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Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, 14, 1761-1770 1761

Endothelial Function Assessment in Complicated Hypertension

A. Virdis*, L. Ghiadoni, D. Versari, C. Giannarelli, A. Salvetti and S. Taddei

Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Abstract: A large body of evidence indicates that patients with essential hypertension, and even more those with complicated hyperten-
sion, are characterized by endothelial dysfunction characterized by impaired NO availability secondary to oxidative stress production. A
dysfunctioning endothelium is an early marker of the development of atherosclerotic changes and can also contribute to cardiovascular
events. Vascular reactivity tests represent the most widely used methods in the clinical assessment of endothelial function. In the last two
decades, many studies have evaluated the endothelium in hypertensive patients, using different techniques. Several methodologies were
developed to study microcirculation (resistance arteries and arterioles) and macrocirculation (conduit arteries), both in coronary and pe-
ripheral vascular districts.
This review will centre on the most relevant available techniques in the research on endothelial dysfunction in essential hypertension,
their advantages and limitations, focusing on available data on endothelial dysfunction which characterizes patients with complicated hy-
No available test to assess endothelial function has sufficient sensitivity and specificity to be used in clinical practice. Therefore, the op-
timal methodology for investigating the multifaceted aspects of endothelial dysfunction is still under debate. Only the growing concor-
dant results from different reproducible and reliable methods exploring endothelial function with different stimuli will support and
strengthen experimental findings, thus providing conclusive answers in this area of research.
Key Words: Endothelium, hypertension, nitric oxide, large arteries, microcirculation, cardiovascular risk factors.

INTRODUCTION opportunity to detect early disease, quantify risk, judge response to

Since the pioneering report by the 1998 Nobel Prize-winner interventions designed to prevent progression of early disease, and
Robert Furchgott on the obligatory role of endothelium in vascular reduce later adverse events in patients [6, 7]. It should be noticed
relaxation in response to acetylcholine [1], an impressive array of that endothelial function, unlike measures of vessel wall morphol-
evidence has made it possible to state today that vascular endothe- ogy, has intrinsic biological variability, and thus a single measure-
lium plays a primary role in the control of vascular function and ment, may give only a snapshot and limited information. Neverthe-
structure by the production of nitric oxide (NO) [2]. NO derives less, several longitudinal studies have shown that endothelial dys-
from the transformation of L-arginine into citrulline by the activity function is an early indicator of atherosclerotic damage and has a
of the constitutive endothelial enzyme NO synthase (eNOS). NO is prognostic value in patients with established coronary disease and
produced and released either basally or under the influence of ago- at high cardiovascular risk [8].
nists, such as acetylcholine, bradykinin, substance P, serotonin and A large body of evidence indicates that patients with essential
others acting on specific endothelial receptors, and by mechanical hypertension, and further more those with complicated hyperten-
forces, such as shear stress [2]. Other endothelium-derived relaxing sion, are characterized by endothelial dysfunction, an alteration
factors include prostacyclin and the production of different endo- detected at the level of macro- and microcirculation, including
thelium-derived hyperpolarizing factors (EDHFs), which represent coronary and peripheral vascular districts [9]. This review will cen-
a compensatory vasodilating pathway acting in those clinical condi- tre on different available techniques to study endothelial function in
tions characterized by a reduced NO availability [3, 4] In several essential hypertension, their advantages and limitations, focusing on
pathological conditions, activation of endothelial cells can lead to endothelial dysfunction in patients with complicated hypertension.
the production and release of contracting factors including cy-
clooxygenase-derived endothelium-dependent contracting factors, ASSESSMENT OF ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION IN HY-
represented by prostanoids (thromboxane A2 and prostaglandin H2) PERTENSION
[2], which counteract the relaxing activity of NO, and reactive oxy- Vascular Reactivity Tests
gen species (ROS) which impair endothelial function by causing The autocrine/paracrine activity of endothelial cells makes very
NO breakdown [2]. In particular ROS, mainly superoxide anion,
difficult to investigate endothelial function in clinical research.
traps NO to form substances including peroxynitrites, which are
Usually, it is tested by vascular reactivity studies [6]. Indeed, it is
thought to alter vascular function and structure [5]. Of importance,
possible to activate or inhibit endothelial cells in several vascular
NO and EDCFs not only exert an opposite effect on vascular tone,
regions and measure the vessel changes induced by experimental
but also respectively inhibit and activate those mechanisms, such as
perturbation. Endothelial cells can be activated by agonists operat-
platelet aggregation, vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation and
ing through specific receptors or by increasing shear stress. In addi-
migration, monocyte adhesion, and adhesion molecule expression,
which exert an important role in the pathogenesis of thrombosis and tion, it is possible to block pathways involved in endothelial re-
atherosclerotic plaque, as summarized in Fig. (1). Appreciation of sponses such as NOS activity by NG-mono-methyl-L-arginine (L-
the central role played by endothelium in the atherosclerotic disease NMMA), hyperpolarization of vascular smooth muscle cells (by
process has led to the development of a range of methods to assess ouabain), cyclooxygenase activity (by indomethacin) or oxidative
different aspects of endothelial function. These have provided not stress (by antioxidants such as vitamin C). In describing the ap-
only novel insights into patho-physiology, but also a clinical proach to the evaluation of endothelium-dependent mechanisms in
humans, it is crucial to consider the type of vascular bed to be in-
vestigated. It must to be distinguished between macrocirculation
*Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Internal Medi- (large arteries) and microcirculation. These two vessel types are
cine, University of Pisa, Via Roma, 67, 56100 Pisa, Italy; Tel: +39-50- differently regulated and therefore results obtained in large arteries
992558; Fax: +39-50-551110; E-mail: cannot be extrapolated to microvascular regions. Valuable large

