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Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Students in Marian Learning Center and

Science High School

A Research Study

High School Department


Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement

for Practical Research








December 2022
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City







approved and accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirement in Practical Research 2.


Research Adviser

Date: ________________


Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to the people on the following list

for their help, kind support, and encouragement in making this research possible. Their

contributions have been acknowledged and valued.

To our Almighty God, for His guidance, strength and power of mind. He

bestowed upon us, for the protection and skills He provided in order for us to complete

this paper, and for His daily blessings and guidance;

To Ms. Carren Dahab, our Practical Research adviser, for all the hours she

spent advising, reading, supporting, and, most importantly, being patient with us

throughout the process; without her, we would have been making errors throughout our

entire research paper.

To our school, Marian Learning Center and Science High School Inc., for

allowing us to conduct the research and providing any assistance requested;

To the SHS students, our respondents who share their experiences and

knowledge about our research topic;

Finally, our heartfelt gratitude goes out to our family, who have been there to

support, assist and inspire us along this journey.





Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


This research entitled “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation to the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students of Marian Learning Center and Science

High School Inc.” is devoted to the people and institutions involved in the creation of this

research study.

To the Almighty God, who has endowed us with the capability and wisdom to

serve as His messengers. He has been our source of strength during the entire road,

and we have only been able to soar on His wings, therefore none of this would be

possible without Him.

To Ms. Carren B. Dahab, our research adviser, who stepped in whenever we

needed her and was the driving force and source of positive energy throughout the


To Sir Ronnie B. Ilagan, our highschool principal and Sir Mark Allan M. Adalia,

our class adviser, for they have advised, corrected, encouraged, and motivated us

which has increased the researchers’ enthusiasm to complete the study.

To our families, who gave us the moral lift we needed and provided the best

advice for finishing the paper. They consistently offer their spiritual, emotional, and

financial support; they have served as our source of inspiration and provided us with

courage when we felt like giving up.

To the students, who have suffered from sleep deprivation and experience

problems during their sleep. They never hesitate to help us, to finish this research.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

More than that we dedicated this study to the future researchers as a stepping

stone for their analysis and create a much more successful study and resolve the

problems we couldn’t concur today.





Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


This study entitled “The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students of Marian Learning Center and Science

High School Inc.” aims to find out the effects of sleep deprivation on the Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students. We investigate whether the responses

impacted a student's memorizing abilities, cognitive health, academic performance, and

emotional health. Moreover, factors such as sleep hygiene, psychological problems,

environmental factors, and school obligations were examined and gained through a

survey questionnaire. According to the findings, the variables and effects of sleep

deprivation all obtained an evident answer from the students. As a result, the data

revealed that students are sleep deprived, which has a negative impact on their abilities.

Keywords : Sleep Deprivation, Academic Performance, Sleep Hygiene

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


Title Page

TITLE PAGE …………………………………………………………………………....i

APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………………...ii




TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………………vii



Background of the Study……………………………………….…1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………4

Research Hypothesis……………………………………………...5

Significance of the Study……………………………………….…5

Scope and Limitations of the Study……………………………...7

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………7

Definition of Terms……………………………………………...…9


Conceptual Literature……………………………………………..10

Research Literature………………………………………………..21

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


Research Design…………………………………………………..33

Respondents of the Study………………………………………...33

Data Gathering Instruments………………………………………34

Scoring Responses………………………………………………..35

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………………..36

Statistical Treatment of Data……………………………………..37

Interpretation of Qualitative Instrument………………………….37








CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………..………….

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City




The arrival of COVID-19 in the Philippines resulted in a slew of changes in the

life of the Filipinos. It had an impact on the country's education system, allowing for

the introduction of online classes. As the students settled into a remote class routine,

more and more students started to complain of fatigue. During this time in which

students can’t rely on a set schedule such as waking up for school, teens are more

likely to get less sleep than the recommended 10 hours. Students who took part in

distance learning had the freedom to do whatever they wanted without having to be

reminded to complete their assignments. As a result, when it comes to sleeping

habits, teenagers are more flexible. To stay on track, most teenagers relied on the

routine of getting up early to go to school.

Sleep is an essential function that allows the body and mind to recharge,

leaving an individual refreshed and alert when wake up. Healthy sleep also helps the

body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot

function properly. This can impair an individual's ability to concentrate, think clearly,

and process memories. According to the energy conservation theory, sleep is

necessary for energy conservation. Sleep can either accumulate information into

existing memory networks, look for common patterns and decipher overall rules, or

simply strengthen and stabilize the memory as it was originally learned, depending

on the situation. Sleep, according to recent research, helps in the interpretation of

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

gist information, as well as the unification of different memories, the discovery of

hidden solutions, and the ability to connect ideas and concepts that aren't directly


It is recommended that adults of all ages sleep for seven to nine hours every

night. Unfortunately, sleep is not prioritized in society, and high school students are

frequently forced to sacrifice it. Recent research from Stanford Medicine has shown

that the majority of young adults sleep for less than the recommended amount of

time. Furthermore, multiple studies have shown that present day high school

students do not receive an optimal amount of sleep. Instead of trying to sleep

through the night, many of them take pills to help them stay awake. Teenagers are

put under a lot of pressure, which prevents them from getting the rest they need that

results in sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation occurs when a person is not able to

get enough sleep. Often, high school students stay up until the wee hours to study.

Academic requirements are frequently pushed to the back burner by extracurricular

activities like school clubs, sports practices, music rehearsals, or work.

According to Nanci Yuan MD, a director of the Stanford Children’s Health

Sleep Center, while studies show that both adults and teens in industrialized nations

are becoming more sleep deprived, the problem is most acute among teens. The

reality is that many students are overworked. It is difficult for many students to

balance a full schedule with the need to make time for socializing and other activities.

When it comes to tests, many students cram and pull a "all-nighter," staying up until

the wee hours. In the long run, sleep deprivation has a negative impact on test-
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

taking skills such as memory recall and concentration, which are both important for


Moreover, according to the National Sleep Foundation Poll (2006), students

can properly solve problems if they get enough sleep. Students who do not get the

recommended 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night are less likely to succeed

academically. Students have a hard time remembering information, managing their

emotions, and staying focused. Students' test scores, as well as their grades on

class projects and papers, can be seriously impacted by these effects. Furthermore,

sleep deprivation can lead to a variety of health problems. According to Morgan

Persky (2018), a teenager's fragile body is put under too much stress by early school

start times. To endure long hours full of homework and studying, rather than sleep,

sleep deprivation increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Tired students may reach for foods high in sugar or caffeine, hoping for a temporary

boost. Students who are sleep deprived are more likely to have a variety of negative

consequences, such as poor grades, drowsy driving, anxiety, depression, suicidal

thoughts, and even suicide attempts. It's a problem that doesn't have any economic


The researchers had also gained experience of getting sleep deprived due to

various reasons. One of them experienced fatigue and having slight memory

problems due to him/her continuously staying awake at night. Though the other

researchers said that it’s because of the academic activities, the other ones said that

they tend to play games at night and ended up doing it all night. Because of that,
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

these series of actions lead to them having sleep deprivation. They become moody

and tend to get irritated easily while some of them lose a lot of focus when classes

start and always feel sleepy. Their body gets tired easily and this also resulted in

them having eye bags and pimples.

It is along this light that the researchers aim to identify the effects of sleep

deprivation to the academic performance of Senior High School Students. This study

sought to evaluate the factors of sleep deprivation in order to identify how it

influences the effect of sleep deprivation on Senior High School Students. Moreover,

this study would like to distinguish the effects of sleep deprivation and its impact on

the academic performance of Senior High School Students through surveys and

data analysis.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to find out the effects of sleep deprivation and how it

influences the academic performance of the Senior High School Students.

It sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors that alter the effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High

School students in terms of:

1.1 Sleep hygiene

1.2 Psychological problems

1.3 Environmental factors

1.4 School obligations

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

2. What are the effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High school students in terms


2.1 Memorization skills

2.2 Cognitive Health

2.3 Academic Performance

2.4 Emotional health

3. Is there any significant difference between the factors of sleep deprivation and its

effects on Senior High School Students?

4. What kind of activities/projects may be proposed in order to provide a solution to

the effects of sleep deprivation on the academic performance of Senior High school


Research Hypothesis

The researchers hypothesized that there is no significant difference between

the factors of sleep deprivation and its effects on Senior High School Students.

Significance of the Study

This research, “Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of

Senior High School Students of Marian Learning Center and Science High School” is

made for the people who experienced the effects of sleep deprivation. This study

give some significance to the following:

Students. Students can benefit from this study by learning about the effects

of sleep deprivation on the body as well as how it affects memory. Their

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

understanding of how some of their daily habits can lead to sleep deprivation will be

aided by this study.

Teachers. This research study will inform teachers about what is going on

with their students due to the fact that the majority of the reasons for students’ sleep

deprivation were due to academic activities. Not only will the students, but also the

teachers, be educated on the effects of sleep deprivation, which will also benefit


Parents. With this research study, families will be more aware of what is

going on with their children. They will also be educated about sleep deprivation, and

as a result, they will be able to keep a close eye on their children to ensure that they

do not become sleep deprived.

Researchers. This research will also help the current researchers to

understand the effects of sleep deprivation as it can be also related to them. The

researchers will know the possible outcomes that will result in having feasible

solutions for the problem.

Future Researchers. The findings of this research will be helpful for the

future researchers as they will obtain new information and investigate new

conclusions as long as it is related with the current topic.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Scope and Limitations

This research study focused on finding out the effects of sleep deprivation on

the academic performance of Senior High School students. This study identified the

effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High School students following their

memorization skills, cognitive health, academic performance and emotional health.

In addition, it also distinguished the origins of sleep deprivation in terms of sleep

hygiene, psychological problems, environmental factors and school obligations. This

investigation solely focused on the 43 Senior High School students of Marian

Learning Center and Science High School. Lastly, the researchers were determined

to have an online survey for the senior high school students in order to distinguish

the effects of sleep deprivation.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study about the effects of

sleep deprivation on the academic performance of senior high school students of

MLCSHSI. The input includes the factors that alter the effects of sleep deprivation

and the possible effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High School students. It also

included the significant difference of the factors of sleep deprivation and its effects

on the students. The process of this research includes the gathering of data through

surveys, statistical treatment of data, evaluating the results and the formulation of

conclusions and recommendations. Based on the gathered data, the output of the

research will be a proposed strategy that will be created in order to provide a

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

solution to the effects of sleep deprivation and its implication to the memory of

Senior High Schools students.


Factors that alter the

effects of sleep
deprivation in terms of: Gathering Data Through
Sleep Hygiene
Psychological Problems Statistical Treatment of Proposed strategy in
Environmental Factors order to provide a
solution to the effects of
School Obligations slee deprivation to the
Evaluating the Results academic performance of
Effects of Sleep through Interpretation of Senior high school
Deprivation in terms of: Data

Memorization Skills Formulating Conclusions

Cognitive Health and Recommendations
Academic Performance
Emotional Health

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the study: Effects of Sleep Deprivation to the

Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of MLCSHSI

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Definition of Terms

The following terms are described for a better understanding of the language

used in the study.

Cognitive Health. This is the ability to clearly think, learn and remember. This

includes the alertness and concentration of a person which can affect your ability to

perform tasks that require logical reasoning and complex thought.

Emotional Health. The control of your emotions, thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Emotional health can be affected by sleep deprivation by being so moody, and

irritating about everything. This increases the negative moods such as anger,

frustration, and sadness.

Environmental Factors. Environmental factors are a factor that can cause sleep

deprivation. This includes how hot or cold the room is, the outdoor or indoor noises,

and the situation of the bed including how soft or how hard it is.

Psychological Problems. This includes depression and anxiety, both of which can

contribute to students' inability to sleep.

Sleep Deprivation. It is a general term that describes a person who is not getting

enough sleep, including voluntary or involuntary sleeplessness. (Better Health


Sleep Hygiene. These are the habits of a person that will help to have a good

night’s sleep. This is a factor of sleep deprivation in which a person can properly

manage in order to avoid sleep deprivation.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



This chapter presents the conceptual and related literature after the thorough

and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also include the synthesis

where all the previous studies are summarized and combined.

Conceptual Literature

Sleep Deprivation

According to Harvard, School of Public Health, sleep is just as important as

water and food in meeting a person’s daily needs. Despite the fact that people might

believe that sleep is only for resting their tired bodies, their brains are constantly

working throughout the night. Sleep plays a critical role in the brain as well as

physical functioning. Insufficient sleep deprivation can occur when a person does not

get enough rest. It varies by person, but the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC) recommended that most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep

per night on average to feel alert and well rested in the morning and evening.

Depending on their age, teenagers require an average of nine hours of sleep per

night, while children require nine or more hours of sleep per night. Data from the

2015 National and State Youth Risk Behavior Surveys were examined by the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). On a regular basis, they were

asked how much sleep they received on school nights. Students between the ages

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

of 6 and 12 who reported sleeping less than 9 hours per night were considered to be

sleeping insufficiently as well as those teenagers who were reported sleeping less

than 8 hours at night.

Likewise, according to Weisse (2021), with the addition of online classes,

online quizzes can be started at any time of the day or night. These changes had a

variety of effects on their habits, which may have a negative impact on their sleep.

