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The importance of knowing your own values and views about teaching and learning cannot be

These values and views are what shape you as a Senior Phase Natural Sciences educator.

Simply knowing the subject content well is not enough.

It is important to know how to teach science to help learners develop an understanding of and
appreciation for the nature of science (NOS).


The nature of science (NOS) seeks to describe the nature of the scientific enterprise and the
characteristics of the knowledge it generates. Read more about NOS at:

GOOD read. Find articles!!!!!

A job as a science educator is a tough one. Not only must you teach scientific knowledge,
develop learners’ scientific skills and foster scientific attitudes, you must also convey messages
about the nature of science and the work of scientists (Wellington & Ireson, 2012).

What are the key messages about science and scientific activity that we wish to convey
(Wellington & Ireson, 2012:11)?

 Science is contextualised as Science and scientists operate in a spiritual, moral and

political context. However they also cross boundaries (e.g. genetically modified food can
be imported and exported).
 Science is provisional. Its ideas and theories change over time. However, Newton’s laws
are centuries old and they got us to the moon and back. Theories may be tentative, but
many laws are not (e.g. Ohm’s law and Boyle’s law), nor are facts (e.g. facts about the
expansion of metals). Copper will still conduct electricity in 100 years’ time.
 Science is not value-free, but some scientific facts, laws and theories are independent of
people and society. Newton’s second law works as well in Durban as it does in
Dzivarasekwa. The kinetic theory of particles can be applied globally.
 Science is limited. It cannot explain everything, but it does explain at least 80% of
 Science is a double-edged sword and has drawbacks, but would you have liked to live in
the days before science started making our lives so much easier?
 Science deals in relative, not absolute, truth. This might be the case, but an iron bar will
always expand when it is heated. This is absolutely true in any place and at any time.
 Science is determined by reality,  but a lot of good scientific theories have come from
creative thinking, hunches and leaps of the imagination. Many scientific explanations
depend on entities and ideas that are not real or observable (e.g. magnetic fields and
frictionless surfaces).
 Science is theory-laden. This is mostly true, but some research at the frontiers of
science may not be theory-laden (e.g. research into genetically manipulated foods).
 Science is an objective, rational activity, but it is not totally objective in its pursuit of the
truth and not totally guided by the natural world. It is a human activity and as such it is
driven by personalities, egos and funding. Science is often practised in the context of
large institutions and driven by social movements, the media, public opinion, politicians
or other decision-makers. Science involves completion as well as cooperation.
 Science is tentative. This is true, but some scientific knowledge is reliable. We ride in
planes, we drive over suspension bridges and we take antibiotics. People quite rightly
have some faith in science.

Activity 1.1

1. Define the nature of science (NOS).

2. Explain why you think it is important to teach South African learners about the NOS.
Activity 1.2
Answer the following questions:

1. What is Natural Sciences education?

2. Name three fields of science education.
3. Discuss the historical background of science education.


Natural Sciences education is the study of the natural world and the scientific method used to
understand it. It encompasses a broad range of scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, physics,
geology, and astronomy, among others.

In Natural Sciences education, students learn about the fundamental principles of science, such as the
scientific method, critical thinking, data analysis, and experimental design. They also gain knowledge
about the physical and natural world, including the structure of atoms and molecules, the functioning of
living organisms, the dynamics of ecosystems, and the evolution of the universe.

Natural Sciences education can take place at various levels, from primary school to university. It can also
be interdisciplinary, meaning that it combines different fields of science to solve complex problems. The
goal of Natural Sciences education is to foster curiosity, scientific literacy, and an understanding of the
natural world, leading to a deeper appreciation of the complexities of the world we live in.


 Biology Education
 Chemistry Education
 Physics Education


Science education has a rich and varied history that dates back centuries. The earliest forms of scientific
education can be traced back to ancient civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians, who
made significant contributions to fields like mathematics, astronomy, and medicine.

During the Renaissance period in Europe, there was a renewed interest in scientific inquiry, and many
great thinkers, such as Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, made groundbreaking discoveries that laid the
foundation for modern science. In the 19th century, the emergence of the scientific method as a
systematic approach to scientific investigation led to the development of the modern scientific
disciplines, including biology, chemistry, and physics.
In the 20th century, science education became increasingly important as advances in technology and
medicine transformed the world. Science education was integrated into the curriculum of schools
around the world, and scientific research became a major focus of universities and research institutions.
The development of new technologies, such as computers and the internet, also revolutionized the way
science education is delivered and accessed.

