end range of motion. Lumbosacral sion, only a home exercise program was
skeletal pathology, the patient reported no extension and side bending were within prescribed, and a follow-up was sched-
history of cancer, cardiovascular, or pul- normal limits, without an increase in uled for 2 weeks later. He was instructed
monary disease, and no recent occurrence pain from his baseline NPRS. Repeated- to return to the clinic at an earlier time
of nausea, vomiting, fever, changes in ap- motion testing was performed as de- for re-evaluation if symptoms worsened.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

petite, difficulty swallowing, shortness of scribed by McKenzie.35 Ten repetitions The patient presented for follow-up on
breath, dizziness, or changes in balance. of flexion in standing increased his back, day 4 (3 days after the initial evaluation)
buttock, and posterior thigh pain, while with a complaint of increased pain unre-
Test and Measures 10 repetitions of extension in standing lieved by positioning and only short-term
The patient was neurologically intact reduced those symptoms. Straight-leg relief with the home exercise program.
bilaterally with 5/5 strength as assessed raise tests did not produce radicular pain His baseline NPRS at rest had increased
with manual muscle testing26 through- but caused a severe increase in LBP at 15° to 6/10. He reported a decreased NPRS
out the L2 to S1 myotomes, sensation of hip flexion on the right and 45° of hip to 4/10 after performing home exercises,
was intact to light touch throughout the flexion on the left. Hip flexion range of but he would return to baseline after ap-
L2 to S1 dermatomes, and knee jerk and motion during single knee to chest was proximately 30 to 60 minutes. Since the
ankle jerk muscle stretch reflexes were within normal limits bilaterally, with in- initial evaluation, he had continued to
2+ (normal). Babinski reflex testing was creased LBP that was approximately 50% perform all of his duties, including ex-
negative. He presented with decreased less than with straight-leg raise testing. tended wear of protective equipment.
lumbar lordosis and a guarded, obviously A lumbar quadrant test was negative bi- The physical examination, including the
painful, movement of the spine. The pa- laterally. Passive vertebral motion testing, neurological examination, did not differ
tient displayed a left-sided antalgic gait, as described by Maitland,34 produced lo- from the initial evaluation, with the ex-
with decreased left hip extension and cal pain at L3, L4, and L5 with central ception of increased pain with all testing.
early termination of the stance phase of passive posterior-anterior accessory in- His case was discussed with a physician
the gait cycle. Active range of motion was tervertebral motion (PAIVM). Unilateral and he was prescribed a narcotic pain
severely limited in lumbosacral flexion, PAIVM testing produced local pain at medication for use as needed, re-educat-
with the ability to reach only the mid- L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1, equal bilaterally. ed in the home exercises to ensure proper
anterior thigh region with the fingertips, No referral of pain was noted with pas- performance, and instructed to continue
and moderate to severe pain in the low sive accessory movement assessment. the home exercises as tolerated. The pa-

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 7 | july 2009 | 543
tient was to follow-up within 1 week to
monitor the stability of his symptoms and
assess his response to the modified treat-
ment plan.
At a second follow-up 3 days later (day
7 after initial exam), the patient contin-
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ued to have significant pain. He was able

to perform his duties, but the sharp pain
was becoming more frequent and in-
tense. He also reported a recent onset
of numbness in his left posterior thigh.
He continued to deny any radiating pain
below the knee or right-sided symptoms.
The physical exam was unchanged from
initial evaluation and a neurological as-
sessment continued to reveal no mo-
tor, sensory, or reflex deficits bilaterally.
Although strength of left ankle plantar
flexion was 3+/5, he was limited by pain
secondary to a recent ankle inversion
<?=KH;($Body chart of symptoms at 10-day follow-up.
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

sprain on rocky, uneven terrain, which

he described as unrelated to his low back
symptoms and had occurred between the holds, with 3 repetitions. The patient’s evaluation. A straight-leg raise test bilat-
first and second re-evaluation. home exercise program remained un- erally continued to provoke symptoms
Due to increasing pain despite conser- changed from the initial evaluation. only in the low back region. No sensory
vative therapy and medications, he was Upon presenting for his third day of deficiencies to light touch or sharp-dull
restricted from missions that required the in-clinic treatment (10 days after initial stimuli were noted throughout the lower
wear of his protective gear and from any evaluation), the patient had a new com- extremities bilaterally, including the L4-
lifting, bending, or twisting. Daily physi- plaint of numbness and tingling in the S1 dermatomes. Strength was reduced in
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