1381-6128/08 $55.00+.00 © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.

1762 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 Virdis et al.

Fig. (1). Vascular effects of nitric oxide (NO) and endothelium-dependent contracting factors (EDCFs).

arteries include brachial (most frequently), radial, femoral, and and wave reflection measured by pulse wave analysis (radial artery
epicardial arteries. Microcirculation can be evaluated in the periph- tonometry), in an NO-dependent manner without significant reduc-
eral muscle (usually forearm), in the subcutaneous tissue, skin and tion in blood pressure when given by inhaler at standard clinical
in the coronary circulation. doses [18]. Reactive hyperemia elicit changes in arterial pulse wave
velocity and digital pulse volume which can be measured by oscil-
Evaluation of Macrocirculation lometry to identify limb arterial pulse pressure, wave form, timing,
The most widely used technique for assessing endothelial func- and also digital pulse amplitude tonometry [19]. However, when
tion is the so called “flow-mediated dilation” (FMD). In this non using these techniques, the relative contribution of macro- and mi-
invasive method, introduced in 1992 [10], brachial artery diameter crocirculation, as well as structural alterations in the vessel wall
is measured before and after an increase in shear stress induced by versus endothelial response remains uncertain. Further validation is
reactive hyperemia. When a sphygmomanometer cuff placed on the therefore required, which should include a wider study of their re-
forearm distal to the brachial artery is inflated to 200 mmHg and producibility in different age groups and stages of disease, as well
subsequently released 5 minutes later, FMD occurs as a result of as clarification of their relationships with other established meas-
local endothelial release of NO [11, 12]. Endothelium-independent ures of endothelial function.
dilator response can be tested by low dose sublingual nitroglycerin Endothelium-dependent response can be evaluated in the coro-
[13]. FMD has been studied widely in clinical research as it enables nary circulation at level of pericardial vessels (usually in the left
serial evaluation of young subjects, including children. It also per- descending artery) by quantitative angiography allows assessment
mits testing of lifestyle and pharmacological interventions on endo- of coronary blood flow during the intracoronary infusion of sub-
thelial biology at an early preclinical stage, when the disease proc- stances which can influence either endothelium-dependent (acetyl-
ess is most likely to be reversible [7]. However, some practical choline) or endothelium-independent (nitrates, papaverine) vasodi-
challenges need to be overcome before this technique could be lation of the epicardial vessels. This experimental model provided
suitable for use in routine clinical practice [6, 7, 14]. These chal- important insight into the vascular effects of risk factors. In particu-
lenges include the need for highly trained operators, the expense of lar, it was clearly evidenced the presence of endothelial dysfunc-
the equipment, and also the care required to minimize the effect of tion, show as vasoconstriction instead of vasodilation to acetylcho-
environmental or physiological influences [15]. It is important to line in epicardial arteries of essential hypertensive patients in ab-
note that variations in technique, such as the position of the occlud- sence of angiographycally detectable lesions [20-22]. A FMD can
ing cuff and duration of inflation, may produce results that are less be also obtained in the epicardial arteries by increasing distal mi-
representative of local NO activity, since FMD is also determined, crocirculatory flow with papaverine administration [23]. Endothe-
in part, by the magnitude of post-ischemic forearm vasodilatation, lial dysfunction in epicardial arteries have been shown to be of
which is a measure of microcirculatory function [7]. Furthermore, prognostic value in patients with established coronary disease [23,
due to the variability and degree of response, large study population 24].
are required for clinical studies [6, 7, 14].
The use of camp to held and to adjust probe position, as well as Evaluation of Microcirculation
of computerized system to measure automatically brachial artery In the microcirculation endothelial function can be evaluated in
diameter are currently require to obtain the best reproducibility of functionally isolated vascular districts, such as the forearm and
this non invasive technique [6, 16, 17]. coronary circulations [6, 7].
Other alternative non invasive approaches have been also re- The isolated and perfused forearm technique is the most often
cently suggested. The 2 agonist salbutamol reduce arterial stiffness used approach in the assessment of endothelial function in periph-
Endothelial Function Assessment in Complicated Hypertension Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 1763

