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Experts rightly call the hype around cryptocurrencies a new “gold rush”.
Digital coins allow some people to earn quickly and a lot and Bitcoin is far
from the only example 😉

However, it is important to remember that working with the crypto

vertical is difficult for beginners. To get high payouts in media buying,
you need to study in detail all the subtleties and trends, carefully
understand the statistics, constantly work with creatives, and most
importantly, choose the right affiliate program with working offers.

Do you want to know how to drive traffic on Crypto-offers and how to

make money on cryptocurrency?
It is never too late to jump on the crypto bandwagon but where do we
start? Is it possible for a beginner to make money on cryptocurrency?
Let’s start answering this question from afar.

Demand for cryptocurrencies has been steadily increasing since 2017.

New media buyers and new crypto buyers regularly appear on the
market. First of all, the development of the market is associated with a
stable increase in the price per unit of currency and with an increase in
the number of deposits. At the same time, the number of countries in
which the crypto market is actively growing is constantly increasing.

Before you start sending traffic on crypto offers, it is important to

understand the specifics and study the nuances of cryptocurrency media
buying. Without understanding the scope, it will be difficult to get a
stable income. Let’s start with the basics.

Offers – offers that promise to make a profit in the long run.

The cryptocurrency vertical – everything that is directly related to

driving traffic.
What is cryptocurrency media buying in CPA?

In CPA, the media buyer receives a reward for performing a targeted

action. In most cases, this action is making a cash deposit.

Advertisers, as a rule, are various online systems within which earnings

are made on cryptocurrency.

At first glance, it may seem that the crypto vertical consists only of offers
that offer to buy digital coins, but this is far from the case. There are four
(sometimes three) main areas that can be distinguished here:

 Education. This can be training in mining, blockchain technologies,

trading, etc. In this case, the offer is to sell training. Payouts range
from $250 to $750. Experience shows that it is not easy to convert
these types of offers, since only a few are ready to spend time
studying complex topics, most just want to earn money from day
one. Naturally, this is impossible.

 Investments. This is one of the most attractive options. Many do

not want to study and strive for an immediate and direct way of
earning. Investments can be done in new crypto-currencies,
crypto-funds, and tokens. Such offers pay from 150 to 750 US

 Trading. It involves independent trading in cryptocurrencies.

Potentially, this type of offer can bring good payouts, but only
clients with the necessary knowledge in the field of trading can
take advantage of it. As you can imagine, there are not many of
 Auto trading. This is a type of trading. In this case, not the client
himself, but the robot will trade crypto. The latter is provided by
the broker. Most often, such offers are promoted on foreign sites.

In crypto media buying, trading and auto trading are often combined in
one stream. The only difference is who trades: the client himself or the
robot for him.

The vertical can work on RevShare, CPL, or CPA models. In the first case,
the distribution of the total amount of income is carried out. The CPL
model assumes payment per lead. The CPA model, as I said above,
involves paying for targeted action. In crypto media buying, it is
considered the most optimal and most attractive.
How do professional media buyers make money on cryptocurrency?

To push traffic on the crypto, the affiliate needs traffic. It is important to

choose the right sources, then bring people to the target action with the
help of creatives, pre-landers, and landings. I will talk about traffic
sources and their features later in the article.

For a media buyer specialist, a successful funnel most often looks like

 Advertising creative;

 Pre-landing;

 Landing;

 Broker’s call (in trading);

 Deposit.

It is important to keep in mind that cryptocurrency advertising is usually

prohibited on Google, Facebook, TikTok, etc. Methods such as cloaking, a
type of SEO, when different pages are shown to a search robot and a
person, help to circumvent the bans. To do this, you can independently
study various guides or choose a special service for cloaking. Also, to
circumvent the rules, affiliates farm accounts, that is, imitate the activity
of real users.
How can a beginner make money on cryptocurrency (and is it even

As practice shows – it is possible. But as you already understood from

the first part of the ebook, cryptocurrency media buying is a rather
complicated topic. If you do not understand the basic principles, then
you might be waiting for a very long time for a stable income.

The cryptocurrency market is far from the easiest to drive traffic. This is
apparent by the monetary amounts it rotates. Payouts are significantly
higher than in many other niches.

