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Monday (26/9/2022)

科目 音乐教育 日期 26-Sep-22
班级 4C 时间 7:50-8:20
单元/主题 单元六:千变万化 课题 单元六:千变万化
学生人数 22 歌曲 《Abracadabra
内容标准: 学习标准:
2.1 唱歌 2.1.2 以正确的音准唱歌(KA)

1. 学生跟着视频,演唱歌曲
2. 学生练习吹笛子。
学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够以正确的音调演唱歌曲
成功标准(KK) 学生能够完整演唱至少 1 首歌曲
高层次思维技能 应用 教学策略 模拟学习
跨课程元素 人文与环境 二十一世纪教学 实验
教具 课本 影片 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
☐练习纸 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

科目 美术教育 日期 26-Sep-22
班级 4F 时间 8:20-9:20
单元/主题 单元七:童话乐园 课题 大理石纹
学生人数 37 领域 制图
内容标准: 学习标准:
1.1 美术艺术元素 3.3.1 在组别里共策划及准备美术展览(KT)(i) 拟定展设地
点(ii) 收集及选出适当作品(iii) 制作图片说明(
Kapsyen)(iv) 拟定与编排作品(v) 售卖美术作品
学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够
成功标准(KK) 学生能够
高层次思维技能 创造 教学策略 协作学习
跨课程元素 创造与革新 二十一世纪教学 实验
教具 课本 ☐影片 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
智能白板 练习纸 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

Subjek Bahasa Melayu Tarikh 9/26/2022

Kelas 2E Masa 9:50-11:05
Bil. Murid 37
Topik Unit 13 Bijak Sains

Standard Kandungan: Standard Pembelajaran:

1.2 Bertutur untuk menyampaikan maklumat dan idea bagi 1.2.1 Bertutur untuk menjelaskan sesuatu perkara secara
pelbagai tujuan bertatasusila mengikut konteks

1.Murid membaca “Poster Keselamatan” dengan bantuan guru.
2.Murid membaca “Poster Keselamatan” mengikut jantina.
3.Murid membuat simulasi “Poster Keselamatan”
4.Guru memberi perkataan untuk Latihan penulisan dan imlak.
(Imlak akan diadakan pada hari Jumaat)
Objektif Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid-murid dapat: menyampaikan maklumat dan
idea secara bertatasusila.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid dapat menyampaikan maklumat
KBAT Mengaplikasi Strategi PdP Choose an item.
EMK Bahasa PAK 21 Lain-lain
Nilai Murni Hemah tinggi
Bahan Bantu Mengajar ☐ Buku Teks ☐ Video ☐ PowerPoint ☐ Internet
☐ Lembaran Kerja ☐ i-Board Lain-lain : _____________
Kaedah Pentaksiran Lisan

Subject English Language Class 6E

Date 26/9/2022 Time 11:05-11:55
Number of pupils Language Focus Writing
Theme World of stories Topic Unit 6 HOW IS IT MADE?
Content Standards Activities:
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style 1. Read the story on page 60-61. Then read the
for a range of purposes in print and digital media information below and match.
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and 2. Divide the class into pairs.
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies
3. The children discuss what they think happens in
Learning Standards the story.
4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in 4. Conduct class feedback.
independent writing 5. Children work in pairs.
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two 6. Children copy the story in their notebooks.
paragraphs or more

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to understand the structure of a story and
write a short story.

Success Criteria Pupils can write a short story.

KBAT Creating Learning Strategies Cooperative Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular Creativity & Innovation 21st Century Pair / Group discussion
Elements Learning
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Website/Apps

☒Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐ Video

☐Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☐Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☐Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task


Tuesday (27/9/2022)
科目 体育 日期 9/27/2022
班级 1B 时间 7:20-7:50
单元/主题 单元五 谁的游泳圈 课题 5.动物大会

学生人数 36 二十一世纪教学 角色扮演

内容标准: 学习标准:
1.5 能够跟着节奏进行各种动作 1.5.1 跟着节奏和旋律模仿动作。


学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够跟着节奏和旋律模仿动作。

成功标准 (KK) 学生能够跟着 2 歌节奏和旋律模仿动作。
教具 ☐课本 ☐ 视频 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
☐活动卷 ☐智能白板 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

教学反思 33 个学生能达标, 1 个学生需要课后辅导。

Subject Class 1B
Tuesday, 27
Date Time 7:50-9:20
September 2022
Number of pupils 34 /36 Language Focus Writing
World of
Theme knowledge
Topic 3_Pet show

Content Standard: Activities:

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 1. Make a sentence for each picture in page 35.
contexts 2. Play the description game.
Complementary: 3. Sing a song.
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and (
4. Listen and sing.
Learning Standard:
5. Look at the picture. Count the animals. Where are
1.2.4 Understand short basic supported
classroom instructions
5.1.1 i) simple chants and raps ii) simple
rhymes iii) simple action songs