Sleep patterns have changed; all-nighters and naps are more common than they

were a year ago. In addition, students report that they are getting less sleep in

general. With all of the changes that have occurred during quarantine, students are

gradually acclimating to their new lifestyle. In addition, according to Barrera (2020),

students who enrolled in distance learning had the freedom to do as they pleased

without having to be reminded to complete their assignments. As a result, teenagers

are more flexible with their sleeping schedules. The majority of teenagers relied on

the habit of getting up early for school to keep them on track. However, with the

distance learning, and now that the school has become remote, it is no longer

necessary to get up as early as before. Some of the students claim that their

sleeping schedule is inconsistent, with them falling asleep anywhere between 11

p.m. and 1 a.m.

In relation to that, an article from Science Daily from Simon Fraser University

(2021), suggests that students who learn remotely become night owls, but they don't

sleep more so that they don't spend as much time commuting, working, or attending

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

social events. The team led by Professor Ralph Mistlberger, Andrea Smit and

Myriam Juda found that during the summer 2020 session, students who were

learning remotely went to bed an average of 30 minutes later than students who had

not been exposed to the pandemic before the outbreak. Despite having no early

classes and 44 percent fewer work days than previous semesters, they slept less

efficiently, less at night and more during the day, but did not sleep more in general.

In accordance with Phan (2016), she mentioned a healthy lifestyle involving

student’s sleep deprivation. In terms of a healthy lifestyle, the focus remains on

issues like establishing and maintaining a regular sleeping schedule, avoiding

stimulants just before bedtime, and generally limiting activities that stimulate

cognitive and emotional engagement and may interfere with sleep. Avoiding

excessive pressure to perform and achieve is always recommended, as is

authoritative parent caring guidance, support, monitoring, and modeling. Sleep

deprivation is likely to be exacerbated by the numerous pressures and commitments

that teenagers and college students must manage during the school day. School

assignments, schedules, and accountabilities can be extremely demanding for

students, regardless of their motivation or abilities, and can lead to poor

performance. A good night's sleep is a lower priority. Participation in extracurricular

activities can exacerbate the situation. Excessive competitive pressures can do the


Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Moreover, according to Alavynejad (2014), the amount of sleep a person

needs depends on the brain’s nucleus, which determines the amount of sleep

necessary for our brain to function properly. He said that social circumstances also

create changes in our sleep patterns. Natural sleep schedules are typically different

from demanding schedules people have at school and work. “If you are a person

who likes to sleep at midnight and is able to sleep until seven or eight in the morning,

for a total sleep time of seven hours, that may not be allowed by our social

circumstances anymore because of what the school requirements dictate,”

Alavynejad said. He also mentioned that the students that cram for their studies at

night, as opposed to the ones that have been studying on a daily basis, tend to

retain the information that they have learned on a very shorter basis than the

students that have been preparing for the test on a long term basis. Unfortunately,

people mostly have themselves to blame for sleep deprivation. Humans are the only

mammals who willingly delay sleep, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Not

only does sleep deprivation cause problems with our school studies, there are many

health risks for those who are chronically sleep deprived.

As stated by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

NINDS (2014), the most common of the 70 sleep disorders out there include

insomnia, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy. Sleep deprivation

can also lead to mood disorders such as anxiety disorder, depression and bipolar

disorder. Sleep is an important factor to a number of brain functions, including how

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other. In fact, the brain and body stay

remarkably active while you sleep. Recent findings suggest that sleep plays a

housekeeping role that removes toxins in your brain that build up while you are

awake. Moreover, according to Healthcare Channel (2020), insomnia is not the only

sleep disorder associated with depression and anxiety. Sleep apnea is a common

cause of depression, as is hypersomnia. Sleep apnea is characterized by blockage

of the airway and repeated awakenings during the night. Chronic sleep apnea can

result in weight gain, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and memory

problems. Lack of sleep and the resulting physiological stress may predispose

insomnia sufferers to major mood disturbances, making early treatment of sleep

disorders essential, especially in people with a family history of mental health issues.

Moreover, according to Kelly Bilodeaeu (2021), in many cultures, napping in

the afternoon is not only common, but a regular part of daily life. If you are in good

health, these short daytime sleeps can bring benefits: helping you catch up on a late

night, making you feel less cranky, or ensuring you’re well rested if you do a job that

falls outside traditional daytime work hours. They can also keep you safe on the road,

protecting you from drowsy-driving accidents. But the research on napping isn’t all

rosy." There have been some large epidemiology studies that have suggested both

benefits and harms with napping on a population level," she says. It is difficult to

draw conclusions on the individual level. For example, some studies have found that

adults who take long naps during the day may be more likely to have conditions

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

such as diabetes, heart disease, and depression. The urge to sleep during the day

may be a sign that they are not getting enough sleep at night, which is associated

with a higher risk of developing those chronic conditions. Daytime drowsiness may

also be a sign that you are getting low-quality sleep, which may indicate a sleep


In sleep medicine, sleep deprivation is defined based on sleep duration,

which is the total amount of time a person spends asleep. In reality, though, being

well-rested is about more than just how many hours you sleep. As a result, the terms

sleep deficiency or sleep insufficiency are more frequently used to describe factors

that reduce the quantity and or quality of sleep and keep a person from waking up

refreshed. In this way, sleep deficiency has a broader application. For example, a

person who sleeps for a total of eight hours but with many awakenings that fragment

their sleep may have insufficient sleep even though their sleep duration technically

meets the recommended amount. This terminology can be distinct from everyday

conversation in which the term sleep deprivation may be used with a wider meaning

that refers to poor sleep overall and not just total sleep duration. Even in the medical

field, studies may use different technical definitions of sleep deprivation as some

classify it as seven hours of sleep or fewer while others use six hour as the cutoff.

(Suni, 2021)

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Persky (2018) stated that sleep deprivation can lead to several health issues.

A teen's fragile body is put under a lot of stress when school starts early in the

morning. Insufficient sleep raises the risk of diabetes, obesity, and high blood

pressure, as well as other health problems. Mentally, as a result of sleep deprivation,

students may experience clinical depression or anxiety, irritability, or a lack of

motivation in their minds. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of drug and alcohol

abuse, depression, and suicide among teenagers. As a result of school boards' poor

decision to start the school day too early, the rate of addiction increases among

those who are sleep deprived, putting lives and families at risk.

In addition, sleep deprivation can also cause the difficulty of remembering

things as it affects the brain function and memory of a student. Due to the fact that

the brain does not have enough time to create new pathways for the information that

the student just learned, sleep deprivation can have a negative impact on how

memories are consolidated. Learning and focusing difficulties, reduced decision-

making abilities, and poor emotional and behavioral control are all possible cognitive

consequences. (Pacheco, 2020)

Likewise, Kushida, MD, PhD (2017), said that there is data that sleep

deprivation has been linked to learning and memory problems, as well as decreased

vigilance and attention. For adolescents from middle school to college, studies have

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

found that factors such as self-reported shortening of sleep time, erratic sleep/wake

schedules, late bed and rise times, and poor sleep quality are negatively associated

with school performance. Because of this, there is a lot of evidence that insufficient

nighttime sleep can cause brain function problems, which can lead to poor academic

performance. While a few studies have found no evidence of null effects, the

majority of studies on the effects of sleep quality and duration on academic

performance have found that sleep that is longer and better quality is associated

with better academic performance, such as higher grades and more time spent

studying. Moreover, Apstein, MD (2017), says that sleep deprivation affects not only

whether a student can stay awake in class but how they perform as well.

Likewise, according to Neha Pathak, MD (2021), most people who don’t get

enough sleep don’t recognize the toll that it takes on their cognitive and mental

health. Scientists measuring sleepiness have found that sleep deprivation leads to

lower alertness and concentration. It’s more difficult to focus and pay attention, so

you’re more easily confused. This hampers your ability to perform tasks that require

logical reasoning or complex thought. To make it short, sleepiness slows down your

thought processes.

Additionally, according to Carskadon (2015), she stated that in the body there

is an internal circadian timing system by recognizing by what time it is and if it is day

or night. If the message is substantially different everyday, then it will not be able to

set things appropriately in motion. Carskadon continued that in addition to the lack of

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

sleep, adolescent health and well-being can be harmed by this disturbed rhythm.

She quoted saying, “It has a significant impact on memory and learning. It has an

impact on appetite, metabolism, and weight gain, among other things. It affects one's

mood and emotions, which are already at a high level at that age. Taking risks while

driving, taking risks with drugs, and possibly taking risks with sexual activity are all

examples of risk behaviors that are influenced by it. As a result, the more we look

outside, the more we're learning about sleep's fundamental importance.”

Sleep problems have been linked to a higher risk of suicidal thoughts and

suicide, which is the third leading cause of death among 15- to 24-year-olds,

according to research. The link between sleep and suicidal thoughts, according to

some studies, remains strong regardless of whether the teen is depressed or has

drug or alcohol problems. Joshi MD (2015), an associate professor of psychiatry and

behavioral sciences at Stanford supported this idea. He stated, “You can think more

clearly when you're awake if you get enough sleep, and it may make it easier for you

to seek help if something goes wrong. You're able to use your faculties. Your first

thought might be, "I have 16 things to do, but I know where to start." Lack of sleep

makes it difficult to remember what you need to do in the midst of your busy

adolescent years. It takes away the support, the infrastructure.” Joshi added that

many mood disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar disorder, are linked

to sleep deprivation, which is thought to help regulate emotions. Better sleep can act

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

as a buffer and help students who are prone to these disorders avoid a downward


On the other hand, Dr. Rosenberg (2020), addressed the various factors that

contribute to this unexpected cause of sleeplessness and fatigue. People are more

glued to the screens than ever before, with work meetings and classes moving

online. In addition, laptops, tablets, and cell phones have become the primary

means of entertainment and communication. However, spending a lot of time in front

of the screens makes it more difficult for people of all ages to fall asleep and reduces

sleep quality. Electronic devices, according to experts, emit artificial blue light, which

reduces the amount of melatonin produced by the body. Time spent on computers,

phones, and in front of the television disrupts the natural circadian rhythm in this way.

In addition, spending the day indoors and staying up late with the lights on exposes

us to more artificial light. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of other serious health

problems in the long run.

According to Zwarensteyn (2022), lights and the temperature of the room

affects the quality of someone’s sleep. A room that's too warm can affect the quality

of sleep. Temperatures that are too high or low will allow them to fall asleep faster

but may find themselves waking up several times during the night. Zwarensteyn also

added that the air quality and the bed mattress could also affect sleep, it is shown in

the data that the students do not experience this kind of item. The relationship

between the sleep environment and quality of sleep is closely related. To get a

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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

good night's sleep, you need to be in an environment conducive to sleep, which

means having the right sleeping conditions and creating a sleep environment that

is dark, quiet, and cool. Sleeping in an environment that's not conducive to sleep

would lead to low sleep quality. Changing how your sleeping environment looks can

have a big effect on your quality of sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and stay

asleep until the morning.

Moreover, according to the Patient Safety Network (2019), fatigue is the

feeling of tiredness and decreased energy that results from inadequate sleep time or

poor quality of sleep. Fatigue can also result from increased work intensity or long

work hours. Sleep deprivation has long been known to impair various cognitive

functions, including mood, motivation, response time, and initiative. The need for

sleep varies individually. The absolute amount of sleep required per 24 hours is

generally understood to be a minimum of 5 hours. Correspondingly, Dr. Dutta PhD.

(2019) stated that a lack of sleep can be caused by a variety of factors. People who

work longer hours than usual, such as caregivers, rarely get enough sleep, which is

a potential risk factor for sleep deprivation. People who work in shifts or have jobs

that require frequent travel are also at a higher risk. She added that sleep

deprivation can be caused by a variety of factors, including voluntary behavior,

personal obligations, work schedules, and medical issues. A conditioned emotional

response is one of the major causes of chronic sleep deprivation. That is, obsessing

over sleep issues or being concerned about not getting enough sleep. Such

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emotions can have a big impact on normal sleeping habits and make sleep

deprivation last longer.

Moreover, according to a study at the Marche Polytechnic University, the

brain in mice will start to break down a cell called astrocytes, which helps clean out

worn cells. While not always a negative process, if the lack of sleep becomes

chronic, it will make it more difficult for the microglial cells to rid the brain of the

damaged ones. This has shown to increase the risk for neurodegeneration issues,

like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Another study published by the Canadian

Association for Neuroscience recently found an increased risk for Parkinson’s

disease as well. According to the study, 80% of those who have a REM sleep

behavior disorder are connected to having neurodegenerative disorders later in life.

When the REM-active neurons do not “switch on,” it causes synucleinopathies to

develop, which can be an early indicator for Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

Research Literature

This study will teach about the different impacts of sleep deprivation as well

as its effects on the memory of the students. This section contains all of the literature

from the various studies that the researchers used to analyze ideas that were

important in developing the study's critical concept.

The role of sleep quality had a big factor on affecting the effects of sleep

deprivation. For instance, the academic performance and the emotional health of the

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students. A research study about sleep deprivation by Xiaoning Zhang et al. (2021)

aims to explore the influence of sleep disturbances to the sleep quality of the

students in China. There are ninety-nine adolescents ranging from 15-17 years old

who were recruited from two public schools in Baishan City, Jilin Province, China. It

was distributed in an online questionnaire that asked about the demographics of the

adolescent population as well as their screen time habits, academic performance,

level of anxiety, sleep disturbances, and sleep-related impairment. According to the

analyzed data and results of the questionnaire, the study revealed that students who

started school later and finished later had more severe sleep disturbances and

sleep-related impairment. Moreover, adolescents who used a computer at bedtime

were more likely to have a more severe sleep disturbance than those who did not

use a computer at bedtime. Anxiety and academic achievement were higher in

adolescents with more severe sleep disturbances than in those with less severe

sleep disturbances.