Today, science education continues to evolve, with an increasing emphasis on interdisciplinary

approaches to problem-solving and the integration of technology and scientific research into the
classroom. Science education has become an essential part of preparing students for a rapidly changing
world, and its importance will only continue to grow as new scientific discoveries are made and new
challenges are faced.

Activity 1.3

1. One of the controversial science topics that teachers must teach is the theory of evolution.
Reflect on your personal opinion about how humans came into being. Also reflect on the views
of those around you. How do your views and those of people around you affect the way you
would teach the theory of evolution?


2. Give FIVE examples of the basic science process skills learned in Natural Sciences.

As a method of acquiring knowledge, science includes mental skills such as the following:

 accurate observation
 reasoned, logical thinking based on evidence
 the recognition of relationships and contradictions
 problem-solving
 desirable scientific attitudes, for example a sense of wonder about the intricacies of nature and a
desire to get closer to the truth about how nature works


1. What is the purpose of science education?

The purpose of science education is to provide individuals with the knowledge, skills, and understanding
of scientific concepts, theories, and methods. Science education aims to develop critical thinking,
problem-solving, and analytical skills that are essential for scientific inquiry and understanding the
natural world. It also aims to instill a sense of curiosity, wonder, and appreciation for the scientific
method and its ability to explain the world around us. Ultimately, the goal of science education is to
empower individuals to make informed decisions about scientific issues and to contribute to the
advancement of scientific knowledge and understanding.
2. Why should anyone learn science? Why should science be taught? What is the intrinsic value of
science education?

Learning science is important for several reasons. First and foremost, science helps us to understand the
natural world and how it works. This understanding is essential for making informed decisions about our
health, environment, and society. Science also enables us to develop new technologies, medicines, and
materials that improve our lives and drive economic growth.

Science education is essential because it helps individuals develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and
analytical skills that are important in many areas of life. Science education also fosters curiosity,
creativity, and a sense of wonder about the natural world. Additionally, science education is necessary to
develop a scientifically literate society that can make informed decisions about scientific issues and
participate in the public discourse on scientific topics.

The intrinsic value of science education lies in its ability to help individuals develop a deeper
understanding and appreciation of the natural world. Science education teaches individuals to think
critically and analytically, to question assumptions, and to seek evidence-based explanations. This type
of thinking is essential for personal growth and development, as well as for making informed decisions
about scientific issues that affect our lives and society. Additionally, science education can inspire a sense
of awe and wonder about the natural world, leading to a greater appreciation for the beauty and
complexity of the universe we inhabit.

3. What aspects of science should the science curriculum cover? Explain your answer.

Physical science: This branch of science deals with the study of the physical world and its properties,
including matter, energy, and forces. It includes fields such as physics, chemistry, and astronomy.

Life science: This branch of science deals with the study of living organisms and their interactions with
each other and their environment. It includes fields such as biology, ecology, and zoology.

Earth science: This branch of science deals with the study of the Earth, including its composition,
structure, and processes. It includes fields such as geology, meteorology, and oceanography.

These three aspects of science are interconnected and interdependent, and they work together to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the natural world. They each use different methods and tools
to study and understand their respective domains, but they share a common commitment to evidence-
based inquiry and the scientific method.

4. What is the intrinsic value of science education?

5. Discuss the citizenship argument for scientific knowledge.

The citizenship argument for scientific knowledge holds that scientific literacy is essential for effective
citizenship in a modern, complex society. In order to make informed decisions on issues that have
scientific and technological implications, such as climate change, genetic engineering, and public health
policies, citizens need to have a basic understanding of scientific concepts and methods.

In today's world, scientific knowledge is more important than ever before. Science and technology are
rapidly advancing and are affecting many aspects of our lives, from the food we eat to the energy we
use. Scientific knowledge is also necessary for addressing global challenges such as climate change,
pandemic diseases, and food insecurity.

Without scientific literacy, individuals may be vulnerable to misinformation, misunderstandings, and

manipulation. For example, they may fall prey to pseudoscientific claims, conspiracy theories, or
fraudulent medical treatments. They may also be unable to assess the validity of scientific claims or to
participate effectively in public debates on scientific issues.

Therefore, the citizenship argument for scientific knowledge emphasizes the importance of scientific
literacy as a key component of responsible citizenship. It argues that individuals have a responsibility to
educate themselves on scientific issues and to use scientific knowledge to make informed decisions that
benefit themselves, their communities, and society as a whole.


