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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

“Our Story.” Pinkerton, Accessed 31 May 2023.

In this page, the Pinkerton Website talks about the rough history of their Agency,

accompanied by a timeline that showcases the important “Good” events in their service

time. The source doesn’t talk about Scandals such as the Homestead riot and other

strike-breaking events, probably because this is Pinkerton’s own website and they are

more or less biased towards themselves.

“Our Approach.” Pinkerton, Accessed 31 May 2023.

This page documents the methods that the Pinkerton Agency currently uses, or used in the

past times. It helps confirm the information that was written by Allan Pinkerton in his

own book “Spies of the Rebellion”. Therefore I didn’t mention this source in the

website, I used it more as a confirmation.

“Pinkerton Launches Monthly Cybersecurity Briefing.” Pinkerton,

room/pinkerton-launches-monthly-cybersecurity-briefing. Accessed 31 May 2023.

This press conference talks about the views of private security when it comes to cyber

space and cyber security. It gives an idea on how private security can evolve in the

future when more and more things in the world are digitalized. I find this source very

interesting, and it contributes to my argument about how Private security has evolved in
the future, and how the Pinkertons are still trying to explore new forms of Private


Pinkerton, William A., and Robert A. Pinkerton. Timothy Webster: Spy of the Rebellion.

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency, 1906.

This Book talks about Pinkerton’s involvement in the American Civil War, and how they

managed to both prevent a plot against the president and deployed spies to aid the

Union soldiers. This book is one of the most useful sources found when making this

project, because many of the things mentioned in this book is directly related towards

the Pinkerton’s pioneering efforts in private security. The book gives strong details and

exact mapping of each operation that was used in the war. The only possible problem

that the book might have, is that it is written by Allan Pinkerton, founder of the

Pinkerton Agency himself, which means there might be bias and avoidance of

information that is against the integrity of the organization. Nonetheless it’s still a very

valuable source.

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency Records, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress,

Washington, D.C.

It’s a finding aid for the Agency Records. The actual archive of documents for the Agency

can only be viewed in an offline appointment in the U.S., or purchased online (no money

sad), so this finding aid provides little to no help. However, it does help with giving an idea

of where to find things, and what operations I should be looking into.

The labor troubles at Homestead, Pa. - Attack of the strikers and their sympathizers on the

surrendered Pinkerton men / drawn by Miss G.A. Davis, from a sketch by C. Upham.

Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Photograph of the end of the Homestead riot. The Homestead Riot was one of the most

important moments in the history of the Pinkerton Agency, as it marks the downfall of the

entire organization, and the position of private security companies in the United States. The

picture is strong evidence for proving that point too, as it shows private security militia men

surrendering to the people around them; Just like how the Pinkertons were denied

involvement in any sort of politics after this because they were considered a threat to the


Humanities, National Endowment for the. “Pittsburg Dispatch. [Volume] (Pittsburg [Pa.])

1880-1923, July 08, 1892, Image 1.” News about Chronicling America RSS, Rook,

O'Neil & Co.,


Newspaper documenting the occurence of the homestead riot. Instead of talking about

the outcome of the homestead riot, this source talks more about the actual event; from why it

happened, to what happened during it, to the end of it. The way the newspaper negatively

represents the Pinkertons show how most people at the time of the riot already have negative

opinions about the organization.

Lincoln, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln papers: Series 1. General Correspondence. 1833 to

1916: William L. Schley to Abraham Lincoln, Saturday,Plot to harm Lincoln in

Baltimore. 1861. Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of

Congress, <>.

A letter for Abraham Lincoln that was a warning: Somebody wants Lincoln dead on his

way to Baltimore. The letter serves as an evidence that the assasination plot actually

existed, because this event has little documentation. Without proof of the event existing,

the Pinkerton escorts in Baltimore would sound unreal because that is barely

documented as well. Except thats all the source does, it confirms the existence of an

event, and leads into the next topic.

5 USC 3108: Employment of Detective Agencies; Restrictions,


This source leads to the official documentation of the law that bans the Pinkertons and any

other private security members from participating in any sort of political activity.

Basically, saying that Private Security men have less rights than normal citizens

because they are now considered as a type of threat. This source shows the outcome of

the Pinkert involvement in the Homestead riot, and how they made the people lose all

trust in them.

