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Medical Provision

Event organizers have a legal responsibility to ensure attendees' safety. Accidents and medical
emergencies can occur at any time during events, which can be physically and emotionally draining.
When attendees know that medical support is on hand if needed, they will feel safer and more
comfortable. We will prepare some general medical provisions during the event, including:

First Aid Kits:

Every event should have a well-stocked first aid kit, which should include items such as:

Picture Item and Function


To reduce infection and cross-contamination risks

CPR Pocket Mask

To provide rescue breaths.

Prevent blood bleeding or control bleeding.

Roller Gauze

Keeps a wound in place, keeps bleeding under control

4x4 Gauze Pad

Stop Bleeding

Medical Tape

The attachment of bandages, gauze, and other dressings around

First Aid Scissors

Cut bandages to fit wounds

Triangular Bandages

Immobilize or support an injured bone or joint or use as improvised


Elastic Bandage

Wrap around a sprain or strain

Disposable Thermometers

Checking Body Temperature

Medical Centre
Pusat Kesihatan Universiti (PKU), UUM
Because our event occurs on Universiti Utara Malaysia's (UUM) campus, the University Health Centre
(PKU) will be the primary medical centre. Medical treatment is provided to students and staff by PKU,
which also provides medical guidance and assistance to the surrounding community at UUM.

Contact them:
Tel: +604-928 2525
Fax: +604-928 2450
Website: http//

Basic Emergency Care Service/Ambulance Service

Hotline: 013-5930028
Office Hours: 04-9284444
11. Fire and Safety

Event planners should place the safety of attendees at the top of their priorities. Planning and
executing fire and safety for an event requires careful planning and execution to minimize
potential risks.

There will be a risk assessment conducted before the event that identifies potential hazards.

1. Weather-related Risks: Since our event is outdoors, the possible risks are heat waves and
rain. A shaded area and water will be provided to prevent dehydration among attendees.
In case of rain during the event, the event organizer must move attendees to a shaded
2. Environmental Hazards: The environment can pose risks to attendees, such as insect
bites. We will be holding our event on grass, so attendees may experience insect bites.
Attendees will be asked to wear repellent before attending the event, and the event
organizers will also prepare the repellent.
3. Terrain: Outdoor event spaces can have a wide variety of terrain, which can pose safety
risks such as tripping and falling. As our event is surrounded by drains and roads,
attendees might trip and fall.
4. Fire Hazards: Smoking or bringing a lighter might pose a fire hazard to attendees. A fire
extinguisher will be placed at the entrance of DMAS, which is the closest shaded place to
our event location. It is important to inform attendees where the fire extinguisher is
5. Car Accidents: Leaving or entering the event's surroundings can to car accidents. It will
be the responsibility of the event organizer to clearly mark pedestrian walkways and also
take care of the surrounding area.

Last but not least, attendees should be informed of the fire and safety plan and provided with
clear instructions on what to do in an emergency. This includes providing information on
evacuation routes and procedures.
Event Schedule

Pre-Event Day

13/4/23 Meeting and discussion

15/4/23 Distributing Group Responsibilities

24/4/23 Look for licensing at the event and food distribution

Event Day


10 AM Set up the venue.

11 AM Food arrive.

12 PM Check the arrive on attendees (invited only)

12:10 Pm Event organizer started to brief about the party.

1 PM Gather, Have lunch/ Sharing session.

2:30 PM Play mini games

3:30PM Photo session/ Ending Montage

4:30PM Farewell speech by event organizer, thoughts about the party from attendees

4:50 Clean Up

5:00PM End of Event

Post Event Day


5pm-6pm Postmortem of Event

This table show the event schedule during pre-event day 13/4/2023-24/4/2023, and on event day
06/6/2023 and post even day. This is to ensure that the events runs smoothly and participants gets to enjoy
themselves for this event.
Pre-Event Day
Dates Task Start Finish Resources Notes
13/4/2023 Meeting and Discussion 10 am 11 am All Decide the
event and
share ideas.
15/4/2023 Distributing Group 9 pm 9:30 pm All Distribute the
Responsibilities and Task tasks to
24/4/2023 Verify the event's licensing 10 am 11:30 am Syamimi, Get the
and food distribution Nadimah permits of the
Event Day
06/06/2023 Set up the venue 10 am 11 am Diyana, Izzati, Decorate the
Wong venue
06/06/2023 Arrival of food. 11 am 12 pm Izzati, Check the
Alamoudi food that we
have order
06/06/2023 Verify 12 pm 12:10 pm Cheah, Check
attendees'/participants' Nadimah participants
arrivals. invitation and
guide them to
the venue
06/06/2023 Event organizer began 12:10 pm 1 pm Syamimi Brief about
briefing about the party the overall
schedule at
the party
06/06/2023 Food will be served, 1 pm 2:30 pm Diyana, Distribute the
followed by a sharing Cheah foods to the

06/06/2023 Play Mini Games 2:30 pm 3:30pm All Share

about the
games that
going to be
06/06/2023 Photo session/ Ending 3:30 pm 4:30 pm Wong, Photo session
Montage Alamoudi with the

06/06/2023 Farewell speech by event 4:30 pm 4:50 pm Syamimi Ending

organizer, thoughts about speech
the party from attendees

06/06/2023 Clean Up 4:50 pm 5:00 pm All Clean Up the


06/06/2023 End of Event 5:00 pm - All Dewan

Shah site
Post Event Day
06/06/2023 Postmortem of Event 5:00 pm 6:00 pm All The event
about the

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