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to enjoy and appreciate songs.
Success Criteria Pupils can use at least 2 out of 3 prepositions.
HOTS Creating Learning Strategies Active Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular
Language 21st Century Learning Games
☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoiCross-
Curricularbsite/Apps ☐Workbook ☐Model
☐Flashcards ☐ Video ☐Worksheet
Teaching Aid(s)
☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☒Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom
CLASSROOM- ☐Written work ☒Observation ☐Verbal expression ☒Quiz
BASED ☒Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
ASSESSMENT: ☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☒Task

REFLECTION 1. 34 pupils are able to read and enjoy simple sentences.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

科目 健康教育 日期 9/27/2022
班级 1B 时间 9:20 – 9:50
单元/主题 单元九 我最本领 课题 第 15 课 互相尊重乐融融

学生人数 36 价值观 善良

内容标准: 学习标准:
5.1 了解自身与家庭成员的角色以 及营造健康家庭生活 5.1.2 说出自己、每个家庭成员和监护人的特点。
的重要性。*家人 *监护人

1. 教师引导学生说出图中每个家庭的角色。
2. 教师引导学生说出图中家庭成员有哪些特点。
3. 学生观看影片。
4. 学生说出自己及每个家庭成员和监护人的特点。
学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能说出自己及每个家庭成员和监护人的特点。
成功标准 (KK) 学生能够说出 3 自己及每个家庭成员和监护人的特点。
高层次思维技能 分析 教学策略 问题导向

跨课程元素 价值观 二十一世纪教学 二人分享

教具 ☒课本 ☒ 视频 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
☐活动卷 ☐智能白板 其他 : _____________
教学评估 口头表达

教学反思 33 个学生能达标, 1 个学生需要课后辅导。

Subjek Bahasa Melayu Tarikh 9/27/2022

Kelas 2E Masa 10:20 – 11:20
Bil. Murid 42
Topik Unit 14 Hebat dan Berguna

Standard Kandungan: Standard Pembelajaran:

3.2 Menulis perkataan, frasa, dan ayat yang bermakna 3.2.1 Membina dan menulis (iii) ayat

4.3 Menghasilkan bahan sastera dengan menyerapkan

keindahan dan kesantunan bahasa serta 4.3.1 Mencipta secara separa terkawal dan
mempersembahkannya secara kreatif mempersembahkan (ii) pantun empat kerat

1. murid membaca teks
2. murid mengeja perkataan imlak
3. murid membuat Latihan dalam buku kerja.
Objektif Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid-murid dapat menulis pantun empat kerat secara
separa terkawal.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid dapat melengkapkan 2 rangkap pantun empat kerat.
KBAT Mencipta Strategi PdP KP - Verbal-linguistik
EMK Sains dan Teknologi PAK 21 Permainan
Nilai Murni Rasional
Bahan Bantu Mengajar ☐ Buku Teks ☐ Video ☐ PowerPoint ☐ Internet
☐ Lembaran Kerja ☐ i-Board Lain-lain : _____________
Kaedah Pentaksiran Penulisan
Refleksi 40 / 43 orang murid dapat mencapai objektif. Murid yang belum menguasai
kemahiran akan diberi bimbingan tambahan.
Wednesday (28/9/2022)
Subject English Language Class 6E
Date Click or tap to enter a date. Time 8:50-9:50
Number of pupils Language Focus Reading
Theme World of knowledge Topic Unit 6 HOW IS IT MADE?
Content Standards Activities:
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range 1. Think about it.
of purposes in print and digital media 2. discuss the different options.
Choose an item. 3. Decide how to spend.
Learning Standards
4.2.2 Describe future plans or events
Choose an item.

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to make plans.

Success Criteria Pupils can make a decision.

KBAT Analyzing Learning Strategies Active Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular Financial Education 21st Century Other
Elements Learning
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Website/Apps

☐Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐ Video

☐Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☒Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☒Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task

Reflection 1. 34/ pupils are able to make plans.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Subject Class 1B
Wednesday, 28
Date Time 7:50-9:20
September 2022
Number of pupils 34 /36 Language Focus Writing
World of
Theme knowledge
Topic 3_Pet show

Content Standard: Activities:

4.1 Form letters and words in neat legible print 1. Read , spell, read
using cursive writing 2. Pupils write words.
3. Sing a song.
5.1 Enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and

Learning Standard:
4.1.2 i) Form upper and lower case letters of
regular size and shape** ii) write letters and
words in a straight line from left to right with
regular spaces between words and spaces* iii)
copy letters and familiar high frequency words
and phrases

