TedTalk Depression

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Just stop what you are doing and listen to me first, depression? Have you ever heard of it?
10 letters that hold the biggest fear and most terrifying trauma that a person can experience. My
name is Micah Fortin, and this is my story to talk about, TedTalk.
When I was in grade school, I felt a very heavy feeling in my heart. It’s like there is a
funeral inside me that is bursting with emotion and it’s killing me, and it made me think, why am
I like this? Why am I sad? Well, I don’t even know, my mind is blank from all the emotions and
things, it’s like there’s a sound that keeps hunting me, my trauma is coming back to me.
And the moment I open my eyes I am hoping that someone will be there for me, but no
one was ever there beside me. All I see is a room that is empty, full of darkness, and full of
horrible past experiences that keeps haunting me. I wanted to scream, I wanted someone to
understand me. But then again, I don’t want any of them to see my weakness.
In 2020, I had a series of losses, my cat died, my best friend died, and my lover broke up
with me. Stress comes to me; I gained so much weight and have been diagnosed with diseased
bulimia, an eating disorder. You thought that was only my problem? Then you’re wrong! My
Grandmother hates me to the point she makes issues that I wasn’t respecting her, my relatives
spoke badly to me because of that. I even read their message on public transport while crying and
people are looking at me like I was an idiot pitiful girl. Do you think I am the only one
experiencing this kind of feeling? Then you are wrong!
Depression is not a light matter, in fact, 7 out of 10 people experience depression. My
dear audience, Depression is one of the most common types of mental health conditions and
often develops alongside anxiety. Depression can be mild and short-lived or severe and long-
lasting. Some people are affected by depression only once, while others may experience it
multiple times. Depression can lead to suicide, and this is no joke! I have thought many times to
kill myself because of my stress, problems, and many shortcomings in my life.
I was taken to a psychiatrist by my family, it seems that time they slowly seeing some
changes in me. And back then, I found myself losing interest in almost everything. I didn't even
want to do any of the things I had previously wanted to do, and I didn't know why. 
The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality. And it was vitality that seemed
to seep away from me at that moment. Everything there was to do seemed like too much work. 
There was a time in the past that I would come home and see my phone vibrating, and
instead of being thrilled to hear from my friends, I would think, "What a lot of people that I have
to call back." Or I would decide I should have lunch, and then things will come to my brain that
I'd have to get the food out and put it on a plate and cut it up and chew it with my mouth and
swallow it, and it felt to me like the Stations of the Cross, and after thinking that I am exhausted.
I am drained of everything! And I am suffering, and no one was there for me, All I have
is my shredded self that is full of scars, but I manage to survive with the help of self-love. And
here I am Standing in front of you all and trying to say Finally! I survived this cruel world.
Experiencing these events led me to who I am, A strong girl who is not afraid to be alone
once again. I stand here to give you advice that you don’t have to be afraid to face your fear.
Because that is who you are, and that is how you managed to survive. And you are the hero that
survives your own circumstances. And here's a tip for me, don’t be strong, because being strong
kills you. Hence, you should stand up for your fears and face them with the opposite feeling, if
you're angry, then think about stuff that calms you. Katy Perry’s music says What doesn't kill you
makes you stronger, Stand a little taller. Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone. And as usual
don't forget to 'Love yourself' because who will love you, if you yourself don't even love your
flaws, how can someone treat you like you want?
And throughout my journey, I think that while I hated being depressed and would hate to
be depressed again, I've found a way to love my depression. I love it because it has forced me to
find and cling to joy. And that gives me confidence every day and become the optimist person
that a person may know. Be the hero that will save you in your darkest time. How about you,
would you mind sharing your story in TedTalk, let me know your answer in the comment box.

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