cal therapy intervention in the clinic was saddle region and a change in bowel and right ankle plantar flexion to 3–/5. The
initiated at that time. The therapist chose bladder function. Although he denied any right ankle jerk (S1) reflex was absent. A
to continue with a supervised exercise incontinence, he stated that it was diffi- rectal examination revealed decreased
program and adjunct pain-relieving mo- cult to control initiation and cessation anal sphincter tone and an absent anal
dalities, because the high-load demands of urination and bowel movements. The wink reflex. The cremasteric reflex was
of this patient’s work duties up to that patient also described new symptoms intact. The Babinski reflex was normal.
point made accurate assessment of the in the right lower extremity (previously Gait was severely impaired with a de-
patient’s response to treatment difficult. asymptomatic), with an inability to rise creased step length bilaterally and im-
Intervention consisted of interferential up onto his toes and constant tingling in paired toe-off present on the right.
electrical stimulation with 4 pads brack- the right calf, while his left lower extrem-
eting the symptomatic area of the lumbar ity symptoms were unchanged from the Referral
spine, the patient positioned in prone, last evaluation. <?=KH;( shows the body Because of his rapidly progressive neu-
and the intensity at the patient’s level of chart associated with the new symptom rological symptoms and a suspicion of
tolerance. Treatment was combined with presentation. He stated, however, that his cauda equina compression, the physi-
moist heat for 20 minutes, followed by pain level had decreased to 4/10 at rest cal therapist scheduled the patient for
supervised extension exercises and left and 5/10 at worst since he stopped wear- medical evacuation and referral to a
lumbar rotation stretches, both of which ing his protective gear 2 days prior. neurosurgeon. No advanced imaging was
provided mild relief of the lower extrem- A detailed physical examination was performed, as magnetic resonance imag-
ity pain. Lumbar extension exercises con- performed, with an orthopaedic physi- ing (MRI) and computed tomography
sisted of 3 sets of 10 repetitions, with a cian assistant on staff providing further (CT) scan capabilities were not available
2- to 3-second hold at end range, without guidance on neurological assessment of at the local facility. Evacuation to neuro-
manual overpressure. Lumbar left rota- the S3-4 levels. Lumbar spine range of surgery care and advanced medical imag-
tion stretching consisted of 30-second motion was unchanged from the initial ing occurred within 48 hours.

544 | july 2009 | volume 39 | number 7 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
ing 1.6 km daily, doing pool exercises at
Radiology Impression of Computed Tomography
J78B;( home, and using 1- to 2-kg weights for
(CT) Scan Prior to Surgical Intervention
upper extremity exercises. At 4-month
L1-2: No disk bulge, central canal, or neuroforaminal stenosis follow-up he had no residual neurological
L2-3: No disk bulge, central canal, or neuroforaminal stenosis or functional deficits and reported a cur-
L3-4: Broad-based disk bulge with no sadistic and central canal or neural foraminal stenosis rent walking program with a 5-kg back-
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L4-5: Moderate disk space narrowing; degenerative changes of the inferior endplate of L4; large disk protrusion with pack. He was cleared by neurosurgery for
moderate central canal stenosis, difficult to tell, but likely some extruded fragments posterior to L5; moderate to full return to military duties, including
severe lateral recess stenosis bilaterally; exiting nerve roots in the neural foramina appear relatively normal redeployment.
L5-S1: No significant disk bulge, central canal, or neural frontal stenosis
D[kheikh]_YWbWdZ?cc[Z_Wj[ and, to enhance functional recovery, with
Postoperative Care lower extremity exercises aimed to main-

his resident’s case problem de-
Upon arrival at a Combat Support Hos- tain nervous tissue mobility to prevent scribes what could be considered a
pital, the patient was evaluated by a mili- postoperative nerve root scarring. After classic presentation of CES, recog-
tary neurosurgeon. Physical examination 3 days in Germany, the patient was then nized by a physical therapist practicing
findings were consistent with those at the evacuated to his final destination, Brooke in a direct-access setting. By a continual
medical aid station. Additionally, bladder Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, medical-screening process over multiple
function was evaluated and the patient TX, for follow-up neurosurgical care and visits, the therapist recognized an atypi-
was found to have a postvoid residual recovery. cal progression of mechanical LBP, which
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

of 300 cc. Although MRI is the recom- then acutely manifested itself as CES.
mended imaging modality for CES, be- H[Yel[hoWdZEkjYec[ Early recognition, confirmation, referral,
cause of the detail provided to the soft The patient arrived at Brooke Army Med- and surgical intervention were associated
tissues and spinal canal,11 it was not avail- ical Center 6 days after surgery. An MRI with a good outcome, consistent with lit-
able in that location either. Instead, a CT performed on admission demonstrated erature that suggests a good prognosis
of the lumbar spine with contrast, an al- normal postoperative changes and no with early detection and treatment.1,43,44
ternate recommendation to image CES,11 residual disc herniation. During his first
was performed. The findings reported by neurosurgery postoperative evaluation, C[Y^Wd_YWbB8F
the radiologist were suggestive of under- he presented with right buttock pain, The patient in this case initially present-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

