Blind Yet Painful Love

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Chapter 1

The darkness of the night was like an abyss.

While Dorothy Fisher was still befuddled by sleep,

she felt her body being turned over forcefully by a
pair of strong hands. Then, a lean and strong male
body pressed on top of her. There were two cold
fingers gripping her chin tightly.

Dorothy stirred in her sleep.

She was awakened by the chill feeling on her chin.

Subconsciously, she pushed the man on top of her
away. The next moment, the strong smell of
alcohol and a familiar breath made her space out.
As expected, Credence Scott was back.

Only when he was drunk and needed her that he

would look for her in the guest room.

"I'm your legal wife, not a woman whom you can

pay to do whatever you want with!"

Dorothy trembled with anger. "You disturb me

every time I'm asleep. Couldn't you show some
respect to me?"

Being pinned down on the big bed, Dorothy

wriggled her body with all her might. She resisted
fiercely, not willing to be kissed by him.
His body reeked of alcohol. Who knew which
woman he had kissed before he came back to kiss

During her four-year marriage with Credence,

Dorothy was treated with cold violence. She
thought that her body had long been trained to be
invincible. However, Credence's drunken behavior
that night still hit her weak spot precisely. The pain
was so intense that she almost could not catch her

"Your husband hasn't come home late at night,

and you don't even bother to call him. Oh, Dorothy,
do you still know that you're my wife?"

Dorothy had always been meek. Her sudden

resistance ignited a fit of inexplicable anger within
Credence, causing him to tighten his grip on her

It was as though he wanted to kill her.

"Ouch... It hurts..."

She squeezed her eyes shut.

It really hurt!

Trembling in pain, she opened her eyes and looked

at Credence, whose eyes were as cold as ice. She
bit her lips feebly, but she could not make a sound.

After a while, Credence left the guest room. Again,

there was silence in the room.
Dorothy felt as though her body was about to fall
apart. Just as she was about to go to the bathroom
to clean herself, Credence reentered the room. He
threw a box of medicine at her. "Swallow them
right away!" He spoke in a casual tone, but each
word was as brutal as a slap.

Every time after they had sex, Dorothy was forced

to swallow pills in front of him.

If she refused to take them, he would force them

down her throat.

Those pills were to prevent pregnancy.

In Credence's heart, she was just a scheming

woman who would stop at nothing just to marry
him. Hence, he felt that she was unworthy of
bearing his child.

Facing his aggression, Dorothy did not have the

strength to resist anymore. She popped the pills
into her mouth and swallowed them.

A month and a half later.

"Congrats, Mrs. Scott. You are forty-days pregnant.

The fetus' heartbeat is normal and it is developing

The doctor told Dorothy in a gentle voice.

Dorothy bit her lips as the doctor handed her the

test report. Learning that she was going to become
a mother, she felt both joy and pain.

It was an accident. Would her husband like their


Would he hate her less because of their child's



Squeezing her pregnancy test report tightly,

Dorothy walked out of the consultation room with
a calm expression.

In the corridor, a handsome man with an

indifferent expression walked toward her. His eyes
were full of hostility.
Credence's sudden appearance caught Dorothy by
surprise. Her chest tightened and she began to feel
panicked. Nevertheless, she forced a smile and
said, "Credence, why... why are you in the

Chapter 2
The man in front of Dorothy was someone she had
been deeply in love with for ten years. She
understood him more than anyone else.

She would definitely not be so narcissistic as to

believe that he had appeared in the hospital
because he cared about her.
However, at the thought of the child in her belly,
Dorothy was filled with courage. She quickened
her pace and grabbed him by his arm, asking
expectantly, "Credence, do you know it already?"

Did he know that she was pregnant?

"You mean do I know that you are pregnant with

another man's child?"

Credence's voice did not carry any warmth.

Then, his palm clamped onto Dorothy's thin arm

like a pair of pincers.

Dorothy was caught off guard. She felt a dull pain

radiating from the spot where her arm was
grasped. The pain made her face turn as pale as a
sheet. She let out a gasp.

But the physical pain could not be compared to the

pain she was feeling from Credence's brutal words.

She staggered and struggled to stand firm. She

clenched her fists on both sides of her body. There
was a stubborn look on her face as she said in
despair, "Credence, we have been married for four
years. Even if you do not love me and treat me
with emotional abuse, I have endured all of it. I
can only blame myself for falling in love with you."

"But how could you make those comments about

our child? Tell me again... What do you mean?"

Credence's thin lips curled into a mocking smile.

He threw the paternity test report in his hands at
Dorothy's face, his eyes were filled with bitter
iciness. "The proof is right there! Stop acting
innocent. Dorothy Fisher, you really deserve to

Dorothy's forehead was cut by the thin paper,

leaving a striking red blood mark. It seemed that
Credence really hated her to the core.