eral microcirculation. This technique is a minimally invasive test, essential hypertensive patients that vascular responses to acetylcho-
and it requires brachial artery cannulation by a small polyethylene line and mainly bradykinin are inhibited by sulfaphenazole, a CYP
cannula which is connected to a pressure transducer, for systemic 2C9 selective inhibitor [33]. Moreover, in these patients the acute
blood pressure and heart rate monitoring and for intra-arterial infu- inhibition of oxidative stress by vitamin C restores the blunting
sion of endothelial agonists. The forearm blood flow (FBF) is effect of L-NMMA, thus abrogating the inhibitory effect of sul-
measured by strain-gauge venous plethysmography. This device faphenazole [33]. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that
allows to infuse drugs at systemically ineffective rates through the CYP 2C9-derived EDHF acts as a partial compensatory mecha-
separate ports via three-way stopcocks. nism to sustain endothelium-dependent vasodilation in those condi-
When using this technique, the changes in blood flow are repre- tions, such as that occurring in essential hypertension, characterized
sentative of modification in local vascular resistance (increase in by absent NO availability secondary to oxidative excess.
flow = vasodilation). Endothelium-dependent vasodilation is com- As shown in Table 1, the main advantage of this technique in-
monly estimated by the dose-response curve to intra-arterial acetyl- clude the possibility to assess many mechanisms accounting for
choline, or other endothelial agonists, such as bradykinin, meth- endothelial dysfunction in hypertensive patients and the strict rela-
acholine etc. Endothelium-independent vasodilation is assessed by tionship between an altered endothelial function in such vascular
the dose-response curve to intra-arterial sodium nitroprusside, a district and cardiovascular outcome [34]. On the other hand, the
direct smooth muscle relaxant. This technique easily allows to limitation of the forearm technique is mainly represented by its
evaluate NO availability by infusing acetylcholine in the presence invasiveness, which limits the number of patients enrolled and the
of L-NMMA, or oxidative stress production by infusion of vitamin possibility to repeat testing frequently (see Table 1).
C. For these reasons, the forearm technique allows the possibility to Subcutaneous microcirculation can be studied using the Mul-
explore the mechanisms of disease. Thus, by this methodology, a vany myograph device, an in vitro ex vivo technique [35]. This
very large body of evidence documented the presence of impaired technique allows to investigate morphological and functional char-
endothelium-dependent relaxation in the forearm microcirculation acteristics of isolated resistance arterioles (lumen diameter 150 to
of patients with essential hypertension [25-30], an alteration charac- 300 m), taken from subcutaneous tissue obtained by skin biopsies.
terized by impaired NO availability attributable to oxidative stress Once cleaned of adherent connective tissue, vessels can be investi-
production, which causes NO breakdown [29]. gated with the “wire myograph” or the “pressurized myograph”.
In hypertensive patients, cyclooxygenase was shown to be a Briefly, the first technique implies that two wires are threaded
main source of oxidative stress [31]. As already above mentioned, through the vessel, while in the pressurized system the artery is
endothelial cells are able to produce and release different EDHFs slipped into two glass microcannulae and exposed to a constant
[3, 4]. Experimental studies observed that the cytochrome P-450 pressure [36]. Independently of the approached used, in this vascu-
2C9 (CYP 2C9) might be one of the main sources of EDHF [32]. lar district a reduced endothelial function in essential hypertensive
By utilizing the forearm technique, it was recently demonstrated in patients was clearly documented [37-41]. Because of an in vitro

Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Main Techniques Utilized to Assess Endothelial Function

Vascular District Advantages Disadvantages

Coronary circulation
Epicardial artery (Angiography) - Target atherosclerotic vascular district
- Highly invasive (limited follow-up)
Microcirculation (Doppler) - Association with CV prognosis
Peripheral large arteries
- Not invasive - Reproducibility
Brachial artery
- Large repeatability - Low degree of response (large sample)
(FMD by ultrasound)
- Association with CV prognosis - Mechanisms not valuable
- Macro or microcirculation?
Radial artery - Contribution of structural alterations?
- Not invasive
(PWA change by 2-agonist on tonometry) - Variability of 2 agonists response
- No studies on CV prognosis
- Contribution of structural alterations ?
Reactive hyperemia - Other mediators than NO ?
- Not invasive
(digital PAT signal) - Endothelium-independent response not valuable
- No studies on CV prognosis
Peripheral small vessels
- Highly reproducible
- Easy to investigate mechanisms
Muscle microcirculation (forearm plethysmography) - Invasive (limited follow-up)
- Limited sample size needed
- Association with TOD and CV prognosis
Subcutaneous small vessels - Direct vessel evaluation - Invasive (limited follow-up)
(myograph technique) - Easy to investigate mechanisms - Clinical relevance?
- Not yet satisfactory reproducibility
Skin microcirculation (laser digital Doppler) - Not invasive
- No studies on association with TOD or CV prognosis

CV, cardiovascular; FMD, flow-mediated dilation; PWA, pulse wave analysis; TOD, target organ damage.
1764 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 Virdis et al.

