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What do you know about this?

What do you know about this?
What do you know about this?
Recount text is a text that retells a story, an
experience, or an event that happen in the past.
Recount text is divided into three:

Biography Historical Recount Personal Recount

To inform the readers by To chronicle past event To tell experiences in which
telling the past events regarded as historically the writer was personally
historically and achievments in significant involved
a person's life
EVENTS (optional)

tells who is involved in

the story, when, where, tells what happened in tells the conclusion of
and why the story the story the story
Simple Past Tense
Subject + V2
Subject + be + complement

Adverb of time
• Yesterday
• Last week
• Last month
• An hour ago
• A year ago

Adverb of sequence
• First
• Then
• After that
• At last
• Finally
Make a group of 5-6 and
investigate an inventor of your
choosen invention!
Best of Luck for success to be there with you in every
walk of life. May all your dreams come true.
All The Best


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