lying pathology that could be clinically resolving saddle paresthesia, numbness ed with a history and physical examina-
correlated with CES (J78B;(). of the right lateral foot region and toes, tion findings consistent with nonspecific
Following neurosurgical evaluation, bladder incontinence, and erectile dys- mechanical LBP and no red flag signs
he was prepped for immediate surgi- function. Ankle and knee muscle stretch or symptoms. Recent research supports
cal intervention. A L4-5 laminectomy reflexes on the right were hypoactive, but the use of a treatment-based classifica-
and decompression was performed and he had 5/5 strength throughout both low- tion approach for acute LBP of this na-
a large extruded disc fragment was re- er extremities. Within 1 week he returned ture.6,7,10,18,24 Due to centralization of his
moved from the epidural space. The next to neurosurgery with some residual right symptoms with repeated movement in
day the patient was evacuated to Land- buttock and foot symptoms, resolved sad- extension, this patient was classified into
stuhl Regional Medical Center in Ger- dle paresthesia, and normal reflexes. He the specific exercise classification based
many for inpatient recovery. Three days was cleared by the surgeon for medical upon the first step in the algorithm de-
postsurgery, he was evaluated by a physi- convalescent leave for 30 days, with an scribed by Fritz et al.18 Browder et al7
cal therapist. He had an NPRS of 2/10, intended referral to a physical therapist examined the effectiveness of an exten-
continued complaints of bowel and blad- upon return. Upon return from convales- sion-oriented treatment approach in a
der dysfunction, and continued right calf cent leave (approximately 6 weeks after subgroup of patients with LBP extend-
weakness. He was independent in bed surgery), he had regained full sensory ing distal to the buttocks that centralized
mobility, edge-of-bed activities, and sit- function and continued to demonstrate with extension movements. In patients
to-stand transfers. Right ankle plantar normal motor function. No referral was meeting these criteria, treatment using
flexion was 3+/5, but the patient was able made to physical therapy, and the patient extension-oriented exercises resulted in
to independently ambulate approximately was cleared by the surgeon to progress his significantly greater reduction of pain
18 m. The patient was instructed in ankle walking distance as tolerated and start and disability than treatment using lum-
pumps along with progressive ambula- stationary bike exercising. By 12 weeks, bar stabilization exercises. Additionally,
tion to prevent deep venous thrombosis2,9 the patient had self-progressed to walk- Long et al32 demonstrated that patients

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 7 | july 2009 | 545
with a movement directional preference compression. Although his finger-to-floor :_W]dei_ie\9;I
for symptom reduction (extension in this distance was severely limited, this physi- CES often has a rapid clinical progression
case) significantly improved when per- cal examination finding may also be as- from other forms of LBP, which makes
forming specific exercises in that direc- sociated with nonspecific LBP, which was timely diagnosis extremely important.
tion as opposed to general exercise, and his initial classification. CES must be included in the differential
worsened performing exercises in the op-
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posite direction.
Diagnostic Test Properties for
D[hl[Heej:oi\kdYj_ed Tests of Nerve Root Dysfunction
The current case describes mechanical
 I[di_j_l_jo If[Y_ÓY_jo !BH ÅBH
LBP without initial evidence of nerve root
Patient history
dysfunction, which rapidly progressed to
Presence of sciatica15 0.95
CES. A thorough evaluation is essential
Lower extremity pain greater than back pain50 0.82 0.54 1.74 0.33
for accurate identification of LBP with
Dermatomal distribution of pain50 0.89 0.31 1.3 0.34
nerve root syndrome and CES. The pa-
Physical examination
tient history should include any potential
Paresis (weakness, not specific)50 0.27 0.93 4.11 0.78
mechanisms of injury, the location, de-
Absent knee jerk or ankle jerk50 0.14 0.93 2.21 0.78
scription, nature, and intensity of pain,
Finger-to-floor greater than 25 cm50 0.45 0.74 1.71 0.75
the presence or absence of any sensory
Straight-leg raise11,12,15,15,29* 0.91 0.26 1.23 0.35
abnormalities, aggravating factors, eas-
Crossed straight-leg raise11,12,14,23,29† 0.29 0.88 2.42 0.81
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