technique, such methodology allows to explore several pathways potential to adopt an endothelial phenotype, the specificity of these
and to test many compounds non valuable in vivo, although the measurements is controversial [50]. Further methods to characterize
prognostic value of endothelial dysfunction in isolated small vessels CEPC biology include quantification of the potential to differentiate
from hypertensive patients is still under debate (Table 1) [42]. into an endothelial cell phenotype, as well as determination of func-
The use of the laser digital Doppler technique provides a non- tional characteristics, which include migration toward a chemical
invasive approach to the evaluation of the skin microcirculation. stimulus adhesion, formation of vascular tubules, and the ability to
The reactive response to local application of endothelium- attenuate ischemia in animal models [51]. Thus, measurement of
dependent vasodilators (i.e. acetylcholine), usually by iontophore- CEC and CEPC levels provides a novel and exciting means to fol-
sis, provides useful information about endothelial function in this low the determinants of endothelial injury and repair. Although the
vascular bed. However, inter-assay and intra-assay reproducibility balance of these two cell populations has already been linked to
of this technique is not yet satisfactory; for this reason its value is other in vivo measures of endothelial function, and has been shown
limited and should be taken with care (Table 1) [6] to be associated with future cardiovascular events [52], these novel
measures still remain far from clinical use.
Finally, coronary microcirculation can be evaluated by measur-
ing coronary blood flow with Doppler flow wire and quantitative ENDOTHELIAL FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH COM-
angiography during the intracoronary infusion of various substances PLICATED HYPERTENSION
which can influence either endothelium-dependent or endothelium- The importance of subclinical and clinical target organ damage
independent vasodilation. Responses to a wide range of endothelial which characterize the complicated hypertensive patients, is widely
agonists including acetylcholine and substance P have been meas- recognized, and recently underlined by the 2007 European Hyper-
ured, while sodium nitroprusside and nitroglycerin are usually used tension Guidelines [53], as an intermediate stage in the continuum
to assess endothelium-independent vasodilation. In addition, intra- of vascular disease and as a determinant of total cardiovascular risk.
coronary infusion of L-NMMA has defined the contribution of NO The main subclinical organ damage include vascular atherosclero-
to these vasomotor responses [43]. This experimental model has sis, detected by ultrasound scanning, left ventricular hypertrophy
provided important insight into the vascular effects of risk factors. assessed by electrocardiography or by the more sensitive echocar-
In particular, it was clearly evidenced the presence of endothelial diography, and hypertension-induced renal damage, as based on the
dysfunction of coronary microcirculation in essential hypertensive finding of a reduced renal function and/or the detection of elevated
patients with angiographycally normal coronary arteries [20-22]. urinary albumin excretion. Such complicated patients have been
This alteration is due to a reduction in agonist-induced NO produc- investigated in terms of endothelial function by several reports, here
tion and, in some hypertensive patients with more marked endothe- summarized.
lial dysfunction, also to production of cyclooxygenase-dependent
EDCFs [44]. Although this test directly assesses the coronary circu- Carotid Intima-Media Thickness
lation, its invasive nature limits the use to patients with advanced Increased intima-media thickness (IMT) of the common carotid
disease, and precludes repeated testing during serial follow-up (Ta- artery is a non-invasive marker of atherosclerosis which signifi-
ble 1). Nevertheless, it was shown that endothelial function in coro- cantly correlates with coronary or cerebrovascular disease [54, 55].
nary microcirculation can be of prognostic value in patients with The first observation of a relationship between increased carotid
established coronary disease [23]. IMT and endothelial dysfunction was detected in the forearm mi-
Circulating Markers of Endothelial Function crocirculation of untreated hypertensive patients [56]. Indeed, ca-
rotid IMT was inversely related to the response to acetylcholine, but
The possibility of utilizing circulating markers of endothelial not to sodium-nitroprusside. The majority of following studies have
function was recently introduced [7, 45]. It includes direct products shown a correlation between carotid IMT and brachial artery FMD.
of endothelial cells that change when the endothelium is activated, Hashimoto et al. [57] investigated 34 atherosclerotic men and 33
such as measures of NO biology, inflammatory cytokines, adhesion age-matched subjects without clinical atherosclerosis but with simi-
molecules, as well as markers of endothelial damage and repair. lar cardiovascular risk factors. The authors showed that patients
Many of these circulating markers are difficult and expensive to with atherosclerosis had increased IMT and reduced FMD, respec-
measure, and currently are only used in research settings. As a re- tively, as compared to controls. A significant negative correlation
sult of biological and assay availability and variability, these factors between IMT and FMD in the whole group was also reported, dem-
currently have only a very limited role in the assessment of individ- onstrating a significant relationship between IMT and FMD and
ual patients. thereby supporting the concept that endothelial dysfunction is sig-
Circulating levels of nitrites and nitrosylated proteins in part nificantly related to atherosclerosis [57]. Jounala M et al. [58] re-
reflect endothelial generation of NO, but are difficult to measure ported similar results in a larger population of 2109 young healthy
and may not always represent endothelial NO production [46]. adults from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study. FMD
Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an endogenously derived was inversely associated with IMT in a multivariate model adjusted
competitive NOS antagonist, which levels are elevated in subjects for age, sex, brachial, vessels size and several risk variables. In
with CVD risk factors and are associated with a reduction in NO addition, the number of risk factors was correlated with increased
bioavailability in both animal and clinical studies [47]. Because IMT in subjects with impaired FMD response but not in subjects
ADMA levels have been linked to preclinical atherosclerotic dis- with preserved endothelial function [58]. Different results emerged
ease and an adverse outcome, they may well prove to be a useful from the study of Jan et al. [59], who showed no relationship be-
measure of endothelial status and a potential marker of risk in clini- tween brachial artery FMD and carotid IMT in 1,578 middle-aged
cal practice [48]. At present, however, the assay remains challeng- men without known cardiovascular disease, although both FMD
ing and expensive. and IMT were correlated with the presence of cardiovascular risk
Circulating endothelial cells (CEC) that detach in the context of factors. Interestingly, Campunzano et al. [60] observed that in 106
endothelial activation and loss of integrity can be measured in the patients without cardiovascular disease, besides the relationship
circulation by both flow cytometry and a combination of magnetic between the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, increased IMT
bead selection and fluorescent microscopy [49]. Circulating endo- and reduced FMD, these vascular alterations were associated with
thelial progenitor cells (CEPC) can be characterized by the expres- decreased coronary flow reserve assessed non-invasively by echo-
sion of characteristic surface markers, which are detectable by flow graphy [60].
cytometry, but because a wide range of hematopoietic progenitor Finally, Rundek et al. [61] reported that endothelial dysfunction
cells, which include abundantly present myeloid precursors, has the of the conduit artery, measured as brachial FMD, was independent-
Endothelial Function Assessment in Complicated Hypertension Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 1765

