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By Sterling Latimer

The mind is a whirlwind of thoughts during most of its waking

hours; conjuring ideas, planning for trivial matters, stressing over
important ones.. Even when we sleep the mind still does not rest,
taking us to dreamscapes beyond what we would otherwise
predict or conceive. There are a boundless, innumerable wealth
of thoughts that could bombard us at any given moment, should
we find ourselves off guard to the whim of our fleshy brain and
body. The corporeal being can only be aware of that which its
limited senses will allow, yet the human being is constantly
subject to over-stimulation, overthinking, and over-analyzing. This
is because the brain is not a generator of thoughts, but rather a
filter. If the filter is not cleaned, it will become rigid and dirty with
build-up of old or bad ideas, ultimately creating stress and illness.
What, then, is the solution to our persistent and often annoying
problem? We need only to look to the magician with his will to
manifest his thoughts, rather than to hold onto them. The
magician creates spells, literally "spelling", reciting or writing a
word or particular string of words. Every time one writes things
down or speaks words imbued with intention, the individual is
performing a spell, (albeit usually a very primitive one). The act of
"spelling" imbues a thought with a particular intention, giving the
mind a subconscious will of its own to make that thought manifest.
Like the magician, we must practice manifesting our will by
imbuing our creative expression with specific intentions.
The act of chronicling one's thoughts and experiences through the
medium of the written word has long been recognized as a
powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth. The practice
of journaling serves as a means of not only preserving the
memories of one's life, but also as a means of exercising creative
expression and releasing stagnant emotional energy.
Modern scientific research has provided evidence of the
numerous benefits associated with the practice of journaling.
Studies have shown that regular journaling can lead to
improvements in mood and cognitive functioning, as well as a
reduction in symptoms of anxiety and depression. The act of
putting one' thoughts and feelings into words has been shown to
have a cathartic effect, allowing individuals to process and
release difficult emotions in a safe and healthy manner.
A study published in the "Advances in Psychiatric Treatment"
journal in 2008 found that journaling was effective in reducing
symptoms of depression in patients (Baikie & Kirby, 2005).
Another study published in the "Journal of Clinical Psychology" in
2009 found that individuals who regularly wrote about their
feelings and emotions experienced fewer symptoms of anxiety
and depression compared to those who did not (Pennebaker &
Chung, 2011). Another study published in the "Journal of Anxiety
Disorders" in 2004 found that journaling helped to reduce
symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in war
veterans (Roberts & Kerns, 2004). Yet another study published in
the "British Journal of Health Psychology" in 2006 found that
individuals who kept a gratitude journal experienced greater levels
of well-being compared to those who did not (Emmons &
McCullough, 2003).
The benefits of journaling go beyond mere therapeutic value,
however. The act of writing serves as a means of gaining insight
into one's own thoughts and motivations. When one takes the
time to reflect on their experiences and emotions through writing,
a new pattern begins to emerge in the mind, by way of which a
dormant faculty of the spirit is awakened, giving urgency to the act
of creative expression.
Thoughts, like weights in a gym, can be cumbersome to bear.
They weigh heavy on the mind, taxing the psyche and sapping
energy. Yet, like physical exercise, they are necessary for growth
and strength. Without the burden of thought, we would be unable
to progress, to improve, to evolve. It is through the toil and labor
of the mind that we are able to unlock our true potential and reach
new heights. So, let us embrace the weight of thought, for in its
burden lies the seed of our success.
Journaling also serves as an exercise in creative expression,
allowing one to tap into the wellspring of the imagination and give
form to the otherwise chaotic mind. Through the act of self-
expression, one is able to grow the muscles of the mind and spirit,
to become truly strong.
The practice of written mentation serves as a valuable tool for
self-awareness , personal growth, and emotional release. The
benefits of regular journaling are numerous and well-documented,
and its value as a means of creative expression cannot be
overstated. The magical act of journaling is a means of gaining
insight and manifesting the will, casting spells upon ourselves.

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