WHW Learning Mat KS4

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You can use these guiding questions

to help you understand, interpret, What, How, Why Ask yourself these questions and try
and answer them in as much detail as
analyse and develop a personal you can. Ensure you use evidence and
response to any literature text. Learning Mat make clear references to the text.

Using WHAT to develop a personal response Using How to comment on methods and effects Zooming in on language and methods using what, how,
o What do you see? o How do they help to create a tone/mood?
What do you think?
o o How do you know this?
o What is your impression? o How is it shown to you?
o What is your view? o How is it presented?
o What do you learn?
Language Methods
o How are you affected?
o What do you understand? o How would the audience / reader react?
o What is being presented? o How can you interpret meaning? ü What kind of language is used? ü What kind of method is
o What is the writer showing you? What is their intention? What does this add to the overall used?
o What can you say about the speaker / message / themes /character o How many interpretations can you make?
technique or quotation? ü What patterns can you
/ events / setting / relationship /methods? What is revealed? ü What words stand out? find? What is the effect?
Using HOW to develop your analysis ü What are the connotations? ü Why has this particular
ü What is implied or suggested? method been used?
Using WHAT to develop your analysis o How is the effect achieved?
ü What patterns can you find? What is Why here?
o What quotation can you use to reinforce your point? o How has the writer used this method? the effect? ü Why is this effective?
o What can you say about the quotation? o How does this quotation reinforce your point? ü Why has this word been used? Why ü How would the audience
o How does your analysis reinforce or prove your point? here?
o What methods are used by the writer? / reader react?
o What do you notice about the structure? What devices can you o How does this word / method / quotation support a ü Why did the writer choose this
ü How can you interpret
identify? What can you say about them? theme? particular word?
ü Why is this effective? meaning?
What patterns can you find? What is the effect? o How does this link to or reinforce the writer’s
o ü What kind of tone is created ü How many
What kind of tone is created? intention?
o through the language choices? interpretations can you
o How does this link to or reflect the context?
o What kind of language is used? What does this add to the overall ü How would the audience / reader make?
technique or quotation? react? ü How does this reinforce
o What words stand out? Using Why to develop analysis; personal response; ü How can you interpret meaning? the writer’s message /
o What are the connotations? intention?
and interpretation ü How many interpretations can you
o What is implied or suggested? ü How does this reinforce
o Why did the writer write this poem / play / novel? make? your point?
o What else can you say? o Why does the poet want to leave you with this ü How does this reinforce the writer’s ü How does this reflect or
o What is an alternative interpretation? message? message / intention? link to the keyword in
o Why is a character / event / setting /relationship ü How does this reinforce your point? the question?
ü How does this reflect or link to the
Using WHAT to develop your discussion of writer’s intention presented in this way? ü How can you use context
keyword in the question? to develop your
o What does the writer want you to understand? o Why does the writer do this? ü How can you use context to develop analysis?
o What are their concerns/ideas? o Why does the writer present it in this way? your analysis? ü What does this reveal
o What is the message? Is this a universal message? A personal o Why does the writer want you to feel this way? ü What does this reveal about the about the speaker /
message? A societal message? o Why has this word / method been used? speaker / message / themes message / themes
o What are we supposed to understand / learn? Is there a o Why did the writer choose this particular word/ /character / events / setting / /character / events /
method? relationships? setting / relationships?
moral/religious/philosophical lesson?
o What do you know about the context that can help you to develop o Why has this word / method been used here?
your interpretation of the meaning/message? o Why is this effective?

What do you see?
What, How, Why You can use these guiding questions and
useful phrases to help you structure a

How is it presented? Learning Mat focused and analytical answer.

Why is it presented in this way?

Essay guide Useful phrases

Developing a Response: introduction and thesis statement Words to show a developed interpretation:
What is the keyword in the question? In addition, the use of a ....
What are you being asked to do? Furthermore, the use of a ... develops the idea of...
What is your idea in response to this? This idea is further strengthened by the use of...
What do you ‘believe’ in response to the question? Alternatively, the use of...could also show…
What are you trying to prove? This idea could be linked to…
How will you prove this? What will you focus on? Perhaps the writer’s aim is to…
What direction will you take your essay in? The writer is obviously trying to…
What are your main points or ideas? What will you focus on?
Another interpretation…is…
Developing a Response: main body
What is your idea? What is your response to the task? Words to summarise and conclude:
What is the evidence to back this up? Words to show emphasis: On the whole
What can you infer from the evidence? cleverly, accurately, clearly, Overall
How is your idea shown in the evidence? ironically, effectively, undoubtedly, Ultimately
How does the writer use methods / language / structure? above all, notably, especially, Finally
How does this link back to your initial idea? significantly, expertly In conclusion
How effective is this method?
Why did the writer use this? Why did they want to show this? Why did they choose to present it
in this way?
Useful Phrases: Useful Phrases:
What is the effect on the reader / audience?
How can you use context to develop your response further? This reveals/ suggests/ The writer conveys/presents/contrasts/
How many interpretations can you offer? implies/depicts/conveys/ implies/indicates/
emphasises/reinforces/ creates/reveals
Developing a Response: conclusion highlights/ portrays It’s clear that the use of....shows how...
What have you proven? The most important word is… It’s possible the writer wants us to understand ...
What have you learned? Consequently ... By using a .... the writer shows how …
What is the overall message for the reader / audience with regards to the question? By using a…the writer creates By using ... the writer is forcing the reader to...
What have you shown in terms of the themes / big ideas? the impression of… This would be particularly powerful to a
What is the writer’s message with regards to the focus of the question? In particular, the use of… …reader
Why is this text and the message significant? The word…conveys… The writer would have been influenced by…

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