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Vincent’s High School in

Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental, Inc.
7215 Poblacion, Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental Philippines
“Your Partner in Christian Formation since 1946”
Government Recognition No. 348 S. 1950
Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
Name:________________________________________ Score: _______________
I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read and understand the questions .Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1.Define Monotheism
a. The belief that there is more than one God.
b. The worship of one's ancestors.
c. The belief that there is only one God. 
d. The belief the universe has one divine soul.
2. What religion is found in South-East Asia and China and has 376 Million followers?
a. Buddhism b. Hinduism c. Judaism d. Islam
3. What do Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have in common?
a. They are all monotheistic.
b. They all believe that Jesus was the Son of God.
c. They are all based on the same holy book.
d. They are all separated into three main branches
4. What do Buddhism and Hinduism have in common?
a. They both focus on many different gods.
b. They are both based on four noble truths.
c. They both believe in the concept of nirvana.
d. They both believe in reincarnation.
5. Who was the founder of the Buddhist religion?
a. Vishnu b. Jesus c. Allah d. Buddha
6. What is the name of the place where Jews worship?
a. Synagogue b. Church c. Temple d. Stupa
7. Which religion believes in reincarnation (rebirth of the soul)?
a. Islam b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Judaism
8. What is the term for a person being reborn after a previous life?
a. dharma b. nirvana c. reincarnation d. karma
9. Religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
a. Zoroastrianism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Judaism
10. 5 Pillars
a. Judaism b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Islam
11. It is the common Hebrew patriarch of the Abrahamic religions.
a. Judaism b. Christianity c. Abaraham d. Judaism
12. The common culture of Hindus, Islam and Christian are:
a. wonderful process of assimilation.
b. believing in one faith
c. receiving substantial state patronage for sufficiently long period at different points of time.
d. None of these
13. the Chinese word DAO means
a. salvation b. faith c. way or path d. religion of the most important figures in the shaping or classical Daoism is that Of Laozi which simply
A nothing b. the elder or the old man c. the brother d. ancestors
15.It the way of life propagated by Confucius.
a. Daoism b. Shintoism c. Confucianism d. Hinduism
16. Shinto literally means:
a. The way of the gods. B. The way of the Buddha c. The leanings of the heart d. The New Way

17.In Shinto they used to believe the supernatural entities which is Kami and stands for
a. believed to inhabit all things . b. believed nothing c. undoubted belief for the entities d. none of these
18. Shinto is originated from:
a. China b. Japan c. Korea d. India
19. The world's oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back
more than 4,000 years.
A. Daoism b. Hinduism c. Taoism d. Shintoism
20.It is an Ancient religion of Japan. It started at least as long ago as 1000 B.C.E. but is still
practiced today by at least five million people.
A. Daoism b. Hinduism c. Taoism d. Shintoism

Directions: Read and understand the statement. Answers are provided inside the box. Write your
answer in the space provided.

Indian Religion Dao Lao zi

Shinto Hinduism Confucianism
Monism Religare spirituality
Polytheism religio 19 th century
Monotheism religion homo sapiens
Atheism theology archeologists
Agnosticism philosophy of religion 60,ooo years ago

_____________ 1. They believe that they discovered elements of religious belief.

_____________ 2. People practiced the elements of religious belief.
_____________ 3. Years that practiced the elements of religious belief.
_____________ 4. The century that witnessed the development of the fields of the social science.
_____________ 5. Derived from the Latin verb which means “to tie together, to bind fast”.
_____________ 6. Something an individual can have without being implicated in the ambivalent
complexity of human societies and institutions.
______________ 7. The Latin word which means that is something done with an overanxious or
scrupulous attention to detail.
______________ 8. It is an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules used to worship a god or
group of Gods.
______________ 9. It involves the systematic study of the existence and nature of the devine.
______________ 10. It is not a branch of theology but a branch of philosophy.
______________ 11. Kinds of belief systems or worldviews God can be known; humans are incapable
of knowing God.
______________ 12. Kinds of belief systems or worldviews that worship of many Gods.
______________ 13. Kinds of belief systems or worldviews the disbelief in or denial of the existence of
a God or a deities.
______________ 14. Kinds of belief systems or worldviews the doctrine or belief in one supreme God.
______________ 15. Kinds of belief systems or worldviews that there is no real distinction between
God and the universe.
_______________16. Dharmic Religion or Indic Religion.
_______________17. It means a a way or path or a way.
_______________18. It means the elder or the old man.
_______________19. It is a religion from Japan.
_______________20. The world's oldest religion

