Media and Information Literacy

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical objects such as radio, television,
and computers?
a. Technology
b. Media
c. Traditional media
d. Mass communication
2. A broad term that covers processed data, knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction, signals or symbols.
a. Data b. Media
c. Technology d. Information
3. It is the ability of an individual to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use technological tools?
a. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy
c. Information literacy
d. Media and Information literacy
4. It is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated
with varying contexts?
a. Literacy
b. Media
c. Information
d. Media and information literacy
5. The ability to recognize when information is needed, and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate information in its
various formats.
a. Media literacy
b. Technology literacy
c. Information literacy
d. Media and information literacy
6. Media and information has evolved throughout history in what age people invented typewriter and telephone?
a. Pre-industrial age
b. Industrial age
c. Electronic age
d. Information age
7. Internet is invented in age of?
a. Industrial age
b. Information age
c. Pre-industrial age
d. Electronic age
8. In information age voice, image, sound and data are ____________________.
a. Analog b. Written
c. Digitalized d. Mechanical
9. Using someone’s ideas, but rephrasing them into your own words.
a. Interpretation b. Quotation
c. Common knowledge d. Paraphrase
10. Using other people’s words and ideas without clearly acknowledging the source of information.
a. Common knowledge b. Digital divide
c. Plagiarism d. Copyright

11. One of the type of media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
a. Newspaper b. Printer
c. Digital media d. Print media
12. What do you call the co-existence of print media, broadcast media, the Internet, mobile phones, and other media allowing media
content to flow across various platforms?
a. Digital divide b. Media convergence
c. Internet of Things d. Media literacy
13. It is the type of media that is organized and distributed on digital platforms.
a. Print media b. Broadcast media
c. New media d. Traditional media
14. A media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.
a. Traditional media b. Print media
c. Broadcast media d. New media
15. It is the knowledge that is unique to a specific culture or society; most often it is not written down.
a. Traditional media
b. Library
c. Broadcast media
d. Indigenous knowledge
16. A types of libraries that serves colleges and universities.
a. Academic b. School
c. Special d. Public
17. People who are engaged in the process of creating and putting together media content to make a finished media product.
a. Audience b. Consumers
c. Producers d. Information providers
18. It is a type of information sent from a source to a receiver.
a. Messages b. Codes
c. Conventions d. Data
19. Codes, conventions, formats, symbols and narrative structures that indicate the meaning of media messages to an audience.
a. Symbolic codes
b. Codes and conventions
c. Media language
d. Technical codes
20. A legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical or other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that
a. Trademark
b. Intellectual property
c. Patent
d. Copyright
21. It is an economic inequality between groups in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of ICT.
a. Media convergence
b. Digital divide
c. Internet of things
d. Media merge
22. It is crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personally identifiable information in order to impersonate someone else.
a. Avatars b. Online Predators
c. Hackers d. Identity theft
23. Violation of a copyright is called _______________.
a. Violator b. Infringement
c. Piracy d. Illegal
24. A ______________ is a graphical technique for visualizing connections between several ideas or pieces of information.
a. Pie chart b. Bar chart
c. Graphs d. Mind map
25. It refers to the reporting of news events by members of the public using the Internet to spread the information.
a. Journalism b. YouScooper
c. Citizen journalism d. Citizen Reporter

26. It is technology used in game controllers, joysticks and steering wheels and is becoming more common in smartphones.
a. Wearable technology
b. Eye tracking technology
c. Internet glasses
d. Haptics technology
27. A technology that can be used to confirm a person’s identity and detect a person’s health or emotional state.
a. Voice and tone recognition
b. Eye tracking technology
c. Haptics technology
d. Intelligent routing devices
28. A technology that allows us to streamed information to our eyeglasses in real time.
a. Internet glasses
b. Haptics technology
c. Voice and tone recognition
d. Eye tracking technology

Items No. 29-30

Imagine waking up one day to find no Internet, libraries and cellphones. Newspaper, magazines, radio stations and TV channels have
also disappeared.
29. How would you be informed of anything now?
a. I will ask for information to others.
b. I will create a tool for me to be informed.
c. I will wait for the new technology for me to be informed.
d. All of the above.
30. What ways would you have to communicate with one another?
a. Gesture b. Writing
c. Talking d. All of the choices
31. Identify the devices used by people to communicate with each other in the year of industrial age.
a. Paper and pen. Typewriter
b. Traditional paper and writing material
c. Telegraph, telegrams and telephones
d. Mobile phones, smartphones and social media
32. How will you determine the quality and accuracy of the information that you have?
a. It should have an author name.
b. It should come from a reputable source.
c. It should have a quotation mark.
d. It should have a book title.
33. Based on what you know, how would you explain media convergence?
a. Media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction
b. Media convergence shares knowledge on a current issue
c. Media convergence led the merging of traditional and new media
d. Media convergence tells us the importance of information
34. What will be the result if we ignore indigenous media and information?
a. Loss of information
b. Irrelevant information
c. Reliable information
d. Trustworthy information
35. Which among the following is NOT a tips to avoid cyber bullying.
a. Don’t be gullible
b. Never open messages from strangers
c. Don’t post anything that is very private
d. Respond to an angry message with angry
36. The internet can empower local tourism through ___________________.
a. Social media b. Tourism support
c. Citizen journalist d. Phishing
37. Give one advantages of Haptics Technology.
a. Immediate information
b. Relatively expensive
c. Create special type of communication
d. Saves time

38. Kris Aquino is TV personality. She is called the “Queen of All Media.” How did she become “Queen of All Media”?
a. Because she is the younger sister of Pres. Noy-noy.
b. Because she knows how to use media in different formats.
c. Because she is featured in different types of media.
d. No, she is called the “Media Queen of All”
39. The most powerful human symbols is _________________ that conveys information.
a. Language b. Signs
c. Symbols d. Gesture
40. When you need to share information from various sources written by different authors. What do you think would be the best way
for you to avoid plagiarism?
a. Must be interpreted well
b. Must have a quotation mark
c. Must be paraphrase in correct grammar
d. Follow correct citation

Items No. 41-50 Identification

Give examples for each period

Pre-industrial Age
Industrial Age

Electronic Age

New/Informational Age

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