ly associated to carotid plaque in a multi-ethnic population of elder- whether they are interrelated or are two phenomena caused in paral-
ly men and women [61]. In summary, these data demonstrate an lel by the cardiovascular risk burden is still uncertain. Indeed, some
association of endothelial dysfunction, detected either in peripheral published studies failed to demonstrate a relation between endothe-
large arteries and in the forearm microcirculation, with subclinical lial function and urine albumin excretion. Diercks et al. [70] evalu-
markers of carotid damage. ated the relation between microalbuminuria and endothelial dys-
function, assessed as FMD of the brachial artery in 654 apparently
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy healthy subjects. The authors did not find any reduction in FMD or
The increase of left ventricular mass is a feature of hypertensive nitroglycerin-mediated vasodilation in microalbuminuric patients,
heart disease and predicts independently an increased risk for car- nor were the levels of albuminuria related to FMD [70]. Consis-
diovascular disease [62]. Accordingly, regression of left ventricular tently with these data, our group found similar results also in the
hypertrophy has a positive prognostic impact [63]. Several findings forearm microcirculation of essential hypertensive patients with and
suggest that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is associated with without microalbuminuria [71]. Indeed, no correlation between
the presence of endothelial dysfunction. In particular, Treasure urinary albumin excretion and vasodilatation in response to acetyl-
et al. [21] demonstrated an impaired endothelium-dependent vaso- choline or to sodium nitroprusside in the forearm microcirculation
dilation in the coronary vessels of 10 patients with LVH secondary was found. Taken together, these data seem to suggest either that no
to essential hypertension, an alteration which may contribute to the direct connection between systemic endothelial function and albu-
ischemic manifestations of hypertensive heart disease. Perticone min excretion exists or that impaired endothelial function precedes
et al. [64] investigated endothelial function in the forearm microcir- the development of microalbuminuria.
culation of 65 never-treated hypertensive patients to assess the rela-
tionship between endothelial dysfunction and LVH. In hypertensive Kidney Disease
patients with LVH endothelium-dependent vasodilation was more
Renal disease, through the activation of several mechanisms
pronounced than in patients without LVH. In particular, left ven-
reducing NO availability [72], leads to impairment of endothelial
tricular mass was inversely related to FBF response to intra-brachial
function which, accordingly, is severely reduced in the presence of
acetylcholine. Moreover, a higher decrease in peak response to
advanced renal failure [73-75]. It is well known that renal disease is
acetylcholine was evident in patients with concentric pattern of
an invariable complication of hypertension which, as already de-
LVH [64]. Similar results were found by Ercan et al. [65], who
scribed, represents an important determinant of oxidative stress-
investigated endothelial function non-invasively by FMD of the
driven endothelial dysfunction. However, the reduced renal func-
brachial artery in 32 hypertensive patients with LVH, in 28 hyper-
tion can per se impair endothelial function, as demonstrated by the
tensive patients without LVH and in 29 normotensive controls.
presence of endothelial dysfunction in uremic children who are not
Results showed that FMD was significantly lower in hypertensive
dyslipidemic, diabetic or hypertensive [74]. The pathophysiology of
patients as compared to controls, and that endothelial dysfunction
endothelial dysfunction in the presence of moderate-severe renal
was significantly higher in hypertensive patients with LVH as com-
insufficiency is complex and not fully characterized. Firstly, with
pared to patients without LVH [65].
the increasing loss of the clearing capacity of the kidney, a progres-
Different results were found by Muiesan et al. [66] in 78 hyper- sive accumulation of substances which are potentially noxius for
