August Declaration

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National Movement q Urn thy Ye First ‘ pesant and Tila z Megonal_ methods RK Used oy i te prforts were made a” toe on gees’ Movernen nde ton teeiy o Pn nt. The Han. Teviv pe sie alarmed the Gover ome Ru he Pea wets Governor Prohibited went. The ph, pati? ¢ Province. On 15 lak’s entry pat 15 J entry nef Moe of Madras issu NC 1917 4} he Mrs. Besant along with we of ts et ges, BE. Wacha and Gan het two sleteirectings were held all one nale potest necame the Idol pver Indi rant lol of the Peon, seg t0 Pressure from the ‘eople. , pw Gvernment had People, we 6° to release . ’ ase her in be! 917. The C gember 1 ie Congres: es ns Presiden is caeetenea apecant as President of the Kalas Mon held in 1917 ata significance of the Home Rule Movement qwo significant features of the Home ule Movement were the participation of women in large numbers and the revival ifthe Swadeshi spirit. THE AUGUST DECLARATION The Congress and the Muslim League fad joined hands in presenting a common Charter of Demands. The Government, felt that it was absolutely necessary to pacify the Indians by a declaration of policy. On 20 August, 1917, the Secretary of State, Mr. Montague, made an important Announcement in the He said that the nment was therefore, House of Commons policy of Her Majesty's Gove that of “gradual development of self governing institutions” i” India. This meant that all local bodies (Municipalities ’Rislatures lee The Majotities, ean shout n contain substantially Covey graduate ne. The Home Rule Sovernment of f ily came te y came to an end. The Peginning towa india Act, 1919 mad be rds transfer =e pare, ', tna Aa Soved that the Proud a be taken to mean iS es became auitoriomou He ts hs divided Provinelal sabtecte subjects, mio and Reserved a ta ‘eserved subjects like law and ordes, police and land revenue, et mente ee administered by the Governor ae xecutive Council. The transferred subjects such as public health and local self-government were kept under the control of the Ministers responsible to the Provincial Legislature. This new system of Government came to be knownas Dyarchy ie., Government by Two Authorities Criticism of the Act The system of Dyarchy broke because of illogical basis on which the division of subjects was made. For example, ‘agriculture’ subject, whereas ‘land intigation’ were placed under the category of reserved subjects. The Congress at its Session in 1919 denounced the Reforms as “inadequate, unsatisfactory and disappointing.” Wt however, decided to them out in such a way establishment of down was a transferred revenue and as to secure carry an eatly responsible government

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