Directions: Read and Understand the questions and Explain base on your own

1. What are the Shinto views on the problem and solution for humans?
2. How has Hinduism affected society?
3. How did Confucianism influence society?
4. What is the main idea of Daoism?
St. Vincent’s High School in
Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental, Inc.
7215 Poblacion, Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental Philippines
“Your Partner in Christian Formation since 1946”
Government Recognition No. 348 S. 1950
Name:________________________________________ Score: _______________
I. Multiple Choice.
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Encircle the letter of the correct
1 .One of the different types of plans that are traditional and usually look for 3 to more years in the
a. short-term plans b. long-range plans c. operational plans d. both a and c
2. One of the different types of plans that are usually cover a period of one year or less.
a. short-term plans b. long-range plans c. operational plans d. both b and c
3. One of the different types of plans that are usually occur repeatedly.
a. short-term plans b. long-range plans c. standing plans d. both a and b
4. It is a general or broad guide for the actions or behavior of people in the workplace.
a. policy b. rule. C. Planning d. none of the these
5. Sets a high standard for what is ideal that must be embraced by management and employees.
a. mission b. values c. vision d. both a and c
6. Pertains to the guiding purpose of the company.
a. mission b. values c. vision d. both a and b
7.What statement best describe for a manager?
a. Managers can do everything for the goodness of the company.
b. A managers plans for everybody.
c. Managers make use of finding from data analysts who gather sets of data and examined
acquired information for patterns and trends.
d. Manager must equipped in everything.
8. Pertains the use of scientific techniques to predict the likelihood of certain events or factors to
happen in the future.
a. mission b. values c. vision d. forecasting
9. The person who make certain assumptions for those patterns and trends is called
a. Manager b. data analyst c. corporate manager d. operational manager
10. Use statistical tools and analyses to predict the future.
a. Quantitative forecasting techniques b. qualitative forecasting techniques
c. scenario planning d. contingency planning

11.It is usually defined as slow stage of growth and development.