Specific aim 3 of the CAPS document says that “learners should understand the uses of Natural Sciences
and indigenous knowledge [IK] in society and the environment” (DBE, 2011:10). What are IK and
indigenous knowledge systems (IKSs)? The information that follows here comes from the CAPS
document for Natural Sciences and the IKS document published by the Department of Science and
Technology (DST).

Our forebears would not have survived if they had not been able to learn about the natural world they
depended on. They made careful observations and recognised regular patterns in seasons, the life cycles
of plants and the behaviour of animals. They had theories about cause and effect too, and understood
many of the relationships in the environment where they lived. These sets of knowledge, each woven
into the history and place of people, are known as IKSs.

IK includes knowledge about agriculture and food production, pastoral practices and animal production,
forestry, plant classification, medicinal plants, the management of biodiversity, food preservation, the
management of soil and water, iron smelting, brewing, making dwellings and understanding astronomy.
As society changes, some of that knowledge is lost. People such as biologists, pharmacists and
archaeologists are seeking it out and writing it down before it is gone (DBE, 2011:8).

The IKSs developed and maintained by South Africa’s indigenous peoples pervade the lives and belief
systems of a large proportion of the country’s population. Such IK manifests itself in areas ranging from
cultural and religious ceremonies to agricultural practices and health interventions. IK is generally used
synonymously with traditional and local knowledge to differentiate the knowledge developed by and
within distinctive indigenous communities from the international knowledge system generated through
universities, government research centres and private industry, sometimes incorrectly called the
Western knowledge system.

Under apartheid, IKSs in South Africa and their practitioners were marginalised, suppressed and
subjected to ridicule. This had profoundly negative effects on the development of South Africa’s
economy and society, resulting in the distortion of the social, cultural and economic development of the
vast majority of its people.

Across every measurement of socio-economic status and wellbeing, and across all age groups,
geographical circumstances and both genders, indigenous people are severely disadvantaged. The
disadvantages they face have the potential to increase and further entrench the disparity between
indigenous and other sectors of society over the coming decades, unless greater effort is made now to
redress the ongoing inequalities, not least of which is in respect of the knowledge systems of indigenous
communities and specific knowledge traditions within these, such as guilds of traditional healers and
specific knowledge traditions held by women in communities.

Integrating and celebrating African perspectives in South Africa’s knowledge systems is not only a matter
of redress. It can help to create new research paradigms and mental maps, as well as enrich existing
ones. Juxtaposed against the backdrop of centuries of oppression, there exists an indisputable wealth of
IK that has survived and even thrived within the protective confines of African societies and
communities. Much of the IK that has persisted has shaped and informed African thinking on issues such
as art, music, religion and theology, governance, justice, health and agriculture. Personal and cultural
identities, including social belief systems, have remained strong and vibrant through the repeated
observance of IK tenets, in spite of the very hostile sociopolitical environment characteristic of
colonialism and apartheid. Women are often the custodians of these bodies of knowledge.

Activity 1.5

What is indigenous knowledge (IK)?

How would you define an IKS?

How is knowledge acquired in indigenous societies?

Why is IK important?


It is important to remember that knowing how to do something and being able to do it are two
different things. You might know what to teach, and which theory and method should be used,
but you might still not be able to teach well. Teaching is a skill that requires many hours of
practice and experience. One of the great arts of teaching is to explain things; that is, to talk
about difficult ideas in terms that learners can understand. As you develop as a teacher, you
learn a range of different ways to represent and formulate the ideas of science to ensure that
learners understand them (Wellington & Ireson, 2012: 5).

Building a science teacher repertoire may entail the following:

–    knowing the learning environment

–    knowing the policies

–    knowing the pedagogical content

–    knowing the pedagogies

–    developing scientific skills

–    knowing the learners

Activity 1.6

1. Explain how you would support young explorers.

2. Describe any FIVE aspects that should be addressed when a science teacher is


The science teaching theories are irrelevant if they are not practised. When we embrace the
idea that learners are explorers of the world, we no longer focus on teaching scientific facts –
we focus on helping learners to realise that science is applicable to their everyday lives. Visit the
following website to read about the components of science education:

1) The teacher and teaching methods

The teacher is perhaps the most important factor in the quality of education. Is
he/she a trained teacher? Personally suited? Does he/she use teaching methods
that permit the pupils to participate actively? Do the teaching methods even out the
different starting points of the students, including gender?

Has the teacher access to the teaching material needed to satisfy the requirements
of the curriculum? Is the teacher present in the classroom when he/she is supposed
to be?