Pinkerton, Allan. “The Spy of the Rebellion.” Google Books, Google,



I used multiple chapters of this book, so there are multiple citations. This chapter talks

about the plots against President Abraham Lincoln, and how the President came in

private to hire Agent Kate Warner to escort him. The source is very useful as always

because it gives so much detail and insight into what actually happened during that


Pinkerton, Allan. “The Spy of the Rebellion.” Google Books, Google,



The third source used in this book is the chapter dedicated to talking about how Timothy

Webster was deployed as a Union Spy into the Southern Army. It talks about the plans and

methods used to transport information and turns out the chapter gives a whole spy network

system. Only downside is that the information has the possibility of being a bit inaccurate

because it was told in a first-person perspective.

Kehoe, John, et al. Report of the case of the Commonealth vs. John Kehoe et al., members of

the Ancient order of Hibernians, commonly known as "Molly Maguires": indicted in the

Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for Schuylkill County, Penna., for an aggravated
assault and battery with intent to kill Wm. M. Thomas: with the testimony and arguments

of counsel in full. Pottsville: Miners' journal book

The court session that deemed the organization Molly Maguires guilty of crimes. The source

documents all the criminal records and charges placed on them, and the documentation of

their arrestment which was carried out via a Pinkerton agent. The source is a direct transcript

of the court proceedings, therefore it is very non-biased. The source however only gives

information on the aftermath of the event not too much information on the “During the event”


Palmatary, J. T, et al. Chicago. Chicago, Braunhold & Sonne, 1857. Map. Retrieved from

the Library of Congress, <>.

This map of Chicago shows the basic structure, and helps with me explaining why it

would become a central hub for Western Development, and why the Pinkerton’s would

choose to set up their agency here.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Sanborn Map

Company, 1903. Map. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,


The fire insurance map of Chicago shows the layout of all the purchasable property in

Chicago. The map helps me understand how the Pinkerton Agency can operate inside the city,

and how their locations can help carry out operations that are outside of the City’s bounds.
The late Allan Pinkerton. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,


A portrait of Allan Pinkerton, it helps prove this man’s existence, and serves as a nice big

face for the Pinkerton agency.

“Pinkerton Launches Executive Protection Training Program.” Security Info Watch, 2 Aug.




This website talks about the Pinkerton’s launching new training programs to show them

still being active in Modern times despite being bought out by Securitas A.B. The source

gives evidence of their activity, but that’s about it.

“Pinkerton Launches Executive Protection Training Program.” Security Info Watch, 2 Aug.




I used this website again to get an image of Pinkerton’s current logo.

“10 Things You May Not Know about the Pinkertons.” History.Com, Accessed 1

June 2023.

I used this website to get an image of Pinkerton’s old Logo, looks nice when placed in
the front page to see the evolution of the company.

Antietam, Maryland. Allan Pinkerton and visitors from Washington. Sept. Photograph.

Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

Image of Allan Pinkerton and visitors from Washington shows the strong relationship

between the agency and business partners during the agency’s prime.. Many people with top

hats suggest my point that they were having a good business relationship. However that’s the

only information you can get from this image.

Birthplace of Allan Pinkerton, Muirhead Street and Ruglen Loan, Gorbals, Glasgow,

Scotland. [Between to 1860, Printed Later] Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of

Congress, <>.

This is where Allan Pinkerton was born, and it marks as the beginning of the history of the

Pinkerton Agency, and the life of Allan Pinkerton himself. It’s more or less a landmark

source to start the story of his life.

Gardner, Alexander, photographer. Antietam, Md. Allan Pinkerton, President Lincoln, and

Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand. October 3. Photograph. Retrieved from the Library of

Congress, <>.

The picture of Allan Pinkerton, and President Lincoln standing next to each other, shows the

deep connections between the Pinkerton Agency, and the Government. They were also

hired as bounty hunters by the federal security branches for jobs that are inconvenient

for their men. This image is evidence.

William Allan Pinkerton, -1923, full-length portrait, seated, at desk in office. Photograph.

Retrieved from the Library of Congress, <>.

A picture of the Pinkerton office, shows a bit of insight on how life was in the late 1800s.