tensive patients with essential hypertension investigating endothe- the endothelium occurs. Among these, a prominent role is ascribed
lial function. Patients were divided in four groups according to the to ROS. Indeed, in the presence of renal disease systemic levels of
presence of LVH and left ventricular geometry and no significant oxidative stress are extremely high and proportional to the degree
difference in FMD was observed between patients with or without of renal dysfunction [73, 76]. Moreover, it is important to note that
LVH or among patients with different geometric changes of the left in these patients the levels of oxidative stress are also inversely
ventricle [66]. Recently, Sciacqua et al. [67] reported that both correlated to the endothelial function [73, 77] and the administra-
LVH and endothelial dysfunction, measured as response to acetyl- tion of antioxidant vitamin C is able to ameliorate the endothelium-
choline in the forearm microcirculation, are independent predictors dependent vasodilation [73]. The increased oxidative stress in the
of cardiovascular events in a group of 324 never-treated hyperten- presence of renal failure is the consequence of the activation of
sive patients. A major novelty of this study concerns the demonstra- several pathways, including NAD(P)H-oxidase, xanthine-oxidase,
tion that the co-existence of both LVH and endothelial dysfunction mitochondrial oxidases, and myeloperoxidase [72]. NAD(P)H-
significantly increase the risk for future cardiovascular events in oxidase is probably the most important source of ROS and it is
hypertensive patients [67]. stimulated by Angiotensin II [78]. Indeed, activation of the renin-
angiotensin system occurs in many forms of renal disease. Angio-
Microalbuminuria tensin II stimulates NAD(P)H-oxidase, which leads to generation of
The loss of albumin in urines is a marker of impaired glomeru- superoxide anion and contributes to endothelial dysfunction, vascu-
lar permeability for plasma proteins and is thought to represent an lar remodeling and growth [79]. Of importance, when Angiotensin
integrated marker of subclinical organ damage in primary hyperten- II acts through the AT-1 receptors, the consequent generation of
sion. Several epidemiological data demonstrated that the presence ROS leads to upregulation of inflammatory mediators, which in-
of microalbuminuria is an independent predictor of renal events as clude cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules and plasminogen
well as cardiovascular mortality and morbidity after adjustment for activator inhibitor 1. These events, together with the mechanisms
other conventional cardiovascular risk factors[68]. Moreover, in the already mentioned, promote endothelial dysfunction, vascular re-
LIFE trial, the levels of albumin excretion at randomization were modeling and the progression of atherosclerosis [80]. Of note, be-
independent predictor of outcome also in non-diabetic hypertensive sides the activation of enzymes, the reduced clearing capacity of the
patients with left ventricular hypertrophy, also for range of albu- kidney causes an accumulation of toxic substances which reduce
minuria below the threshold to define microalbuminuria [69]. A NO availability, via both increasing oxidative stress and other
reduced endothelial function has been demonstrated in the presence mechanisms [72]. Indeed, the failing kidneys become progressively
of microalbuminuria in type 1 and 2 diabetic patients compared unable to clear homocysteine and the resultant hyperhomocys-
with normoalbuminuric diabetic patients or healthy subjects [69]. teinemia causes endothelial dysfunction through ROS generation
Moreover, the levels of albumin excretion are inversely related to [30]. Another substance that accumulates in the presence of renal
endothelium-dependent response in several diabetic and non- failure is ADMA, able to contribute in reducing NO availability
diabetic populations [69]. Both microalbuminuria and endothelial independently from oxidative stress [81, 82]. Taken in conjunction,
dysfunction are expressions of an endothelial pathology, however these findings allow to hypothesize that endothelial dysfunction
1766 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 Virdis et al.