What is the target audience of crypto offers?

Over the 13 years of cryptocurrency market existence, dozens of studies

have been carried out, the purpose of which is to determine the portrait
of the target audience. The 2022 statistics show that the majority of
investors are men aged 30 to 60 with a college degree and an annual
income of $130,000. The second significant group of crypto investors
consists of millennials, whose age does not exceed 35 years. This is a
generation of active young people who are just starting to earn their
capital and are considering digital coins as a promising investment
Women are also interested in cryptocurrencies and makeup about 20%
of the total number of investors. Experts predict that this figure will soon
increase to 35%. There is a tendency to popularize digital coins among
the general population. It is likely that within 3-5 years there will be
many more investors with an average income and minimal basic
knowledge in the field of blockchain as cryptocurrencies continue their
expansion into Tier 3 countries.

Features of Crypto-offers

Among the main advantages of crypto CPA offers are:

 Solid payouts. For one conversion, you can earn up to $1000, and
this is not the limit. A solvent audience is heavily present in the
crypto vertical, which allows you to make good money.

 Wide coverage of countries. You can drive traffic to different


 Pretty narrow and complex niche. This means that truly

professional media buying have almost no competitors (when
compared, for example, with dating).

The cryptocurrency market is volatile. The media buying should be

flexible and quickly adapt to new conditions.

It is important to be ready to constantly test different creatives, landings,

pre-landers, and traffic sources.
How do crypto offers work?

13 years have passed since the appearance of the first cryptocurrency.

During this time, the digital coin market has grown, matured, and
experienced ups and downs. As of May 2022, there are 17,543 digital
currencies in the world. The most popular of them:

● Bitcoin (CCC: BTC-USD);

● Ethereum (CCC: ETH-USD);
● Litecoin (CCC: LTC-USD);
● Tether (CCC: USDT-USD);
● Stellar Lumens (CCC:XLM-USD);
● Binance Coin (CCC:BNB-USD);
● Cardano (CCC:ADA-USD).

Good prospects for Uniswap (UNI) (Ethereum platform), Chainlink (LINK)

(Ethereum platform), FTX Token (FTT), Aave (AAVE), The Graph (GRT),
DAO Maker (DAO), SHIBA INU (SHIB), Thorchain.

But, as I mentioned before, most often affiliate programs offer trading or

auto trading as the offers. In this case, advertisers are virtual services for
making money using digital coins and valuable documents. Getting on
the landing page, the user leaves a request for a consultation with a
broker. After some time, the broker calls the potential client back,
consults and helps to understand the system, and offers to make a
Keep in mind that such decisions are not made instantly, a person needs
to think, and analyze their financial capabilities. A lot depends on the
qualifications of the broker. Regarding the budget, it is not possible to
establish an exact universal amount. Experts advise not to drain the
entire budget at once: after 20-50 Tier-1 registrations (100-200 Tier-2,-3
registrations), you can already understand whether there is a success in
the audience.

GEOs that convert well in crypto

Most people are confident that cryptocurrency is most popular in the US.
However, in practice things are different. Among the leading countries
(Tier-2.3) in terms of holders and buyers of cryptocurrency, the following
can be highlighted:
 Nigeria

 Vietnam

 Philippines

 Turkey

 Peru

 Brazil

 Colombia

 Argentina

 Mexico

 Greece

 Spain

 Portugal
Examples of creatives for the Crypto vertical

Without a good creative, an effective media buying link will not work. If
people are not interested, they will not click, go to the pre-lander and
landing, and will not perform the targeted action. Creativity is the
foundation, without which it is difficult to imagine everything else.

Creatives can be good and bad. If there is a bad creative, there will be
few deposits and little income. Bad creatives include:

 The promise of the easiest money possible. Such creatives are

usually visited by an insolvent audience that is not ready to make a

 A hackneyed idea. If you have studied spies and see that the
creative is quite common, then it is better not to use it. People
have already seen it many times, and it does not cause a desire to
perform a targeted action.

 Funnel mismatch. If the creative is not warmed up and leads to a

landing that is poorly connected with it, then the audience will quit
before making a deposit.

