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Based on the discussion of the biofield and energy healing
with Dr. Christine Schaffner

By Lloyd Burrell
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“If you want to find the secrets of the
Universe, think in terms of energy,
frequency and vibration.”

-Nikola Tesla

05 | ENERGY +













According to The Universal Law, These forces are intimately connected to all
everything in the Universe is constantly aspects of your well-being - which is the
moving and vibrating - at one speed or foundation of energy healing. This energy can
another ... nothing rests. Everything around be sensed, even felt or seen, by practitioners,
you is vibrating at one frequency or allowing them to work to manipulate your
another, and so are you. energy - using on or many techniques - only to
encourage overall wellness. Many people who
Energy healing offers the potential for a have personally received these specific
shift in the physiological state and present treatments speak of the enormous impact
moment awareness which may be the first they experienced.
step in altering the perspectives that
sustain symptom burden.

And, whether you realize it or not, there is

energy flowing through you that extends
to all fields around you.



“Everything in Life is Vibration”

– Albert Einstein

As mentioned before, all things in our universe are constantly in

motion, vibration. Even things that appear to be stationary are in
fact resonating, vibrating, oscillating at various frequencies.
Ultimately, all matter is just vibrations of various underlying fields.

And this includes trees, bodies, thoughts, emotions, animals, and

so on. Human vibrations are actually composed of everything
from physical matter to the way you think and communicate,
some vibrating quickly and some vibrating slower - there are
higher and lower vibrations.

Although you will find that for many people, the concept of
energy fields in the body is more spiritual than medicinal.
However, this is just not the case...


Essentially we all vibrate energetically at a
particular frequency. It seems the lower the
frequency, the heavier your problems may
appear, and the denser your energy will
become. Whereas, the higher the frequency
of your vibration or energy, the lighter you
will find yourself feeling in your physical,
emotional and mental bodies.

It’s important to recognize that you are a

living energy field, composed of energy-
producing particles, and these are all in
constant motion. So you, like everything and
everyone in the universe, are vibrating and
creating energy. And these vibrations are
kind of like your own personal rhythm
happening on a grand scale, much like tidal
patterns or changing seasons. This, too, is
happening within your own body.

For example, heartbeats, breathing rates, and

circadian rhythms are physiological rhythms
which we can measure, feel, and see. Just
imagine the much smaller vibrations that are
happening within your body, too.

Meanwhile, researchers have known for quite

some time that thoughts and behaviors affect
the rhythms in your body.

For instance, if a person finds themselves

with anxious thoughts they will trigger the And it should be noted that many
release of stress hormones which then researchers are finding these various
stimulate the heart rate to either speed up or vibrations - electromagnetic, sound, and
slow down. Sound vibrations of music, light - can be used to encourage healing
likewise, affect thoughts, emotions and the and even stimulate growth in the body.
body’s systems.


There are many ways that you can raise your own vibration,
even simply going for a walk to get grounded can help you to
raise your vibration. Other ways include reiki, healing energy,
being of service to others, yoga, and so much more. Basically,
anything that brings you joy may potentially do wonders for
raising your vibe.

These vibrations generate electromagnetic energy waves.
Researchers have found that vibrations and the
electromagnetic energy associated with them cause changes
in your cells, which can then affect how your body functions...
Temperature, for example, can change the speed of a
molecule's vibration.


It’s important to understand that the more open-minded we are to all of these
different tools and modalities to heal, the easier it is to treat people and the
more accelerated the healing process goes.

Ultimately, is that what it’s all about? How do we essentially help people get
better? In reality, we are doing a huge disservice if we are not discussing these
concepts of biophysics.

Now, when we touch base on biophysics, vibration, and the body electric, it’s
important to begin the conversation with the idea of the biofield.

Your energy field, or biofield, emanates a couple of feet around you,

interconnecting with meridians - energy channels in the body - as well as

energy centers, or chakras, which are located in all organs, joints and areas
where many nerves come together.

The biofield is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and

hypothetical subtle energy, or chi. This is also referred to as the “human energy
field” or “aura”...


In 1994, a panel of scientists at the National Institutes of Health in America, spearheaded
by Dr. Beverly Rubik, chose the word “biofield" to describe the energy field and
information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body.