might be one of the principal pathophysiological mechanisms in- cular risk. The outcomes, evaluated in a wide follow-up range
volved in the accelerated atherosclerotic process and cardiovascular (from 1 to 92 months) included major cardiovascular events. The
morbidity and mortality which characterize patients with renal dis- authors observed that endothelial dysfunction, evaluated either in
ease [83]. Although, as noted, in advanced renal disease endothelial the coronary district or in the peripheral circulation by the FMD or
dysfunction is constantly present and its degree is correlated to the the forearm techniques, significantly predicted cardiovascular
degree of glomerular filtration rate decrease [73], the relation be- events, independently of traditional cardiovascular risk factors [8].
tween endothelial and renal function is still uncertain in the pres- These studies describe a prognostic relevance of endothelial dys-
ence of mild renal insufficiency. So far, available data are not con- function in high risk patients characterized by coronary artery dis-
sistent. In a small population of healthy individual no relation was ease.
found between glomerular filtration rate and endothelium- As concern patients with low cardiovascular risk profile, a re-
dependent vasodilation in the brachial artery [73]. On the contrary, cent report from the Framingham study revealed a progressive in-
it was shown that in a population of non-complicated essential hy- verse relation between endothelium-dependent relaxation, evaluated
pertensive patients with serum creatinine within normal range, the by FMD, and the increasing cardiovascular risk score, evaluated
endothelium-dependent vasodilation to acetylcholine in the forearm according to tables from “Framingham risk score” [88]. A recent
district was directly correlated with the estimation of glomerular meta-analysis, performed in over 200 available studies in which
filtration rate by the MDRD formula [84]. The authors speculated peripheral conduit artery FMD was evaluated according to cardio-
that before the onset of overt nephropathy the presence of endothe- vascular risk factors analyzed with “Framingham risk score” tables,
lial dysfunction can per se influence the kidney hemodynamics. observed that the relationship between FMD and risk factors was
More recently, no correlation between the endothelium-dependent more evident in patient with a lower cardiovascular risk, whereas in
vasodilation to methacholine in internal mammary arteries and patients with a moderate-high risk such relationship disappeared
glomerular filtration rate estimate was found in a group of patients [54]. The authors concluded that endothelial dysfunction, evaluated
with severe coronary atherosclerosis and normal or mildly reduced by FMD technique, may have a prognostic significance only in low-
renal function [85]. In line with these results, preliminary data from risk populations. However, when analyzing these data, the small
our laboratory failed to find an independent role for reduced endo- numbers of patients recruited in some of these studies clearly
thelial function, either in the peripheral microcirculation or macro- emerged. Moreover, in many studies the criteria of patients selec-
circulation, in predicting the glomerular filtration rate estimate de- tion cannot allow to extrapolate the results obtained to a common
crease in a unselected population of normal subjects and patients general population. Finally, the methodological approach to FMD
with cardiovascular risk factors and serum creatinine within normal assessment was much different among studies. Taken in conjunc-
limits. On the contrary, we found that the presence of a reduced tion, although not allowing to obtain definitive conclusions in low-
endothelium-independent vasodilation to sodium nitroprusside in risk populations, such findings seem to confirm a great impact ex-
the forearm, an index of structural alteration in the peripheral mi- erted by endothelial dysfunction on cardiovascular events. Further
crocirculation, was associated with initial impairment of renal func- large-scale studies, conducted with reproducible and reliable meth-
tion. ods to assess endothelial function will clarify a direct relationship
In summary, advanced kidney disease invariably causes or between endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular events in low-
worsen endothelial dysfunction through several mechanism which risk populations.
impair NO bioavailability. On the contrary, the overall data seem to
suggest that mild renal insufficiency is not able to influence periph- HOW TO INTERPRET ENDOTHELIAL RESPONSES
eral endothelial function, nor vice versa but both renal and periph- In evaluating the role of endothelium on vascular tone modula-
eral circulations are targets of the action of the traditional risk fac- tion, the degree of agonist-induced vasodilation is considered a
tors. measure of endothelial function, so that greater is the vasodilation,
higher is endothelial function. By this approach, it is mandatory to
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ENDOTHELIAL DYS- compare the responses evoked by endothelial agonists with those
FUNCTION obtained by endothelium-independent relaxant compounds, in order
Endothelial dysfunction is a common alteration of the major to exclude the possibility that an altered smooth muscle cells con-
cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension. Moreover, the tractility may influence the endothelium-dependent response. In-
association of different cardiovascular risk factors is associated deed, it is crucial to obtain comparable degrees of vasodilation by
with a progressive increase in endothelial dysfunction [86]. Such the different agonists infused.
alteration is a common pathogenetic mechanism determining athe- In contrast to what observed in the coronary or peripheral mi-
rosclerotic disease and cardiovascular events in patients with car- crocirculation, where a dysfunctioning endothelium reflects a re-
diovascular risk factors. This possibility is in line with the evidence duced agonist-induced vasodilation, in epicardial large arteries
that NO and EDCFs not only exert an opposite effect on vascular acetylcholine injection induces vasoconstriction in subjects with
tone but also respectively inhibit and activate those mechanisms, endothelial dysfunction, as a result of a direct muscarinic smooth
summarized in Fig. (1), such as platelet aggregation, vascular muscle vasoconstrictor effect [89].
smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration, monocyte adhesion
and adhesion molecule expression, which exert an important role in Another important aspect in evaluating results from vascular
the genesis of thrombosis and atherosclerotic plaque [87]. Endothe- reactivity in humans involves methodological rules. Thus, a re-
lial dysfunction is thus a mechanism deeply affecting vascular func- sponse to a pharmacological tool such as acetylcholine or FMD
tion and structure, including vasomotricity alteration or promotion may be influenced by several factors, such as the selection criteria.
of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, thereby contributing to cardio- Since most of cardiovascular risk factors, ageing above all [28], can
vascular events. This interpretation is supported by mounting evi- induce endothelial dysfunction, it is crucial that the populations
dence, which demonstrates the association of endothelial dysfunc- selected for the reactivity studies are well-matched. In addition, a
tion with markers of vascular damage and with cardiovascular crucial point that should be kept in mind in interpreting the results
events, both in patients with essential hypertension and, more in is that the endothelial response to an endothelial agonist is an inte-
general, in patients with atherosclerotic disease. In a recent meta- grated mechanism and different pathways and mediators besides
analysis by Lerman and Zeiher, the available longitudinal studies NO account for endothelium-dependent vasodilation. In the forearm
evaluating the prognostic impact of endothelial dysfunction were of healthy subjects NO release contributes greatly to the vasodilator
evaluated [8]. This analysis included around 2500 patients with effect of acetylcholine or bradykinin, since it is substantially
atherosclerotic coronary disease or characterized by high cardiovas- blunted by L-NMMA [4, 90, 91]. In contrast, in hypertensive pa-
Endothelial Function Assessment in Complicated Hypertension Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 1767