What about a good creative? They attract the attention of the target
audience, warm them up, make them want to go to pre-landing, and
then to landing. A good creative becomes the basis of a bundle in media
buying and helps to ensure that the target audience makes a deposit.
Effective creatives often indicate the amount you need to spend to start
earning. Usually, it coincides with the first deposit. So the audience gets
a hook for wealth and at the same time prepares for the fact that it will
be necessary to make a deposit.
Storytelling also works very well. The audience is presented with a
versatile and intimate character who has achieved great success. People
compare themselves to him or her and want to repeat the success for
themselves. For such creatives, a pre-lander is required, which will
additionally warm up the audience before landing.

Lately, video creatives have been improving day by day. This format is
still relatively fresh, so it did not have time to get boring.

Below I have collected some examples of good creatives:

Landing tailored for storytelling

Another creative of a success story
Preview leads to a short video
A promise to multiply the money spent
An example of a push format with the logo of a well-known exchange
Success story video
Where to get ideas for creatives in Crypto

There are two main options for creating creatives:

 Repeat other people’s ideas with changes. Making changes is the

important part. Fully copying is a bad option. To view ideas, we
recommend using spy services, such as PowerAdSpy, SpyPush, and

 Look for inspiration and create something of your own. The largest
services for these purposes are Pinterest and Behance.

If you want to make money on cryptocurrency, then it is better to create

something new and more or less unique. It is also not recommended to
use images from Google searches. Most likely, many have already seen
them. Such images will not attract the attention of users. To find unique
images, you can use stocks, such as Flickr, Pixabay, and Free Images.
Where to get traffic for Crypto

The main sources of traffic are:

 Google and Google Ads. Those who use search engines are of
particular interest to affiliates. This audience is more likely than
others to make deposits. It is important to remember that Google
does not allow crypto advertising, so you will have to use

 Facebook. It is also considered one of the best traffic sources. In

this social network, crypto advertising is also prohibited. The usual
base of bots will not work here. Media buyers farm accounts to get
the system to trust them. To recap farming is an imitation of the
activities of a real person.

 Push. This traffic source is one of the most inexpensive, risk-free,

and simple. However, it is difficult to find high-quality traffic with
real leads here – I recommend choosing proven networks.

 Email distribution. Among traffic sources, emailing is gradually

fading into the background, but remains quite effective. You need
a database of addresses and a mailing list service.

 Pop under. These are tabs that “pop up” under the originally
opened page. This is a fairly effective traffic source that allows you
to reach a large audience. One of the main disadvantages is a large
number of bots.
 TikTok. Recently, this site has been increasingly used to drive
traffic. However, there are very few truly solvent audience
members there. The fact that TikTok’s format in itself involves
attracting attention for a few seconds and quickly switching to
something else. Often people here are simply not ready to make
informed and thought-out decisions.

 PBN network. A group of sites that link to each other and rank high
in search results to crowd out competitors is another good option.

 Native and banner ads. Periodically this method is used by

experienced webmasters.

Which cryptocurrency affiliate program will be beneficial for you?

Crypto media buying falls in the gray area with earnings. The activities of
affiliate programs are considered semi-legal. The media buying is not too
protected from fraud by advertisers and affiliate programs. The way out
of this is to choose affiliate programs that have a good reputation and
work with trusted advertisers.

CPAGrip Crypto-SmartLink is a great opportunity to start in this niche.

Offers are selected individually depending on geo, device, operating
system, and other parameters.

But of course, there are other affiliate programs – I recommend that you
carefully study the reviews and draw your conclusions 😉
Conclusion. Advantages and disadvantages of the cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency traffic media buying has its strengths and weaknesses.

Those who understand the topic and act professionally earn good
money. Those who are looking for easy money and do not understand
the niche of cryptocurrencies well, lose quickly.

The main advantages include the following:

 You can easily figure it out if you have experience in related topics.
For example, media buyers often come to crypto after working
with gambling.

 You can make good money. But this condition is achievable only if
you understand the topic of cryptocurrency media buying, test a
lot, choose the right strategy and avoid serious mistakes.

Important shortcomings include:

 The need to circumvent the rules. To drive traffic from Google,

Facebook, etc., you will have to use additional services. We have
already talked about farming and cloaking which will have to be
thoroughly understood.

 Most often, the entry price is higher than in other verticals.

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