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Prof Yogesh S.

Auomoie Engg Dept
RIT Rogoornnagav

Eropeller shoft connecis gearbox to he inal chive geacs

ot hevehicle though universal joint sewes a s chive shalt

AuDNesa joint allouos she dhrive shett 10 be 4xonsmitted
hougha voxiable ongle The dive Sy9tem ison aongement
Ho anS mitting the doiving thrU Hrom the oad coheels o the
vehicle bdy The inalchive is the onsmiseion sysiem betoeen
opeller ShoBt &_dilkesenmulThe dillerential meckonism is
|buit into the cemre eiAt pontion ol the ino ohisle.his
Pesmisthe dine wheels 4o o i a e a t dillevent speeds utoxt
inaevleing coiththe. psopulsion ol the vehicle while oking o HUTD:

1 Propellen shal Drile Shali

shaBtTansm)iS poer xom 1o
hopellex he geax.bOx
Nosmally-the shota hos o ubulas secion
|tbe reor axle.
SMadeinone o t0o pIeceConaitUcHoN The twopiece

arsongement S Suppotedat the mid pointiibja dub ber

Sho chiue shalts a s e inconpåTalec t o the +3ansmE Sor
the mol iheel in
opower rom the tina droive ossembly o
both ron rear wheelcoive loayouls:
11 Paopeller Sraits
bis ehoit must be is1xong o Esiet h e to1Siinq acan
s the doiviq40%que & i4 shoud be e i lient to absonb the
osional shocks muGt resiet Ahe naduna)i tendoncy o Soq
undes iis o n oeighi becouseUibaal iON GCUT hen the centxe

s gnauiycoes Dot Coinciole uoith the Gis ol he shatt

A Aubulas- secion propeller ehalA normaly dsed becausde
lo weight
)psovides losge esistond io misaligoment,especially
i) hos g0od 407%sionad
stength 4

proovides lo oesisionce Clow ine to 4o chonges 1n orguor

peecohich oriSe ohen a hookes iype Coupling 1 ueo 10
dinehe shalt
Since opelle shoet olien oi0ies ot high speed.
düsing he use oB the overdhive qeor, it musl be maruio ckured,
epoused, meeiq des epea icalions god balbnce lim1..
pspeller.stolie ol 5ood vehicdes oe suticieny
long. opesdte in geneaada high speed, öhisling moy oceUs
at ceioin coitical epeed. This paoduces bendiq stoesses jN the
makeicu mat ase higher hon the sheoing svessel caue
b FaneMHed dosdue. l hile +he cgiical sped ince0se oith.
decveue in the mass ot the shatt, the momeni ol ines ta of
the sechon increase. The endoncy othe propeleb: shoft to
ori shold be reduced A do so. ii shotld be mocke
Hubulas L should be perfecty balonced
Criticad apeed of the poopeller Sharttvories divecty a
Hhe dioreler ot He tube & invere.ely. asthe squave at the em:h.
heveore diormeien ae selected as lage. as pos9ible. lergshs
0s shot as possible ts keep the criticau speed aequenoy ol
the shatr dbove the doiving speed ongetbopelles Shaht6.OveY
S m length beuveeh univevs0jonts cause unbalonce pobletd
|Stoli tenghs Ose mnimzed by using long ronsmission extenaian
holusig A cenme univevsol jont oith - Hwo piece poopeles shohs
When used, the centre univeraa joiDi19 Supposred bia.cene
Suppon beoning which is insulat rorm he vehicle cha sess
The caiiica epeed is gen by
Ne apm

wherse athe length ol the shol (m )

E: modulus o t . elasticisq o a1eel C.96 Xlo Nn)
Edensiy o Steel (786o kgm)
LE Movement o inextia oi the shofa secion cm
i =I d s d ) do= ouside diomerer Cm)
di= inside diomeerCm)
A =Crtes secion.osea Co2) = T (do-d)
Simplilicaton alex Qubmissjon:ot.These vadues giyes.

Nc= 189o000 do +d pM

Prapeller shalts cseso lesigned that the calculaueol caiiecau

speed ies about. 60pescent higher than the engine speea at+
moimum poie Poopelle shotts ocon dlao be destned e a
giwen onque aking, tohich is +he dovque sequised to ssess
them o the elasHc imit
e dhe engine osque NM
G the ovevall
geas OatD
Jt:the tosque 1o be ansmitied the poopellea ahat+ Nm
Tol the deson 10que ov he ahitt N.m
T: Sheov ste6s Nm design atress)
Te G
fo holloto stott whewe C o
Td Cl-c4
TdT x fauovof soley
Hor trese oeign
of i s gecommended
acdo ot solety
calecula ions
a1500 pr) i t s
28 kW
An automO bile engine developa Shott O o D)
atO is . 0 6 . a poopetlex
Doliom geo iöidecomeer
diomeler is o be used, detes minethe
ulside sake sheas SHoPSof
mild Aleel +ube 40 be used assuminq
S5. Io klo los Ahe MS.
G8.06 do:eo mn
ower. 28 k ) NE 1500 pm
GiNen i:e. N/am 5 AN/mM
L=55xIoKPa =55 x 108 Pa
I 55 nN/mm
Tofid di=
Lngine lovque CTe) = Gox°XK = 60XX28