5.1.1 i) simple chants and raps ii) simple
rhymes iii) simple action songs

By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to write letters and words in a straight
Learning Objective
line from left to right with regular spaces between words and spaces.
Pupils can write 5 letters in a straight line with regular spaces between words
Success Criteria
and space.
HOTS Creating Learning Strategies Active Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular
Language 21st Century Learning Games
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoiCross-
Curricularbsite/Apps ☐Workbook ☐Model
☐Flashcards ☐ Video ☐Worksheet
☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☒Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom
CLASSROOM- ☐Written work ☒Observation ☐Verbal expression ☒Quiz
BASED ☒Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
ASSESSMENT: ☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☒Task

REFLECTION 2. 34 pupils are able to read and enjoy simple sentences.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

Thursday (29/9/2022)
科目 体育 日期 9/29/2022
班级 1B 时间 7:20-7:50
单元/主题 单元五 谁的游泳圈 课题 5.动物大会

学生人数 36 二十一世纪教学 角色扮演

内容标准: 学习标准:
1.5 能够跟着节奏进行各种动作 1.5.1 跟着节奏和旋律模仿动作。


学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够跟着节奏和旋律模仿动作。

成功标准 (KK) 学生能够跟着 2 歌节奏和旋律模仿动作。
教具 ☐课本 ☐ 视频 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
☐活动卷 ☐智能白板 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

教学反思 33 个学生能达标, 1 个学生需要课后辅导。

Subject English Language Class 6E
Date 29/9/2022 Time 11:05-11:55
Number of pupils Language Focus Language Arts
Theme World of stories Topic Unit 7 MUSIC AND SONG
Content Standards Activities:
3.3 Read independently for information and enjoyment 1. Review 3
2. Teacher discuss answer.
Learning Standards
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non-fiction print and digital
texts of interest

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to read independently for information and

Success Criteria Pupils can enjoy A2 non-fiction print

KBAT Applying Learning Strategies Cooperative Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular Language 21st Century Pair / Group discussion
Elements Learning
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Website/Apps

☒Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐ Video

☐Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☐Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☐Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task

Reflection 1. 34 pupils are able to enjoy A2 non-fiction print.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.
Subject English Language Class 3D
Date 21/3/2022 Time
Number of pupils Language Focus Listening
Theme World of knowledge Topic Module 7 : Out and about
Content Standards Activities :
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of 1.Read vocabularies
contexts 2.listen and read and match the rules to the places
Choose an item. about other rules video about rules in other countries
Learning Standards
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using
visual clues when a teacher or classmate is speaking
Choose an item.

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to guess the meaning of unfamiliar
words by using visual clues when a teacher or classmate is speaking.

Success Criteria Pupils can talk about rules in other places.

KBAT Understanding Learning Strategies Cooperative Learning
Cross Curricular Moral Values 21st Century Learning Think-pair-share
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Video
☐Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐Website/Apps
☒Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom ☐Speaker/Laptop/I-board

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☒Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task

Reflection 1. 34 pupils are able to talk about rules in other places.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

Friday (30/9/2022)
Subjek Bahasa Melayu Tarikh 9/30/2022
Kelas 2E Masa 8:20-9:20
Bil. Murid 42
Topik Unit 14 Hebat dan Berguna

Standard Kandungan: Standard Pembelajaran:

3.2 Menulis perkataan, frasa, dan ayat yang bermakna 3.2.1 Membina dan menulis (iii) ayat

4.3 Menghasilkan bahan sastera dengan menyerapkan

keindahan dan kesantunan bahasa serta 4.3.1 Mencipta secara separa terkawal dan
mempersembahkannya secara kreatif mempersembahkan (ii) pantun empat kerat

1. murid membaca teks
2. murid mengeja perkataan imlak
3. imlak
4. membuat pembetulan imlak
Objektif Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid-murid dapat menulis pantun empat kerat secara
separa terkawal.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid dapat melengkapkan 2 rangkap pantun empat kerat.
KBAT Mencipta Strategi PdP KP - Verbal-linguistik
EMK Sains dan Teknologi PAK 21 Permainan
Nilai Murni Rasional
Bahan Bantu Mengajar ☐ Buku Teks ☐ Video ☐ PowerPoint ☐ Internet
☐ Lembaran Kerja ☐ i-Board Lain-lain : _____________
Kaedah Pentaksiran Penulisan
Refleksi 40 / 43 orang murid dapat mencapai objektif. Murid yang belum menguasai
kemahiran akan diberi bimbingan tambahan.

Subject English Language Class 3D

Date 21/3/2022 Time 9:20-9:50,
10:50 – 11:50
Number of pupils Language Focus Listening
Theme World of knowledge Topic Module 7 : Out and about
Content Standards Activities :
4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and 1.Read vocabularies
style for a range of purposes in print and digital media 2.Write vocabularies
Choose an item. 3.say spell say
4. activity book
Learning Standards

4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency

words accurately in guided writing

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to spell and write high frequency
words accurately.