Basically, a biofield is an energy blueprint that corresponds holistically to an entire

organism, allowing for rapid communication throughout the body. Also referred to as the
matrix, it allows connection between the physical, emotional, and mental dimensions.

In other ancient traditions, the biofield would be called prana or chi. Essentially, the
biofield is a summation of the electromagnetic field around our body, and it includes the
subtle energies that may still be theoretical to some, but it’s this field of energy that is

It’s also an organizational field that instructs our own biochemistry.

When you're trying to understand the concept of how vibration, energy, and frequency
work with the body, the biofield is a great place to start.

So, if it’s instructing our biochemistry, isn’t it kind of more important than the
biochemistry which is what mainstream science keeps talking about?

Not only Dr. Rubik’s work, but also Dr. Bruce Lipton’s work and all of these pioneering
visionaries and luminaries that are talking about this. It’s critically important that we look
at our physical body through this energetic and electromagnetic nature, particularly in a
time when our exposure to man-made electromagnetic fields as emitted by cell phones,
WiFi and smart devices, etc. is growing at such an exponential rate.



On average, people will likely see 20 or 30 doctors while trying to

understand what it is that is making them chronically ill. Always
looking for that one key answer - but the truth is, it’s unlikely to be
only one issue - otherwise, they wouldn’t be so sick. In many
cases, upwards of 40-50 doctors will be visited before reaching
into different avenues such as holistic medicine.

In fact, in America, our society and our medical paradigm really

still has a hard time giving a language and understanding for
people who have chronic illness - there’s more awareness and
knowledge, but then again, in the convention medical paradigm,
they’re really looking to identify one thing - one symptom - rather
than getting to the root cause.

So when it comes to restoring someone’s health - again, people

who are chronically ill and who might have Lyme disease or
chronic infections, may also have environmental toxicity; they
may have trauma, which not only makes them more susceptible
potentially to chronic illness, but also trauma from being sick
which is crucial to address. It’s all of these things combined.

Of course one of the most important steps to addressing these

types of chronic illness is detoxing your body and immune
system. Some of the most powerful modalities that help people
shift is not only doing that, but doing it in combination with these
therapies and tools that really address these other levels of our
physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.


The importance of modalities in energy The biophoton idea is that all living cells
healing is a big one. Certainly the emit low-level light emissions, while a
modalities that work for one person may healthy cell emits a coherent field of
not be effective for another. light. Light is used within our system for
communication. So even beyond the
In fact, this can be unpacked in a few biophoton theory, we know our body's
different ways. intention is to receive, respond, and
process light. That is with the field of
When we are talking about the biofield photobiomodulation and photodynamic
there are actually a couple other therapy. In fact, we know that all parts of
concepts that are integrative to the our mitochondria have light receptors.
Basically, ART was developed in order to
First we have the biophoton theory that see where in the body incoherent light
Fritz Albert Popp really dedicated his transmissions are being emitted and why
life’s work and a lot of Dr. Klinghardt’s that is, and also how we can alleviate that
work revolves around how we use ART - stress in the body.
otherwise known as autonomic response
testing (ART). (To learn more about ART, see Dr.
Klinghardt’s work with the Klinghardt
Dr. Klinghardt dedicated his studies to a Institute.)
lot of different biofeedback technologies
and exams. He basically used the But again, to understand the other
biophoton theory to combine everything modalities we think about the biofield
and really create his own system called and about the biophoton theory. Simply
autonomic response testing (ART). put, our cells emit light and when they’re
sick, the light emissions will appear weak
With ART, very simply, you can see and incoherent.
where there is stress within the body.

Let’s take a quick step back to further

explain this….



Fritz Albert Popp, a German researcher in biophysics,

particularly in the study of biophotons, had a
photomultiplier in order to measure this particular theory
in his lab. Of course, this is not a clinical tool that is
available to all of us. These are, however, tools that even
Dr. Dispenza and Dr. Rubik use, which are essentially these
gas discharge visualization cameras that attempt to
measure more of the biofield around a person, not the
biophoton emissions.

Just imagine where we could go with all the hard work and
these incredible devices. Even Kirlian photography could
be a tool. (Kirlian photography is a collection of
photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon
of electrical coronal discharges.) Or even simply learning
from people who teach colorpuncture (Colorpuncture is a
state-of-the-art mind and body healing technology. It
combines knowledge derived from Chinese medicine and
other energetic healing).