Te) = 178253.54 NDM.

l lexG
behonstoithed b the popeter shatt
loque 4o

TtE 178258.54 x 3 . 0 6 = 545455 82 N. mm

1S.not. t
men H o n e d S o T d - T e
AS taco o sale

TTdo C-ca)
1C= l6x545L55.22
55 16 X545455 82
7T do C1-c TTA4°xSSX

1-c4 3 4 XUE 0:189

c Ogaa 021 (di RA o68

di s 0:68 K4O
i 27 mm
ot 162N
2|An aulomobile engne develops a maximum Honque
low geo OJKo 4nonsmisejon is 2:75 ohile the back
etlechve coheel doduuS 1S O325 m
axle. a i O iS - 5 e anote
of oiunon beltceen Hhe Aype the od
the coel liuen
ISO.6I+he pesmissible sheox SesS is 2873 x1oa
hat he d
elesane the. oaximum shafa dia mel er Msttrning
|S neosly Honsional Wou is he maximum
o0d peomS31 ble on
each coheel
Giveo:le = 162 N:M 162x 10 N:mm
Ovesatl gear 1aJO. GE L-15 X 425 = |1:69
wheel rodius E9325 M 825 Mn M:06
TD2078 XIo1 Pa (N/m2)=2370 X19 N/Mm

t=323.73 NMm
To lind c d = t , loac on. eoch coheet-
Assumpion Consider shatt os a solidl ahati.coith diad. beawe
Telaion besceeni &dlo is unknoten
Tonque o be vansmitecdT K G=l62xo*x||:6
Tt124780 N Mm
As focto of eodey is no menuoned
Jd Ti=1383780
Fx Solied shott
G Td 02873 6x1893720

Since some omou o tonque S ansrDIHed on each coheel

Thoive eflost =393780 S827 N
whecd sadius
Hence lood on each wheel= octve ellbrt S82t
wnenT OSqUE
A n engine. develops 295 kw. o4 2000 0p
aaio s 9t Ahe boxk
maximum.he boiiom gear
deieloped is Oxle is
The lood on each doving
ORe educion is 4:5 }
JoadedDamekex ot u d
TS7 5N ohen the cor is ully Coelfiuent of
ahee oves the. ve is 0:71-m & pes the m9ble Sre
o. 1
cneso. bekweehye &nood is
AD HE -majesia ol the shol+ is no.aocoED
iomeles ot the
Sh0 ve che
22072.5-x10 a , lind the
a o o e v E 99-5 sw N 2o90 ap

load on each oxle= 73S75 N

Kooduhee diometey 0:71 m = 710 Mm-,
220725X1O NMm
L22O725 xI91 Pa CN/m2)

o ind dl-
tngine Horque l e =
GOX 1O° XKN 69X1ox29 S
2/TN 2T*2000

les 14085Z: 12..N. Mm

orque to be. OnSMItied ef G

TE l4o252.12 Xx45
Design OTQUE (Tl)-Tt =14015 03-7 N.Mm CNO fs)
Consider shalt diameey a d
t 6 TL 220 72 = 16x19oI503
Tds Td
95 mm
Sep D check dEJICN .

F =t
Friciona lorce on
each wheel, 1901503:Zb
Wheel vadius
F.= 5356. 35 N
TbisHicionalHonce developes hoi2oniad sheos s e s 4 1he
Weig onaxle C7957 SN) developes veTtica sheor sesS IN the .
xlei lbe iniensity otthe shear eteas is zero athe Urioce
&maymum at the cente of the axle , the
dislsibu jon ben9
posabolic in_naJUNe
check MaximuM homionta sheax siesSS
ue o Itiona osce on Wheel XionceAxle on
whecl She se

LH= x 556:8T 9956:S

L 7 297 N/mm
Moximum yesHal sheax Ste))
eight on_axle
chuue o weighton. axle- **e a e c

1357: 5

Ty I0.02 NMM

Boib T 4 Tu
tgeiher produce maimum
at thecehtNe stbesS
ohich is too less (
Iu+ly 17.32
Nmm)in compaison to design

Sress (t 220:72 mm)Again. the intensity ot shea sress olue

9 Horsion 1hianest as Hne suniace
2eo a the. cetxe ot
axle Thus +he shai 1s quiie sole in diect
Damees t e axle 35.3 mm

2 Drive Shoiis..
These shoits a r e
comparoively shot in length 4 where
space a
umiiaHon, they o'se maoe Golid do
|Hor moyement ot the suspenoion & othevwioe 1he providle cleoronce
4ubula secion io oHen used. The shot disanae beltween
he roao