The study of Guadiana and Okashima (2021) about the effects of sleep

deprivation on college students aimed to investigate and further research the effects

of sleep deprivation in order to alleviate the problem. It is stated in the problem that

college students are especially vulnerable to poor sleep quality. Academic pressures

add to stressors that affect the body and may contribute to sleep deprivation.

Focusing on nursing students, exams, coursework, projects, and clinical rotations

place tremendous stress on the body. As a student progresses through their

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program, they are exposed to more stressors. In the results of the study, sleep

deprivation resulted in poor psychomotor performance and brain function. Napping

for a short period of time early in the day can help maintain optimal brain function

and combat the effects of sleep deprivation on one's physiological health. In terms of

psychological health, people who are sleepy during the day tend to compensate by

sleeping excessively on weekends. Moreover, unhealthy lifestyle choices can have

an impact on sleep quality and, as a result, reduced academic performance. In terms

of cognitive function, sleep deprivation has been linked to lower academic

performance and an increase in procedural errors. Maintaining a consistent and

adequate sleeping schedule is more important than getting enough sleep the night

before an exam. Sleep deprivation also leads to more procedural errors because

cognition is reduced at night in sleep deprived individuals. Hence, sleep deprivation

has been shown to have a significant impact on brain function, mental health, and

psychomotor abilities.

Moreover, the study of Chiang, Arendt, Zheng, and Hanisch (2014) entitled:

The Effects of Sleep on Academic and Job Performance aimed to see how sleep

influenced academic performance and job performance. A total of 172 students are

enrolled in the undergraduate program and their GPAs were obtained from the

registrar's office after they completed an online questionnaire. The findings matched

delayed sleep phase syndrome, a common sleep disorder among college students.

Additionally, sleep latency and sleep medicine were found to be negatively related to

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

academic performance, while sleep quality was found to be significantly linked to job

performance. Educators and employers can help students with sleeping problems by

understanding the impact of sleep. Educators and employers must understand the

significance of sleep for students' academic success.

A study of Alhola (2017), wherein the sleep deprivation was focused on the

impact on cognitive performance. The ability to cope with sleep deprivation is

influenced by a number of factors, including age and gender. There are also

significant interindividual differences in responses. Apart from coping with sleep

deprivation, recovering from it is also important. Although not well understood,

cognitive recovery processes appear to be more demanding in partial sleep

restriction than in total sleep deprivation. The distinction between total and partial

sleep deprivation is critical when considering the effects of sleep loss. Although both

conditions have a number of negative consequences, including cognitive

impairments, the underlying mechanisms appear to be somewhat different. Existing

research supports the negative effects of both acute total and chronic partial sleep

deprivation on attention and working memory. Total sleep deprivation also affects a

variety of other cognitive functions. A more thorough evaluation of higher cognitive

functions is required in partial sleep deprivation. Furthermore, the effects of sleep

deprivation on some important subpopulations have not been thoroughly compared.

The link between sleep and cognitive function has piqued researchers'

interest for more than a century. Better sleep has been linked to a variety of superior

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

cognitive functions, including better learning and memory, in well-controlled sleep

studies conducted with healthy adults. These effects have been found to extend

beyond the laboratory setting, with self-reported sleep measures from students in

the comfort of their own homes being linked to academic performance. In the study,

it is stated that despite the fact that numerous survey studies have found links

between sleep and cognitive function, quantitative data using objective measures to

directly assess the relationship between sleep and academic performance is still

lacking. Overall, better grades were associated with better sleep quality, duration,

and consistency. However, there was no link between sleep quality and test

performance on the night before a test; instead, sleep duration and quality for the

month and week before a test were linked to higher grades. Sleep variables

explained nearly a quarter of the variation in academic performance. These findings

provide quantitative, objective evidence that better sleep quality, duration, and

consistency are strongly linked to better college academic performance. The

differences between men and women are discussed. (Okano et al., 2019)

The study of Maureen Cort-Blackson (2018) about the effects of sleep

deprivation on Online University student performance stated that it aimed to look at

how online university students felt about their sleep patterns, sleep deprivation, and

how it affected their academic performance. This study's theoretical foundation was

built on the sleep-wake homeostatic process and the circadian rhythm processes

which are the two fundamental processes that individuals must understand in order

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to function at their best. The research question looked into the beliefs and

perceptions of ten online university students, with sub questions focusing on how

distractions, social media, family, and work-related responsibilities influenced their

sleeping patterns. Participants were recruited using purposeful sampling from

current online university students with a full-time job, a family, and family

responsibilities. Participants were recruited using purposeful sampling from current

online university students who had a full-time job, a family, and other responsibilities.

Pattern coding and structural analysis were used to look over the data. The effects

of sleep deprivation, adjustment to daily lives, factors affecting sleep deprivation,

and impressions of online education were the four themes that emerged from the

data analysis. The outcomes were demonstrated that sleep deprivation causes

fatigue, sluggish thinking, and irritability

Besides this, Chraif (2012) highlights the relationship between fatigue and

performance. The study focuses on highlighting the impact of a 24-hour period of the

effects of sleep deprivation on short-term memory and detail-oriented tasks. The

participants were 74 young students, aged between 19 and 24 years old. The

findings provide psychological evidence that supports the hypothesized hypothesis.

It's also worth noting that, in the short term, the subjects who were deprived of sleep

outperformed the control group due to the arousal that the organism triggers as a

defense mechanism. Previous studies on the effects of sleep deprivation on time

reaction and multiple stimuli time reaction highlighted and confirmed that sleep

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

deprivation can have a statistically significant impact on the human operator's ability

to perform multiple actions simultaneously while driving.

Students frequently have erratic sleep schedules, poor sleep hygiene, and

poor sleep quality, all of which can negatively impact their performance and

cognitive abilities. A study of Rose and Ramanan (2018) entitled: Effect of Sleep

Deprivation on the Academic Performance and Cognitive Functions among College

Students aimed to see how sleep deprivation affects academic performance and

cognitive functions in college students. A total of 150 respondents, with a response

rate of 75%, were obtained.Insufficient sleep has hampered the academic

performance of 79 (52.7 percent) students. As a college student, 118 students

(78.7%) said they are sleep deprived. The findings revealed that the majority of

students do not get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Sleep

deprivation had a negative impact on academic performance as well as cognitive

functions such as memory, attention, and concentration. Sleep deprivation can be

effectively addressed by incorporating appropriate health interventions among

college students.

Insufficient sleep, increased short-term sleep, and sleeping late and waking

up early have all been linked to decreased learning capacity, academic performance,

and neurobehavioral functions, according to studies. In this regard, students are

particularly vulnerable to developing sleep disorders, which has a negative impact

on their academic performance across grades 11–13. However, there is no

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

consensus in this case, and not all studies claim that sleep disorders have a

negative impact on academic performance. The goal of this study was to see if there

was a link between sleep quality and academic performance among students at

Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences. 102 medical students from various

fields completed the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index in this cross-sectional study with

maximum variation sampling (PSQI). The Pearson correlation test, Spearman test,

and t-test were used to analyze the data using SPSS 19. The results showed no

significant difference between students with high grades and those with low grades

based on the quality of sleep questionnaire scores. Both groups, however,

experienced moderate to severe sleep disturbances. (Jalali et al., 2020)

As stated by Toyong (2020), he focused on sleeping habits, classroom

behavior and academic performance of Senior High School students. Being sleepy

in class can have a significant impact on a student's academic performance. Sleep

deprivation can be dangerous and even fatal. It is a basic requirement of life and an

important component of education. This study examined 119 senior high Electrical

Installation and Maintenance (EIM) students who were chosen through simple

random sampling using descriptive and correlational design. According to the

findings, 88 percent of the students are sleep deprived, sleeping for less than 6

hours on average. Using Facebook and Messenger accounts, as well as playing

mobile games, were two reasons for sleeping late. Making assignments and doing

homework were the third reasons. Students were sleepy during class discussions,

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

slept in class during free periods, and felt tired during classes were the three most

common classroom behaviors.


The above mentioned literature provided the researchers vast information on

different topics closely related to the present study. It covered a wide range of topics,

including discussions and explanations about the effects of sleep deprivation and

their implications for memory. The similarities of various concepts in relation to the

current study are presented here.

Based on the findings of Zhang et al. (2020), adolescents are having trouble

sleeping to cope with academic demands during COVID-19, which causes a

negative impact on their mental health. Many schools around the world have

continued to offer online education to students, and longitudinal studies on how

COVID-19 has affected adolescents' sleep and mental health would be helpful in

determining the pandemic's impact. (Chiang et al., 2014) also mentioned the

understanding of the results related to Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) as

well as sleep hours. Symptoms of DSPS were discovered in undergraduate students

in the current study, as evidenced by their self-reported sleep habits. In comparison

to weekdays, students went to bed and woke up later on weekends. It is supported

by the study of Rose and Ramanan (2018), in which the findings revealed that the

majority of students sleep less than the recommended 7-8 hours per night. Adults

need more than 7 hours of sleep per day, which is why Healthy People 2020 has

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made it one of their goals to improve national health. In this study, 44.6 percent of

students slept for 6-7 hours at night. Sleep deprivation has been shown to have

negative effects on academic performance and health in studies. According to the

current study, 86 (57.3%) students require 30 minutes to fall asleep at night, 42

(28%) students require 1 hour or more to fall asleep at night, and 22 (14.6%)

students require only 10 minutes. Sleep deprivation had a negative impact on most

students' academic performance and cognition abilities.

Correspondingly, according to Okano et al., (2019), longer sleep duration,

better sleep quality, and greater sleep consistency were all linked to improved

academic performance in this study. These three sleep measures accounted for

24.44 percent of the variance in overall grade performance, according to a multiple

linear regression. As a result, there was a strong link between sleep and academic

performance. The current findings, which link overall sleep quality and duration to

academic performance, are consistent with previous research. The current research

also sheds light on the timing of the sleep-academic performance relationship. The

researchers found no link between sleep duration the night before an exam and

better test performance, contrary to a previous study. Instead, they discovered that

better test performance was more closely linked to both longer sleep duration and

better sleep quality over the month preceding a midterm. Furthermore, according to

Toyong (2020), the number of hours of night sleep and sleepiness in the classroom

had a significant negative relationship. This suggests that a lower number of hours

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

of night sleep is linked to a higher incidence of sleepiness in the classroom. The

number of hours of night sleep and academic performance had a significant positive

relationship. This suggests that getting a lot of sleep at night is linked to better

academic performance. Students who got less sleep, on the other hand, performed

poorly in school. There was a strong negative correlation between sleepiness in the

classroom and academic performance. This meant that a high rate of sleepiness in

the classroom was linked to poor academic performance.

Along with that, Guadiana and Okashima (2021), show the evidence that

adequate sleep is required to function effectively as an undergraduate college

student and as an employee in a hospital setting. Lack of sleep has been shown to

have a negative impact on academic and clinical performance, as well as cause

issues such as an increase in medication and procedural errors, according to their

review of the literature. They also added that sleep deprivation has been shown to

have a significant impact on brain function, mental health, and psychomotor abilities.

To support that statement, it can be found in the findings of Chraif (2012), which

stated that sleep deprivation affects short-term memory, visual perception field, and

attention, resulting in better results for a short period of time. This is because, as a

defense mechanism against sleep deprivation, the human organism becomes

activated. However, the findings of this study must be compared to previous findings

on reaction time and reactivity to multiple stimuli, as well as findings on memory,

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

visual and auditory perception, and long-term motor coordination, specifically after

30 to 50 minutes of exposure to various tasks that must be completed.

In the study conducted by Cort-Blackson (2018), it is stated that ineffective

time management was found to be a factor in this study's findings. Participants are

getting less sleep and having trouble finishing their schoolwork. It is clear that more

research into the effects of sleep is required in the future. Due to the increased

popularity of this education model, there is a detriment to the performance of online

university students. Additional findings from this study revealed that participants had

both positive and negative experiences with online education, with their sleep

deprivation experiences leaning toward the positive in terms of their lifestyle. Lack of

time management and distractions in the home, such as the television, as well as a

sense of isolation, inflexible work schedules, and tiredness from lack of adequate

sleep, all contributed to students' negative experiences.

(Jalali et al., 2020) The difference in sleep quality between the two groups

was not statistically significant, according to the findings. Despite the fact that the

link between sleep and academic success has been discussed in medical literature

for quite some time, there is still no conclusive answer in this case. Although all

three variables were related to academic achievement in a meta-analysis study

conducted to examine the impact of sleep quality, sleep duration, and sleepiness on

adolescents' academic performance.

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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



This chapter presents the discussion on the research methodology of the

study, and the procedures that will be used in the study. This includes research

design, subjects of the study, data gathering instruments and procedures and the

statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This research study used the descriptive research design to further determine

the effects of sleep deprivation to the academic performance of Senior High School

Students as well as its factors which can greatly influence the effects of sleep

deprivation. According to Adi Bhat (2022), descriptive type of research is elucidated

by the motive of observing, describing, and documenting aspects of a situation as it

naturally occurs and sometimes to serve as a starting point for hypothesis

generation. With the use of this strategy, researchers were able to gain insight into

the consequences of sleep deprivation and its repercussions in the memory.

