Portfolio 4

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Portfolio 4

Nowadays,people can use modern form of communication such as email and

messaging,people have spent a lot time to communicate in social lives.It has advantages and
disadvantages.However,appearance of it is were change the world.

Modern form of communicartion cause some negative effect.it make people social
relationship become wrose,they focus their mobile phone and forget their friends.Many people
are inclined to depend on these modern devices that result they go out to see their friends less
than in the past ,just stay at home to send messages and mail.but it may be because they are very
busy so send messages and mail are more convinient than meet

There are some reason to admit benefit of modern of communication.It help people
save the time that is spent seeing their friends by sending messages or mail instead of writing
letters and the mail will be sent immediately without having to wait for days.People can
communicate with their friends even they are so busy to see their friends.It is so useful and
convenient in modern and busy life

In conclusion. It is difficult to refuse strongpoint of these modern form of communication

but everyone need to recognize its drawbacks and harm to their social lives to make their lives
more better.

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