She ignored the wound on her face. She picked up

the paternity test report with trembling hands.
When she saw the conclusion of the report, she
was dumbstruck.

The report showed that Credence was not the

child's father.
It was absurd!

How was that possible?

Besides Credence, she had not had sex with any

other men. How could the child not be his?

Dorothy stared at the conclusion of the report in

astonishment. Before she could recover from the
shock, Credence uttered cruelly, "Pack your things.
We must get a divorce."

The word 'divorce' pierced Dorothy's heart right to

its core. There was a painful crushing sensation in
the center of her chest.

"Don't you believe me?" she questioned.

She was trying to convince herself that Credence
was just joking. However, the lack of emotion in
his eyes and the cold expression on his face
repeatedly reminded her that he was serious. He
was desperate to draw a clear line between them.
There was no doubt that he was going to divorce
her, and he did not wish to delay it any longer.

"Credence, you have promised Dad. You promised

him that you would take care of me for the rest of
my life and that I would always be Mrs. Scott!
Can... can we not get a divorce?"

Her shoulders trembled and her voice was choked

with emotion that it was almost inaudible. "I
understand that you hate me. But do you also hate
the child in my belly? Believe me, the child is
Her voice was full of despair and hopelessness.

Credence looked as if he had just heard the most

ridiculous joke ever. He let out a cold laugh and
looked at Dorothy indifferently. "I'll believe you if
you get rid of the child!"

"No way! I must keep the child. Also, I don't want

to get a divorce. This report must be wrong!
Credence, this child... this child is really yours.
Please, trust me."

At that moment, there was no warmth on

Credence's handsome face. He lit up a cigarette
between his fingers. Surrounded by the smoke, he
stared at her coldly, his face full of ridicule.
Chapter 3
"Credence, you're my only man in my past
twenty-seven years. You're also the only man that
I've been sleeping with. Can we... do another
paternity test?"

Dorothy took a few deep breaths and slowly

calmed down. "If it turns out that you're really not
the child's father. I'm willing to get a divorce!"

Dorothy's decisive tone caught Credence off guard.

Even his heart missed a beat.

He pressed his lips together. Just when he was

about to speak, a sweet and soft voice was heard
from behind him.
"Credence, are you here to see me? I've just seen
the doctor. He said I need to take good care of my
health for a few months. After you divorce
Dorothy, we will soon have our own baby."

Upon hearing this, Dorothy's sadness and anger

were replaced with shock. Her gaze fell on the
beautiful woman who was slowly walking toward

The woman was Rosalie Fisher!

Dorothy was able to recognize her at a glance.

Twenty-six years ago, Dorothy's father, Caleb

Fisher, and her mother, Linda Arnold, failed to
conceive even after marrying for a long time.
Having no choice, they had adopted Dorothy from
an orphanage.

When Dorothy was four years old, Linda was

miraculously pregnant. She then gave birth to a
daughter, Rosalie...

Ever since Rosalie was born, Caleb and Linda had

been paying less attention to Dorothy. What's
worse, on Dorothy's and Credence's wedding day,
Rosalie was the one who was standing next to
Credence all day, wearing a sweet smile on her

Rosalie was wearing a gorgeous dress. Besides, her

makeup looked delicate. A sweet aroma tickled
Dorothy's nose as she walked over.
Upon seeing Rosalie, Credence's tense face
softened a little. But when he turned to face
Dorothy, his expression became indifferent again.

"You know very well that you've never been the

woman I love. So, it's time for you to give way to

Credence's tone was like a bullet shooting through

Dorothy's chest, making her heart bleed.

She was fully aware that he hated her to the core,

but she still clung to the hope that things would be
different once they had a child.

Biting her pale lips, Dorothy tried hard to fight

back her tears. She watched helplessly as Rosalie
walked up to Credence and held his arm

Credence was her legitimate husband, but that did

not deter them from acting audaciously.

Dorothy felt as if her heart had sunk into a

bottomless pit.

She stared at her sister who was in name only. The

first thought that came to her mind was, Credence
was going to abandon her once Rosalie was ready
to conceive his child.

At the thought of that, all color drained from her

face. The despair she was feeling was beyond
Rosalie did not even bother to hide the ridicule on
her face. Seeing that, Dorothy could not hold back
her anger anymore. She rushed toward Rosalie
and yelled at her, "You've crossed the line, Rosalie!
Are you that shameless to hook up with your
brother-in-law? Even if you don't care about me,
have you not considered the reputation of the
Fisher and the Scott family?"

