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1. Look at each of the grammar areas listed below and decide whether you can produce these areas of language

The 6 items listed have either been studied so far in semester one or are areas you studied at school which we
think are important to produce clear coherent language.

The items could be tested in the DST or Final Exam and are regularly tested in the TOEFL ITP.

Have I understood …
1. the form and use of tag questions?
2. how to form indirect questions?
3. noun combinations?
4. the form and use of common modals?
5. irregular noun forms?
6. the use of present and past participles?

2. Work through the questions below. Once you have finished, work on task 2 (vocabulary). Then, correct your
answers using the key (document 2) which will tell you which questions test each grammar point (above) so that
you can easily identify areas you need to work on.

1. Researchers claim that artificial intelligence can provide more accurate _____ than doctors.
A. diagnose
B. diagnosis
C. diagnoses
D. diagnosed

2. The company has just won a _____ to supply electric motors to a major car manufacturer.
A. 100 millions-pound contract
B. 100 millions-pounds contract
C. 100 million-pound contract
D. 100 million-pounds contract

3. The campaign _____ by our sales and marketing team has been nominated for an award.
A. running
B. run
C. was running
D. was run

4. It _____ be a huge honour for me to study at Dublin City University Business School.
A. can
B. could
C. would
D. shall

5. Many people’s wages have not kept pace with _____.

A. living’s cost
B. the cost of living
C. living cost
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D. livingcost

6. _____ I open the window? It’s hot in here.

A. Shall
B. Will
C. Might
D. Must

7. Relocating the business will result in improved working conditions and better communication, _____?
A. wouldn’t they
B. wouldn’t it
C. will it
D. won’t it

8. We had to call a pest control company when we found _____ in the warehouse.
A. mices
B. mice
C. mouse
D. mouses

9. Athletes _____ in the 10k race are requested to make their way to the start line.
A. took part
B. taken part
C. taking part
D. are taking part

10. We believe that _____ is the key to success in our department.

A. team’s work
B. the work of teams
C. work teams
D. teamwork

11. Could you tell me_____?

A. what perks does your company give you
B. what perks your company gives you
C. what perks your company does give you
D. what perks do your company give you

12. Food _____ from the party will be given to charity.

A. leaving over
B. was left over
C. left over
D. is leaving over

13. Any change in strategy would need to be agreed by the _____.

A. directors’ board
B. director board
C. board’s directors
D. board of directors

14. In her previous company Maria _____ work flexitime, but now she has fixed hours.
A. can
B. could
C. may
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D. might

15. Teachers are not obliged to mark work _____ after the deadline.
A. is handed in
B. handed in
C. is handing in
D. handing in

16. _____ I borrow your mobile to make an urgent call? Mine’s got no battery.
A. Must
B. Should
C. May
D. Will

17. (A question in a formal email)

A. Who runs the sales team?
B. Who does run the sales team?
C. Do you know who does run the sales team?
D. Do you know who runs the sales team?

18. Most of InStep’s employees currently live in Paris, _____?

A. don’t they
B. do they
C. isn’t it
D. does it

19. The CEO is an _____ of this university.

A. alumnus
B. alumni

20. Decentralisation is not a new _____ in business.

A. phenomena
B. phenomenon


1. Why are the following words sometimes confusing in your opinion?

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To assist sensible photograph economical responsible

Note the spelling of responsible – there is no ‘a’ in English.

2. Look them up in and check. Please note that we are interested in the
primary meanings of these words. Are they used in the same way in French? Use

3. Check that you know how to pronounce the words correctly in English. Think about how many syllables there
are, and which one is stressed.

4. When you have done this, test yourself on the following questions:

a) Complete the table of word families.


assist N/A N/A
photography photographic
N/A economy economical –

Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Can you explain why?

b) I would like to know by Wednesday if you can assist to the jobs fair this year?

c) Who is responsible of ordering office equipment and supplies?

d) Susan is a keen and talented photographer and her speciality is wildlife.

e) The country had some rather severe economical problems in the 2000s, but these have been remedied.

f) Should you have problems finding accommodation, we can assist you.

g) You have to be careful about what you say to Darren because he is very sensible to criticism.

h) It is often more economical to buy goods in bulk.

i) Mr Williams gave me some very sensible advice on how to improve my CV.

j) Dan looks twenty years older than he really is in this photography!

k) The top management is responsible to their shareholders for the financial results of the company.

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