a. evolution b. management c. organization d. none of these
12.It make use of the step by step, scientific methods for finding the single best way for doing a job.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Total quality Management d. Organizational Approach.
13. It involves the study of the conduct, demeanor or action of people at work.
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Total quality Management d. Organizational Approach.
14. A management philosophy that focuses on the satisfaction of customers, their needs and
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Total quality Management d. Organizational Approach.
15. Concentrates on the manager’s functions and what makes up good management practice or
a. Scientific Management Theory b. General Administrative Theory
c. Total quality Management d. Organizational Approach.
16.The proponent of the classical management theories who propose the 14 principles of
a. Henri Fayol b. Frederick Taylor c. Max Weber d. W. Edward Deming
17. The father of the principles of scientific management.
a. Henri Fayol b. Frederick Taylor c. Max Weber d. W. Edward Deming
18. Father of Quality Movement.
a. Henri Fayol b. Frederick Taylor c. Max Weber d. W. Edward Deming
19. Father of the principles of bureaucracy.
a. Henri Fayol b. Frederick Taylor c. Max Weber d. W. Edward Deming
20. Father of the quality principle of plan-control-improve.
a. Henri Fayol b. Joseph Juran c. Max Weber d. W. Edward Deming
21. It is defined as slow stages of growth and development, starting from simple forms to more
omplex forms.
a. management c. scientific management
b. evolution d. Theory
22. A set of principles relating to the functions of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling,
and the applications of these principles in harnessing physical, financial, human, and informational
resources efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals.
a. management c. scientific management
b. evolution d. Theory
23. It involves determining the organization’s goals or performance objectives, defining strategic
actions and developing coordination and integration activities.
a. planning c. staffing
b. organizing d. leading
24. It indicates filling in the different job position in the organization’s structure.
a. planning c. staffing
b. organizing d. leading
25. It demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing harmonious relations among the
individuals and work groups or teams in the organization.
a. planning c. staffing
b. organizing d. leading
26. It involves evaluating and if necessary, correcting the performance of the individuals or work
groups or teams to ensure that they are all working toward the previously set goals.
a. planning c. staffing
b. organizing d. leading
27. Ensures that all individuals, groups, or teams are harmoniously working together.
a. coordination c. effectiveness
b. efficiency d. management
28. It refers to the optimal use of scarce resources in order to bring about maximum productivity.
a. coordination c. effectiveness
b. efficiency d. management
29. It means “ doing things correctly”.
a. coordination c. effectiveness
b. efficiency d. management
30. It concentrates on the manager’s functions and what makes up good management practice or
a. General Administrative Theory c. Organizational BehaviorApproach
b. Total Quality Management d. Managerial rules and functions
31. It involves the study of the conduct, demenor, or action of people at work.
a. General Administrative Theory c. Organizational BehaviorApproach
b. Total Quality Management d. Managerial rules and functions
22. A management philosophy that focuses on the satisfaction of customers, their needs
a. General Administrative Theory c. Organizational BehaviorApproach
b. Total Quality Management d. Managerial rules and functions
33. The general or strategic managers who focus on long-term orgnizational concerns and
emphasizes the organization’s stability.
a. corporate managers c. operational managers
b. tactical managers d. manager
34. Formulate specific objectives and activities based on the strategic general goals and objectives
developed by top-level managers.
a. corporate managers c. operational managers
b. tactical managers d. manager
35. The bridges between management and non management employees.
a. corporate managers c. operational managers
b. tactical managers d. manager
II. Matching Type:
A. Directions: Read and understand the statement. Match the statement of column A to the
terms of column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
Column A Column B
_______1. Quality through market research. a. Robert Owen
_______2. Quality through management. b. Joseph J. Juran
_______3. Quality through reliability. c. Mary Parker follet
_______4. Who proposed the fitness of quality d. W. Edwards Deming
_______5. Quality through promptness. e. Hugo Munsterberg
_______6. Noticed lamentable conditions in work places . f. Design
_______7. Introduced the idea that individual or group g. Conformance
behavior must be considered in organizational
_______8. Proposed the administering of psychological h. Availability
tests for the selection of would – be employees in
_______9. Suggested that cooperation is required in i. Full Service
organizationsince it is mainly a social system.
_______10. Proposed the 14 points for top management j. Chester Barnard
_______11. Father of Administrative principles k. Max Weber
_______12. Father of principles of scientific management l. Peter Drucker
_______13. Father of the principles of bureaucracy m. Henri Fayol
_______14. Father of modern Mangement n. Modern management
_______15. Involves several views and mangement o. Frederick Taylor
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Match the statement in Column A to the terms
used in Column B. Write your answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
______1. Three or more years into the future a.Pre negotiation
______2. Cover a period of one year. b.rule
______3. Behavior of people in the workplace. c.negotiation process
______4. Situation occur repeatedly. d. Post negotiation
______5. More specific guide to actions or behavior in the e. standard operating
workplace. procedure
______ 6. Series of action to be follow for a specific f. Policy
______ 7. Preparation stage g. rule
______ 8. Bargaining stage h. large-range plans
______ 9. Administration stage i.standing plans
______ 10. Specific guide to action j. short-range plans
III. Identification:
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Identify the statement below. choices are given
inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
Planning coordination Henri Fayol
organizing efficiency Edwards Deming
staffing effectiveness Joseph M. Juran
leading Max Weber Evolution
controlling Frederick W. Taylor Total Quality Management
_____________________________1. Determining the organization’s goals.
_____________________________2. Demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing
harmonious relations among the individuals
_____________________________3. Management that focuses on the satisfaction of customer.
_____________________________4. Define as slow stage of growth and development.
_____________________________5. Proposed quality planning road map.
_____________________________6. Proposed the 14 points for top management.
_____________________________7. Develop a science fpr each element of an individual’s work.
_____________________________8. Proposed bureaucracy.
_____________________________9. Doing things correctly.
_____________________________10. Optimal use of scarce resources.
Directions: Read and understand the questions. Write your answer base on your own

1.Why do we need to learn about making a vision and mission in company?


