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The Commonwealth of Nations has made significant progress in developing national policy while forging
a new path in the government of dependencies. The Commonwealth government is unlike any other
political entity under the American flag. It is unique in its position and perspective among dependent
nations and unheard of in the international world. However, the progress made has not yet solved the
problem in the Philippines. Although the Law Establishing a New Government of the Islands stipulated
that American sovereignty over the Philippines would end in 1946, Congress left important issues such as
American-Philippine commercial relations to decide the future. after that date the final neutralization of
the Republic of the Philippines and the maintenance of an American naval base in the islands. Therefore,
American responsibility in the Philippines will continue for another decade, and the United States still has
to make big decisions about its policy in the Philippines. For their part, Filipinos continue to face constant
uncertainty on issues that affect their national existence. More broadly, the future of the islands is of more
concern than ever to nations with interests in the Far East. II The current form and organization of the
Philippine government was determined by the Filipinos themselves. The Constitution of the
Commonwealth was drawn up in Manila by a congress elected by the people, truly representing the best
of Filipino character, intellect and political experience. In terms of personnel and leadership, it also
represented the overwhelming force of Philippine political power. It drafted an organic law that was
approved by all but one of its 202 members and was later approved by a majority of Filipino voters.

On November 15, 1935, the leaders of the Commonwealth of the Philippines accepted this daunting task.
Only ten years later, before independence was granted on July 4 1946, they had to oversee a massive
economic adjustment program for the national economy. The United States' colonial preference for
agriculture, including no trade from 1909 to 1934 , led to the Philippines sending more than two-thirds of
its merchandise exports to American consumers and a commitment to American products that accounted
for two-thirds of all. importation . Under the terms of the Tydings-McDuffie Act, as the Philippine
Independence Act of 1934 was known, this tax-free relationship would end upon independence. At the
time, Philippine products were subject to full US tariffs. When the full tariff was imposed in 1946,
Philippine exports to and imports from the United States were expected to decline significantly.
Philippine leaders had only ten years to divert trade away from the United States and develop new
industries to replace American imports. Few observers thought that ten years would be sufficient time to
complete the adjustment process. Philippine leaders openly discussed the future in apocalyptic terms
(Philippine Economic Association 1933). The US Tariff Commission also issued a report predicting dire
consequences after 1946 (US Tariff Commission 1937). Interestingly, when the Joint Preparatory
Committee on Philippine Affairs (PCPA) met in 1937 to make recommendations to facilitate the
adjustment process, Philippine President Manuel Quezon lobbied American leaders to grant early
independence in either 1938 or 1939.
The technology acceptance model examines educational variables, as well as factors that influence
student performance that are reflected in the final grades of this empirical study. The Technology
Acceptance Model describes acceptance of computers in general. This model measures the influence of
external variables on beliefs, attitudes, and intentions. His two main components of this model,
perceptions of usefulness and ease of use, are an individual's perception that adopting a new technology
will increase efficiency, and an individual's perception of the ease of use of that technology. Related to
The less effort that is perceived, the easier it is to adopt the technology. Therefore, we measured
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, computer self-efficacy, and computer anxiety to determine
their impact on student performance. The spread of personal computers was made possible by
applications written for personal computers. The constant creation of new applications has provided a
good foundation for testing the technology her acceptance model to determine how users adopt such
applications. The recent escalation in the provision of online education via the Internet has once again
triggered a new dimension in information systems. This has led to research using technology acceptance
models for educational applications. Today's modern classroom, whether online or on campus, uses e-
learning tools and learning management systems to capture student perceptions and engage them in the
learning process via technology, while at the same time addressing the need for self-directed instruction.
enhances sexuality. Against this background, the study also takes into consideration the ability of students
to work independently. The statistical analysis results of this survey showed a clear difference in student
perceptions of e-learning tools between those who chose online courses and those who chose campus-
based courses. 

Enhancing the self-directed use of generation for language gaining knowledge of is critical for
maximizing the capacity of generation for language gaining knowledge of. Understanding a way to
assemble learner schooling to sell this important competency. This examine tested the effectiveness of an
internet schooling platform aimed toward improving the willingness and vital understanding and talent set
of newcomers to interact withinside the self-directed use of generation for language gaining knowledge of
with the aid of using equipping them with the pedagogical rationales for self-directed generation use for
gaining knowledge of, the strategic base for matching generation choice with gaining knowledge of
dreams and processes, and the methods for the use of technological sources and gear efficiently for
language gaining knowledge of. A institution of undergraduate college students participated withinside
the 12-week schooling. Analyses of college students' survey responses earlier than and after the interest
indicated that the schooling application become powerful in inducing a more frequency of self-directed
use of generation for language gaining knowledge of and in selling a more willingness and greater
extensive understanding and talent base in guide of such gaining knowledge of behaviors. 
The study of the Commonwealth Government of the Philippines is important for several reasons. First, it
provides an overview of an important transitional period in Philippine history. During this period,
important political, social and economic changes took place in the country, which had a lasting impact on
its development. The significance of this study may result to students Understanding the changes and
their impact on the nation is important to understanding the current situation of the Philippines and its
historical development. Second, the Commonwealth Government represents a unique experiment in
democratic governance in Southeast Asia. The development of parliamentary democracy in the
Philippines during this period was a significant event in the region and remains an important reference
point for political and constitutional development in the region. Third, the study of the Commonwealth
government provides a window into the dynamics of colonialism and its resistance. The creation of the
Commonwealth government represented a compromise between Americans. This study may used in
providing another strategies in conducting a website, that students can pay more attention, and this
website we named "ComWeb" which means Commonwelth Website, it contains various activities that
will help students enjoy more about history.

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