Teachers who cannot survive on their wages will become less motivated and have
frequent absences. If it takes them two to three hours to get to school, they will
have less time for preparation.

2) Educational content

Are the curriculum and the teaching material relevant? Are basic literacy and
numeracy skills sufficiently emphasized?

Does the curriculum also highlight basic skills such as hygiene, nutrition, knowledge
about HIV/AIDS, conflict work, gender equality or other important national and
international issues?

3) Learning environment

Is the learning environment healthy, secure, protective, inspiring and adapted for
both girls and boys? Is there an inclusive learning environment also for minorities
or pupils with disabilities? Do the pupils learn to respect each other and the
surrounding natural environment?

Do the teachers cooperate to ensure a sound learning environment? Do they

punish the pupils? Are parents and the surrounding community included so as to
ensure that the school is a welcoming place to be?

4) School management
Is the school well run? Does it adhere to national guidelines? Is the school day well
organized? Is the administration of the school transparent so that everyone can see
how funding and other resources are deployed?

Do teachers have clear parameters for how they should teach and treat pupils and
(female) colleagues? Do headteachers and the school board treat teachers with

5) Preconditions for pupils

What experiences do pupils bring with them to school? Has the pupil been exposed
to special challenges such as natural disasters, abuse, child labour or AIDS? Has the
pupil grown up in an environment where girls and boys have equal opportunities?

How dissimilar is the language used at school to the one spoken at home? Are
pupils hungry when they arrive at school? Do any suffer from chronic diseases? Do
they have a long way to school and what is this like?

6) Funding and organization

Funding and organization are two important requisites for all six key elements and
they are mainly a national responsibility. A school that is not granted adequate
funding and has no clear guidelines will not be able to ensure quality.

However, each individual school must administer its own resources and organize
the work in the best possible way on its own terms.

There are factors that affect science teachers and their teaching (theory and practice). These
factors include pressures and constraints, but there are also many that will assist teachers in
enhancing their teaching.

Activity 1.7

Go to Discussion Forum 1.1 and discuss the following with your classmates:

The factors below affect science teachers and their teaching theory:

–      The curriculum. How does this affect you as a science teacher?

–      The science department. How does this affect you as a science teacher?

–      Learners’ and parents’ expectations. How do these affect you as a science teacher?

–      The school: politics, principal, status. How do these affect you as a science teacher?

–      Teachers’ views of science and science education. How do these affect you as a

science teacher?

–      The learners. How do they affect you as a science teacher?

–      The teacher’s strengths, weaknesses, attitudes and experiences. How do these affect

you as a science teacher?

Your own image or view of what science is will affect how you present and teach science
(content and process) in the classroom.


In this learning unit we attempted to move away from the traditional content focus of most science
curricula, to thinking about science education as a means of encouraging students to become explorers
of their world. If we focus on the nature of science, the process of science and the way in which scientific
understanding is constructed, we are more likely to motivate, engage and educate our students. In the
next learning unit we discuss a number of these aspects in more detail. By using an explorer-of-the-
world framework, we are more likely to heighten your curiosity as a science teacher so that you become
a life-long learner of science.


This section contains self-reflection questions that you can use to test your knowledge of the
learning unit.

Section A

At the end of the following questions, reflect on what you have learned in learning unit 1:

1. Explain the nature and origin of natural sciences.

2. Identify the limits of natural sciences.
3. Analyse science as a body of knowledge.
4. Discuss the purpose of science education explanatory frameworks and activities.
5. Distinguish between valid and speculative theories.
6. Discuss IK and natural sciences.
7. How would you support young explorers?
8. Explain the factors that affect you as science teacher and your teaching.

Beyers, J. 2010. What is religion? An African understanding. HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies

Department of Basic Education. 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. Grades 7–9, Natural
Sciences. ISBN: 978-1-4315-0528-9.

Department of Basic Education. 2011. Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. Grades 10–12, Life
Sciences. ISBN: 978-1-4315-0578-4.

Gitt, W. 1997. In the beginning there was information. Bielefield: Christliche Literatuur-Verbreitung.

Gregson, R & Botha, ML. 2016. Teaching Science: Foundation to Senior Phase. Cape Town: Oxford
University Press.

Sunderland, LD. 1988. Darwin’s enigma: fossils and other problems. 4th revised edition. Santee, CA:

Wellington, L & Ireson, G. 2012. Science learning, science teaching. 3rd edition. London: Routledge.

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