In keeping with this, a quantitative method approach was employed to fulfill

the goals outlined in the issue statement, which included quantitative data. This

aided the researchers in gaining a better understanding of the data required for the


Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the 43 Senior High School Students of

Marian Learning Center and Science High school Inc. No sampling was done
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

because the study involved all Senior High School students. For the section of

Grade 11 students, which is Copper, was divided by different strands. In (STEM), it

has 7 students, while (ABM) and (HUMSS) both have 2 students. As for the Grade

12-Zinc, their (STEM) has 22, (ABM) has 3 and (HUMSS) has 7 students.

Data Gathering Instruments

For the survey of the research, the researchers created questionnaires and a

documentary analysis will be used to analyze the data of the questionnaires. This

was used as the main data gathering tools in the effects of sleep deprivation on the

academic performance of Senior High School Students in MLCSHSI.

The main data gathering instruments underwent a procedure:

Construction. The researchers created a questionnaire that served as the

main data collection tool. By surfing the internet for concepts that may be utilized as

the basis of items for the instrument, the researchers looked at journals, publications,

linked studies, and surveys. The questionnaire was divided into two parts. The first

part looked at the factors that can influence how sleep deprivation affects senior high

school pupils. While, the impacts of sleep deprivation on senior high school pupils

were covered in the second section.

Validation. Validation was used to determine whether the questions are valid.

The researchers enlisted the assistance of their adviser to help validate the

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

questionnaires. They scrutinized each item to ensure that the questions serve the

study's aim.

Administration. After the process, the researchers wrote a letter of request

to the administration of Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.

asking for approval to distribute the questionnaire to the Senior High School

students. It pursued accreditation in conducting a survey with students. Upon

consent, the questionnaires will be to the respondents. The respondents were given

one day to answer the questionnaire in order for them to have enough time on

answering them without any pressure.

Retrieval. The responses of the respondents was acquired by the

researchers using a questionnaire.The researchers encoded all of the survey

responses of the respondents from printed questionnaires in order to collect or

retrieve data from the execution of research instruments. Following that, the

responses were ready for analysis and interpretation.

Scoring Responses

The items in the questionnaire was graded on a scale of one to four, with four

(4) being the highest and one (1) being the lowest. The scale utilized is as follows:

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Option Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation

4 3.26 - 4.00 Very Evident

3 2.51 - 3.25 Evident

2 1.76 - 2.50 Least Evident

1 1.00 - 1.75 Not Evident

Data Gathering Procedure

This study uses the questionnaire that was prepared by the researchers to

gather data from 43 Senior High School Students in Marian Learning Center and

Science High School Inc., school year 2022-2023 on the matter of the effects of

sleep deprivation on the academic performance of senior high school students in

MLCSHSI. Questionnaires were created in order to obtain responses from Senior

High School students regarding their sleep deprivation experiences. Rating scale

options were used in the questionnaire in a 4 point scale to get their answers about

their experience of sleep deprivation. After obtaining a large number of respondents,

survey questionnaires was prepared and distributed to each with their permission to

perform surveys in advance. For the purpose of presenting the results, the

documentation analysis was done to critical and analytical methods of interpretation.

The study's conclusions were determined once all necessary processes are


Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses of the respondents are acquired in compliance with the study's

data standards. The following statistical tools were used to collect and evaluate data

for this study:

Likert Scale. The survey questionnaire used a 5-point likert scale to provide

respondents with handy response alternatives for questionnaires containing strongly

agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. Having strongly agree as the highest

and strongly disagree as the lowest rate.

Range. Range was used to calculate the measures of interpretation in survey

questionnaires; having 4.00 as the highest and 1.00 as the lowest.

Weighted Mean. Weighted mean were utilized to make all of the numbers or

data collected from the self-made survey questionnaires easier to understand and


Ranking. The items on the survey questionnaire were ranked according to its

total number of items; 1 as the highest rank, and 10 as the lowest.

T-test. T-test is an inferential statistic used to determine if there is a

significant difference between the means of two groups and how they are related.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
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Interpretation of Qualitative Instrument

The responses of respondents in interview questions were patterned

according to the major idea in the interpretation of qualitative instruments. It was to

see the connections and get an overview of the information gathered.

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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the

research findings based on the responses from the survey questionnaire which were

distributed to the Senior High School students of Marian Learning Center and

Science High School Inc. The findings relate to the research questions that guided

the study.

1. Factors that alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior High School


In this table, it presents the items describing the factors that alter the effects

of sleep deprivation to Senior High School Students in terms of Sleep Hygiene. The

results presented in the table give answers to the research questions.

Sleep Hygiene… Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank Standard Deviation

1.I sleep for around 8-10 hours every night.

1.93 Less Evident 9.5 0.67
2.I have problems going to sleep.
2.77 Evident 6 0.84
3.I had a good quality of sleep when I was a
child. 3.51 Very Evident 2 0.67
4.I feel drowsy during the day, more than
expected. 3.02 Evident 4 0.64
5.I have uncontrollable urges to fall asleep
during the day. 2.84 Evident 5 0.84
6. I stay awake till midnight.
3.09 Very Evident 3 0.81
7. I have an excessive amount of time spent
sleeping 2.21 Less Evident 8 0.80
8. I take naps in the daytime.
2.42 Evident 7 0.98
9. I use my phone or laptop before going to
sleep. 3.60 Very Evident 1 0.62
10. I have a consistent bedtime routine.
1.93 Less Evident 9.5 0.70
*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The results above present how sleep hygiene influences the effects of sleep

deprivation to the Senior High School students. With a composite mean of 2.73, it

shows that students are evident in not having proper sleep hygiene. Sleep hygiene

is the habits of a person that will help people to have a good night’s sleep. With

proper management of sleep hygiene, students will be able to prevent having sleep


As presented in the table “I use my phone or laptop before going to sleep.”

got the weighted mean of 3.60 on the first rank and interpreted as very evident.

While, “I had a good sleep quality when I was child.” attained the weighted mean of

3.51 on rank 2, verbally interpreted as very evident. Next to that, “I stay awake till

midnight.” on rank 3, obtained a weight mean of 3.09, verbally interpreted as very


The findings are clear that student-respondents are using their phones or

laptops every night which can also relate to rank 3 where students are very evident

on staying awake till midnight. According to Dr. Rosenberg (2020), spending a lot of

time in front of the screens makes it more difficult for people of all ages to fall asleep

and reduces sleep quality. Students also usually stay awake to finish or do their

school activities in order to submit it the next day. According to Weisse (2021), with

the addition of online classes, sleep patterns have changed; all-nighters and naps

are more common than they were a year ago. In result, students will be even more

prone on getting sleep deprived if these sleep hygiene is continuously done by the

students. According to Toyong, his study examined 119 senior high Electrical
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Installation and Maintenance (EIM) students who were chosen through simple

random sampling using descriptive and correlational design. According to the

findings, 88 percent of the students are sleep deprived, sleeping for less than 6

hours on average. Using Facebook and Messenger accounts, as well as playing

mobile games, were two reasons for sleeping late.

There is a weighted mean of 3.02 on rank 4 in the item “I feel drowsy during

the day, more than I expected.” which is interpreted as evident. On rank 5, “I have

uncontrollable urges to fall asleep during the day.” obtained a weighted mean of 2.84

verbally interpreted as evident. While, “I have problems going to sleep.” have the

weighted mean of 2.77 verbally interpreted as evident , it is on the 6th rank. The

results show that students experience difficulty going to sleep which causes them to

not sleep at night. This could cause students to experience sleepiness and could fall

asleep suddenly in the middle of the class. This also shows that students who feel

drowsy during the day may have spent their time the entire night with no sleep due

to problems at sleeping. According to Barrera (2020), students had more freedom to

do as they pleased with the start of online classes without having to be reminded to

complete their assignments, resulting in students becoming more flexible with their

sleeping schedules.

Furthermore, the item on rank 7 is “I take naps in the daytime.” which

obtained the weighted mean of 2.42 and interpreted as evident. Moreover, “I have

an excessive amount of time spent sleeping.” on the 8th rank attained a weight

mean of 2.21 verbally interpreted as less evident. This shows that student-
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

respondents are evident in sleeping during the day which could disrupt their sleeping

cycle more. Students try to make up the sleep they had not achieved because of

staying up late at night. As for rank 8, student-respondents do not experience

sleeping too much, hence they could still do their daily activities during the day.

According to Kelly Bilodeaeu (2021), in some instances, sleeping during daytime

sets up a vicious cycle. Students sleep during the day to make up for lost sleep at

night, but then they have a harder time falling asleep at night because they slept

during the day.

Lastly, there is a weighted mean of 1.93 interpreted as less evident on the

items “I sleep for around 8-10 hours every night.” and “I have a consistent bedtime

routine.” with the rank of 9.5. The results show that student-respondents do not have

a consistent bedtime routine which can mess with their circadian rhythms. It also

means that without having a consistent bedtime routine, they can easily choose what

time they would sleep even if it’s 12 am or 1 am. Student-respondents are also less

evident on sleeping for 8-10 hours which reveals that students do not sleep on time.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most adults

need seven to eight hours of sleep per night on average to feel alert and well rested

in the morning and evening. Depending on their age, teenagers require an average

of nine hours of sleep per night, while children require nine or more hours of sleep

per night.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Table 2 presents the items describing the factors that alter the effects of sleep

deprivation to Senior High School Students in terms of Psychological Problems. The

results presented in the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 2. Factors that alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior

High School Students

Psychological Problems Weighted Mean Verbal Standard

Interpretation Rank Deviation

1.I cannot stop thinking about a lot of

things when I’m attempting to sleep. 3.21 Very Evident 2 0.83

2.I feel unsatisfied and tired even after

sleeping. 3.12 Evident 3 0.73

3.I find it harder to sleep when there are

too many activities that I have to finish 3.49 Very Evident 1 0.63

4.I cannot sleep because of

nervousness when I am about to do a 3.09 Evident 4.5 0.81
task. (e.g., attend a competition, take a
5. I struggle to manage my worries,
which I cannot control when I am about 3.09 Evident 4.5 0.87
to sleep.
6.I experience hallucinations when I try
to sleep. 1.91 Not Evident 10 0.92

7.I experience repeated awakenings at

night. 2.19 Less Evident 8 0.76

8.I keep having disturbing dreams that

prevent me from falling asleep. 2.02 Less Evident 9 0.74

9.I have difficulty going to sleep even if I

tried to. 2.74 Less Evident 6 0.90
10. I cannot help but feel restless which
makes it difficult for me to sleep 2.63 Evident 7 0.79

*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The results above present how psychological problems influence the effects

of sleep deprivation to Senior High School students. With a composite mean of 2.75,

it shows that students are evident in showing problems while sleeping.

As presented in the table, “I find it harder to sleep when there are too many

activities that I have to finish up.” is in 1st rank with a weighted mean of 3.49 and

verbally interpreted as very evident. As for, “I cannot stop thinking about a lot of

things when I’m attempting to sleep.” falls into rank 2 with a weighted mean of 3.21

and verbally interpreted as very evident. While, “I feel unsatisfied and tired even

after sleeping.” is in rank 3 with a weighted mean of 3.12 and verbally interpreted as

evident. It shows that students experience anxiety about their school activities which

causes them to not fall asleep. They cannot fall asleep when there are too many

activities that they have not finished as well as thinking about other things. As stated

by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke NINDS (2014),the

most common of the 70 sleep disorders out there include insomnia, sleep apnea,

restless leg syndrome and narcolepsy. Sleep deprivation can also lead to mood

disorders such as anxiety disorder, depression and bipolar disorder.

Furthermore, “I cannot sleep because of nervousness when I am about to do

a task, (e.g. competitions, test).” and “I struggle to manage my worries which I

cannot control when I am about to fall asleep.” fall under the same rank of 4.5 with a

weighted mean of 3.09 and verbally interpreted as evident. This reveals that

nervousness and worries take over the mind of the students before they fall asleep

which keeps their mind awake and causes them to not fall asleep.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Moreover, “I have difficulty going to sleep even if I tried to.” is in 6th rank with

weighted mean of 2.74 and interpreted as less evident. “I cannot help but feel

restless which makes it difficult for me to sleep properly.” falls on 7th rank with a

weighted mean of 2.63 and interpreted as evident. As for “I experienced repeated

awakenings at night.” is at 8th rank with a weighted mean of 2.19 and interpreted as

less evident. This shows that students are less evident on experiencing repeated

awakenings at night which could be a sleep disorder. Students still are evident on

feeling restless when they are going to sleep which is one of the reasons why

students cannot sleep. According to Healthcare Channel (2020), Insomnia is not the

only sleep disorder associated with depression and anxiety. Sleep apnea is a

common cause of depression, as is hypersomnia. Sleep apnea is characterized by

blockage of the airway and repeated awakenings during the night. Chronic sleep

apnea can result in weight gain, increased risk of heart attack and stroke, and

memory problems.

Lastly, “I keep having disturbing dreams that prevent me from falling asleep.”

is rank 9 with weighted mean of 2.02 and interpreted as less evident. While, “I

experience hallucinations when I am trying to sleep.” fall under the last rank 10,

weighted mean of 1.91 interpreted as not evident. It means that students do not

experience having nightmares and hallucinations when they are going to sleep.

