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A. Listen to the conversation between a nurse and a patient. Complete the nurse’s words. (12x1.5=18

(1) That’s totally ---------------.

(2) We are going to put a ---------------in one of your veins in your arm.
(3) You’ll --------------
(4)The drugs are very --------------------------
(5) We need to kill---------------------
(6) Unfortunately, they do harm ----------------------
(7) Yes, Chemo affects the------------------
(8) You’ll probably lose your --------------------
and some (9) --------------------
(10) Did the doctor tell you about chemo’s effect on -------------------
(11)It depends on the amount of -----------------
(12)Some just wear hats, others, if they ------------ wear wigs

A. Match the euphemisms from column A with words from column B. (10x1=10 points)


0 faeces a pee 0 g
1 injection b loo 1 ___
2 genitals c private parts 2 ___
3 urine d stomach 3 ___
4 ill e bug 4 ___
5 defecate f belly button 5 ___
6 parasite g stools 6 ___
7 toilet h back passage 7 ___
8 navel i poorly 8 ___
9 anus j move bowels 9 ___
10 intestines k jab 10 ___

B. Write the meanings of the following phrasal verbs. (10x1=10points)

1. to deal with -----------------------------------------------------

2. to build up ------------------------------------------------------
3. to break out -----------------------------------------------------
4. to rinse off --------------------------------------------------------
5. to die off ----------------------------------------------------
6. to turn into ---------------------------------------------------
7. to cut out --------------------------------------------------------
8. to take off-----------------------------------------------------
9. to carry on -----------------------------------------------------
10. to cut down on ------------------------------------------------------
C. Cross out the odd word in each line. (5x1= 5points)

1. flaky itchy flaky biopsy crusty

2. epidermis pores sweat glands follicles appendix
3. metastasis remission DNA lethargy mutation
4. anger depression bargaining denial terminal illness
5. conversion pancreas rectum oesophagus colon

D. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (6x1=6 points)

1. Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled ___________ and the ability of these cells squeeze
to spread. a silver-coated dressing
2. As far as food goes, you don’t need to ___________fat from your diet altogether.
cut out
3. The treatment involves ___________, which helps prevent infections. expelled
4. Faeces are ___________by a bowel movement. cell division
5. Melanocytes, which produce the hormone ___________ that gives the skin its
colour and protects it from UV light.
6. Wash your face gently with a mild soap, and do not ___________spots.
A. Form verbs from the words in the box and fill in the gaps. (5x1=5 points)

ingestion stimulation consumption detoxification expansion

1. The smell, and taste of food ___________ glands to produce saliva.

2. Digested products travel to the liver, which ___________blood of harmful substances.
3. ___________ much food can overload the digestive system.
4. The stomach can ___________ as it fills with undigested food.
5. Food is ___________ through the mouth.

B. Correct the mistakes in the sentences below. (5x1=5points)

1. I used finding the emotions involved in caring for someone.

2. Cancer affects many than just the body.
3. We help patients to find ways to cope with worries.
4. This damage can cause by radiation, chemicals or physical agents.
5. American doctor Nielsen discovered she had breast cancer while worked at the South Pole.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /5

C. Complete the sentences using a/an, the, or - . (10x0.5=5points)

1. __________Herceptin is a drug to treat breast cancer.

2. We’ll tell __________surgeon if the bleeding starts again.
3. Let me have a look at ---------- sore on your leg.
4. I’ve got __________lump under my arm.
5. Your tiredness is a result of __________ radiotherapy you have just had. /5

D. Put these words in the correct order to form sentences. (5x1= 5points)

1. respond/ different/ feelings/ in/ a/ to/ personalities/way/some.

2. on/ brain/ tumours/ can/be/to remove/hard/ the.
3. waterworks/ nothing/with/wrong/is/ there.
4. she /abdominal/was/pains/suffering/ frequent.
5. was/ she/to talk/ embarrassed/about/ habits/ bowel.

A. Underline the adverbs that best complete the sentences. (5x1=5points)
1. It is my neck that is really/ much sore.
2. I’ve tried creams from the chemist. It is very/ a lot dry-that’s the problem.
3. It is a little bit/ by far the best I’ve come across-fast-acting too.
4. It is really /very wonderful medicine that I have ever taken.
5. This is an extremely/ absolutely itchy part of the body.
READING (6x2=12points)

Pain is a vital part of our body’s defenses, and without it we could not survive. Pain warns us what things
are dangerous and so helps us avoid damage to our body. If the body is already damaged, pain helps with
healing because it makes us protect our injuries. Some babies are born with a rare condition that makes
them unable to feel pain. They do not learn the lessons that pain teaches, and as a result suffer many
fractures and infections. There are two types of pain –acute pain, which lasts a short time and is removed
when the cause is cured and chronic pain, which can last a lifetime and cannot usually be treated. Chronic
pain must be managed using drugs or other methods.
Many methods of controlling chronic pain without drugs have been developed. These include hypnosis,
acupuncture, massage and stimulation of nerves. Drugs relieve pain in two ways. Some block the nerves’
messages and prevent them getting to the brain. Others change the way the brain receives the messages,
reducing the effect. Pain sometimes work in strange ways. For example “phantom limb “pain is a
neuropathic pain, caused by damage to the remaining nerves. Patients who lose a limb can continue to feel
pain in the limb long afterwards.

A. According to the text, are the following statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Pain informs about a danger. ____
2. Chronic pain lasts longer than acute pain. ____
3. Acute pain is treated by drugs. ____
4. Acupuncture is one of the methods to manage acute pain. ___
5. Medication obstructs the messages to the brain. ____
6. Phantom limb pain is felt by people who have lost an arm or leg . ____
Total score /100

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