ing factors, and past medical history. The

Ankle dorsiflexion weakness15 0.35 0.7 1.17 0.93
physical examination should include a
Great toe extension weakness12,15,31 0.50-0.61 0.55-0.70 1.36-1.67 0.71
neurologic screen, an assessment of lum-
Impaired ankle jerk12,15,23,31 0.47-0.50 0.6-0.90 1.25-4.70 0.83
bosacral range of motion, assessment of
Ankle plantar flexion weakness15 0.47-0.60 0.76-0.95 1.96-12.0 0.42-0.70
passive vertebral motion, the straight-leg
Quadriceps weakness15 0.01-0.40 0.89-0.99 1.00-3.64 0.67-1.00
raise test, tests for muscle flexibility, and
Abbreviations: +LR, positive likelihood ratio; –LR, negative likelihood ratio.
tests for sacroiliac dysfunction. Sensitiv- * Positive straight-leg raise defined as reproduction of radicular symptoms with elevation of the ipsi-
ity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for lateral lower extremity between 30° and 70° of hip flexion.

various physical examination and his- Positive crossed straight-leg raise defined as reproduction of radicular symptoms with elevation of the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

contralateral lower extremity between 30° and 70° of hip flexion.

torical items with respect to nerve root
syndrome are listed in TABLE 3.
In general, information from the pa-
Differential Diagnosis of Low Back Pain (LBP)
tient history is better for ruling out nerve TABLE 4
With Potential Neurologic Involvement
root syndromes and the physical exami-
nation is better for ruling in.50 Significant HWZ_YkbefWj^o<hec
indicators of nerve root syndrome include 7Ykj[:_iY>[hd_Wj_ed Spinal Stenosis Cauda Equina Syndrome
focal muscle weakness and limited lum- Age (y) 30-55 60 40-60
bar flexion, as indicated by a large finger- History Acute or recurrent episodes Insidious onset of Insidious onset of severe LBP
to-floor distance.23 Other predictors may chronic, progressive with or without saddle
LBP; more recent anesthesia, bowel/bladder
include lower extremity pain that is great- onset of lower extrem- function changes, possible
er than back pain, a dermatomal pattern ity symptoms history of chronic LBP
of pain location, and increased pain with Pain pattern Pain and/or numbness Lower extremity symptoms Usually presents with radiating
coughing, sneezing, and straining.23 radiating to 1 lower increased with lumbar pain and numbness/tingling
extremity below the extension, relieved by in both lower extremities,
The patient in this case report did not knee, usually increased lumbar flexion increased with lumbar flexion
clearly fit into a nerve root classification with lumbar flexion
during the initial visits. He presented Neurological exam Sensory and/or motor Sensory and motor Bilateral sensory and/or motor
with symptoms proximal to the knee, changes, diminished/ changes changes, diminished/absent
absent deep tendon deep tendon reflexes, sensory
and neurologic screening did not reveal reflexes unilaterally and motor changes at S3-4
either motor loss, sensory impairment, levels
or diminished reflexes. Straight-leg raise Range of motion Guarded, limited Pain and limited extension Guarded, limited
testing did not produce lower extrem- Other tests Straight-leg raise Stage treadmill test Straight-leg raise
ity symptoms consistent with nerve root

546 | july 2009 | volume 39 | number 7 | journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy
diagnosis for patients presenting with
Diagnostic Test Properties of
LBP with or without signs/symptoms of TABLE 5
Tests for Cauda Equina Syndrome
nerve root compression,45 and the patient
history should include special questions  I[di_j_l_jo If[Y_ÓY_jo !BH ÅBH H[\[h[dY[i
that attempt to identify patients with se- Urinary retention11,15,23,45 0.9 0.95 18 0.01 Chou, Deyo, Haswell, Small
rious spinal pathology. TABLE 4 describes Unilateral or bilateral sciatica 15,23
0.80 Deyo, Haswell
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common subjective and objective find- Unilateral or bilateral motor/sensory deficits15,23 0.80 Deyo, Haswell
ings useful for the differential diagnosis Positive straight-leg raise15,23* 0.80 Deyo, Haswell
of possible neural involvement. Approxi- Sensory deficit: buttocks, posterior-superior
mately 30% of patients present with thigh, perianal region3,15 0.75 Arce, Deyo
CES as the first manifestation of lumbar Abbreviations: +LR, positive likelihood ratio; –LR, negative likelihood ratio.
disc herniation.1,44 More often, however, * Positive straight-leg raise defined as reproduction of radicular symptoms with elevation of the ipsi-
patients will present with chronic LBP lateral lower extremity between 30° and 70° of hip flexion.