Having hallucinations and having dreams could be part of some psychological

problems and sleeping disorders which could affect sleep, but the student-

respondents are not evident with this area.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Table 3 presents the items describing the factors that alter the effects of sleep

deprivation to Senior High School Students in terms of Environmental factors. The

results presented in the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 3. Factors that alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior

High School Students

Environmental Factors Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Rank Standard


1. I use white noises (e.g rainfall, and ocean waves)

when I am trying to sleep. 2.05 Not Evident 9.5 1.13
2. I listen to music while I am sleeping
2.51 Evident 5 1.14

3. I find it hard to fall asleep when there are people

around me. 2.74 Evident 3 0.95
4. I find it difficult to sleep when my bed mattress is
too soft or too firm to sleep in. 2.19 Less Evident 8 1.01
5. I prefer sleeping with the lights off.
3.51 Very Evident 1 0.86

6. I cannot sleep properly when my room is too hot.

3.30 Very Evident 2 0.83
7. I cannot sleep when my room is too cold.
2.49 Less Evident 6 0.96

8. I cannot sleep when I have pets in/out of our `

house. 2.05 Not Evident 9.5 0.97
9. I find it difficult to sleep due to night noises (e.g.
cars driving, dogs barking, neighbor noises) 2.56 Evident 4 0.91

10. I cannot sleep because of the air quality of my

room making it difficult to breathe. (e.g. smoke, 2.35 Not Evident 7 1.17
*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

The results above present how environmental factors influence the effects of

sleep deprivation on Senior High school Students. With a composite mean of 2.58

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

and interpreted as evident, it reveals that the environment of what the students sleep

in had a great impact on their sleep.

The statement, "I prefer sleeping with the lights off" is on 1 with a weighted

mean of 3.51 and is perceived as being very evident. Furthermore, “I cannot sleep

properly when my room is too hot.” falls to 2nd rank with a weighted mean of 3.30

and interpreted as very evident. While, “I find it hard when there are people around

me” is ranked 3rd and has a weighted mean of 2.74 and is interpreted as evident. It

reveals that the environment of the students influences how easily they could sleep

on their bed. According to Zwarensteyn (2022), lights and the temperature of the

room affects the quality of someone’s sleep. A room that's too warm can affect the

quality of sleep. Temperatures that are too high or low will allow them to fall asleep

faster but may find themselves waking up several times during the night.

Additionally, "I find it difficult to sleep due to night noises (e.g. cars driving,

dogs barking, neighbor noises)" with a weighted mean of 2.56 in rank 4 and

interpreted as evident. While, "I listen to music while I am sleeping" received a

weighted mean of 2.51 in rank 2 which is regarded as being evident. As for, "I

cannot sleep when my room is too cold." falls under rank 6th with a weighted mean

of 2.49 and interpreted as less evident. It reveals that the noise on the environment

also has a large impact on the sleep of students. Interpreted as evident, night noises

such as barking of dogs and cars driving will make it difficult for them to sleep.

Listening to music while sleeping is also interpreted as evident which means that it

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

can minimize the sounds in their room. This was also supported by Zwarensteyn

(2022), a combination of noises that are too loud will affect your quality of sleep.

Moreover, “I cannot sleep because of the air quality of my room making it

difficult to breathe. (e.g. smoke, dust)” is under rank 7 with weighted mean of 2.35

and interpreted as not evident. While, "I find it difficult to sleep when my bed

mattress is too soft or too firm to sleep in" with a weighted mean of 2.19 in rank 8

and interpreted as less evident. This shows that the air quality and the bed that the

students sleep in do not affect their sleeping quality. While Zwarensteyn (2022) may

have said that the air quality and the bed mattress could also affect sleep, it is

shown in the data that the students do not experience this kind of item.

Lastly, "I use white noise (e.g rainfall, and ocean waves) when I am trying to

sleep." and "I cannot sleep when I have pets in/out of our house." both had a

weighted mean of 2.05 and in rank 9.5 and interpreted as not evident. It means that

students do not use white noises and their pets do not affect their sleep at all. A

research study about sleep deprivation by Xiaoning Zhang et al. (2021) aims to

explore the influence of sleep disturbances to the sleep quality of the students in

China. According to the analyzed data and results of the questionnaire, the study

revealed that students who started school later and finished later had more severe

sleep disturbances and sleep-related impairment. Moreover, unhealthy lifestyle

choices can have an impact on sleep quality and, as a result, reduced academic


Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Table 4 presents the items describing the factors that alter the effects of sleep

deprivation to Senior High School Students in terms of School Obligations. The

results presented in the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 4 Factors that alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior High

School Students

School Obligations Weighted Mean Verbal Standard

Interpretation Rank Deviation

1. I do not sleep until I finish all my

homeworks. 2.91 Evident 7 0.81

2. I stayed up late doing activities in

order to reach the deadline. 3.28 Evident 3 0.67

3. I feel sleepy when I do my homework

in the evening after school. 3.26 Evident 4 0.66

4. I struggle to stay awake while

studying. 2.88 Evident 8 0.73

5. I do my homework during the night

time. 3.47 Evident 1 0.55

6. I wake up early to attend school or

online classes. 3.37 Very Evident 2 0.72

7. I go over my notes at night, especially

if I have a test the following day. 3 Evident 6 0.76

8. I have an extracurricular activity (e.g.

academic clubs, non-academic clubs) that 2.37 Evident 10 1.02
made me take a little longer to leave school.

9. I leave the school late because of the

day-long schedule of classes. 2.77 Evident 9 0.92

10. I have to adjust my sleep schedule in order

to do my project. 3.19 Evident 5 0.76


*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The chapter contains the data acquired, the outcomes of the statistical

analysis performed, and an interpretation of the results that demonstrates school

obligations that are the outcomes and are displayed above.

As presented in the table, "I do my homework during the night time" had a

weighted mean of 3.47 on rank 1 and was interpreted as evident. While, "I wake up

early to attend school or online classes." is on rank 2 and has a weighted mean of

3.37 and is viewed as very evident. Moreover, "I stayed up late doing activities in

order to reach the deadline." with a weighted mean of 3 on rank 3 and is deemed to

be evident. The results revealed that students use night time as a way to do their

activities which results on them staying up late in order to complete their activities.

Additionally, "I feel sleepy when I do my homework in the evening after

school." followed by a weight mean of 3.09 on rank 4 and was assessed as being

evident. While, "I have to adjust my sleep schedule in order to do my project" with

3.19 weighted mean is at rank 5 and considered as evident. Furthermore, "I go over

my notes at night, especially if I have a test the following day" is at rank 6 with a

weighted mean of 3 and is deemed to be evident.

The statement, "I do not sleep until I finish all my homeworks." had a

weighted mean of 2.91 on the 7th rank in the table and was judged as being evident.

Moreover, "I struggle to stay awake while studying." got a weighted mean of 2.88 in

rank 8 and interpreted as evident. While, "I leave the school late because of the day-

long schedule of classes " is placed 9th with a weighted mean of 2.77 and is

considered to be evident. Lastly, "I have an extracurricular activity (e.g. academic

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

clubs, non-academic clubs) that made me take a little longer to leave school ranked

10th weighted mean of 2.37 and deemed to be evident.

2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Senior High School Students

It is written in the table below the effects of sleep deprivation on Senior high

school students. Moreover, the interpretation of the effects of sleep deprivation on

memorization skills will be discussed on the following table.

Table 5. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Senior HIgh School Students

Memorization Skills Weighted Mean Verbal Standard

Interpretation Rank Deviation
Because of sleep deprivation…
1. I often forget all the lessons that were
taught to us after a whole day. 2.74 Evident 6 0.54
2. I easily forget the things that I memorized.
2.86 Evident 5 0.71
3. I usually forget where I put my things (eg.
phone, pen, eraser, wallet) 3.09 Very Evident 1 0.84
4. I often have a hard time memorizing
information despite having the time to do so. 2.72 Evident 7 0.73

5. I frequently experience mind-blocked

situations. 3.07 Evident 2.5 0.70
6. I easily forget my schedule for the day.
2.63 Evident 8 0.69

7. I usually have trouble recalling some

information that I had previously seen or read. 3 Evident 4 0.72
8. I usually found myself suddenly forgetting
what I was about to say. 3.07 Evident 2.5 0.77
9. I often forget that I still have homework
and activities to complete. 2.47 Evident 9 0.83
10. I usually cannot recall the things that I have
reviewed after a whole night of study. 2.37 Less Evident 10 0.72
*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The evidence above shows that sleep deprivation alters the memorization

skills of the Senior High School Students. With the composite mean of 2.80, it

appears that the students are evident of indicating how sleep deprivation alters their

memorization skills.

As presented in the table above, “I usually forget where I put my things (eg.

phone, pen, eraser, wallet)” is in the 1st rank with a weighted mean of 3.09 and

verbally interpreted as very evident. Concerning, “I frequently experience mind-

blocked situations.” is in the 2nd rank with a weighted mean of 2.5 and is verbally

interpreted as evident. As for, “I usually found myself suddenly forgetting what I was

about to say.” lies under the same rank with a weighted mean of 2.5 and is also

verbally interpreted as evident same as rank 2. According to Pacheco (2020), sleep

deprivation can cause the difficulty of remembering things as it affects the brain

function and memory of a student. The table shows that students tend to be forgetful

even on the smallest things and experience mental-blocked situations. The evidence

also proves that sleep deprivation decreases attentiveness which results in the

effects shown above.

Moreover, “I usually have trouble recalling some information that I have

previously seen or read.” falls into rank 4 with a weighted mean of 3 and verbally

interpreted as evident. The item “I easily forget the things that I memorized.” got the

mean 2.86 that is verbally interpreted as evident is fifth to the rank. While, “I often

forget all the lessons that were taught to us after a whole day.” attained the

weighted mean of 2.74 which was remarked as evident and falls into rank 6.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

According to Kushida, MD, PhD (2017), there is data that sleep deprivation has been

linked to learning and memory problems, as well as decreased vigilance and

attention. It proves that lack of sleep affects the academic performance of a student

due to forgetting the lessons that were taught just after a whole day. In addition, it

shows that students experience low function of memory when it comes to school

when they are sleep deprived.

Alongside, “I often have a hard time memorizing information despite having

the time to do so.” is ranked 7 with a weighted mean of 2.72 and is verbally

interpreted as evident. It shows that the students are evident of having difficulties in

storing and instilling information in their minds due to poor memory. The item “I

easily forget my schedule for the day.” acquired the weighted mean 2.63 and is on

the 8th rank which is verbally interpreted as evident. According to Carskadon (2015),

in the body there is an internal circadian timing system by recognizing by what time it

is and if it is day or night. If the message is substantially different everyday, then it

will not be able to set things appropriately in motion.” It appears that having lack of

sleep affects the adjustment of the body of students to schedules because of the

circadian timing system that helps them to recognize time, which then results in

forgetting their schedule of the day.

As for “I often forget that I still have homework and activities to complete.” got

the mean 2.47 and is verbally interpreted as evident in the 9th rank. For the last

item, “I cannot usually recall the things that I have reviewed after a whole night of

study.” falls into rank 10 and acquired a weighted mean of 2.37 which is verbally
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

interpreted as less evident. For rank 9 and 10, these fall under the interpretation of

rank 4 to 6 which is inclined in the students’ academic performance. Lack of sleep

affects the students' performance since their brain cannot function properly due to

sleep deprivation which results in poor memory.

Table 6 presents the items describing the effects of sleep deprivation to

Senior High School Students in terms of Cognitive Health. The results presented in

the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 6. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Senior High School Students

Cognitive Health Weighted Mean Verbal Interpretation Standard Deviation


Because of sleep deprivation…

1. I usually have a hard time focusing on

studying. 3.02 Evident 2 0.67
2. I easily lose all my focus once there is
something that distracts me. 3.33 Very Evident 1 0.71
3. I usually find it difficult to regain focus
once I lose it. 2.95 Evident 4 0.72
4. I usually have a hard time thinking of
something creative. 3 Evident 3 0.79
5. I easily get confused and have trouble
learning new things. 2.51 Less Evident 10 0.91
6. I tend to make more mistakes in my
daily activities. 2.81 Less Evident 7 0.85
7. I often have difficulty making proper
and important decisions. 2.84 Evident 6 0.65

8. I often have a hard time carrying out

instructions. 2.53 Less Evident 8.5 0.91

9. I usually become senseless when I do

not get enough sleep. 2.86 Evident 5 0.94
10. I often have a delayed reaction time 2.53
when things are urgent. Evident 8.5 0.88


*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The evidence above shows that sleep deprivation alters the cognitive health

of the Senior High School Students. With the composite mean of 2.84, it shows that

the students’ cognitive health is evidently affected by sleep deprivation.

As for “I easily lose all my focus once there is something that distracts me.”

attained the weighted mean 3.33 which is very evident and is on the 1st rank. It

shows that most students who are sleep deprived are easily distracted when they

are doing something. The item “I usually have a hard time focusing on studying.”

with a weighted mean of 3.02 and is considered as rank 2. Just like in rank number 1,

this proves that students who are having a hard time focusing experiences sleep

deprivation. While, “I usually have a hard time thinking of something creative.”

acquired the weighted mean 3 which is in rank 3 and is considered as evident. Rank

1, 2, and 3 simply shows that lack of sleep can affect a students behavior in doing

their task. Sleep deprivation had caused them to have poor concentration. According

to Neha Pathak, MD (2021), sleepiness slows down one’s thought processes.

Moreover, “I usually find it difficult to regain focus once I lose it.” with a

weighted mean of 2.95 falls into rank 4 which is assessed as evident. Same as the

interpretation in ranks 1 to 3, this also proves that students who are sleep deprived

experience low concentration which results them to be easily confused. Additionally,

“I usually become senseless when I do not get enough sleep.” has a weighted mean

of 2.86 on the fifth rank is considered as evident. This proves that students do not

function well because of lack of sleep that makes them feel fatigued which results in

them being senseless. On the 6th rank, “I often have difficulty making proper and
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

important decisions.” resulted in a weighted mean of 2.84 and is considered as

evident. This rank is also connected to the interpretation of ranks number 1 to 4.

