1st Term Review

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Put the correct verb in the gaps/Pon el verbo correcto en los huecos

1.- Her favourite colour _________ green

2.- I _________ twelve years old

3.- I _________ a new book

4.- Mum _________ in the car

5.- My uncle __________ a boat

6.- The boy __________ a red bicycle

7.- My aunt __________ at home

8.- Jane and Rose _________ a big dog

9.- My sister _________ at work

10.- My parents ________ very sad


Put IS or ARE in the gaps/Pon IS o ARE en los huecos

1.- There _________ a book in the box

2.- There _________ some books on the shelf

3.- There _________ some bread in the kitchen

4.- There _________ an ostrich at the zoo

5.- There _________ some pencils under the table

6.- There _________ some water in the bottle

7.- ___________ there two dogs in the street?

8.- ___________ there any water in the bath?

9.- There _______ not any games

10.- There ________ not an apple on the table

Put A(n)/SOME/ANY in the gaps/Pon A(n)/SOME/ANY en los huecos

1.- I have got _________ cousins

2.- There isn´t _________ food in the fridge

3.- My grandfather has got _________ old hat

4.- There are _________ posters there

5.- Have you got _________ brothers or sisters?

6.- There is _________ milk in the glass

7.- Have they got ___________ money?

8.- There are ___________ grapes

9.- There is not _________ biscuits

10.- Is there ________ fruit in the kitchen?

Present Simple:
Cross out the wrong word/Tacha la palabra incorrecta

1.- Patrick (LIKE/LIKES) reading books

2.- My friends always (PLAY/PLAYS) football in the afternoon

3.- I seldom (SPEAK/SPEAKS) English

4.- My uncle (STUDY/STUDIES) Arabic

5.- Ana (GO/GOES) to judo lessons on Wednesdays

6.- We (LIVE/LIVES) near the river

7.- She (EAT/EATS) in the kitchen

8.- My mother (KISS/KISSES) me every night

9.- You often (DRINK/DRINKS) a lot of water

10.- My cousins (WATCH/WATCHES) a lot of television Exercise

Cross out the wrong word/Tacha la palabra incorrecta

1.- Patrick (DON´T/DOESN´T) (GO/GOES) to work every day

2.- My friends (DON´T/DOESN´T) (GET/GETS) up at eight o´clock

3.- Harry (DON´T/DOESN´T) (WORK/WORKS) at night

4.- I (DON´T/DOESN´T) (GO/GOES) to bed very early

5.- Mr Ferguson (DON´T/DOESN´T) (LIKE/LIKES) his job

6.- John and David (DON´T/DOESN´T) speak Arabic

7.- Rabbits (DON´T/DOESN´T) (EAT/EATS) meat

8.- Debbie (DON´T/DOESN´T) (EAT/EATS) lunch at school once a week

9.- Eddie (DON´T/DOESN´T) (DO/DOES) his homework 1

10.- Lisa and Sue (DON´T/DOESN´T)(HAVE/HAS) breakfast at home

Cross out the wrong word/Tacha la palabra incorrecta

1.- (DO/DOES) John (LIVE/LIVES) in the mountains?

2.- (DO/DOES) they (EAT/EATS) chicken every Sunday?

3.- (DO/DOES) your brothers (STUDY/STUDIES) French?

4.- (DO/DOES) you usually (PLAY/PLAYS) tennis?

5.- (DO/DOES) Sara (SPEAK/SPEAKS) German?

6.- (DO/DOES) Bill (HAVE/HAS) lunch at school?

7.- Where (DO/DOES) Carlos (LIVE/LIVES) ?

8.- How (DO/DOES) you (COME/COMES) to school?

Match the interrogatives to their translations /Empareja los interrogativos asus traducciones:

Who?............ + +...................... ¿Por qué?

Why?........... + + .........................¿Quién?

How many?.. + + ..............¿Qué?(¿Cuál?)

What time?.. + + .................¿Cuántos/as?

What?.......... + +.....................¿Qué hora?

What colour? + + ........................¿Dónde?

When?......... + +.......................¿Cuándo?

How?............ + +...............¿De qué color?

How much?.. + +.................... ¿Cuánto/a?

Where?........ + +..........................¿Cómo?

Guess the questions / Adivina las preguntas

1.- ________________________________? My favourite subject is Physical Education

2.- ________________________________? I am very tired today because it´s very late

3.-________________________________? I usually get up at 7:15 am (quarter past seven in the morning)

4.- ________________________________? Mr. Hermes is our Geography teacher

5________________________________? My birthday is on 1st (the first) of April

6.- ________________________________? Your toys are on my bed.

Present Continuous:
Exercise 40: Cross out the wrong word


2.- The girls (AM/IS/ARE) (PLAYING/PLAY/PLAING) with a ball


4.- Janet (AM/IS/ARE) (SIT/SITING/SITTING) on the sofa



7.- Jane and I (AM/IS/ARE) (TALK/TALKING)


9.- Kelly (AM/IS/ARE) (TELLING/TELL) the truth

10.- We (AM/IS/ARE) (WATCH/WATCHING) television

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