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Let us pray

English 9
Quarter 4 – Module 1
The module is divided into three lessons,
Lesson 1 – Judging the Relevance and Worth
of the Ideas
Lesson 2 – Judging the Soundness of Author’s
Lesson 3 – Judging the Effectiveness of the

a. identify the information / evidence from the

material presented;
b. note the claim and supporting details in a
reading text; and
c. . judge the relevance and worth of ideas
presented from the material.
Match the definitions
in column A with the
terminologies in
column B. Write the
letter of the correct
answer in your
activity notebook.
F Match the definitions
in column A with the
B terminologies in
column B. Write the
A letter of the correct
answer in your
C activity notebook.

Word Puzzle. Look for five
words in the puzzle that
are related to the word
“Effectiveness”. Word can
go in any direction. Words
can share letters as they
cross each other.
Word Puzzle. Look for five
words in the puzzle that
are related to the word
“Effectiveness”. Word can
go in any direction. Words
can share letters as they
cross each other.
Reading is an active process of constructing meaning. As
one reads, (printed or digital), he/she acquires more
knowledge. The information taken from the text provides
the reader to construct interpretation and integration of the
knowledge he/she has. The knowledge empowers the
reader to judge the relevance and worth of ideas to his/her
reading goals. Relevance is simply means worthiness;
quality of being suitable or having some kind of value. The
information that closely matches a reader’s goal is
more relevant, whereas information that does not
match the goal is less relevant.
As a 21st century learner, you must know the importance
of finding worthy materials. This is especially appreciated
when the literary piece has ideas that are sound and that
can be applied in the reader’s own life. Thus, literature is
seen as especially valuable because it is relevant
to you as the reader.
In order to find value in literature, readers first judge how
solid the ideas are and how sound the judgement of an
author is. In this way, the author can act as the voice of
wisdom that teaches reader without the reader himself/
herself having to go through the experience that the author
had gone through. This is called vicarious learning.
Read and judge the text below by filling in necessary information in the table.

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