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Subscription of an off-the-shelf (ready to use)

Household-Level Data Management System

Specifically built for LGUs with a developed
questionnaire from PSA for data gathering,
data audit and validation, data hosting,
report generation and analytics, generation
of data and indices.

The system should be a bundled web and

mobile application that can provide report
and analytics generation, data viewing, and
data monitoring. It must also come with a mobile
application for data gathering and a cloud
infrastructure for web tools. The off-the-shelf
system subscription should be available for use
by the LGU for three years.

Data gathering services of all households

in the municipality/city should be within 3
months from date of Notice to Proceed.

Detailed Requirement:

A. Data Gathering Service

* Data Gathering terminologies, definitions,
and methodologies shall be based on 2022
PSA National Roll-out for CBMS
* Questionnaire is based on the latest
prescribed of PSA for CBMS
* Over-all data output must be compliant/
exportable to PSA Data Bank
* Package includes training of enumerators
and related costs, data gathering costs
including salaries of enumerators,
allowances for data and transportation, and
other remunerations that may be discussed
by the supplier and its enumerators
* Enumerators shall be employed under the
supplier as project-based employees
* Over-all duration of the project shall be 3
Months upon issuance of Notice to Proceed
* Geo-tagging using survey-grade devices
* Use of data validation, completeness monitoring,
fraud detection, and data consistency to
ensure highest quality output database

B. Web Application:
Cloud Based Applications with the following features:
* Highly secured infrastructure, at least Level 1 PCI DSS
* SSL compliant for data encryption
* Auto scaling during high server usage
* 99% Server up time

B.1 Data Gathering Project Management Web Tools

* Up and running within 7 days after issuance of NTP
* Can create restricted access for Project Managers,
Data Validators, Supervisors, Enumerators and
Project Progress Monitoring for the LGU
* Receives exported interviews from mobile application
* Interview data validation workflow and monitoring
* Enumerator efficiency monitoring
* Progress monitoring
* Data Fraud Detection and Monitoring
* Data Consistency Monitoring
* Data Completeness Monitoring

B.2 System for Analytics, Visualization, and

Report Generation
* Generation of raw data 
* Sorting capability 
* Additional filters per column
* Range filters
* Data generation can be downloaded as .csv file
* Can generate report anywhere with internet connection
* Can generate report using mobile devices with internet
* Can generate report using mobile devices with internet
* Data Analytics
* Downloadable pdf reports
* Searchable profile per household
* Poverty ranking of all reports
* With reports formatted according to PSA latest
prescribed questionnaire

C. Mobile Application
* Up and running within 7 days after issuance of NTP
* Android based application for interview data gathering
* Data Gathering based on latest prescribed PSA Questionnaire
* Ready for installation to android devices
* Geo -tagging of GPS coordinates
* Offline capability, export interview when data or wi-fi is available
* Automatic population of interview questions based on past answers
* Enumerator shall have a login credentials for exporting data to web app

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