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1. Tasks over title

- Most people focus on glamorized titles, many forget to consider whether one would
be comfortable enough to invest their time doing the tasks behind the title.
- For example, a “neurosurgeon” might sound astounding, but does everyone actually
want to do the daily tasks that most neurosurgeons do?
2. Visualise your Me+
- Me+ is like the version of you aspire to be
- You can fill out questions like this:
1. The overall big-thinking goal for ME+ is...
2. ME+'s job title will be...
3. ME+ will be working in the ... industry
4. The company ME+ will be working for is...
5. ME+ will be running/working in a company that has the following characteristics...
6. Answer either i) ME+ will be in a similar role, but my responsibilities will have expanded to
include... OR ii) ME+ will be in an entirely new career, and ME+'s responsibilities will include...
3. Audit your Time
- During the week, instead of writing what you did for the whole week, write whether you actually
enjoy doing them
- Do you feel its purpose for 3 or 5 years in time or you only feel fun in the moment?
- Help: Analyze your weekly routine
4. Invest 13 minutes a Day
- What people are choosing to invest, we accept compunding easily (for example in investing
- 90 minutes a week is very possible, it equals to 13 minutes a day
- Try to invest and develop a skill for the career that you can actually enjoy
- Career capital theory: the career goal is not gonna magically fall into your hands, rather it’s your
daily small choices to develop rare and valuable skills and eventually develop career capital
5. You don’t need to go back to university
- Really use the current sources that require less money and time
- You can learn almost anything on the internet
6. Embrace U-Turn
- The End of History Illusion: he asked 10 people to predict how much of their values are gonna
change in 10 years, and another 10 people about how much their values have changed in the
last 10 years
- At every age from 18 to 68, people vastly underestimated how much change they would
experience over the next 10 years, in conclusion: WE’RE QUITE BAD AT PREDICTING HOW
- Leaders of the future: their ablity to stand up to say idk, I’ve changed my mind, I was wrong.
Have you sat down and deliberately change my mind?
7. Grid technique
Plotting sesuai masa lalu

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