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Integration for Tornado I, agentless

TRACE32 Online Help

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TRACE32 Documents ...................................................................................................................... 

3rd-Party Tool Integrations .......................................................................................................... 

Integration for Tornado I, agentless ......................................................................................... 1

Overview .................................................................................................................................. 2

Brief Overview of Documents for New Users ....................................................................... 2

Operation Theory .................................................................................................................... 3

Installation ............................................................................................................................... 4
Installation of the Backend on Windows NT 4

Startup Sequence .................................................................................................................... 5

Simple Example ....................................................................................................................... 5

Working with the TRACE32 Back-end ................................................................................... 6

Known Problems and Bugs .................................................................................................... 6

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 1
Integration for Tornado I, agentless

Version 25-Oct-2019


The interface integrates the Tornado tool set (WindRiver Systems) and TRACE32. This chapter describes
the agentless version.

Current Supported Tornado versions are:

Versions: Tornado 2.0 Windows

Targets: i386ex, Freescale Semiconductor 68k, PowerPC, ARM7TDMI, SH

Brief Overview of Documents for New Users

Architecture-independent information:

• “Debugger Basics - Training” (training_debugger.pdf): Get familiar with the basic features of a
TRACE32 debugger.

• “T32Start” (app_t32start.pdf): T32Start assists you in starting TRACE32 PowerView instances

for different configurations of the debugger. T32Start is only available for Windows.

• “General Commands” (general_ref_<x>.pdf): Alphabetic list of debug commands.

Architecture-specific information:

• “Processor Architecture Manuals”: These manuals describe commands that are specific for the
processor architecture supported by your debug cable. To access the manual for your processor
architecture, proceed as follows:

- Choose Help menu > Processor Architecture Manual.

• “OS Awareness Manuals” (rtos_<os>.pdf): TRACE32 PowerView can be extended for operating
system-aware debugging. The appropriate OS Awareness manual informs you how to enable the
OS-aware debugging.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 2
Operation Theory

The interface consists of a program fragment, so called "Back End" ("trace32.dll" in Windows). This is
dynamically linked to the target server of Tornado. The back-ends available are:

trace32.dll ICE back-end for Win32

trace32d.dll ICD back-end for Win32

The Tornado tools communicate with the target server, and the target server creates requests to the back-
end. The backend then builds socket based requests to the TRACE32 software. The requests are executed
and answered by the TRACE32 software. The answer goes exactly the same way backwards.

Tornado --> tgtsvr --> backend --> t32 --> TRACE32

All requests are answered by the TRACE32 device, but not by the target resident debug agent! That
means, that the target debug agent is not needed and not used inside the target; however it does not disturb
the operation if present.

NOTE: This integration uses internally the TRACE32 Remote API.

The Remote API has restrictions if TRACE32 runs in demo mode.
Please see there for further details.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 3

Follow these steps to install the Tornado backend for TRACE32:

Installation of the Backend on Windows NT

1. Close Tornado

2. Copy the files "trace32.dll" and “trace32d.dll” (from the TRACE32 subdirectory
“demo\env\tornado\host\”) to your Tornado directory "${WIND_BASE}\host\x86-

3. Start Tornado

4. Select the Menu “Tools” -> ”Target Server” -> “Configure”

5. Click “New”

6. In the field “Description”, enter “TRACE32 agentless connection”;

Check the box “Add description to menu”;
In the field “Name”, enter “trace32”;
Select “Properties” -> “Back End”;
If you’re using an ICE or FIRE, select “trace32”, else select “trace32d”;
Select “Properties” -> “Core File and Symbols”;
Check “File:” and enter the path and name to your VxWorks application;
If the TRACE32 software and Tornado are running on the same host, enter “localhost” in the
“Target Name” field, else enter the name of the host, on which the TRACE32 software runs;
Click OK.

7. Edit your "config.t32" file of the TRACE32 installation: Add between two empty lines the following
entry, if not already there:


©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 4
Startup Sequence

When starting a target server (i.e. starting the backend), some requests to the target are performed to get
information. For this reason it is important to ensure a specific startup sequence.

1. Switch on power on TRACE32 and your target.

2. Start the TRACE32 debugger software.

3. Load your application into the debugger a/o target and start it.

4. Now you can start the target server with the appropriate backend.

5. Try to start Tornado tools (e.g. the Browser) on that target.

Simple Example

The distribution contains a simple example, which is working in the TRACE32 Simulator, i.e. no target is
needed. This example may also serve as an installation verification.

First, follow the backend installation instructions above.

Copy the example from the TRACE32 subdirectory “demo\env\tornado\target\sample” to a working

directory on your hard disk. Configure your TRACE32 to work as Simulator (see the included config.t32 file).
Start the Simulator and “do vxworks”. Start the application by “Go”.

Open Tornado and open the target server configuration dialog. Select the TRACE32 agentless connection.
Select the “Target Server Properties” -> “Core File and Symbols”. Select “File:” and point to the “vxworks” file
of the example. Click “Launch”.

Wait a while and select e.g. “Tools” -> “Shell”.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 5
Working with the TRACE32 Back-end

As already mentioned, the TRACE32 backend has a complete different way of operation as the other back-
ends. While the wdb back-ends generate for each request a call to the target debug agent, the TRACE32
backend does not know any debug agent at all. For example, all memory requests are answered by the
debugger and could be done via the dual port memory, i.e. not affecting the application. So the TRACE32
backend can be used with agentless targets. However, you can leave your debug agent in the target and use
it for a second connection e.g. wdbserial. But be aware, that Tornado can be confused by using two debug
connections on the same target.

Simple memory reads and writes (e.g. "i" in the host resident windsh) can be done, while the application is
running in real time (when memory is mapped internal for dual port access). When using an ICD, for all
memory accesses the target is halted for a short period of time. Service calls or function calls are not
implemented. Debugging with the Tornado Debugger is not supported.

Known Problems and Bugs

• Tornado version 1 is no longer supported.

• Win32: Tornado recognizes the back-end only, if the file name is all in lower characters.

©1989-2019 Lauterbach GmbH

Integration for Tornado I, agentless 6

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