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Submitted by: Angelique M.

Comia Statistical Evidence

Submitted to: Ma’am Celeste A. Cortez Testimonial Evidence
Section: 9-Narra Anecdotal Evidence
Analogical Evidence

“What is the greatest invention

of all time?”

Humphry Davy first invented the electric light in 1802. He also invented the
electric battery which he later used with electricity and it created the "Electric Light".
What is an Electric light? An electric light is an electrical component that produces
light. Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that allows people to see and make
objects be seen in the dark. It has been used by many people till now. Electric light is
highly useful in today's generation, it is also much safer than kerosene lamps that are
used before. During the development of electric power in the early 19th century, the
only light used is arc lighting, arc lighting is a brilliant light emitted by the electric
spark of two electrodes. In 1858, Michael Faraday—a physicist and chemist— devised
the first steamed-power electric generator to operate a large carbon-arc lamp for the
South Foreland Lighthouse.

There are three main types of electric light: Incandescent lamps, Gas-Discharged
lamps, and LED lamps.

Incandescent lamps/incandescent bulbs or incandescent light globes in an electric

light with a wire filament. The filament is heated white-hot by an electric current and
creates a shiny light. The filament is enclosed with a glass bulb using a vacuum or
inert gas to protect the filament from oxidation. Incandescent lights have less lifetime
compared to the two other types of electric light, LED and Gas-discharged lights.
Various governments for example, US President Joe Biden decided to phase out the
old-fashioned incandescent bulbs in order to reduce the utility bills and to conserve
more energy. The share of United States homes using mostly compact fluorescent
(CFL) bulbs as their indoor lighting fell from 32% in 2015 to 12% in 2020 and
households that are using incandescent bulbs or halogen bulbs for most of their
indoor lighting fell from 31% of the total in 2015 to 15% in 2020. In 2010, the
Philippines also decided to phase out incandescent bulbs to help cut greenhouse gas
emissions and household costs.

Gas-discharged lamps generate light by sending an electric discharge through an

ionized gas, a plasma. It is also called a family of artificial light as it is very handy and
much more efficient to use than Incandescent lamps, moreover, it is also very hard to
manufacture and most Gas-discharged lamps exhibit negative resistance Therefore,
gas-discharged lamps usually require a piece of auxiliary electronic equipment like
ballast—a device placed in series with a load to control the amount of current in an
electrical circuit— to control the current flow of the gas, preventing accidents.

LED lamps, bulbs, or LED lights are electric light that produces light with light-
emitting diodes (LEDs). LED lights are the most used; every household has this as
their light source to brighten their homes. LED lights are also more energy-efficient
and have a lifespan longer than Incandescent lamps, LED lights are up to 80% more
efficient than fluorescent and incandescent lights. And it is also significantly brighter
than fluorescent lamps— it produces an ultraviolet light by a glow discharge between
two electrodes in a low-pressure tube of mercury vapor that makes visible light. The
first low-powered LED light was back created way back in the 1960s, it only produced
low and red frequencies of the spectrum. The first high-brightness LED light was
demonstrated in 1994 by Shuji Nakamura of Nichia Corporation. He introduced the
high-efficient blue LED lights, which were later developed into 'White LED' lights, now
the light we are using everywhere.

Today the electric light we are using mostly inside our homes is the LEDs, as it
emits very little heat making them much safer than any bulbs like incandescent bulbs
which release their 90% of energy as heat, and compact fluorescent (CFLs) which
release 80% of their energy as heat making them to most likely to start a hazard inside
your homes. LED lighting provides many environmental advantages, examples of these
advantages are: being energy efficient and producing 0 toxic elements—LED lights do
not contain mercury or UV emission, and because of that it has a very low
environmental impact—, requiring fewer light fixtures, and having a longer life span,
The longer the lifespan the less we have to manufacture or make lights.

To add more, there are also rechargeable LED lights that you can use when the
power is unavailable for a moment at night. There are also LED lights that use
batteries which are also very useful and effective to save electricity and use when
there's an unavailability of electricity.

Electric Light, for me, is the biggest invention that has ever been made because
without any light source, we can only see dark and it might cause trouble for us
people. A brighter and more impressive space will be formed by distributing light
within an area. It helps people to work when the sun is down not troubling people that
need to work day to night. It is also highly helpful to people to drive or travel at night
allowing them to drive or travel safely. It has also helped people in their nightlife.

The electric light has so much to help not only people, but also helps the
environment, this proves that it is one of the biggest inventions that is ever made
throughout the years, and it is also one of the most helpful inventions to the world. My
family and I have been using electric lights in our home for years now, I can tell that it
is very helpful, I use electric lights when I am working on my homework and projects,
and it helps to get better videos when I am filming my video performance task that is
needed for school. As an artist, it is also very helpful for me to see and create more
To sum it all up, we cannot live without electric lights or any form of lights, it has
been very useful and helpful to us, and without lights, we won't be able to do
everything and we wouldn't make it till to this day.

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