tients, the response to both agonists is not only blunted but proven are of no clinical relevance [94], Fig. (2). For these reasons, no one
to be resistant to L-NMMA blockade, thus suggesting that a differ- test can be considered a surrogate for another (e.g., results obtained
ent pathway, likely hyperpolarization, accounts for the endothelial in the peripheral circulation cannot be translated to the coronary
response in the presence of impaired NO availability in this popula- vascular bed).
tion [4, 26, 29, 31]. The NO-dependent component of endothelium- In conclusions, at the present time no definitive conclusions can
dependent vasodilation can be quantified only by compounds such be taken by a single technique assessing endothelial function. Only
as L-NMMA. Accordingly, when a treatment increases a depressed the growing concordant results from different reproducible and
endothelial response, caution should be exercised in attributing such reliable methods exploring endothelial function with different stim-
a result to increased NO availability. uli will support and strength experimental findings.
Endothelium plays a central role in the maintenance of vascular
The above mentioned available evidence strongly suggests that homeostasis. Tests have been developed to study endothelial func-
the determination of impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation tion in hypertensive population, able to assess its changes in rela-
might represent a measurable intermediate endpoint in patient with tion with subclinical and clinical target organ damage as well as
essential hypertension. Unfortunately, despite the considerable after therapy. Endothelial dysfunction in essential hypertension may
evidence, at the present time several issues make this suggestion be of particular clinical relevance since it can be a promoter of athe-
very implausible. rosclerotic and thrombotic damage, typical complications of hyper-
First, attention must focus on the choice of an appropriate tension. However, endothelial function cannot yet be included
method for measuring endothelial function in clinical practice. The among the surrogate endpoints that need to be measured for cardio-
endothelium is an autocrine/paracrine organ and its func- vascular risk stratification in hypertensive patients. This limitation
tion/dysfunction can vary depending on which vascular district is springs from the fact that no available tests to assess endothelial
explored or which stimulus is employed. For instance, in hyperten- function has sufficient sensitivity and specificity to be used in clini-
sive patients the presence of oxidative stress has been documented cal practice. In addition, it is important to underline the concept that
by the utilization of vitamin C in the peripheral microcirculation the study of vascular reactivity in humans needs rigorous experi-
[29] and in epicardial arteries [92], but it has not been confirmed in mental conditions, such as the criteria for population to be enrolled.
the coronary microcirculation [92]. Moreover, whereas ACE inhibi- Moreover, despite considerable evidence that impaired endothe-
tors seem to be effective in reversing endothelial dysfunction in lium-dependent vasodilation can be improved by appropriate anti-
peripheral conduit arteries, they are devoid of effect in the micro- hypertensive treatment [93], further large-scale clinical trials are
circulation, and vice versa occurred when calcium antagonists are required to prove conclusively whether the reversal of endothelial
assessed [93]. These different responses indicate that it is difficult dysfunction offers a clinical advantage in essential hypertensive
to make generalizations regarding the concept of endothelial func- patients.
tion. Only after a specific and affordable test has been validated, and
Moreover, as already commented, each test employed to assess definite evidence becomes available to demonstrate that endothelial
endothelial function has specific limitations that hinder its applica- dysfunction must be a target of pharmacological treatment, will
bility in large-scale screening (Table 1). On the other hand, studies evaluation of endothelium-dependent vasodilation be included in
assessing the degree of correlation among measures of endothelial the list of clinical examinations that define cardiovascular risk in
function, as evaluated in different vascular beds, have demonstrated patients with essential hypertension.
a poor relationship, and, while statistically significant, the findings

Fig. (2). Scatterplot showing the correlation between brachial artery flow-mediated dilation and vasodilation to acetylcholine in the forearm microcirculation
of healthy individuals and patients with essential hypertension. The lack of correlation between the two parameters, when analysed in a single population, is
clearly manifested. Only if the results are analysed in the global population does the correlation increase and reach statistical significance, albeit of negligible
clinical significance (S. Taddei et al., unpublished observations). Total population r=0.38, P<0.01; normotensive population r =0.17; P= not significant.
1768 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2008, Vol. 14, No. 18 Virdis et al.

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