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Linking Words

AND In addition / Additionally / Furthermore / Moreover /

Plus /What’s more/ Also
BUT However / Nevertheless /On the other hand/ Still /
Despite that / Nonetheless / Even so
SO Therefore / Consequently / As a Result / Thus /
For this reason/ Accordingly
I agree with this idea and it should be followed.
These words start a new sentence
You need to put a comma after them

Conjunctions: for and but so nor or yet

Example with a conjunction:

I work all day so I am tired at night. Nevertheless, I have

a night job.

But “linking words” are not conjunctions:

I work all day. Therefore, I am tired at night.

Despite/in spite of

Despite the rain, I went outside.

despite + noun, subject + verb

In spite of is exactly the same as despite:

In spite of the rain, I went outside.

in spite of + noun, subject + verb

I had a heavy bag. I walked all the way home.

Despite having a heavy bag, I walked all the way home.

I didn’t know the answers. I passed the test.

Despite not knowing the answers, I passed the test.

Despite the fact that I didn’t know the answers, I

passed the test.

It was raining. Nonetheless, I went outside.


Jim is a nice guy but he is absolutely crazy.

Jim is a nice guy even though he is absolutely

Jim is a nice guy, albeit absolutely crazy.

How to use this grammar:

1.In the Use of English section, if you see that

the missing word starts a new sentence and

has a comma after it, it is a linking word.

2.In your formal writing, (report, proposal and

essay), use these words.

3. When you edit your writing, check whether

you have joined two sentences with ‘and’,

‘but’ or ‘so’, and if you have, replace them

with one of the linking words, (don’t forget to

start a new sentence and add a comma).

How the CAE Writing is Marked:

There are four main points:

Linking words are formal.

Linking words get you points for good vocabulary.

Linking words organize your text.

Example Essay (Extract)

Education is a major factor in shaping a person’s identity. When

people are exposed to different cultures and opinions, they start to
think critically and research on their own so some question the values
of their parents. There is also a connection between education and
liberal views. Well-educated people tend to lean to the left. These
examples, and many others, are precisely why all children should
receive a quality education.
I think both relationships with family and friends, and education
are crucial for a person’s identity but I strongly believe education
should be a top priority, and there needs to be an emphasis on making
it accessible to everyone. It is what pushes us to think critically and
choose for ourselves.

Examples from the Use of English Section

(from CAE Practice Tests Plus 2)

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