People who teach colorpuncture actually use a lot of Kirlian

photography to measure these light emissions, it’s this
unique ability to take a photo of a living structure,
organism, or body and see where there may be imbalances
in light emissions.

The tools are there ... they’re just unfortunately not

implemented in clinical practice at this point in time.
However, there is an enormous opportunity for that, and
imagine the impact that could be made by being able to use
more of these tools.


MATRIX The second concept to explore when
we think about these tools is the idea of
the living matrix.

Dr. Oschman, a physiologist, cellular

biologist, and biophysicist, wrote a book
on energy medicine which I encourage
you to read if you want to dive deeper
into these particular concepts.

Basically, we have our internal cellular

environment and our external cellular
environment. What Dr. Oschman’s
research has shown us that those
spaces within our body are highly
interconnected, from the nucleus of our
cell to the rest of our extracellular
matrix. That system, the living matrix, is
essentially how our body responds and
processes all information on the lines of
biophysics, frequency, energy and

When we consider how we want to

support the body using these tools, we
must address the biofield, the
biophoton emissions and ultimately, our
living matrix.


The health of our body is dependent on how much structured water we have in our
body. It has been shown to help our internal cellular environment create an optimal cell
voltage. Cell voltage is everything, it’s essential to how our system works, including how
the cell properly communicates and coordinates. Basically all of the cell processes are
absolutely dependent on the cell voltage.

Sick cells have a lower voltage while healthy cells will have an astounding cell voltage.
It’s incredibly important that we continue to think about many things but increasing
exclusion-zone water will help with this cell voltage.

Not to mention, we need exclusion-zone water in our living matrix, in our collagens.
Collagen, as I’m sure you’re familiar with, is a protein, and physicist Mae-Wan Ho found
through her research the idea of acupuncture meridians being these networks of
collagen in the body.

All-in-all collagen are proteins in the helical structure in this living matrix permeating our
entire body. Also, the combination of those particular proteins are structured water in
the matrix allowing our body to transmit electrons.

Again, when we think about health, it’s really the flow of electrons in our body.

It’s really a communication tool, electrons are delivering not only information but also
energy throughout our body.


I think it goes without saying that we all chooses to think of the human, physical
want to be healthy, we all want to prosper. body as this barometer and it depends on
But, we also have to consider how we fit where you are personally in your life and
on this planet. And when the discussion is how deeply you want to observe the
based on our health, the living matrix, the message that your body is sharing.
trees, plants, animals, everything fits in as
well. And ultimately our health is directly This can become somewhat more difficult,
related to that, and should certainly not be particularly for someone who is dealing
ignored. with chronic or “terminal” illness to still
have that kind of belief and understanding.
The silver lining is how we can look at our A large part of Dr. Schaffner’s work is to
own personal healing of our individual help, collaborate and guide patients. And
bodies as deeply interconnected to an important part of that kind of work is
healing the planet. And as we begin to reflecting back to the patient, what they
better understand the reasons why our may already know and what they are
own body may be sick, we are given an currently experiencing within their body.
incredible opportunity to look at the Leading them to the correct resources,
systems in place and change our society. framework, and knowledge.

Ultimately, to heal ourselves and our Again, there’s always a silver lining, even
bodies, we have to not only look at our own when people struggle with something like
individuality, but we have to consider clean chronic illness, the silver lining here is that
air, clean food, clean water, all social these people are able to become so much
systems need to be reevaluated. more in tune and tap into their personal
needs. Which is an entirely different
And not only is it about healing - it’s also aspect of healing altogether.
about understanding the messages. These
symptoms, they’re messages. And we Once again, it’s not only about getting
need to pay closer attention to what these mercury and aluminum out of your body -
messages are telling us. which is also very important - but it’s
hand-in-hand with healing deep childhood
My dear friend Dr. Christine Schaffner, a traumas and ancestral traumas that have
naturopathic doctor who is highly trained been passed on for generations and are
in the belief and premise of the inherent affecting you epigenetically.
abilities of our bodies to heal, no matter
what we are dealing with, she

Hydration, according to Dr. Schaffner should be an important focus in our daily

lives; it’s a foundational tool for allowing the electrons to flow freely throughout the

As you may already know, your body depends on water to survive. Every organ,
cell, and tissue in your body must have water in order to work properly. Your body
uses water to maintain proper temperature, remove waste, and lubricate all of your
joints. It’s absolutely necessary for optimal health.