* '
' a lovge
w heel d dive housing, corobineol Coith
the. final
d h e e l : movement _due tosuspenSiON oeHECHON CoUses
the maxioum dsive ongie of the univevsais erd
va's iatisn of length of theshona A CV joit au eoch of -

the tve shats meels the anqe GEqiIement o plunge

CVjoDt acomoolales he lenath chonge. Kears dheel dtive

veh icleshouing independen: sSus pension nesl a doive shaft

HOconnect. +he oad oheel to the ixedHinak doiveasserpb
O.+hese vehicles noo mally a plunge type CVjont s
inconpaased at eaoh. end of -he daive shott
Rear Az les fina- dhine
Tbe rear axle final dvive
*Tons miis +he dive throuah an
angle o 3, 4
i1) geos doun 4he ergine eoluwions o
proUide a diect top
geosbox salio. In ihe case of coss a fina doive naio of
apprsoximasely 4: s
used Bevel oWom geors ase empbyeo
o achieve. +he sious dunaions of the ina
Kear-axle TOAIO
When +he vear- axle of a vehicle is fined woith bevel eors
e a e s o n oheef PIMIon, + h e Teo axle or 4inal osie a r o

is given b
NO.Of e e t h on cooan ohee
Keor axle raHo =
No.of eeth on beue pinioD
For heav cofomerCi vehicles dheve h e vEUT-Oxle doive

S Usuall Of +he orm < cdheel He e Teor oxle sHOn

is gien bd

No.of 4eeth on cosm hee

Keor axe o I O on oos)
No. of si0s1S

Overal Gear Kaio

GeavboX TatIO X Keor axle ratO.
Tadlo =
Overall gear
Wrthot oNeTdoive, the
I n the c o s e of a
1S the same as the
(dieCt dive)
oio in iop geor
oveoll geor
vedugion OHO
a t 2 s 0 0 vpm)

a propellez s h a t
doiVen bj
a r l e s h o f i s . The
Stat woom
1|A HUT on he Teas-

with a
meshes Calculae the spend sf the vehicle
coheel has 2 coheels is07m
the s d a
diamerer st
the elleive
in mlh
hopeller shoft specd=
iven No.of siart
No.of teeth on woTo toheel = 1
road oheel dia. DR =

Reor axle vatio =N o 1eeth on WOIm Oheel
No.of Heeth on orn
|Argular speed of rood wheel= Foopelles shoft spsed 259=4761pm
Reo oKie raio
LIDear Speed ot toheels =
Anaulov speed 2 circuoievene of ohees

416 TDR) m/nin

=(416x TODo/oin= |o46-73 m)min
1o4673 x 6o = 62.81 km/h

2) A ehice hos a +hird geor ratio of 15 to i &

OHo ot
TeOr axP
45 io1. Calowate a the ovesall geo tO ad b)
the nurDber ef dEVoluJions mocde by the cooon whee Pea minue
1the engine speed is 2700 p
Ovesal geor OiO = Geovbox DAHO X Reos oxe saHo

= 6 - 1 5 :1

umber olevol uwions made b the coun töheel ped n u e

Ergine Speeol p) 270D
Oveall geoo 70H 7S

Pur pose
When both ear wheels ate conneced to a Common
coivi ng shof, opid wea of reos Hoe. L ditficalty in seeair
4vom the stojght cheCa o posi Hon aue Soon expesenced/) con
be seen thau ouulex »heeb musi aavel o 8secuer olssiance han

|the inne7 uheols uong corneing of the vehicle. Hence if

he dheels are intesconneced h e i e s haue to scsuh over
|4he vcodl suoface 4 Hendl o keep the vehice mauing Straight
oheaohese p'roblems can be mimmjzecd b chving one wheel
alleoing the othev o Tun ree. Bu this poouides umbalnd
chiving thrust unequa coDein9 speeds due to Shich
the corgemD Dos noi
accepted. The poblem a s solved
b uaing The diikeventa his mechons m otce+he whee

O illerem speeds Se h 1 le man tunjnq o daive to bojh

The steeri" S e ot a vehicle pvovides a +Ur oing c l e

sadius of 6.6 m wn a whee. r a c k i d t h ol 2 m .The

eechveood heed *olling oiomeier is o72m. Cadcwale 1he

umber of Tevoluions mode by h e inner e ethesr ouer wheels

Hor one 4usning eiscle

3 Turning ot vehce.
Meon +UTning Tadtus Rm G t0 6 = 6.6 m

OUHeoheel uxning vaodius. Ro 6ti 2 = 7.2 m [Ro= Rrmt

Inner cheel turnng moduS Ri
6DRi Rm ]
Rolling CiTCUmlerence of road whee =
7D 0.72TT M
Dsianc e iTovelled b ower wheel 4or one complete iusning dCE
=2TT Ro = 14 4TT m
DiSonce 4ONelled b inner sheel for one complele UDing ide

= 2TRi= 121 m

Tevolut ions ompetecd by ouuers wheeels

441 =20 evoluionS

|2 evolulkons
Completed by nnes oheels

4 = 166 TeUoluHonS
The dilienence
20-166)=3. evolions beween he
inner Oues wheel Ho one complere uning els.
Cince st
Ths iHevence. mui be absoshed
b4ye Scdub Ocomodal fo or

b ome mechon ical deUIce

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