Because of sleep deprivation, students are not well concentrated when facing

problems or difficulties. Simply put, this basically indicates that their brain isn't

functioning correctly, which prevents them from making wise and significant


Furthermore, “I tend to make more mistakes in my daily activities.” lies into

rank 7 with a weighted mean of 2.81 and is remarked as less evident. It shows that

making mistakes due to sleep deprivation is very unusual for senior high school

students. Still, a few students do experience carelessness in doing activities due to

lack of sleep. The item, “I often have a hard time carrying out instructions.” and “I

often have delayed reaction time when things are urgent.” both has a weighted

mean of 2.53 and falls under rank 8.5 and is appraised as less evident and evident.

The result shows that only a few students encounter difficulty in carrying out

instructions. This means that when they are sleep deprived, they cannot absorb

instructions carefully. Moreover, due to lack of sleep, students who experience

delayed reaction time when things are urgent show poor concentration. This simply

means that their body and mind does not focus well in a certain situation.

Lastly, on the 10th rank, “I easily get confused and have trouble learning new

things.” with a weighted mean of 2.51 is evaluated as less evident. Few students

experience confusion while learning new things because of sleep deprivation. Just

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

like the other ranks, the result above proves that lack of sleep does affect a students’

concentration that leads them to confusion.

Table 7 presents the items describing the effects of sleep deprivation to

Senior High School Students in terms of Academic Performance. The results

presented in the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 7. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Senior High School Students

Academic Performance Weighted Mean Verbal Standard

Interpretation Rank Deviation

Because of sleep deprivation…

1. I have a hard time answering the

exams that require identification. 2.79 Evident 3.5 0.71

2. I score lower on tests when I stay

awake at night. 2.28 Less Evident 9 0.73
3. I find it difficult to grasp the thought
mentally when my teacher is teaching in class. 2.63 Evident 7 0.76
4. I find it challenging to process
information, especially while reading literature or 2.84 Evident 2 0.72
calculating mathematics.
5. I find it difficult to find the right words
to say when I am reciting in class. 2.98 Evident 1 0.86

6. I find it hard to concentrate and listen

in class. 2.65 Evident 6 0.84
7. I experience being slow in thinking
that makes me fall behind in recitations. 2.79 Evident 3.5 0.80

8. I feel sleepy in class, so I could not

pay attention to the lessons. 2.70 Evident 5 0.91

9. I get tired easily especially when there

is physical activity involved. 2.21 Less Evident 10 0.91
10. I find it difficult to think of words and
sentences when I’m writing an essay. 2.53 Less Evident 8 0.85


*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The evidence above shows that sleep deprivation is evident in the academic

performance of Senior High School Students. With a composite mean of 2.64, the

effects of sleep deprivation affects how they perform in class as well as performance

in their written activities.

As presented in the table above, “I find it difficult to find the right words to say

when I am reciting in class.” got a weighted mean of 2.98 in rank 1 and interpreted

as evident. While, “I find it challenging to process information, especially while

reading literature or calculating mathematics.” which attained a weighted mean of

2.84 is at rank 2 and verbally interpreted as evident. The item concluded with saying

that students had a hard time processing words and information whenever they

needed to answer or read a question. According to Kushida (2017), there is a lot of

evidence that insufficient nighttime sleep can cause brain function problems, which

can lead to poor academic performance. The effects of sleep quality and duration on

academic performance have found that sleep that is longer and better quality is

associated with better academic performance, such as higher grades and more time

spent studying.

Moreover, “I experience being slow in thinking that makes me fall behind

recitations.” and “I have a hard time answering the exams that require identification.”

both fall under the rank of 3.5 and with a weighted mean of 2.79 and interpreted as

evident. It means that student-respondents had a hard time keeping up in recitations

due to slow down in thinking. Sleep deprivation also affects the student-respondents

on their memory which influences their academic performance. According to

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Carskadon (2015), sleep deprivation had a significant impact on learning processing

and memory, which was also supported by Pacheco (2020), that sleep deprivation

affects the brain and memory of a student.

Next to that, “I feel sleepy in class, so I could not pay attention to the

lessons.” got the weighted mean of 2.70 in rank 5 and interpreted as evident. As for,

“I find it hard to concentrate and listen in class.” attained the weighted mean of 2.65

in rank 6 and interpreted as evident. Furthermore, “I find it difficult to grasp the

thought mentally when my teacher is teaching in class.” falls under rank 7 with a

weighted mean of 2.63 and interpreted as evident. The finding is clear evidence that

the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive health affects the academic

performance of senior highschool students. According to Kushida (2017), not only it

has been linked to memory and process learning but also to decreased vigilance

and attention. It results in poor academic performance because of having a hard

time focusing on class as well as difficult to grasp the information easily.

While, “I find it difficult to think of words and sentences when I am writing an

essay.” attained the weight mean of 2.53 in rank 8 and interpreted as less evident.

As for, “I score lower on tests when I stay awake at night.” got the weighted mean of

2.28 in rank 9 and interpreted as less evident. Lastly, “I get tired easily especially

when there is physical activity involved.” falls under the rank 10, with a weighted

mean of 2.21 and interpreted as less evident. The results reveal that student-

respondents are less evident on experiencing the effects of sleep deprivation such

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

as scoring low on tests especially if they stay awake that night. Moreover, they are

also less evident on getting tired easily when there is physical activity involved.

Table 8 presents the items describing the effects of sleep deprivation to

Senior High School Students in terms of Emotional Health. The results presented in

the table give answers to the research questions.

Table 8. Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Senior High School Students

Weighted Mean Verbal Standard Deviation

Emotional Health Interpretation Rank

Because of sleep deprivation…

1. I am easily irritated when something is

bugging me. 3.09 Evident 2.5 0.78

2. I am always triggered even with the

smallest of things. 2.65 Less Evident 5 0.92

3. I have sorrowful feelings when none are

necessary. 2.42 Less Evident 7 0.91
4. I feel overly emotional to the point of
tears. 2.28 Not Evident 9 1.14

5. I felt fatigued after going back to school.

2.77 Evident 4 0.84

6. I do not have any motivation or interest

to do any activities. 2.37 Evident 8 0.79

7. I am frequently angry and aggressive.

1.98 Less Evident 10 0.77

8. I feel fatigued already after waking up in

the morning. 2.53 Less Evident 6 0.85

9. I am often feeling overwhelmed when

some things are happening suddenly at the same 3.12 Evident 1 0.73

10. I cannot help but think negatively when

something doesn’t go in my way. 3.09 Evident 2.5 0.78


*Very Evident - 3.26-4.00; Evident - 2.51-3.25; Less Evident - 1.76-2.50; Not Evident - 1.00-1.75

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

The results above show that the effects of sleep deprivation on emotional

health is evident on Senior High School Students. With a composite mean of 2.63, it

shows that emotional health of senior high school students is evidently affected by

sleep deprivation.

As presented in the table above, “I am often feeling overwhelmed when some

things are happening suddenly at the same time.” attained the weighted mean of

3.12 in rank 1 and verbally interpreted as evident. While, “I am easily irritated when

something is bugging me” and “I cannot help but think negatively when something

doesn’t go my way.” both got the weighted mean of 3.09 and rank 2.5, and verbally

interpreted as evident. Emotional health is the control of a person’s emotions,

thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Sleep deprivation can affect emotional health by

being so moody, and irritating about everything. This includes the increase of

negative moods such as anger, frustration and sadness. According to Persky (2018),

students may experience clinical depression or anxiety, irritability, or a lack of

motivation in their minds. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of drug and alcohol

abuse, depression, and suicide among teenagers.

Moreover, “I felt fatigued after going back to school.” in rank 4 attained a

weighted mean of 2.77 and interpreted as evident. Furthermore “I am always

triggered with the smallest of things” rank 5 with a weighted mean of 2.65 and

interpreted as less evident. While, “I felt fatigued already after waking up in the

morning” got a weighted mean of 2.53 in rank 6 and interpreted as less evident. It

shows that students experience fatigue after going back to school which also
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

describes the need for sleep. Fatigue is often described as a lack of energy and

motivation both physical and emotional. It is a response to physical and mental

activities. However, students are less evident on showing emotional response with

the smallest of things as well as fatigue after waking up in the morning. According to

Patient Safety Network (2019), fatigue is the feeling of tiredness and decreased

energy that results from inadequate sleep time or poor quality of sleep. Fatigue can

also result from increased work intensity or long work hours.

Next to that, “I have sorrowful feelings when none are necessary” got a

weighted mean of 2.42 in rank 7 and interpreted as less evident. While “I do not

have any motivation or interest to do any activities” in rank 8 attained a weighted

mean of 2.37 and interpreted as evident. Moreover, “I feel overly emotional to the

point of tears.” got a weighted mean of 2.28 in rank 9 and interpreted as not evident.

Lastly, “I am frequently angry and aggressive.” got a weighted mean of 1.98 in rank

10 and interpreted as less evident. The findings reveal that students are less evident

in having sorrowful feelings and not having any motivation or interest in doing

activities. It also reveals that students are not evident getting overly emotional and

less evident on showing anger and aggressiveness. This all means that students are

not evident on showing too much emotional response even when none are

necessary. According to Breus (2018), even a single night of sleep deprivation sets

us up to react more strongly and impulsively to negative or unpleasant situations.

When operating with chronic sleep debt, they contend with this heightened

emotional reactivity on a daily basis. Studies show that, when sleep-deprived,

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

people are more reactive across the whole spectrum of emotions, positive or


3. Significant Difference between Factors of Sleep Deprivation and its

effects to Senior High School Students

Table 9

Difference Between the Factors That Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms

of Sleep Hygiene and Its Effects to Senior High School Students

Effects f-value p-value Decision on Ho Interpretation

Memorization Skills 2.7035 <0.00001 Reject Significant

Academic Performance 2.9865 <0.00001 Reject Significant

Cognitive Health 3.7866 0.0023 Reject Significant

Emotional Health 3.0858 0.0004 Reject Significant

The effects of sleep deprivation in memorization skills got a f-value of 2.7035

and a p-value of <0.00001. While, academic performance obtained a f-value of

2.9865 and p-value of <0.00001. Cognitive health got the f-value of 3.7866 and p-

value of 0.0023. Lastly, emotional health received the f-value of 3.0858 and p-value

of 0.0004. Based on the given results, “memorization skills”, “cognitive health”,

“academic performance”, and “emotional health” all got the results of rejecting the

null hypothesis, which indicates that there is a significant difference between the

factor sleep hygiene and the effects of sleep deprivation in these terms. The

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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

gathered data presented on the table denotes that the factor of sleep deprivation in

terms of sleep hygiene affects the Senior High School Students in memorization

skills, cognitive health, academic performance, and emotional health evidently.

According to Neha Pathak, MD (2021), most people who don’t get enough sleep

don’t recognize the toll that it takes on their cognitive and mental health. Scientists

measuring sleepiness have found that sleep deprivation leads to lower alertness and

concentration. It’s more difficult to focus and pay attention, so you’re more easily

confused. This hampers your ability to perform tasks that require logical reasoning or

complex thought. To make it short, sleepiness slows down your thought processes.

Table 10

Difference Between the Factors That Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms

of Psychological Problems and Its Effects to Senior High School Students

Effects f-value p-value Decision on Ho Interpretation

Memorization Skills 3.0624 0.0012 Reject Significant

Academic Performance 3.2102 0.0010 Reject Significant

Cognitive Health 4.2834 0.0156 Reject Significant

Emotional Health 4.8205 0.0011 Reject Significant

In terms of psychological problems, the effects of sleep deprivation in

memorization skills got the f-value of 3.0624 and p-value of 0.0012. While academic

performance obtained an f-value of 3.2102 and p-value of 0.0010. Moreover,

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

cognitive health got the f-value of 4.2834 and p-value of 0.0156. Lastly, emotional

health received the f-value of 4.8205 and p-value of 0.0011. The results means that

all of the effects of sleep deprivation got the decision of rejecting the null hypothesis,

which indicates that there is an existing significant difference between the factor

psychological problems and the effects of sleep deprivation. The gathered data

shows that psychological problems are significant in making a change to the effects

of sleep deprivation which are memorization skills, cognitive health, academic

performance, and emotional health. According to Healthcare Channel (2020),

insomnia is not the only sleep disorder associated with depression and anxiety.

Sleep apnea is a common cause of depression, as is hypersomnia. Sleep apnea is

characterized by blockage of the airway and repeated awakenings during the night.

Chronic sleep apnea can result in weight gain, increased risk of heart attack and

stroke, and memory problems.

Lack of sleep and the resulting physiological stress may predispose insomnia

sufferers to major mood disturbances, making early treatment of sleep disorders

essential, especially in people with a family history of mental health issues.

Guadiana and Okashima (2021), show the evidence that adequate sleep is required

to function effectively as an undergraduate college student and as an employee in a

hospital setting. They also added that sleep deprivation has been shown to have a

significant impact on brain function, mental health, and psychomotor abilities. To

support that statement, it can be found in the findings of Chraif (2012), which stated

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

that sleep deprivation affects short-term memory, visual perception field, and

attention, resulting in better results for a short period of time.