1. Don't wait till you're thirsty to drink. By the time you feel thirsty, you're
already slightly dehydrated.
2. Consume quality fats and oils.
3. Eat water-rich fruits and vegetables.
4. Stay inside when it gets too hot.
5. Dress for the weather.
6. Be aware of the signs of dehydration.

Many people believe that the key to staying well hydrated is to drink plenty
of water. While drinking good quality water (ideally spring water) is
important, equally important, if not more important, is what you eat. And
what you don’t eat. That means avoiding processed foods, which work
against your ability to hydrate and prioritize water-rich vegetables and
fruits but also quality oils (olive oil, sesame seed oil, argan oil). And
remember, don’t wait to feel thirsty. Get into the habit of hydrating yourself
regularly. It’s so critical to stay hydrated, not only does it help the bodywork
properly, but it also improves mood, but helps the body to fight infections,
and can even improve cognition.


You may not be aware of how being in nature improves your
energic health. Not only does it offer soothing and grounding
benefits, but it also reduces anger, fear, and stress and
increases pleasant feelings.
In fact, exposure to nature not only makes you feel better
emotionally, but it plays a crucial role for your overall physical
wellbeing by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, production of
stress hormones, and muscle tension.
Nature helps us to forget our everyday worries and recover from
the effects that stress has on our health physically and
It should also be noted that the building blocks of our bodies, the
cells, are dynamic, living units constantly working to self-repair
and regenerate; the healing power of nature recognizes this, it
recognizes the body’s ability to heal itself.
Studies show that the presence of nature can also diminish
lethargic feelings, in fact, 90 percent of people have reported
that while being in nature they will experience increased energy
We often find ourselves trying to work on ourselves intently, but
it’s important to understand that it is a process, and not to be
discouraged when you don’t see immediate results.
Implementing these simple energy tips will help you to raise your
energy levels which will result in a healthier and happier life


With 5G and all of these new technologies Your lymphatic system and brain rely on
that have been coming out more often in restorative sleep in order to detoxify,
our modern world, electromagnetic fields repair and recover from neurological
(EMFs) are becoming a much bigger and illness, too. Creating a safe EMF
widespread issue that we are facing. It’s environment in your bedroom will allow
incredibly important that we increase our you to have a break and also allows you to
awareness around the topic, which is sleep much better throughout the night.
growing exponentially. Many people who suffer with insomnia
almost instantly begin to see benefits after
It’s not only important, it’s affecting our beginning EMF precautions. It is
health - and much more so now that we encouraged to begin this transformation
can rarely find breaks from exposure not only for your health and protection
anymore with the increased EMF in our from EMFs but also to get the sleep that
environment constantly surrounding us. In your body needs to function properly.
turn, this becomes incredibly
overwhelming as well as fear and anxiety- I would like to stress that depending on
producing. Many people who are trying to where you live, your resources, and how
heal are working so hard to find balance in sick you are, it is absolutely recommended
their lives and can find themselves frozen that you measure the EMF exposures in
because everywhere you turn, it’s there. your bedroom and home. There are now
several reasonably priced and quite
But! With this awareness comes the ability accurate EMF meters that can help you
to shield yourself from harmful EMFs to with this task.
improve your health and wellness.
You might also consider working with an
A great place to start is by creating a safe EMF specialist or a building biologist to get
place in your bedroom. Creating a safe some expert guidance. Light, is also
sleeping location is critical for overall incredibly important for your pineal gland
health, sleep is so important and many to produce melatonin, this means reducing
people struggle to get adequate quality blue light exposure with your electronic
sleep, which can lead to being more devices before bed - and not using them
susceptible to illness. in your bedroom - along with using dark,
blackout shades over your bedroom
windows, all help to increase the
production of melatonin.
Another important measure to take is to try There are many other ways to prevent or
not to have anything plugged in, in your reduce exposure including window films
bedroom to remove any dirty electricity or that reduce RF exposure, sleep canopies
electrical fields. It’s incredibly important to that reduce EMF exposure, turning off the
look for dirty electricity in the bedroom, electricity at night with the kill switch that’s
even if you have nothing plugged in, there wired in your home. For many people who
is still potential for a disharmonic are highly sensitive, that makes an
electromagnetic field coming through the enormous difference.
wiring in your home. A couple of ways to
measure for dirty electricity would be by And let’s not forget about melatonin.
using a Stetzerizer meter or a Greenwave Supporting yourself with melatonin can
meter in the electrical outlet. As necessary help to create a deeper sleep and also
you can then either try and help regulate your circadian rhythm. Not to
remove/deactivate the offending item or mention it’s also helpful with mitigating
use dirty electricity filters to harmonize the EMF stress and helps to detoxify your
field so that they won’t impact your brain.
personal energy field.
Of course there are many people who
Turning off your WiFi at night is another believe that using melatonin supplements
highly recommended way to eliminate or will disrupt the body’s natural ability to
reduce EMF exposure in your home. This is produce melatonin, but to be frank, our
likely one of the very first things that you modern life is a melatonin-deficient time.
should consider doing as it is critically Just consider the disruption of our light
important. exposure and how it affects the pineal
gland. It becomes bombarded due to the
Again, depending on where you live and all access to blood flow, it’s bombarded by
things that you do in your daily routine, you aluminum, fluoride, and glyphosate which
may also want to consider applying EMF can create non-optimal melatonin
shielding paint in your bedroom as well. protection.
Again you might want to consider working
with an EMF consultant to make sure your
shielding is effective.
#1 Frequency-Specific Microcurrents
If you are someone who is dealing with a chronic illness, it is highly encouraged that you
look for a practitioner to work with that uses tools and is able to instruct you to get the tools
that you personally need, not only a functional medicine or root cause protocol using only
supplements and herbs, but one that also addresses biophysics. Some of Dr. Christine’s
top tools are frequency-specific microcurrents - Dr. Carolyn McMakin’s brainchild - which
uses different resonant frequencies in order to help restore an optimal frequency in an
organ system or tissue, or even to address a pathogen.