Pointing at Rosalie furiously, Dorothy seemed to

have gone all out. "Credence, do you think that the
woman in your arms is an innocent little bunny
that needs your protection? Don't be silly! Do you
know why your father had suddenly fallen off the
balcony from the third floor and became
vegetative? Maybe you should ask Rosalie, she
knows best."
Chapter 4
"Shut up!"

Two years ago, Credence had witnessed his father,

Sheldon Scott, fallen down from the balcony.
Unfortunately, the incident caused him to be in a
vegetative state. At the mention of this sad event
of the past, anger stirred within Credence.

His face darkened. All of a sudden, he grasped

Dorothy's chin, roaring at her, "If you did not suck
up to my father back then, Rosalie would be the
one who married me! Not you!"

Then, a smile appeared on Credence's face. His

smile looked eerie as he said, "That night, you
pretended to be Rosalie. Also, you persuaded Dad
to drug me. Otherwise, how would I be sleeping on
the same bed with you? And why did he so
coincidentally block us at the door? If it weren't for
him threatening me with his life, do you think I
would marry you?"

Dorothy had loved Credence for ten years, while

he had hated her for ten years. Furthermore, his
hatred toward her grew with each passing day.

He would never believe that Dorothy had not used

some tricks in order to marry him back then.

Little did Dorothy expect that she was just an ugly

scheming woman to Credence. Although her heart
was filled with bitterness, she straightened her
back. Enduring the stabbing pain on her jaw, she
smiled defiantly. "Fine, say whatever you want!
But I will never divorce you! As long as I remain as
Mrs. Scott, my dear sister would only be regarded
as a despicable mistress!"

"Credence, I wouldn't allow you to marry her,

unless I die!"

"Sis, Credence does not love you at all. Why are

you so persistent?" Rosalie bit her lip and shouted
as if she had been wronged. Her face was ashen, as
though she was the one with her chin grasped.

She looked at Dorothy with tears in her eyes. "I

don't know anything about Credence's father's
accident. I wasn't even at the scene at that time.
How could you frame me like that? You knew that
Credence and I were in love with each other, and
yet you schemed against me to take him away
from me... When Sheldon found out that you've
used him and wanted to tell Credence the truth,
you ruthlessly pushed him off the balcony! This
time, you even have the child of another man...
How could you treat Credence like this?"

Rosalie paused, her face was wet with tears. "Sis, I

love Credence, and he loves me too. This time, I
will not give him to you again."

"Shut up! I didn't play any tricks and I didn't push

Dad down the balcony. Also, I can assure you that
the child is definitely his! Credence, please don't
listen to her nonsense."

Dorothy struggled to break free from Credence's

grasp. Her chin was already bruised. Suppressing
the pain, she raised her head and met his cold gaze.
She could feel that her body temperature instantly
shot down.

Why did Credence only believe in Rosalie's words?

Why had he never trusted her?

"I didn't! Credence, trust me... please..."

Dorothy reached out for Credence's arm. However,

before she could touch him, her wrist was slapped
away violently.

Seeing that Dorothy was still defending herself,

Credence sneered. He walked over and gave her a
condescending look. "You have the courage to do
that, but you don't dare to admit it? Dorothy, it
has been four years since we got married. I can
count on the fingers of one hand the number of
times I've touched you. Besides, I have always
taken contraceptive measures. Tell me, how did
you suddenly get pregnant?"

Dorothy could not believe that because of that

ridiculous paternity test report, he refused to
admit that the child was indeed his. Looking at his
cold face, a great wave of despair washed through

However, she did not refute his accusation. She

closed her eyes for a while. A pale, wry smile
appeared on her face as she said, "I never know
you've always viewed me as such a heartless
person. No matter you believe it or not, I'm telling
you, I have never done anything to harm you or
A strange feeling arose in Credence's heart, but he
ignored it. "I'll believe you if you get rid of that
child, and let me divorce you."

His voice that echoed over Dorothy's head was

deep and emotionless.


It seemed that he had always wanted to divorce

her over the past four years.

Dorothy was so dejected that tears stormed into

her eyes, but she blinked hard against them,
forcing a smile.
She had loved Credence so much that she would
do anything for him.

However, she would never allow her dignity to be

trampled on in front of Rosalie.

Dorothy lifted her head and stared straight into

Credence's eyes. His distant gaze pierced through
her heart, giving her a painful crushing sensation.

She murmured repeatedly, "I won't get a divorce,

and I'll never give up on my child. Unless... I die!"

Dorothy was very beautiful. Her eyes sparkled and

glistened as the moisture inside them began to
well up. It added a delicate charm to her. Her
attractiveness momentarily caught Credence off
His Adam's apple bobbed uncontrollably when he
thought of Dorothy's perfect figure. Also, his eyes
grew darker.

