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Communication is an important fundamental skill to have in life and especially in the workforce.

How is communication such a fundamental skill to have? Well communication helps express
oneself their thoughts, ideas, concerns, feelings also when being a leader or a teammate.
Which are so important to be able to do that in day-to-day life, never-minded work life.
Being able to communicate your thoughts is in my option the most important because thoughts
can be everything from how one is feeling to an idea or concern for a project. This was
demonstrated in all the communication activities we did in class.

For communicating ideas, it can help improve a different perspective on jobs or projects in jobs
or in life that can improve the situation or just give it a new way of thinking of it. This was used
in the nails on a string activity by how different students communicated their ideas on how they
could balance more nails on the string.

Communicating concerns similar to ideas is good so you can possibly improve the job or project
that is being worked on. This could also be good for when one is feeling concerned about
someone else so that that individual could get help if needed. This was used in the defusing the
bomb activity by the person defusing the bomb making sure that everything was right because
they were concerned that the bomb would explode because they were not getting the right
information or didn’t hear the other person right.
When one can communicate their feelings, it can truly help them succeed in life because if you
do not communicate your feelings how will others around you be able to help you? For
example, back in grade 8 I had a difficult time dealing with my mental health. I was afraid to
communicate my feelings to my friends and my family. I kept them bottled up inside until I
ended up having multiple mental breakdowns and panic attacks. If I communicated my feelings
before maybe I would have been able to learn some skills to help with my anxiety before all of
the panic attacks. Communicating your feelings isn’t just for when you’re feeling sad or need
help it can also B when you’re feeling happy or positive about a situation or an idea.

To be a good leader you have to be a good communicator the ability to be able to take charge
in situations When needed to grow a bond with the team you are leading so they feel
comfortable communicating with you. Like in the bomb exercise the person reading off the
instructions must take the role as a leader because they have all the information. They can’t
just sit there and not communicate or ask questions like how many wires are there or what
symbol do you have but also taking charge and explaining what needs to be done.

Communication isn’t just good for being a leader it is also great for being a teammate similar to
being a leader you need to be able to communicate with others on your team so they can feel
comfortable with communicating with you this touches on a lot of the points I was talking
about before such as feelings ideas concerns you need to be able to express this with your team
and to your leader so maybe your insight or your ideas can improve the situation or you could
learn something. But also, as a teammate you need to be open to listening, which
communication isn’t always about talking it’s also about listening to others. In the nail on a
string exercise the class was divided into groups or teams and each person had to share their
ideas listen to each others ideas to get the most nails on a string all being teammates and
communicating with each other.

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