#2 Photobiomodulation
Photobiomodulation is another recommendation from Dr. Christine which uses light as
therapy. Of course, there are options for using this therapy such as using different home

Red and infrared tend to be the primary light technologies, but there are also other lights
that can be beneficial. Localized use of blue light, for instance, can be incredibly helpful for
decreasing infection and improving energy in the body.

And that’s only to mention a few….

#3 Finding someone who can work with your trauma history

This can go in a few different directions, but it’s important to find someone who can work
with your trauma history. Consider personal trauma history and doing things like EMDR,
EFT, or somatic work. Practicing with healing tools such as sound therapy can also help you
access and release trauma.

Or even more ancestral work such as family constellation therapy that Dr. Klinghardt

Trauma tends to be an enormous piece of the puzzle that needs to be addressed in order
to make for more coherence and release this dissonance from your field, allowing you to
feel much lighter and for the biochemical processes to work much better, beginning with
healing from your trauma.
Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor who has helped
thousands of people recover from chronic or complex illnesses. Through online
summits, her Spectrum of Health podcast, network of Immanence Health clinics,
and renowned online programs, Dr. Schaffner goes beyond biological medicine,
pulling from all systems of medicine and healing modalities–helping patients
reclaim their wellness and reveal their brightest light.

Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and

Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and her Doctor of
Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and
speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic, complex, and mystery
illnesses. Patients travel from all around the world to reclaim their wellness using
her Ecosystem & Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO)
Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board-
certified Naturopathic Doctor who
has helped thousands of people
recover from chronic or complex
illnesses. Through online summits,
her Spectrum of Health podcast,
network of Immanence Health
clinics, and renowned online
programs, Dr. Schaffner goes
beyond biological medicine,
pulling from all systems of
medicine and healing
modalities–helping patients
reclaim their wellness and
reveal their brightest light.

Dr. Schaffner completed her undergraduate studies in Pre-medicine and

Psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and her Doctor of
Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

With her diverse skill set, Dr. Schaffner seeks to improve access, outcomes, and
speed of recovery for patients struggling with chronic, complex, and mystery
illnesses. Patients travel from all around the world to reclaim their wellness using
her Ecosystem & Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO)
Find out more about my EMF Practical
Guide: The Simple Science of Protecting
Yourself, Healing Chronic Inflammation,
and Living a Naturally Healthy Life In Our
Toxic Electromagnetic World

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