Chapter 5
Rosalie noticed Credence's abnormal behavior and
coughed lightly. "Credence, it's all my fault. I
should not have fallen for you, and I should not
have told you everything that Dorothy did behind
your back. Everything is my fault. Please don't
force her anymore. She cares about you very much,
that's why she wants to use the child to win your
heart... Dorothy, I'm so sorry..." Her eyes were full
of ambiguity as she said.
She sniffled and could not finish her words as she
choked up.

"Rosalie Fisher, just drop the act! You're the most

shameless woman I've ever seen in my whole life!"

Dorothy scoffed and stood up. She walked toward

Rosalie and said with a cold smile, "In your mind,
I'm only a child whom Dad and Mom had adopted
from the orphanage. My whole life exists because
of them, so I have to do everything I can to repay
their kindness, right? That's true. I am forever
indebted to them, but I don't owe you anything!"

"Don't ever think of owning the man I love. He will

never be yours, ever! Just give up already!"

"Sis, I... I have never thought that way..."

Rosalie showed a frightened expression. She was
crying pitifully with tears all over her face.

Credence's expression darkened. He stepped

forward and stood in front of Dorothy. "You don't
have the say in whether to keep the child or get a

After that, he took out his mobile phone and gave

an order. A few tall and strong men in black rushed
in and dragged Dorothy to the operating theater
without any hesitation.


Dorothy struggled to break free of them. Tears

were rolling down her cheeks. However, she was
no match for those strong men. Just like that, she
was dragged into the empty operating theater.

Dorothy's body trembled uncontrollably.

Never did she expect that the arrival of their child

not only failed to ease the relationship between
her and Credence, but it had intensified the
conflict between them.

As Dorothy got closer and closer to the operating

table, she only had one thought in her mind, which
was to escape!

She had to run away to protect her precious child.

In desperation, Dorothy mustered all her strength.

While the men let down their guard, she suddenly
broke free from their restraints and staggered
toward the door.

She did not care about anything else. She only

knew that if Credence caught her, she would
definitely lose her child.

However, she was greeted with the sight of Rosalie

walking toward her with a provocative smile on
her face. She wanted to stop, but it was too late.

Soon, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. The pain

was so excruciating that she bent down and
collapsed to the ground. Gradually, she lost

When Dorothy regained consciousness, she felt a
pang of unbearable pain, and her eyelids were so
heavy that she could not open her eyes. She
struggled for a long time before she could open
her eyes.

She realized that she was in a ward.

At the thought of her baby, she subconsciously put

her hand on her abdomen and caressed it. She felt
a mixture of pain and joy.

It did not matter if Credence did not love her. At

least, she still had her child.

However, her joy was short-lived. The next

moment, Rosalie appeared in front of her.
Dorothy's expression morphed almost instantly,
She frowned at Rosalie, asking, "What are you
doing here? Do you want to hurt me again?"

As her memory slowly returned, Dorothy recalled

the scene before she fainted. It was Rosalie who
gave her a hard push when nobody was looking. As
a result, Dorothy fell to the ground and passed

Dorothy was well aware that her sister, whom she

had grown up with, was not as innocent and
harmless that she appeared to be.

Rosalie walked over and stared at Dorothy's

abdomen for a long time. "I used all my strength to
push you, but I couldn't believe that it's not
enough to make you miscarry. Your illegitimate
child is tough, huh?"

"You can hurt me all you want, but you should not
try to kill an innocent child!"

Clenching her fists, Dorothy stared Rosalie straight

in the eyes. She smiled coldly and said, "I guess
you know Credence well. If I tell him that you had
something to do with his father's accident, and
that four years ago, the reason I was in bed with
him was also your doing, do you think he'd still be
in love with you?"

Rosalie suddenly widened her eyes and displayed

an exaggerated innocent expression. "Do you think
Credence will believe anything you say? Also,
without evidence, you are only slandering me. I
can sue you anytime and put you in jail!"
"You know very well in your heart about the
truth." Dorothy narrowed her eyes and scoffed,
"Spare me your nonsense. One day, you will be
punished for the things that you have done!"

Rosalie remained silent. There was a vicious look

in her eyes.

Since Dorothy was so headstrong, it seemed that

she had no choice but to do it the hard way.

Rosalie shifted her gaze and spotted a glass on the

table. Then, she picked it up and slowly released
her hand, letting it slip from her palm.

The glass shattered into pieces.

She proceeded to pull out a small knife from her
bag and walked toward Dorothy. She said smugly,
"It seems like you refuse to give up on Credence.
Fine, let's make a bet. We'll see who he will choose
among us!"

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