AR211 Project-2 Design Brief

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Spring (Feb – June) 2021

Instructors: Lecturer Humaira Nazir, Assistant Professor Irtaza Ali and Wajeeha Salman

Studio Assignment-02 - 4 Weeks assignment (March 11, 2021- April 01, 2021)




In this project, students are allowed to express oneself through their creative means and on the other
hand is meant to prepare students to be aware on the relationship between user and space,
emphasizing on anthropometrics & ergonomics. It will incorporates both the creativity and its
functionality; identity of user, comfortability of user and creativity in articulating the space

Learning Outcomes (CLOS)

The main aim of the course is to make the student understand of the

1. CLO1: Define spatial and circulation patterns using materials, structural elements and openings

Design Requirements
Students are required to design “a space for an architect” by attaching it to the walls/surfaces of an
imagined ‘city’ on an empty abandoned lot in between two buildings. The space is to fit the specific
needs of the user (as a hideout space for viewing, transitional space, space for dreaming, space
showcasing hobbies or collections and so to speak a getaway space for the user who wants to be
alone), space that best fits the personality, occupation and character of the person that the user you
are designing for.
Every architect possessing distinct qualities from tall, physically handicapped, nature lover, art
collector, singer, loud, etc. These challenges are to be architecturally translated into a space that
successfully establishes the quality of the interior and articulation of exterior. Concept shall evidently
show the experiential and spatial quality. Students are also to consider how design is to be attached
and harmonize with the two existing buildings (may show massing design of two buildings). Additional
considerations should also be given to human scale and dimensional requirements.

Site for the project

Students have to choose their own site.

Design Guidelines
- Student will be required to design a space (multiple use) with a gross floor area of 540-
750 sq.ft and a height m aximum 20 feet and elevated 9 feet from the ground.
- Structure should not occupy more than 70% of the site.
- Should incorporate design elements and principles of design; emphasis on scale,
hierarchy, proportion, harmony and character.
- The design should either attached with at least one of the two existing buildings, or
possibly both walls of the two buildings.

- Entrance to the structure from ground level only.

- No entrance from two buildings

Site plan example Elevation

Submission Requirements
Process of translation of user requirements to spatial and form concept & design thru sketches
and study models.
Site analysis
Final 3D with concept/ poetic expression
4 elevations
2 sections
Selection and application of materials in relation to the experience of space
Final model

Grading Rubric
<60% 60-69% 70-85% >85%
No Not satisfactory
Criteria Satisfactory (C) Good (B) Excellent (A)
Site study and
analysis is not done Deep understanding
Site Context Understanding of understanding of
in the guided way. for the importance of
 Formulation of clear context is context and
No understanding of site to make design
design strategies to adequate but proper done
1 site context and site decision and presents
address the context how this analysis analysis of site
analysis and design decisions
of the site, and will respond to with the
conceptual ideas directives which
building program design solution is understanding of
do not respond to coming throw site
missing. its use in the
site and contextual analysis
Basic functional
Formal & Spatial understanding of
understanding of Clear
Principles experiential Advance
experiential quality understanding of
 Fundamental quality of understanding of
of architectural form experiential
understanding and architectural experiential quality of
application of and space. quality of
form and space. architectural form
architectural formal + Significant problems architectural form
Moderate and space. Effective
2 spatial principles as with scale, and space. Minor
problems with use of scale,
they relate to human materiality, problems with
scale, materiality,
experience and to sequence, scale, materiality,
materiality, sequence,
compose and design circulation, sequence,
sequence, circulation, enclosure
Architectural elements enclosure or visual circulation,
(plinth, columns, circulation, and visual
perception and enclosure and or
beams/ lintels, walls, enclosure and or perception.
visitor’s experiences visual perception.
roof) visual
of place.
Ability to develop
innovative architectural
The conceptual The conceptual
 Design The design
The conceptual idea(s) are and idea(s) are clearly
conceptualization supports the
and development idea(s) are absent clearly stated. expressed, original,
concept. The
relates to internal or minimally The design and strong.
3 factors - structure, identified. The supports the The design is spatially
and relationships
circulation, openings, design is unresolved, concept and developed and
of parts are
aesthetics, and space with no clarity to relationships of clearly articulated.
intentional, but
planning parts or their parts are Design incorporates
 Interior and exterior could be further
relationships. intentional and requirements of
space relationship is studied.
clear. future.
 Approach and entry is
properly design
The sheets and Sheets are
Ability to use freehand
individual Work is composed to
drawings, sketches,
The drawings are drawings are competent and effectively
model presentation and
incomplete. Sheets complete but demonstrates communicate the
communication of
are poorly may still warrant developing skills. design and ideas.
4 design ideas through
composed and further rendering Model and 3D Model and 3D
visual (graphic) media
presentation lacks of or revisions. visualization used visualization used for
and the related
coherence and Model and 3D for design and design and
appropriate use of
visual depth. used for presentation of presentation at site
design language
presentation of building design. plan and building
building design. design level.

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