Success Criteria Pupils can write and spell at least 4 high frequency words.
KBAT Understanding Learning Strategies Cooperative Learning
Cross Curricular Moral Values 21 Century Learning
st Think-pair-share
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Video
☐Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐Website/Apps
☒Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom ☐Speaker/Laptop/I-board

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☒Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task

Reflection 1. 34 pupils are able to talk about rules in other places.

2. Lesson was carried out successfully.

Monday (3/10/2022)
科目 音乐教育 日期 3-Oct-22
班级 4C 时间 7:50-8:20
单元/主题 单元七:童话世界 课题 单元七:童话世界
学生人数 22 歌曲 《童话美梦》
内容标准: 学习标准:
2.1 唱歌 2.1.2 以正确的音准唱歌(KA)

3. 学生跟着视频,演唱歌曲
4. 学生练习吹笛子。
学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够以正确的音调演唱歌曲
成功标准(KK) 学生能够完整演唱至少 1 首歌曲
高层次思维技能 应用 教学策略 模拟学习
跨课程元素 人文与环境 二十一世纪教学 实验
教具 课本 影片 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
☐练习纸 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

科目 美术教育 日期 03-Oct-22
班级 4F 时间 8:20-9:20
单元/主题 单元七:童话乐园 课题 大理石纹
学生人数 37 领域 制图
内容标准: 学习标准:
1.1 美术艺术元素 3.3.1 在组别里共策划及准备美术展览(KT)(i) 拟定展设地
点(ii) 收集及选出适当作品(iii) 制作图片说明(
Kapsyen)(iv) 拟定与编排作品(v) 售卖美术作品
学习目标 (OP) 本课结束后,学生能够
成功标准(KK) 学生能够
高层次思维技能 创造 教学策略 协作学习
跨课程元素 创造与革新 二十一世纪教学 实验
教具 课本 ☐影片 ☐演示文稿 ☐网络
智能白板 练习纸 其他 : _____________
教学评估 教师观察

Subjek Bahasa Melayu Tarikh 10/3/2022

Kelas 2E Masa 9:50-11:05
Bil. Murid 37
Topik Unit 15 Bijak Mencipta

Standard Kandungan: Standard Pembelajaran:

1.1 Mendengar dan memberikan respons semasa 1.1.2 Mendengar, memahami, dan memberikan respons
berkomunikasi dalam situasi formal dan tidak formal. terhadap (i) soalan

1. Buku teks
2. murid memberikan respon yang betul.
3. murid menandakan jawapan
Objektif Pembelajaran Pada akhir pembelajaran, murid-murid dapat memberikan respon semasa
berkomunikasi dalam situasi formal.
Kriteria Kejayaan Murid dapat memberi sekurang-kurangnya 3 respon semasa berkomunikasi
dalam situasi formal.
KBAT Mengaplikasi Strategi PdP Choose an item.
EMK Bahasa PAK 21 Lain-lain
Nilai Murni Hemah tinggi
Bahan Bantu Mengajar ☐ Buku Teks ☐ Video ☐ PowerPoint ☐ Internet
☐ Lembaran Kerja ☐ i-Board Lain-lain : _____________
Kaedah Pentaksiran Lisan

Subject English Language Class 6E

Date 3/10/2022 Time
Number of pupils Language Focus Language Arts
Theme World of stories Topic Unit 7 MUSIC AND SONG
Content Standards Activities:
1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of 1. Review 3
contexts 2. pupils
3.2 Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and
digital texts by using appropriate reading strategies

Learning Standards
1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues
provided by other known words and by context on familiar
3.2.4 Use with support familiar print and digital resources
to check meaning

Learning Objective By the end of the lesson, pupils are able to understand a variety of linear and non-
linear print and digital text by using appropriate reading strategies.

Success Criteria Pupils can look up at least 3 vocabs in the dictionary.

KBAT Applying Learning Strategies Cooperative Learning Strategy
Cross Curricular Language 21st Century Pair / Group discussion
Elements Learning
Teaching Aid(s) ☒Textbook ☐Stationeries ☐PowerPoint Slides ☐Website/Apps

☒Workbook ☐Model ☐Flashcards ☐ Video

☐Worksheet ☐Phonics module ☐Puzzle ☐ Boardgame
☐Video ☐Storybook ☐Google Classroom

Assessment ☒Written work ☐Observation ☐Verbal expression ☐Quiz

☐Q & A ☐Presentation ☐Performance ☐Games
☐Worksheets ☐Storytelling ☐Role Play ☐Task


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