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Grade 10 Worksheet No.

MUSIC Musical Instruments of Latin America
Quarter 2-Wk.3-Module 1


 Identify the musical instruments of Latin America.

Read the statement carefully!
Multiple Choice: Select your best answer in the box below and write only the letter of
the correct answer before the number.

1.The varied cultures that developed in _______ gave rise to different types of
wind and percussion instruments.
A. Latin America C.USA
B. Africa D. Philippines
2.The ancient civilizations of the Aztec and Maya peoples used various
instruments mainly for religious functions and these were usually played
A. Dancers C. singers
B. drummer D. Professional musicians
3.It is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of
abstract designs or image of their deities.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli

4.It is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carved from a piece of hardwood.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli
5.It is a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli
6.It is a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping a
stick that has a series of indentations or notched with another stick, creating
rattling effects.
A. concha C. Tlapitzalli
B. Rasp D. Teponaztli
7.It is a tubular drum used by the Aztecs and other ancient civilizations.
A. huehueti C. ocarina
B. whistles D. Teponaztli
8.This is an eagle-bone whistle produces a series of high-pitched notes which
are similar to the cry of an eagle.
A. huehueti C. ocarina
B. whistles D. Teponaztli
9. It is ancient vessel flute made of clay or ceramic with four to 12 finger holes
and a mouthpiece that projects from the body.
A. huehueti C. ocarina
B. whistles D. panpipes
10.This is ancient instruments from the Andes Mountain of South America.
A. huehueti C. ocarina
B. whistles D. panpipes

Varied cultures that developed in Latin America gave rise to the different types of wind
and percussion instruments. As with the African continent, Latin America’s rich history, dating
back thousands of years to the Aztec, Maya, and other ancient cultural groups, understandably
generated diverse creative approaches in making music.

Well known Latin American percussion instruments include the conga and claves.
Conga are large hand drums which the musicians has to stand to play. Claves are short wooden
stick which have a surprisingly clear sound, even in large ensemble and play many of the
central rhythms used in Latin American music. Cow bells and timbales also feature alongside
other instruments in the salsa band.

Aztec and Mayan Instruments

In Central America, the ancient civilizations of Aztec and Maya people used various instruments
mainly for religious functions and these were usually played by professional musicians. Some
instruments were considered holy and it was further believed that music was supposed to glorify
the gods. Mistakes in playing these instruments were considered offensive and insulting to
them. Among these ancient instruments are the following:

1. Tlapitzalli - is a flute variety from the Aztec culture made of clay with decorations of
abstract designs or images of their deities.

2. Teponaztli - is a Mexican slit drum hollowed out and carved from a piece of hardwood.
3. Concha - a wind instrument usually made from the shell of a large sea snail.

4. Rasp - a hand percussion instrument whose sound is produced by scraping a stick (or
similar object) that has a series of indentations or notches with another stick, creating rattling

5. Huehueti -is an upright tubular drum used by the Aztecs and other ancient civilizations. It
is made of wood opened at the bottom and standing on three legs cut from the base.

Incan Musical Instruments

Among the Incas of South America, two instrumental varieties were most common:

1. Ocarina - is an ancient vessel flute made of clay or ceramic with four or 12 finger holes and a
mouthpiece that projects from the body.

2. Zampoñas - or panpipes are ancient instruments from the Andes Mountains of South
America. They typically feature bamboo tubes of different lengths tied together either in pairs or
more to produce graduated pitches of sound. They are played by blowing over the top of the
tubes in the same way one might blow over an empty soda bottle to create a musical note.

Andean Musical Instruments

The Andean highlands also had their own varieties of flutes and string instruments that include
the following:

Siku - (panpipe) is originally from the Aymaras of Peru and Bolivia. It is traditionally found
all across the Andes, and is the main instrument used in a musical genre known as sikuri. The
pipes are made from bamboo tubes, but have also been made from condor feathers, bone, and
many other materials. Siku is a split across two rows of pipes. The player must alternate rows
with every note in order to play a complete scale.

Songo, or shallow-walled bamboo, gives louder, more resonant sound than a regular
deep-walled bamboo, but is less common due to its fragility.

1.Wooden Tarka - is a vertical duct flute with a mouthpiece similar to that of a recorder. It is
used during the rainy season and in tribal ceremonies to mimic bird sounds. It sounds very
primitive, soft, and mellow with a rasp in the low range.

2.Quena - is a vertical cane flute made from fragile bamboo. It is used during dry season and
has six finger holes and one thumb hole, open on both ends or the bottom is half-closed.

3.Charango - is a ten-stringed Andean guitar from Bolivia. It is the size of a ukulele and is a
smaller version of the mandolin, imitating the early guitar and lute brought by the Spaniards. It
produces bright sounds and used in serenades in Southern Peru.
Mariachi is an extremely popular band in Mexico whose original ensemble is consisted of
violins, guitar, harp, and enormous guitar on (acoustic bass guitar) Trumpets later replaced the
harp. Mariachi music is extremely passionate and romantic with its blended harmonies and
catchy rhythms. Its musicians are distinctly dressed in wide-brimmed hats, jackets, and pants
adorned with silver buttons.

Activity 3: Differentiate the following. Write your answers on the space provided.

1. Aztec and Mayan Instruments

2. Philippine Instrument and Latin American instrument
3.Incan musical instrument and Andean musical instrument

Activity: Sing with me!

Direction: Select one (1) song of the current Popular music with lyrics that are
easy for you to memorize. Use any available instruments as an accompaniment
Example: Bamboo, bottle, etc.
1.Study and memorize the lyrics.
2.When you’re ready, capture through a video your performance while singing
the song and playing instrument.
3.Submit by posting on FB page.
4.Review your video and rate your performance using the rubrics:

Scoring Scale: 5- Very Good 2- Poor

4- Good 1- Needs Follow-up
3- Fair

Highest My
I was able to: Possible Personal
Score Score

sing the lines correctly 5

sing at pace with the music 5

coordinate the song with instruments 5

display the proper facial expression 5

Total 20
1. A
2. D
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D

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