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Why you?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Other
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Character: Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Oliver
Wood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-11-26 Words: 1,130 Chapters: 3/?

Why you?
by Lilith464


The rights for the characters and places belongs to J.K. Rowling except my OC's.

Just a normal girl. That's all what Kayla wants to be in Hogwarts. But when she meets
Draco Malfoy at the platform nine and three quarters nothing gonna be normal. Crushes,
Quidditch, big secrets and the crown of Slytherin doesn't make it better.

Then she wakes up...

Starting at the 22nd May 2022


"So...sorry." an eleven year old girl stammers, when she runs into a boy. His cold blue eyes stare at

"What?" she asks him.

"It was my fault." the boy answers and looks down.

"But I didn't see you. So it was my fault and not yours." the girl explains.

"But-" the boy begins, however the girl lifts her hand to make him silent.

"How old are you?" she asks him after he stares at her again.

"I am eleven." he says. Then he looks around.

"What are you doing?" the girl wants to know.

"I am looking for my friends." he tells her and then he freezes at his position.

"Everything okay?" she asks him worried.

"Yes, everything is okay. Do you wanna come with me?" he counters.

"Sure, why not?" the girl smiles and follows him to his friends.

"Who is that?" one of the boys asks him sceptically.

"A girl, just a girl." he answers and takes her hand to save her for his friends. Her cheeks turn
slightly red.

"Only a girl?" the boy next to him asks and all of them stare at her like he did before. The girl feels
uncomfortable. It only took one boy she ran into and she was the person of the day? No, she doesn't
want to be this person. She thinks. She just wants to be a normal student in a normal school and
nothing more.
Chapter 1: The Hogwarts Express

"Who are you? I mean... what is your name?" Blaise Zabini asks. He was the first, who raises his
"Kayla. My name is Kayla." I say to the boys at the cabine.
"Only Kayla?"
Everybody is looking to Theodore Nott. He isn't a boy, who said something loudly. No one asks
him things, because he does not answer. Now he asks me something. It seems like he finds me
interesting, but I don't know what I should answer. I don't have a family... I am an orphan.
"Kayla, yes. I have a second name, if you want to know." I tell him and skipping the real question
behind this. With a smirk his eyes look to the window. Adrian, a boy next to him, who was reading
a book since the beginning of the conversation, looks me directly in the eyes. I tilted my head
"You are fascinating... I think I call you Miss Mystery." He says and I look down to my feets. He is
charming. I judge. And so directly. I think. I like him.
"What did you read?" I ask him.
"Just something about botany." He answers.

Then two girls interrupt the conversation by opening the cabine door and ask, if the seat next to me
and next to Blaise is available. With a nod we agree, then they sit down. Everybody is silent.
Nobody wants to talk.
"I am Daphne and you?" with these words the girl next to Blaise breaks the silence.
"Blaise Zabini." He says to her. That's how they got into the loooong conversation. Boring. I think.
Then I look to Theodore, which is feeling the same way. A look between us passed and we
immediately know, what the other felt. Suddenly Draco puts an arm around me. After that I lean
against him and try to sleep. It makes Theodore crazy. I am too bored to have a conversation with
him. After a while I fell into a dreamless sleep.
Chapter 2: Hogwarts

A little bit later I wake up. The sound of the railway whistle was too loud for me to sleep.

"We are at Hogwarts." I hear Draco say. I open my eyes and look around. During the whole
journey Theodore looked at me. Then he stands up and gives me his hand. Confused I take it and
go with him outside. Is this his protective instinct? I didn't have time to overthink our hands.

"Did you know that Harry Potter will be in our year?" he asks me, making me feel shocked.

"Are you all right?" he wants to know immediately.

"Yes, I am okay. You just scared me. I didn't know that you wanted to talk to me." I tell him the

"Sorry..." he apologises.

"Don't apologise for that." I tell him and press briefly his hand tighter. With a little smile on his lips
he goes with me to the big half-giant called Rubeus Hagrid. Then we follow him to the boats,
which bring us to the other side of the Black Sea.

Together we go into one boat and drive through the sea.

"Which house is your favourite?" Adrian asks, who sits behind me and Theodore.

"Every house has it's own charm. But I think Slytherin is the best for me. The students there are
ambitious and kind. It suits me better than the others." I answer. Five seconds later I look up to the
grand castle, which took my breath away.

"Wow..." I whisper to myself. By a jerk of the boat we got out and go with the half-giant upstairs
to Hogwarts.

At a big entrance gate he leaves us alone with the other students. While Draco talks with the boy
who lived aka Harry Potter, I look at the nervous Theodore and the same nervous Adrian. Blaise
isn't that nervous. He just speaks with a blonde girl about the great hall.

"Everything is gonna be all right." I say to them.

Then we follow Professor McGonagall to the great hall, where we should put on an old hat, which
say us our Hogwarts House. A little bit nervous like Theodore and Adrian before, I wait with the
other students downstairs for hear my name. When Draco is going to Slytherin like Theodore,
Adrian, Daphne, the other girl, who sat next to me at the Hogwarts Express and Pansy Parkinson, I
hear my name with a last name before my real name was speak out. „Riddle, Kayla!" Professor
McGonagall read out the list name. A long time ago this was my name. Since ten years I do not
hear my last name. Right now I've heard it again. With fear I go upstairs and let me put on the old
hat from Professor McGonagall.

"A Riddle? That's crazy... do you know your father?" he asks me directly, when the hat touched
my hair and I shook my head.
"Hmm... you are a big mystery... I see... and you have ambitious... I think you are a-
SLYTHERIN!!!" the last word the old hat screams. After that I go to the table where the students
applaud for me and sit next to Theodore. But when I sit next to him, everybody from the cabine
stare at me. Have I did something wrong? I ask myself, but find not an answer. Why they are
starring at me again?

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