2. In the forecasting methods, Which methods is preferable to you and why?

St. Vincent’s High School in
Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental, Inc.
7215 Poblacion, Bonifacio, Misamis Occidental Philippines
“Your Partner in Christian Formation since 1946”
Government Recognition No. 348 S. 1950
Examination for First Quarter
Understanding Culture Society and Politics
Name:________________________________________ Score: _______________
I.Multiple Choice
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. The types of group according to membership that refers to personal relations that are
direct, face to face, and others.
a. secondary group b. in-group c. formal group d. primary
2. The types of group according to membership that competes with members of another
a. secondary group b. in-group c. formal group d. primary
3. . The types of group according to membership that based on achieving a common
purpose outside of the relationship and involve less emotional investment.
a. secondary group b. in-group c. formal group d. primary
4. The types of group according to membership that has an external authority for some
a. secondary group b. in-group c. formal group d. primary
5. The type of group according to membership that enter into an agreement.
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d. out-
6. The type of group according to membership that an individual cannot join or leave by his
or her own choice.
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d.
7. The type of group according to membership that influenced and usually formed by the
members themselves response to the need for social contract.
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d.
8. The type of group according to membership that is distantly related group of organisms
that serve as a reference group.
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d.
9. The type of group according to membership in order to form a body to accomplish a
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d. out-
10. The type of group according to membership that aims to other group for various kinds
of rewards.
a. voluntary group b. involuntary group c. informal group d. out-

1 1. Which of the following IS NOT associated with Charles Darwin’s views on evolution

and natural selection?
A. species are not susceptible to environmental pressures
B. genetic variability is necessary for natural selection
C. evolution proceeds gradually
D. natural selection is the mechanism that explains the process of evolution
12. African elephants without tusks have a trait that helps them better adapt to
environmental pressures like poaching. They consequently reproduce and pass on genes on
to their offspring. This is an example of:
A. evolution
B. cultural ecology
C. natural selection
D. cultural evolution
13.You believe that species gradually change over time in response to their environment
that this reflects descent through genetic inheritance. Your beliefs align with which of the
following concepts?
A. natural selection
B. reproductive fitness
C. cultural ecology
D. evolution
14.If you are discussing change over time in genetic traits as they relate to physical
characteristics of a population that are transmitted and inherited from one generation to
the next, you are discussing:
A. natural selection
B. reproductive fitness
C. cultural evolution
D. biological evolution
15.If you are discussing change over time in cultural traits reflected in actions, beliefs,
attitudes, and artifacts that are shaped and passed on to the next generation, you are
A. natural selection
B. reproductive fitness
C. cultural evolution
D. biological evolution
16.Which of the following IS TRUE about cultural evolution?
A. cultural evolution occurs because of variability in a population’s gene pool
B. cultural evolution is change over time in a population’s genetic traits
C. cultural evolution is change over time in a population’s physical characteristics
D. cultural evolution occurs primarily through the process of social learning
17.The notion that the Sherpa in Nepal are able to perform physically demanding tasks
such as carrying heavy loads without the need to acclimate to a high altitude is an example
A. Allen’s Rule C. cultural evolution
B. cultural ecology D. biological evolution
18.The Maasai who live in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa have tall, slender body types
with long limbs. This body type helps the Maasai lose body heat and fast. Which of the
following best explains their body type?
A. Allen’s Rule B. cultural ecology
C. cultural evolution D. cultural learning
19.Allen’s Rule predicts that individuals who live in colder climates should have a rounder,
more compact body type. This body type helps individuals:
A. lose heat B. minimize heat loss
C. maintain more body surface area D. maximize heat loss faster
20.Cultures do not stay stagnant, they are ever-changing. Which Greek philosopher would
agree with this position?
A. Aristotle B. Socrates C. Heraclitus D. Plato
21.Many homes are now built with more efficient materials than homes in the past. This is
an example of:
A. biological evolution B. linear progressive changes
C. natural selection D. reproductive success
22.The notion that chimpanzee tool use differed from one community to another and
progressed from simpler to complex ways of cracking shells is an example of:
A. biological evolution B. cultural evolution
C. inheritance D. evolution at the genetic level
23.In order for cultural evolution to occur this process must also take place:
A. natural selection B. reproductive success
C. population pressure D. social learning
24. Define as an organized group or groups of interdependent people who share a common
territory, language, and culture.
a. culture b. society c. government d. gender
25. The sum of an individual’s way of life.
a. culture b. society c. government d. gender
26. A concrete example of a political institution.
a. culture b. society c. government d. gender
27. The socially-constructed characteristics of being male and female.
a. culture b. society c. government d. gender
28. The category of persons who have more or less the same socio-economic privileges in a
a. socioeconomic status b. Exceptionality c. Religion d.
29. The legal relationship that binds a person and a country.
a. socioeconomic status b. Exceptionality c. Religion d.
30. The state of being intellectually gifted and/or physically or mentally challenged
conditions concerning personality or behavior.
a. socioeconomic status b. Exceptionality c. Religion d. Nationality
31. An organized systems of ideas about spirituality and the supernatural.
a. socioeconomic status b. Exceptionality c. Religion d.
32. Composed of small business and industry operators mostly owner and managers.
a. middle class b. upper class c. subsistence lifestyle d. lower
33. The most potent cultural concept, it is the expression of the set of cultural ideas.
a. ethnic group b. ethnicity c. Norms d. norms of
34. Refers to people who collectively and publicly identify theselves as distinct and unique.
a. ethnic group b. ethnicity c. Norms d. norms of
35. The form of rules, standards, or prescriptions that are strictly followed by people who
adhere on certain conventions and perform specific roles.
a. ethnic group b. ethnicity c. Norms d. norms of
II. Matching Type:

Directions: Read and understand the statement. Match the statement of column A to the terms of
column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

Column A Column B
_______1. Quality through market research. a. Robert Owen
_______2. Quality through management. b. Joseph J. Juran
_______3. Quality through reliability. c. Mary Parker follet
_______4. Who proposed the fitness of quality d. W. Edwards Deming
_______5. Quality through promptness. e. Hugo Munsterberg
_______6. Noticed lamentable conditions in work places . f. Design
_______7. Introduced the idea that individual or group g. Conformance
behavior must be considered in organizational management.
_______8. Proposed the administering of psychological tests h. Availability
for the selection of would – be employees in companies.
_______9. Suggested that cooperation is required in i. Full Service
organization since it is mainly a social system.
_______10. Proposed the 14 points for top management j. Chester Barnard
______ 11. Complex, multi – linear process k. Charles Horton Cooley
______ 12. Significant concentration of economic and political l. status
______ 13. American Sociologist who views looking glass sel m. Utang na loob
as social mirror.
______ 14. Position that an individual can occupy in society n. Authoritarianism
______ 15. Reciprocity or debt of gratitude o. Democratization
III. Identification:
Directions: Read and understand the statement. Identify the statement below. choices are given
inside the box. Write your answer on the space provided.
Planning coordination Henri Fayol
organizing efficiency Edwards Deming
staffing effectiveness Joseph M. Juran
leading Max Weber Evolution
controlling Frederick W. Taylor Total Quality Management
_____________________________1. Determining the organization’s goals.
_____________________________2. Demands assigning tasks, setting aside funds, and bringing
harmonious relations among the individuals
_____________________________3. Management that focuses on the satisfaction of customer.
_____________________________4. Define as slow stage of growth and development.
_____________________________5. Proposed quality planning road map.
_____________________________6. Proposed the 14 points for top management.
_____________________________7. Develop a science fpr each element of an individual’s work.
_____________________________8. Proposed bureaucracy.
_____________________________9. Doing things correctly.
_____________________________10. Optimal use of scarce resources.
1. Why do we need to learn the 5 descent of kinship? Explain?


2. If you will be entering the marriage life, which types of marriage would you like to practiced, is it civil marriage or
religious marriage? Why?


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