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WEEK 3 Daily Purchases

Date Business Product Cost

22th May Dollar Tree Tiffin box $1.75

22th May Walmart Fish $13.78

22th May Fresh Co Banana $3.28

22th May Walmart Hoodies $55.02

22th May Food Basics Orange $11.8

22th May Vending Machine Energy drink $4.50

22th May Vending Machine Cola $1.00

23th May Tim Hortons French Vanilla 2.69

23th May Vending Machine Pepsi $1.00

24th May Tim Hortons French Vanilla 2.69

24th May Fresh Co Pepsi $2.47

24th May Food Basics Meat $17.8

26th May Food Basics Seafood $7.99

27th May Niagara Falls Weekend trip $85.00

27th May Subway Chicken Ranch $11.00

27th May Subway Pepsi $3.00

27th May Vending Machine Energy drink $4.50


At the end of each week, look for THREE products you seem to “consume” most
regularly or consistently, then think back on that week and analyze:
French Vanilla
The product "French Vanilla" from Tim Hortons was purchased on both 23rd and 24th May.
This indicates a regular consumption pattern. It could imply a preference for this specific
beverage or a habitual visit to Tim Hortons for a morning or afternoon pick-me-up.
Energy drink
The energy drink from the vending machine was purchased on both 22nd and 27th May.
While the frequency is not as high as the French Vanilla, it still appears to be consumed
regularly. It might suggest a need for an energy boost during those specific days or a regular
habit of purchasing energy drinks from vending machines.
Pepsi was purchased from the vending machine on 23rd May and also from Fresh Co on 24th
May. While it may not seem as consistent as the previous two products, it still shows up
twice during the week. This could indicate a preference for Pepsi as a beverage choice or a
common choice when selecting soft drinks.
Why you bought that product over another. Provide DETAILS for each:
French Vanilla
Tim Hortons is known for its coffee and variety of flavoured beverages, so the familiarity and
reputation of the brand might have influenced the decision to purchase the French Vanilla
Energy drink
Energy drinks are often chosen for their caffeine content and stimulating effects, providing an
energy boost and increased alertness.
Choosing Pepsi over other soft drinks could be influenced by personal taste preference, brand
loyalty, or familiarity with the product.
What advantages or disadvantages resulted from purchasing that product over others?
Provide DETAILS for each
French Vanilla
Taste preference: If the individual enjoys the taste of French Vanilla, choosing this beverage
would provide satisfaction and enjoyment.
Cost: Purchasing beverages from cafes or coffee shops like Tim Hortons can be more
expensive compared to making similar drinks at home.

Energy drink
Quick energy boost: Energy drinks are designed to provide a quick burst of energy due to
their caffeine and stimulant content. Choosing an energy drink from a vending machine could
serve as a convenient and fast way to get a boost during a busy day or when feeling tired.
Health risks: Energy drinks typically contain high levels of caffeine, sugar, and other
stimulants. Excessive consumption or reliance on energy drinks can lead to potential health
risks, including increased heart rate, dehydration, or sleep disturbances.
Refreshment: Soft drinks like Pepsi can provide a refreshing and carbonated beverage option,
which is enjoyable for many.
Cost: Purchasing soft drinks from vending machines or grocery stores can be more expensive
compared to other beverage options, such as tap water or homemade alternatives.
Your satisfaction/dissatisfaction with the purchase. Provide DETAILS for each
French Vanilla
I enjoy the taste of French Vanilla and finds it satisfying, they would likely feel satisfied with
the purchase.
Energy drink
I experience negative side effects from consuming energy drinks, such as jitters, crashes, or
disrupted sleep, they might feel dissatisfied.
Cost of purchasing energy drinks from vending machines adds up over time and becomes a
financial burden, they might feel dissatisfied.
I have health concerns or is trying to reduce their sugar or calorie intake, felt dissatisfied with
consuming Pepsi regularly.
Your intent to continue that purchase (or note if you decided to change your purchase
pattern & why). Provide DETAILS for each:
French Vanilla
I consistently enjoys the taste of French Vanilla and finds it satisfying, I will continue to
purchase it regularly.
Energy drink
I experience negative side effects or health concerns associated with energy drinks, so I
decide to reduce or eliminate the consumption.
If the cost of purchasing Pepsi becomes a concern, I choose more affordable or budget-
friendly beverage options.

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