Lincoln, Abraham. Abraham Lincoln papers: Series 1. General Correspondence. 1833 to

1916: Allan Pinkerton to Abraham Lincoln, Monday,Sends map. June 2, 1862.

Manuscript/Mixed Material. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,


Collection of papers sent between Abraham Lincoln and Allan Pinkerton. It serves as

deeper evidence that Allan Pinkerton was heavily involved with many of Abraham

Lincoln’s plans, and being close bodyguards.

Pinkerton, Allan. Mississippi Outlaws and the Detectives. [New York, G. W. Carleton &

co.; etc., et, 1879] Image. Retrieved from the Library of Congress,


A book that talks about the crimes and outlaws that the Pinkertons encountered in the

Mississippi area. All the activities that the book documents give insight into how the

operations were carried out in the Mississippi region, since there are barely any other

documentations of their operations besides from their own records.

“Möjligheter. Positivitet. Framsteg.” Securitas.Com, Accessed 7 June


The website for Securitas A.B., which is the company that purchased and integrated the

Pinkerton Agency. Basically, the successor of the Pinkerton Agency, and have a more

globalized approach to working with things. Their existence is evidence on how the

Pinkertons influenced all Private security companies that comes after.

“Our Strategy.” Securitas.Com, Accessed 7

June 2023.

This page talks about their business strategy of Securitas A.B. it shows how they are

influenced by the Pinkertons, and how people who came after them also explored

various other methods of private security

Pinkerton, Allan. “The Spy of the Rebellion.” Google Books, Google,



A quote from Allan Pinkerton in Page 42, talks about the tense political situations right

after President Lincoln was elected.

“National Road.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Accessed 7 June 2023.

I got an image of the Old National Road from here. The old national road shows the routes of

Western development, and all led to Chicago. This map shows how Chicago became a
major hub for trading and development during the 19th century.

“Business Security in Rugby, Warwickshire: Business Security Solutions: Stonewall

Security.” Stonewall Security Ltd, 16 Nov. 2022,

Another notable example of Private Security in the Modern times. It serves as a contrast from

Securitas A.B. because Stonewall is a more militarized company which offers gunman

protection and many other things.

“Allan Pinkerton Quotes (Author of the Expressman and the Detective).” Goodreads,


%20those%20who%20sin. Accessed 7 June 2023.

I grabbed a quote from Allan Pinkerton here, it sounds nice when in a theme about fighting

against crime, also semi-ironic because of the Union-busting activities that the

Pinkertons were doing later on.

Allan Pinkerton, Accessed 7 June 2023.

A photo of Allan Pinkerton. It is a photo, just to prove that he exists mainly.

Secondary Sources
United States History. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2018.

The Text Book, helps when I want to look for historical background of a certain era, but

it doesn’t go very deep with the Pinkertons or any involvement that they had actually. It’s

still pretty useful, but definitely not the most important.

McGee, Suzanne. “How a Female Pinkerton Detective Helped Save Abraham Lincoln's

Life.”, A&E Television Networks, 11 Feb. 2022,


This article let me learned about the operation to escort President Abraham Lincoln. The

article talks a lot about the agent Kate Warne, and talked a lot about her life. Which is useful

because learning more about the main contributer to the escort is always useful to prove my

point that they are some of the earliest (and best at the time) private security companies who

explored the frontiers.

“National Road.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Accessed 7 June 2023.

This page talks about the development of the Old National Road in America, which was an

important thing in the entire Westward expansion period.

“Pinkerton National Detective Agency.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 19 May 2023,

A brief explanation of the creation, timeline, and notable events of the Pinkerton Agency. A
good early source to do some basic learnings with.

“Allan Pinkerton.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

Pinkerton. Accessed 7 June 2023.

A brief history on the life of Allan Pinkerton. A good early source to learn the basics with.

“English and American Policing in the Late 19th Century.” Encyclopædia Britannica,

century. Accessed 7 June 2023.

A brief explanation on the Police system In Britain, and how it passed over to America. Nice

insight on the history of the Police.

“Early Police in the United States.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Accessed 7 June


The Police system of the U.S in more detail. A nice way to learn information because

otherwise there aren’t that much information on how the Police system used to work.

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