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School Memorandum

Number 01 , s, 2023

To : Administrative Officer IV
Department Heads
SHS Focal Person
Junior & Senior HS Teachers
Non Teaching Personnel

Subject : Performance Rewards System at the school

Date : January 30, 2023

In reference to DepeED Order 78, s.2007 entitled “Strengthening the Program on

Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) of the Department of
Education, schools are enjoined to organized respective PRAISE Committees and
tailor-fit programs to recognize efforts contributing to efficiency, economy and
improvement in government operations which lead to organizational productivity.
I. The Project PRAISE Committees will be manned by the four Department
a. Academic Department chaired by Lerma R. Partido , Head Teacher III
b. Tech Voc Department chaired by Domingo G. De Jesus Jr., Head Teacher III
c. Senior High School Dept. chaired by Deo Angelo G. Agustin, SHS Focal Person
d. Administrative Departmnet chaired by Vincent R. Ferrer, A.O. IV
II. Thus, the school through its committee also initiates its own incentive and award in
school level to teachers and learners names “PERFORMANCE REWARDS SYSTEM.
The awards are as follows.
1. Best Learning Environment : Best Building and Best Classroom (including Valentine’s
Day decoration) per Grade Level
2. Best Garden and Best Gulayan
3. Best Bulletin Board per learning Area to be displayed in the grade year building and
for inside of the classroom
4. Best Faculty Room (Jr, Tech Voc, SHS)
5. Best Instructional Material (Learning Area)
6. Best Student Output (Learnng Area)
7. Model Teacher, Non Teaching Personnel & Student
III. The school level committee shall be constituted of the Principal, head
teachers,SHS focal person, LGU/Brgy Councils, GPTA, SGC and SSG Offcers.
IV. Guidelines and criteria with their corresponding percentage are given for your
references(see enclosures).
V. BEST Learning Environment Building & Classroom
A. Classroom:
i. Child Friendly Classroom (Cleanliess & Orderliness)……….. …………..40 %
ii. Room Decoration & Materials…………………………..…………………….30%
 Sign Board of Grade Level
 Class/Teacher’s Program
 Section History/Trivia/Origin
 Inspirational Quotes (CSHI Pamdayan…/Honesty is the best policy)
 DepED Vision/Vision/Core Value.
 School/Classroom Rules /Kontrata sa Pag uugali
 Lesson Board
 Class Tracking System{ Officers, Ranking, Graphs, Birthday, Cleaners & others)
 Awards in School, Municipal, Division, Regional level
 Parents & Stakeholders Corners (Accomplishments, Meetings, Resolutions, Projects
and others)
 NDEP (Drug awareness) & SDRRM (Emergency Exit plan, Typhoon Signal etc.)
Corner in Action, Slogan.
 Health & Covid Corner (Tarpaulin, Medicine Cabinets, Mirror etc.)
 Safety precautions and proper placement or safekeeping of cleaning materials.
iii. Classroom Structure and Decoration Arrangement……………………..….. 20%
 Seating Arrangement
 Most Decorative Valentines/Graduation decor.
iv. Over-all appearance………………………………………………………..10% 100%
B. Best Building
1. Child Friendly Building
 Cleanliness and Orderlines….…………………………….20%
 Safe and Conducive Environment ……………………….30%
2. Building Decorations and Materials.
 Uniformity & Harmony of Decorations & Materials….. 20%
3. Adherence to the Building Requirements……………….20%
 Bulletin Board
 Model Student of the Month (Male & Female)
 Best in uniform (Male & Female)
 Best in Attendance (Male & Female)
 Excellent deportment (Male & Female)
 Diligence Award (Male & Female)
4. Over-all Appearance……………………………………….10%……………………100%
C. Best Garded/Gulayan
 Aesthetic apperance of the garden/gulayan…………40%
 Relavance to the learning Area………………………...20%
 Utilization of Garden Space…………………………….10%
 Plants/Vegatables Grown………………………………30%……………………….100%
Note: Gulayan criteria please ask the TLE Teachers/HTs
v Best Bulletin Board.
 Informative………………….……………………………25%
 Quality of Construction…………………………………20%
 Theme and creativity……………………………………20%
 Titles and Texts…………………………………………..10%
 Neatness and Organization……………………………..25%……………………100%

vi. Best Faculty Room

1. Cleanliness & Orderliness………………………………..…..40%
2. Faculty Decoration/Materials…………………………..…….30%
a) Organizational Chart
b) Transparency Board
c) Teachers’ Schedule . DepED Order/Memo, Regional,Division, LGUs or School
3. Faculty Structure/Decoration & Tables Arrangement…….20%
4. Over-all Appearance…………………………………………...10%……………..100%

Vii. Best Instructional Materials

 Content …………… 30% Informative…………….20%
 Innovative………… 20% Titles &bText……….….10%
 Organizational of Ideas 10% Aesthetic appearance….10%………………..100%

Viii. Best Learners Output

a. Content 30% b. Informative 20% c. Innovative……20%
e. Titles and Text……10% e..Organization of Ideas………10%
f. f.Aesthetic Appearance 10%…..100%

Ix. Model Teachers

A. Academic
 Has the teacher prepared IM’s for classroom activities?
 Has the teacher went above and beyond their roles?
 Has the teacher made significant progress in the classroom?
 Has the teacher worked to the full extent of their potentials
 Has the teacher effectively compiled on all tasks given?
B. Citizenship
 Is the teacher a positive role model?
 Has the teacher actively participated on all school events?
 Has the teacher demonstrated respect to the student body,faculty and staff?
 Has the teacher followed school/ civil service rules and policy?
 Has the teacher arrived to school and class on time?
 Has the teacher wore the prescribe uniform at all times?
X. Model Students
A. Academic
 Has the student prepared for classroom activities?
 Has the learner went above and beyond their roles?
 Has the student made signifcant progress in the classroom?
 Has the student worked to the full extent of teir potencial?
 Has the student effectively complied on all the tasks given?
B. Citizenship
 Is the learner a positive role model?
 Has the student actively participated?
 Has the learner demosntrated respect to the student body, faculty and staff?
 Has the student followed school rules?
 Has the student arrived to school and class on time?
 Has the student wore the prescribed uniform at all times or dress up tidy &
C. Personal Development.
 Has the student engaged in extra-curricular activities?
 Has the student volunteered at school or in the community?
 Is the student a member of a club or organization in the school?

VI. Schedule of Activities for the Performance Rewards System.

February 10, 2023 Preliminary Evalaution
February 16, 2023 Semi-Final Evalaution (Phase I)
Note: Awarding Day for Phase 1 will be on February 17, 2022
June 16, 2023 : Final Evalaution and Awarding during Graduation Day

VII. Winners will be awarded with plaque /certificate on July 4, 2023 .

Note: Winners during the Final Evalaution will be recieving certificate of recognition
during the said event. Semi _Final Evaluation and Final will be combined in
obtaining the final winners.
VIII. For your guidance and information


Principal IV

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