Table 11

Difference Between the Factors That Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms

of Environmental Factors and Its Effects to Senior High School Students

Effects f-value p-value Decision on Ho Interpretation

Memorization Skills 2.5658 0.0236 Reject Significant

Academic Performance 2.6157 0.0013 Reject Significant

Cognitive Health 2.7222 0.0401 Reject Significant

Emotional Health 3.1796 0.0006 Reject Significant

In terms of environmental factors, the effects of sleep deprivation on

memorization skills got the f-value of 2.5658 and p-value of 0.0236. While, academic

performance obtained the f-value of 2.6157 and p-value of 0.0013. Furthermore,

cognitive health got the f-value of 2.7222 and p-value of 0.0401. Lastly, emotional

health received the f-value of 3.1796 and p-value of 0.0006. Based on the results, all

of the effects of sleep deprivation reject the null hypothesis and are interpreted as

having a significant difference between the environmental factor and the effects of

sleep deprivation. According to Zwarensteyn (2022), the relationship between sleep

environment and quality of sleep is closely related. To get a good night's sleep,

you need to be in an environment conducive to sleep, which means having the

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

right sleeping conditions and creating a sleep environment that is dark, quiet, and

cool. Sleeping in an environment that's not conducive to sleep would lead to low

sleep quality. Changing how your sleeping environment looks can have a big effect

on your quality of sleep by helping you fall asleep faster and stay asleep until the


Table 12

Difference Between the Factors That Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms

of School Obligations and Its Effects to Senior High School Students

Effects f-value p-value Decision on Ho Interpretation

Memorization Skills 2.8217 0.0016 Reject Significant

Academic Performance 2.7258 0.0078 Reject Significant

Cognitive Health 3.8149 0.0179 Reject Significant

Emotional Health 3.4899 0.0009 Reject Significant

In terms of school obligations, the effects of sleep deprivation in memorization

skills got the f-value of 2.8217 and p-value of 0.0016. While, academic performance

obtained the f-value of 2.7258 and p-value of 0.0078. Moreover, cognitive health has

the f-value of 3.8149 and p-value of 0.0179. Lastly, emotional health received the f-

value of 3.4899 and p-value of 0.0009. Based on the findings, the effects of sleep

deprivation such as memorization skills, academic performance, cognitive health

and emotional health rejects the null hypothesis which indicates that the factor

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

school obligation had a significant difference on the effects of sleep deprivation.

According to Phan (2016), sleep deprivation is likely to be exacerbated by the

numerous pressures and commitments that teenagers and college students must

manage during the school day. School assignments, schedules, and accountabilities

can be extremely demanding for students, regardless of their motivation or abilities,

and can lead to poor performance.

4. Strategies Proposed in order to Provide a Solution to the Effects of

Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of Senior High School


The table below shows the different strategies that the researchers have

come up with in order to provide a solution to sleep deprivation. The table indicates

the key results area, objectives, proposed strategies and the success indicators.

These are proposed for Senior High School Students as they experience the

consequences of sleep deprivation. There are seven activities in which the

researchers decided to proposed, every activity had a corresponding variable which

will be the solution for the variable. These are: Sleep Checklist, “I Know What Your

Thinking”, A Sleep Playlist, Safe Sleep, Let’s Play: Brain Games, Sleep Right, Sleep

Tight and Emotional Check.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Table 13. Strategies Proposed in order to Provide a Solution to the Effects of

Sleep Deprivation and its Implication to the Memory of Senior High School




A. Factors that Students were able

Alter the Effects of to check and
Sleep Deprivation ● To be able to evaluate their sleep
check and hygiene by the
Sleep Hygiene evaluate their schedule and
sleep through a “Sleep Checklist” checklist. They
● Habits of a person in
creative were able to
which they can
schedule and change and
properly manage in
checklist. organize their
order to avoid sleep
habits easily.
deprivation ● To know the
perspective of a Students were
person able to know the
experiencing “I Know What experiences and
● Includes depression psychological Your Thinking” perspective of
and anxiety, both of problems during someone
which can contribute sleep through a experiencing
to students’ inability situational psychological
to sleep. booklet problems during

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Environmental Factors ● To listen to a Students were

specifically able to have a

● Includes how the “A Sleep Playlist”
made playlist in good night’s sleep
environment affects without any
Spotify to
sleep, including the disturbances or
temperature, noises noises during
and the situation of sleep.
noises and
the bed.

School Obligations
Students got to
“Safe Sleep”
● Includes the ● To identify all understand and
obligations and the possible familiarize the
duties that students consequences consequences of
should do inside or of sleep sleep deprivation
outside the school. deprivation through reading
through a the brochure.

B. Effects of Sleep

Memorization Skills
● To improve
 Includes the Students got to
memory, “Lets Play: Brain
retention of learning improve their
attention, focus, Games”
of the students as memory and focus
well as remembering due to the use of

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

the information that or daily brain exercises

they stored. functionality such as memory
through brain games, card
Cognitive Health
exercises/game games and board
s. games.
● includes the alertness
and concentration of a .
person which can
affect your ability to
perform tasks that
require logical
reasoning and
complex thought.
● To know and be Students got to be

aware of the aware of the

Academic Performance effects of sleep effects of sleep
“Sleep Right, Sleep
deprivation and deprivation on
● Includes how the their academic
its effects to
students perform on performances.
their written activities
as well as on oral
through an

Emotional Health poster

 control of emotions,  To track the

“Emotional Check” The students were
thoughts, feelings and emotional
able to keep track
behaviors. changes of the
of their emotional
changes everyday.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Sleep Checklist

Sleep Hygiene is one of the factors that will alter the effects of sleep

deprivation to students once it is managed properly. Students who have proper

sleep hygiene will be able to maintain their physical and mental health and well-

being. The most important thing to do to sleep better is to maintain a consistent

bedtime routine. This will help the students with their brain processing when they are

preparing for sleep. With good sleeping habits, they will be able to get a good night’s


Sleep Checklist will be an activity for the students which will promote their

quality of sleep. In this activity, the students will list all of their habits and what they

usually do before going to sleep. Using a checklist, they will be able to see if their

habits will be a good or bad way that will affect their sleep hygiene. After doing the

activity, they should have a list of ways on what they should do before going to sleep,

wherein, they will have to follow, in order to change their bad habits during bedtime.

This activity will be facilitated by the researchers by guiding them once they start

reflecting on their habits before and during bedtime. They will be using different

information about the proper ways in order to have better sleep hygiene in order for

the students to make a checklist.

“I Know What You’re Thinking”

Psychological problems are one of the factors that alter the effects of sleep

deprivation on students. The psychological factors that affect their ability to sleep

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

include the changes within the body such as variations in brain functions when it

goes through the stages of development or mental stress. This can be caused by a

variety of disorders, including anxiety and PTSD. Anxiety can cause excessive worry

at bedtime, and some people even experience anxiety about sleeping which is

related to PTSD. Experiencing anxiety will make it impossible to relax enough to


“I Know What You’re Thinking” is a booklet that will show the different

perspectives of people experiencing psychological problems that disrupt their sleep.

Students will be able to read the effects of sleep deprivation through different

situations of people who are experiencing the psychological problems of sleep. The

researchers proposed this activity to be used so that students will become aware

and know the possibilities of people experiencing such situations.

Sleep Playlist

Environmental factors are one of the factors that will influence the effects of

sleep deprivation. Surroundings greatly determine the quality of the student’s sleep.

Different people have varying views on what makes for an ideal sleep environment.

Some students prefer silence, while others may want some white noises in the

background. People also have differing ideas on temperature, with some preferring

warm environments while others cannot sleep if it isn’t chilly enough. External

factors such as the light, temperature, and noises are factors that affect sleep quality.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Sleep Playlist is the proposed activity of the researchers regarding

environmental factors. This is a playlist in which students can listen to while

sleeping in order to avoid disturbances while sleeping. Researchers will compile

different music or noises that are very evident in making people sleep easier. The

researchers proposed this activity so that students will have a better sleep and to

lessen the environmental noises that they may hear while sleeping.

Safe Sleep

School Obligations are one of the factors that affect the sleep of the students.

With different obligations coming from the school, it is inevitable that students will be

using their only time such as the evening in order to complete the requirements they

were assigned to do. With much awareness, students must be able to know the

consequences of sleep deprivation so that they will gain an understanding and

knowledge on how to properly manage their obligations in school.

Safe Sleep is the proposed activity that the researchers suggested regarding

school obligations. Students will be given a brochure that informs them about the

effects of sleep deprivation as well as its factors of how someone could be sleep

deprived. Through this activity, once students have been distributed, they will be

able to share this with other people which will result in them having an

understanding also towards sleep deprivation.

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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Let’s Play: Brain Games

Memorization skills and Cognitive Health are one of the effects of sleep

deprivation to the students. Sleep deprivation will affect the memory of the students

which in return will also affect their ability to remember, and retain information.

Moreover, once cognitive health of the student is also affected, students will have a

hard time focusing and having attention from a specific activity. With some

exercises, students will be able to exercise their mind and memory through this

proposed activity from the researchers.

Brain Games are the proposed activity for the students regarding the effects

of sleep deprivation on their memorization skills and cognitive health. In this activity,

students will play various mind games in order to practice their minds. This will result

in their minds always functioning because they always use their memorization skills

while playing the games. This will also cover up cognitive health as playing this kind

of games require high attention and focus in order to properly absorb information.

Sleep Right, Sleep Tight

Academic Performance is one of the effects of sleep deprivation on students.

Sleep deprivation can affect the performance of the students in school because of

reasons such as falling asleep in class, having difficulty memorizing and retaining

information and difficulty focusing.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Sleep right, sleep tight, is the proposed activity that the researchers did in

order to solve the problem in academic performance of the students. In this activity,

awareness posters will be posted in order for the students to see and share with

other people. This will result in students being aware and knowledgeable about the

effects of sleep deprivation on their academic performance.

Emotional Check

Emotional health is one of the effects of sleep deprivation on students. Due to

sleep deprivation, the emotional response of the students are unstable and are

easily affected. Students become more sensitive and they have an increased mood

of anger, sadness and frustration. They are easily irritated and it affects their

relationship with others.

Emotional Check is the proposed activity of the researchers regarding

emotional check in order to provide a solution to it. Students will always reflect on

their emotions everyday and why they feel those emotions. In this way, students will

be able to realize and reflect on their own actions they have done while being

overtaken by their own emotions. They will be able to keep track of their emotions

and will have a rational approach to something.

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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



This chapter summarizes the findings, draws conclusions given based on the

results and discussions and offers recommendations.


Generally, this study was conducted to know the effects of sleep deprivation

and its implications to the memory of Senior High School students.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. Factors that alter the effects of sleep deprivation in terms of:

1.1 Sleep Hygiene

With a weighted mean of 3.60 and being ranked 1, the results

showed that students are very evident on using their phones and

laptops before sleeping. As spending a lot of time in front of electronic

devices makes it more difficult to fall asleep and reduces the sleep

quality of the students. On the other hand, both having a weighted

mean of 1.93, students are less evident on having a consistent

bedtime routine as well as sleeping for 8-10 hours everyday. Students

can choose whatever time to sleep even if it’s 12 am and 1 am, this

also supports the idea of students not sleeping on time.

1.2 Psychological Problems

The findings demonstrated that students find it harder to sleep

when there are too many activities that they have to finish up. Being in
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rank 1 and having the weighted mean of 3.49, students are very

evident on experiencing anxiety because of having too many activities

that they have to finish which results in not getting enough sleep.

Whereas, with a weight mean of 1.91, students are not evident on

experiencing hallucinations when trying to sleep. This means that there

is no presence of any sleeping problems or disorders in the senior high

school students.

1.3 Environmental Factors

The findings revealed that students prefer sleeping with the

lights off. Being ranked 1 and having a weighted mean of 3.51, it is

very evident that the environment of the students influences how easily

they could sleep in their rooms. Sleeping with the lights off is an

instance as the lights of the room affects someone’s quality of sleep.

On the other hand, both having the weighted mean of 2.05, students

are not evident on using white noises during sleeping and also not

evident on difficulty breathing due to the air quality of the room. This

means that students do not usually use white noises as a way to easily

sleep and also the air quality of the room is enough for them to sleep


1.4 School Obligations

The results demonstrated that students are evident on doing

their homework during night time. With a weighted mean of 3.47 and
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

rank 1, students finish their assignments during night time which

results in them not falling asleep. This is also one of the reasons why

school obligations are a factor that starts sleep deprivation. Whereas,

with a weighted mean of 2.37 and despite being rank 10, students are

evident on taking a little longer before leaving school due to their

extracurricular activities. Students are also evident in adjusting their

sleep schedule in order to their duties at school. This results in

students not getting enough sleep.

2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of:

2.1 Memorization Skills

According to the data, sleep deprivation has a significant impact

on the students' memorization skills. With a weighted mean of 3.09 that

also receives the highest rank, students are very evident on forgetting

where they put their things like phones and other valuables. While, with

a weighted mean of 2.37, forgetting what they have reviewed after a

whole night is less noticeable than others in terms of effects in

memorization problems.

2.2 Cognitive Health

The findings showed that sleep deprivation clearly affects the

student's cognitive health. With a weighted mean of 3.33 and being

rank 1, students are easily distracted and have difficulty focusing on

their tasks. They were also having difficulty coming up with something
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

creative. It demonstrates how a lack of sleep can affect a student's

performance on tasks. Students demonstrate poor concentration,

indicating that their brains do not function properly, preventing them

from making important decisions. On the other hand, with a weighted

mean of 2.51, students are less evident on getting confused easily and

trouble learning new things. Few students experience confusion while

learning new things because of sleep deprivation.

