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Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418

Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)


Part E: Practical Assessment
Student Name Arielito Pablo Year/Section BSMT1-blk1 Date: 05-25-23

Document Name FORM E: Practical Assessment 3 (PA3)

Document No. COLREGS – PA3
Course Code COLREGS
Course Descriptive Title COLLISION REGULATIONS
STCW Complied Yes
Competence/s Yes
KUP/s Yes
CO1: Demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the content , application and
intent of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 as amended.
CO/s Statement
CO2: Analyse the application of COLREGS, 1972, as amended for collision avoidance in case

LO: Draw and demonstrate a Bell, Gong, Ships Whistle / other signaling apparatus having the
LO/s Statement
same respective sound characteristics.

Category of Skill Learning

Critical thinking, creative thinking, communicating, and collaborating.
To be assessed
Title of the Activity Introduction to Navigation
Safety Briefing 1. Explain the plan for the exercise.
In this activity, each student will be required to write an essay that will Draw and demonstrate
a Bell, Gong, Ships Whistle / other signaling apparatus having the same respective sound
characteristics..The task is written below. The students are required to answer this task which
will be evaluated using rubric.
Task: (Question)
Draw and demonstrate a Bell, Gong, Ships Whistle / other signaling apparatus having the
same respective sound characteristics.

Using a classroom setting, the student will be given the questionnaire (Form E – COLREG -
PA3) and after the briefing activity. The student will be given 0.10 Hour (10 minutes) to
Initial Condition of the Activity
answer the given question. After that, their answer will be evaluated / assessed using the
rubric. It will be followed by debriefing activity.
Allocation of Time/Duration (0.10 Hour (10 min.)
Resources Required Assessment form, pencil or ball pen, and paper
Briefing on the Activity 1. Explain the plan for the exercise.
1. A student must meet Performance Criteria to consider “COMPETENT” otherwise “NOT
YET COMPETENT” is recorded and subject to RESIT.
2. The result shall be solely dependent on the performance of the student and assessor will
only measure the performance objectively by the use of the score plan or assessment
instrument. The student may FAILED whenever the assessment is (ACCORDING TO
competently. Students who failed will undergo RESIT which is scheduled as per quality
standards of the institution.
Procedure of the Activity
3. Students who failed will undergo RESIT which is scheduled accordingly. A student, who
fails in the same competence 3 times, shall not be allowed to take RESITS. The student is
then considered as “NOT YET COMPETENT” and is required to enroll the course again.
4. The performance assessment of the student will be computed either manually or by the
simulation system in automatic scoring in an examination and assessment training
system and a final rating shall be tabulated after the completion of the simulation
assessment and printed by the assessor to be presented during debriefing to the
The assessment will be stopped when any of the following incidents occurred:
1. Student behaves beyond the proper decorum.
Condition/s for Stopping the
2. Student poses potential danger to the assessment procedures.
3. Exceeded time allotment required in the assessment plan; and unable to complete all the
criteria assigned.
COLREG – Collision Regulation - Course Package
Part EPractical Assessment 3 (PA 3) P a g e |1
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)

This is the rubric that will be used to assess the answer of the students in this activity.

Learning LO: Draw and demonstrate a Bell, Gong, Ships Whistle / other signaling
Outcomes apparatus having the same respective sound characteristics.
Criteria /
5 4 3 2 1 SCORE
The idea is The idea
Most of the The answer
not well- has no clear
The answer ideas are contains
defined and sense of
Ideas is clear and focused and ideas which
has too purpose or
focused. has some are basic
many central
good details. and general.
topics. theme.
The writing
The order The lacks a clear
structure of Most of the The sentences sense of
information ideas organization within the direction.
Organization is presented is good with paragraph There
compelling are little make sense is no
Assessment Guide and Rubrics and is well organized. confusion. but are not identifiable
organized. in order. internal
A number of A number of
So many
spelling, spelling,
Virtually no Few punctuation, punctuation,
spelling, spellings, and and
Sentence punctuation, punctuations, grammatical grammatical
Structure or and minor errors are errors are
errors that
grammatical grammatical present but present that
error. error. does not already
with the
really affect affect the
the thought. thought.
TOTAL SCORE (TS1) = Score/15
Check the appropriate box:
Passing score is 50% TOTAL RATING

Ensure that the following are carried out:

1. State to the candidate the purpose of the debriefing exercise.
2. State whether the objective was achieved during the practical assessment.
3. Provide the result of their action and performance using the printout/checklist provided.
4. Encourage them to try again and give good hope of success if they fail and require them to
repeat the assessment.
5. Always be open to any remark from the candidates and take note of their comments
regarding the practical assessment.
At the end of the exercise the students must be able to Explain the Outline requirements of
Lesson Learned
the course?
Realization of Outcome All actions executed by the students are in accordance with the recommendation prescribed
in the applicable sections of Table A-II/1 (Specification of minimum standard of competence
for masters and chief officer on ships 500 gross tonnage or more) of the STCW ‘Code 2010
Manila Amendments.

Arielito Pablo
(Signature of Student over Printed Name) (Signature of the Assessor over Printed Name)

COLREG – Collision Regulation - Course Package

Part EPractical Assessment 3 (PA 3) P a g e |2
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)

Coa 2
Analyse the application of COLREGS, 1972, as amended for collision avoidance in case study.

COLREG – Collision Regulation - Course Package

Part EPractical Assessment 3 (PA 3) P a g e |3
Old Nalsian Road, Nalsian, Calasiao, Pangasinan, Philippines 2418
Tel. No. (075)522-8032/Fax No. (075)523-0894/Website:
ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED, Member: Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), Philippine Association of Maritime Institutions (PAMI)

COLREG – Collision Regulation - Course Package

Part EPractical Assessment 3 (PA 3) P a g e |4

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