that progresses rapidly to CES within 24

hours.43 Over a 10-day period of general ter tone, and progressive neurological program and given activity restrictions
worsening but neurologic stability, the changes (new onset of significant motor consistent with discharge instructions for
patient in this case rapidly progressed weakness in the S1 myotome). patients receiving lumbar spine discecto-
over 24 hours from a history without any CES is the primary absolute indication my surgery. The patient was not referred
red flag symptoms to all of the red flags for acute surgical treatment of lumbar to outpatient physical therapy services as
associated with CES, including difficulty spine pathology.3 Rapid recognition cou- part of his rehabilitation, possibly due to
Copyright © 2009 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

with micturition, loss of anal sphincter pled with timely referral and surgical care his rapid symptom recovery, high level of
tone, saddle anesthesia, and severely im- provides the best chance of functional re- motivation to return to full function, and
paired gait. covery.45 The treatment of choice is surgi- ability to carefully progress on a general
The physical examination to identify cal decompression, usually a laminectomy home exercise program. Although this
CES must include assessment of the L1 followed by discectomy.43,44 Performing patient did not receive postoperative out-
to S3-4 levels, including anal sphincter the laminectomy first allows excision of patient physical therapy, there is strong
tone (S3-4), perianal sensation (S3-4), the extruded disc material without undue evidence to support intensive exercise
the anal wink reflex (S3-4), and the cre- manipulation of the neural elements.43 training beginning 4 to 6 weeks after
masteric reflex (L1-2) (TABLE 5). The most The patient in this case had an emergent nonfusion lumbar spine surgery,13,16,37,42
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

frequent physical exam finding is urinary laminectomy and decompression with re- which focuses on trunk/pelvis and lower
retention.11,15,23,45 A residual volume great- moval of the extruded disc fragment from extremity strengthening,13,28,37 cardiovas-
er than 100 to 200 cc is considered posi- the epidural space, confirming the diag- cular conditioning,41 and stretching of the
tive for urinary retention.45 Decreased nosis of CES. Surgical intervention was lumbopelvic musculature.41
anal sphincter tone is present in 60% to performed within 72 hours of diagnosis,
80% of individuals with CES.15,45 which was extremely close to the length Fhe]dei_ie\9;I
Patients who present with severe or of time where the risk of permanent neu- At his 18-week follow-up appointment,
progressive neurologic deficits should rologic deficit is increased. Although not the patient had an excellent result, with
have a prompt imaging work-up, with optimal, this delay was related to the re- no motor deficits, normal bowel and
MRI (preferred) or CT.11 While the ad- alities of medical care in a combat envi- bladder function, and return to full oc-
vanced diagnostic imaging was delayed ronment, and every effort was made to cupational duties. The excellent outcome
in this case due to lack of availability, the ensure a rapid evacuation of this patient in this case highlights the importance of
CT images demonstrating the patient’s to a neurosurgeon. Even under standard early recognition of symptoms and im-
midline herniation at the L4-5 level were conditions, Shapiro44 previously reported mediate surgical referral.
consistent with the most common loca- that only 45% of patients presenting to Recent research has shown a signifi-
tion and type of disc herniation associ- the emergency room or primary care cant advantage to treatment within 48
ated with CES.11,15 physician underwent surgery within 48 hours of onset.1,44 The risk of permanent
hours. neurologic deficits is increased when
Referral and Treatment of CES Following surgery, the patient had lim- more than 72 hours elapses before de-
The primary indicators for neurosurgical ited inpatient physical therapy and was finitive treatment1 and longer delays
referral for this patient were the presence later placed on a convalescent leave status correlate with worsening functional out-
of bowel and bladder function changes, for 30 days. He was released with instruc- comes.8 In a meta-analysis of surgical
saddle anesthesia, decreased anal sphinc- tions to complete a progressive walking outcomes of CES, 3 factors suggestive

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 39 | number 7 | july 2009 | 547
of a poor outcome were identified: his- describes a unique episode of nonspecific Evidence-Based Approach for Physical Thera-
pists. Carlstadt, NJ: Icon Learning Systems;
tory of chronic LBP, preoperative rectal LBP with rapid progression to CES during
dysfunction (diminished motor or sen- ongoing management, and correct diag- 13. Danielsen JM, Johnsen R, Kibsgaard SK, Hel-
sory function), and surgical intervention nosis and referral by a physical therapist levik E. Early aggressive exercise for postop-
greater than 48 hours after onset of CES.1 in a direct-access setting. Timely referral erative rehabilitation after discectomy. Spine.
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14. Deville WL, van der Windt DA, Dzaferagic
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