2.3 Academic Performance

The results revealed that sleep deprivation affects how they

perform in class as well as performance in their written works. With a

weighted mean of 2.98, students are evident in having a hard time

processing information during class as well as having a hard time

keeping up during class recitations. Moreover, memory also has a

great influence on the student which affects their academic

performance. On the other hand, with a weighted mean of 2.21,

students are less evident on getting tired easily when there is physical

activities involved. It shows the effects of sleep deprivation of students

to their physical performance but this indicator is less evident to be

seen in students.

2.4 Emotional Health

The findings showed that emotional health of students are

evidently affected by sleep deprivation. With a weighted mean of 3.12

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and rank 1, it was evidently shown that sleep deprivation affects the

emotional health of the students by the feeling of overwhelming when

something is happening at the same time. The emotional health of the

students will increase due to the effects of sleep deprivation on the

brain. It includes the increase of negative moods such as anger,

frustration and sadness. Whereas, the lowest rank with a weighted

mean of 1.98 and interpreted as less evident, students are less evident

on feeling angry and aggressive. Students are less likely to show this

kind of aggressiveness when they're dealing with their emotions.

3. Significant Difference between factors that alter the effects of sleep

deprivation and its effects to Senior High School students

In general, the findings revealed significant differences between the

factors that alter the effects of sleep deprivation and its effects on Senior High

School students.

4. Proposed strategies in order to provide a solution to the effects of sleep

deprivation and its implications to the memory of Senior High School


The researchers proposed activities to aid Senior High School

Students who experienced sleep deprivation. The proposed activities are

prepared for every variable of sleep deprivation in order to provide a solution

to each effect and factors. The activities are the following: Sleep Checklist, “I

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Know What You're Thinking”, Sleep Playlist , Safe Sleep, Let’s Play:Brain

Games, Sleep Right Sleep Tight, and Emotional Check.

This research used the descriptive research design to determine the

effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High School students and its factors

which greatly influence the effects of sleep deprivation. This research study

was conducted during the school year 2021-2023 per the requirements of the

subjects of Practical Research I and II.


1. The findings reveal that the factors that alter the effects of sleep deprivation in

terms of sleep hygiene, psychological problems, environmental factors and

school obligations are evident in influencing the effects on Senior High School

Students. Proper sleep hygiene is not evident in students while psychological

problems, environmental factors, and school obligations are all revealed to be

evident on interrupting the student’s sleep during the night.

2. The results show that in terms of memorization problems, cognitive health,

academic performance, and emotional health, students are evident in

showing effects of sleep deprivation. Students are evidently affected on their

attention span and memorization problem as well as on their emotional health

which causes their performance in school to drop.

3. The study confirmed that there is a significant difference between the factors

that alter the effects of sleep deprivation and its effects on Senior High School

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

4. The researchers proposed activities to aid Senior High School Students who

experienced sleep deprivation. The activities grounded from the findings of

the study are the following: Sleep Checklist, I Know What You're Thinking,

Sleep Playlist, Safe Sleep, Let’s Play:Brain Games, Sleep Right, Sleep Tight,

and Emotional Check.


On the basis of the findings the researchers recommended the following:

1. The future researchers are recommended to include more related articles and

references regarding the effects of sleep deprivation to Senior High School

students in every term mentioned.

2. Furthermore, future researchers are advised to check if all the surveys are

answered by the respondents as it will be difficult to reach out to the student

to answer all the blank questions.

3. Additionally, in order to advance the field of study, future researchers may

carry out comparable studies addressing additional variables.

4. Moreover, future researchers are also encouraged to think of more interactive

action plans to provide a solution to sleep deprivation.

5. Future researchers are advised to contribute, participate in group discussions,

and exchange knowledge in order to comprehend how sleep loss affects


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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Oswald, I. & Dr. Adam, K. (2013). Get a Better Night’s Sleep. PG Publishing Pte Ltd.

Walter, K. (2013). Learning Memory and Conceptual Processes.


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Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


Hershner, S. D., & Chervin, R. D. (2014). Causes and Consequences of Sleepiness

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Kana, O. et al. (2019). Sleep quality, duration, and consistency are associated with

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Performance and Cognitive Functions among the College Students: A

Cross Sectional Study. Retrieved from



Xiaoning, Z. et al. (2021). Sleep, Anxiety, and Academic Performance: A Study of

Adolescents From Public High Schools in China. Retrieved from
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


Alhola, P., & Kantolo, P. P. (2007). Sleep Deprivation: Impact on Cognitive

Performance. Retrieved from

American Academy of Sleep Medicine. (2017). Importance of Sleep & Effects of

Sleep Deprivation of College Students. Retrieved from


American Thoracic Society. (2019). What is Sleep Deprivation? Retrieved from


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Bilodeaeu, K, (2021). Is Your Daily Nap Doing More Harm Than Good? Retrieved

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Breus, M.J. (2018). 4 ways that Sleep Deprivation can harm your Emotional

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Your Emotional Health | Psychology Today.

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

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Cedars Sinai. (2021). Sleep Deprivation | Cedars-Sinai. Retrieved from


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Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Name: Ken B. Macatangay

Address: Banaba Center, Batangas City

Date of Birth: June 13, 2005

Place of Birth: Batangas City

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Born Again

Name of Parents: Elvira B. Macatangay

Christopher C. Macatangay

Email Address:


Elementary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City


Secondary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangsas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Name: Carl Daniel D. Magnaye

Address: Sitio 4, Balagtas, Batangas

Date of Birth: May 11, 2005

Place of Birth: San Jose, Batangas CIty

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Parents: Alona Magnaye

Delter Magnaye

Email Address:


Elementary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City


Secondary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Name: Jesimiel Chen R. Manalo

Address: Sitio 6, Balagtas Looban, Batangas City

Date of Birth: June 16, 2005

Place of Birth: Batangas City

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Born Again

Name of Parents: Jesse Guinhawa Manalo

Elaine Red Manalo

Email Address:


Elementary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City


Secondary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Name: Zyrel Denise A. Otucan

Address: Balagtas Village, Banaba Center,

Batangas City

Date of Birth: August 18, 2005

Place of Birth: Nasugbu, Batangas

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Parents: Digna A. Otucan

Carlo P. Otucan

Email Address:


Elementary: Alangilan Central Elementary School


Secondary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City



Name: Nyzia Ghyane A. Ramirez

Address: Centro, Purok 2, Gulod Itaas, Batangas City

Date of Birth: November 21, 2004

Place of Birth: Batangas City

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Name of Parents: Mary Ann A. Ramirez

Isagani G. Ramirez

Email Address:


Elementary: University of Batangas (2011)

Scuola Maria (2012-2017)

Secondary: Marian Learning Center and Science High School Incorporated

Alangilan, Batangas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


September 14, 2022

Mr. Levi Javier L. Ebora
Marian Learning Center and Science High School Inc.
Alangilan, Batangas City

Dear Mr. Ebora

We, the researchers from Grade 12-Zinc, are currently conducting a research
entitled, “Effects of Sleep Deprivation on the Academic Performance of Senior High
School Students of Marian Learning Center and Science High School Inc.”

We would like to request for the total number of the Senior High School Students of
the school from your office in order to conduct a survey questionnaire. We would
highly appreciate it if this request gets approved since it will help our study to
become successful.

Thank you for considering our request! We hope for your approval and will wait
patiently for your answer,

Sincerely yours,
The Researchers



Research Adviser
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Appendix B

Survey Questionnaire




Dear respondents,

The researchers are currently working on a study entitled, “Effects of Sleep

Deprivation on the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Marian

Learning Center and Science High School Inc.” which aims to identify the effects of

sleep deprivation on the academic performance of the Senior High School Students.

In line with this, we have chosen you to be one of our respondents of this study and

we hope that you will take time answering the questions honestly. Rest assured that

all the data gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used for

academic purposes only.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

The Researchers
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part I. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior High School

Directions: Check the appropriate column using the following rating scale to
indicate how evident you performed the indicators.

4 - Very Evident 2- Less Evident

3 - Evident 1- Not Evident

A. Sleep Deprivation

4 3 2 1

1. I sleep for around 8-10 hours every night.

2. I have problems going to sleep.

3. I had a good quality of sleep when I was a child.

4. I feel drowsy during the day, more than expected.

5. I have uncontrollable urges to fall asleep during the


6. I stay awake till midnight.

7. I have an excessive amount of time spent sleeping.

8. I take naps in the daytime.

9. I use my phone or laptop before going to sleep.

10. I have a consistent bedtime routine .

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

B. Psychological Problems
4 3 2 1
1. I cannot stop thinking about a lot of things when I’m
attempting to sleep.

2. I feel unsatisfied and tired even after sleeping.

3. I find it harder to sleep when there are too many

activities that I have to finish up.
4.I cannot sleep because of nervousness when I am
about to do a task. (e.g., attend a competition, take a
5. I struggle to manage my worries, which I cannot
control when I am about to sleep.
6. I experience hallucinations when I try to sleep.

7. I experience repeated awakenings at night.

8. I keep having disturbing dreams that prevent me from

falling asleep.

9. I have difficulty going to sleep even if I tried to.

10. I cannot help but feel restless which makes it difficult

for me to sleep properly.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

C. Environmental Factors

4 3 2 1

1. I use white noises (e.g rainfall, and ocean waves)

when I am trying to sleep.

2. I listen to music while I am sleeping

3. I find it hard to fall asleep when there are people

around me.

4. I find it difficult to sleep when my bed mattress is

too soft or too firm to sleep in.

5. I prefer sleeping with the lights off.

6. I cannot sleep properly when my room is too hot.

7. I cannot sleep when my room is too cold.

8. I cannot sleep when I have pets in/out of our house.

9. I find it difficult to sleep due to night noises (e.g.

cars driving, dogs barking, neighbor noises)

10. I cannot sleep because of the air quality of my

room making it difficult to breathe. (e.g. smoke, dust)

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

D. School Obligations

4 3 2 1
1. I do not sleep until I finish all my homeworks.

2.I stayed up late doing activities in order to reach the

3. I feel sleepy when I do my homework in the evening
after school.
4. I struggle to stay awake while studying.

5. I do my homework during the night time.

6. I wake up early to attend school or online classes.

7. I go over my notes at night, especially if I have a test

the following day.

8. I have an extracurricular activity (e.g. academic

clubs, non-academic clubs) that made me take a little
longer to leave school.
9. I leave the school late because of the day-long
schedule of classes.

10. I have to adjust my sleep schedule in order to do

my project.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part II. Effects of Sleep Deprivation to Senior High School Students

Directions: Check the appropriate column using the following rating scale to

indicate how evident you experienced the indicators.

4 - Very Evident 2- Less Evident

3 - Evident 1- Not Evident

A. Memorization Skills

Because of sleep deprivation… 4 3 2 1

1. I often forget all the lessons that were taught to us
after a whole day.
2. I easily forget the things that I memorized.

3. I usually forget where I put my things (eg. phone, pen,

eraser, wallet)
4. I often have a hard time memorizing information
despite having the time to do so.
5. I frequently experience mind-blocked situations.

6. I easily forget my schedule for the day.

7. I usually have trouble recalling some information that I
had previously seen or read.
8. I usually found myself suddenly forgetting what I was
about to say.

9. I often forget that I still have homework and activities

to complete.

10. I usually cannot recall the things that I have

reviewed after a whole night of study.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

B. Cognitive Health

Because of sleep deprivation… 4 3 2 1

1. I usually have a hard time focusing on studying.

2. I easily lose all my focus once there is something

that distracts me.

3. I usually find it difficult to regain focus once I lose

4. I usually have a hard time thinking of something

5. I easily get confused and have trouble learning

new things.
6. I tend to make more mistakes in my daily
7. I often have difficulty making proper and important
8. I often have a hard time carrying out instructions.

9. I usually become senseless when I do not get

enough sleep.
10. I often have a delayed reaction time when things
are urgent.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

C. Academic Performance

Because of sleep deprivation… 4 3 2 1

1. I have a hard time answering the exams that
require identification.

2. I score lower on tests when I stay awake at


3. I find it difficult to grasp the thought mentally

when my teacher is teaching in class.
4. I find it challenging to process information,
especially while reading literature or calculating

5. I find it difficult to find the right words to say

when I am reciting in class.
6. I find it hard to concentrate and listen in class.

7. I experience being slow in thinking that makes

me fall behind in recitations.

8. I feel sleepy in class, so I could not pay attention

to the lessons.

9. I get tired easily especially when there is physical

activity involved.
10. I find it difficult to think of words and sentences
when I’m writing an essay.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

D. Emotional Health

Because of sleep deprivation… 4 3 2 1

1. I am easily irritated when something is
bugging me.
2. I am always triggered even with the smallest of
3. I have sorrowful feelings when none are
4. I feel overly emotional to the point of tears.

5. I felt fatigued after going back to school.

6. I do not have any motivation or interest to do
any activities.

7. I am frequently angry and aggressive.

8. I feel fatigued already after waking up in the

9. I am often feeling overwhelmed when some
things are happening suddenly at the same time.

10. I cannot help but think negatively when

something doesn’t go in my way.
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City


Descriptive Data

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Sleep

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of

Psychological Problems
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of

Environmental Factors
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of School

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Memorization Skills

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Cognitive Health

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Academic Performance

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Emotional Health

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Numerical Data

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Sleep

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of

Psychological Problems
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of

Environmental Factors
Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 1. Factors that Alter the Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of School

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Memorization Skills

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Cognitive Health

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Academic Performance

Marian Learning Center and Science High School, Inc.
Senior High School Department
Brgy. Alangilan, Batangas City

Part 2. Effects of Sleep Deprivation in terms of Emotional Health

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