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Writing A) Telescope, and

Digital SAT Parallelism Error B) Telescope; and

1. The scientists divided the lake in half by placing a C) Telescope and;

nylon barrier through the narrowest part of its figure-
D) Telescope and,
eight shape. In one half of Lake 226, they added
phosphates, nitrates, and a source of carbon; in the 5. New theories, _______________and technologies
other, they added just nitrates _________________. are transforming the twenty-first-century workplace
at lightning speed.
A) and a source of carbon was added
A) new practices too,
B) and a source of carbon.
B) also new practices,
C) plus also a source of carbon.
C) in addition to practices,
D) but also adding a source of carbon.
D) practices,
2. By the late twentieth century, the angle of the
tower’s tilt had reached an astonishing 5.5 degrees; in 6. Seawater seeping into fissures in the ocean floor is
______________the tower to visitors and appointed a heated by underlying magma, and the heat drives
committee to find a way to save it. chemical reactions that remove oxygen, sulfates,
_____________other chemicals from the water.
A) 1990, Italy’s government closed
A) and remove
B) 1990, Italy’s government, closed
B) it also removes
C) 1990 Italy’s government, closed,
C) also removing
D) 1990: Italy’s government closed
D) and
3. A 2009 report by the Bureau of Health Professions
notes that although a fifth of the US population lives 7. This means that the water near NW Rota-1 is more
in rural areas, less than a tenth of US physicians serves acidic than _______________acid, presenting yet
that population. Because a traditionalist response to another challenge to life-forms living nearby.
the crisis— __________ medical-college enrollments
and expanding physician training programs—is too A) that of stomach
slow and costly to address the near-term problem, B) those of stomach
alternatives are being explored. One promising
avenue has been greater reliance on physician C) the acid from stomach
assistants (PAs). D) stomach
A) amping up 8. As archaeologists underground attempted to relay
B) bolstering information to those at the surface, they had to
contend with the noise of construction vehicles, car
C) arousing horns, and _____________on the busy New York City
D) revving up streets.

4. In 1958, the program’s first year, very few people A) pedestrians’ noise
believed that it was even possible for a manned B) the noise of pedestrians
spacecraft to leave the atmosphere and orbit Earth.
But by initiating and collaborating on projects such as C) pedestrians
the Apollo Moon missions, the space shuttle program, D) that of pedestrians
the Hubble Space _______________unmanned
planetary exploration, NASA has continually
challenged its scientists and engineers to do things
that were previously thought impossible.
9. Talks about a nuclear partnership have dragged on, 14. The dispute, which centres on which countries can
largely because the Saudi government has refused to receive benefits under the Inflation Reduction Act, has
agree to conditions intended to prevent it from caused significant rifts with foreign governments
_____________ nuclear weapons or helping other __________ blowback from Congress.
nations to do so.
A. and, drew
A. developed B. and has drawn
B. being developed C. and drew
C. development of D. and drawn
D. developing
15. Shakespeare held in mind, while characterization,
10. New details of the Saudi efforts provide a window not only the political movements that shaped the
_______________ and distrust between Washington nature of his characters but also _____________ at
and Riyadh and into the foreign policy that Crown that time impacted their behaviour.
Prince Mohammed bin Salman is pursuing: greater
A. how culture
independence from the United States as he expands
B. how did culture
partnership with other world powers.
C. the Cultural manoeuvrings
A. upon the recent difficulties D. what cultural manoeuvrings
B. to the recent difficulties
16. Marlow had the gift of the gab in
C. into the recent difficulties
____________delivering public speeches and writing
D. from the recent difficulties
dialogues for his innovative characters who became
11. While some changes have been made to books immortal over time.
published in decades past, often with little fanfare,
A. either
many of the current attempts to remove offensive
B. both
language are systematic and _____________ intense
C. between
public scrutiny.
D. whether
A. are drawn
B. drawn
C. have been drawn
D. have drawn

12. The US healthcare system has made significant

strides in the implementation of systems that manage
electronic health records, which include information
such as a patient’s medical history, medications
currently ___________ a list of allergies.

A. prescribed, and
B. prescribed; and
C. prescribed: and
D. prescribed and,

13. Since president Biden took office two years ago,

the United States has declined to pursue new
comprehensive free-trade agreements with other
countries, arguing that most Americans have turned
against the kind of pacts that promote global
commerce but that also help to send factory jobs

A. but also help

B. but that also help
C. helping
D. and help

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