CADLLP Notesg4

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(GROUP 4) Play - This has a social dimension as

the child develops and social interaction

SOCIO-EMOTIONAL with playmates increase.
True - Romantic relationship during
adolescence are often short-lived rather
Adolescence - In which stage of
than long-term committed relationship.
development does anxiety and
depression usually occur?
Late Childhood - Generally _____ is
period of relative emotional calm which
Curiosity - This is a common emotional
lasts until the puberty, growth spurt
pattern of late childhood, where they
examine things that mystify them and
frequently take them apart to see how
Middle Childhood - Children spend
they work. In addition to direct
more time with their peers and less time
explorations, they ask innumerable
with their parents during ____. To
questions to supplement what they have
accommodate the child's increasing
learned by themselves.
independence, parents may need to
alter their parenting style. The best
Middle Childhood- Children in _______
strategy might involve reasoning and
have a more grounded understanding of
working together to make decisions
who they are. The inflated feeling of self
wherever possible.
as "biggest," "cleverest," or "tallest" is
replaced by an awareness of one's
Initiative - Erickson's view of _____
strengths and flaws.
portrays the emotional and social changes
that happened during the preschool years
Attachment and Temperament –
with the psychological conflict of initiative
Elements that affect the wholesome
versus guilt.
socio-emotional development of children
False - Erickson's Psychosocial Theory
Gender Dysphoria - ____ is a term in
of Development focuses on the way a
which a teenager/adolescent's
child's personality is formed based on
experience/expressed gender and
psychological (relating to brain) and
assigned gender is not aligned.
social (external relationships and
environment) factors. He believed that
Social Cognition - It is the during the Adolescence stage, if
understanding the human relationships teenagers have a stable sense of self
in the context of social living. during this age, it could lead to identity
Gender Schema - As they learn about
gender from their parents, peers, and Joy - During this late childhood period,
other society members, young children the child gets more pleasure from play
develop their views about the traits that and jokes. Anything that gives him a
are linked with being male or female. feeling of superiority such as practical
jokes & eating forbidden foods gives him
Middle Childhood - Friendships take
on a new significance in ________ as
measures of one's worth, aptitude, and
attractiveness. Children develop a more
egocentric understanding of what
constitutes a "friend" based on
commitment and trust between two

Self- esteem - This is an important

aspect of self-concept.

Young Adulthood - This is the stage in

Erickson's Psychosocial Theory of
Development in which people are trying
to balance their career efforts (work,
school, or self-improvement) with the
need of being in an intimate relationship
with other people.

True - The more parents are controlling

to their teenagers' decisions, the more it
will create conflict between two parties.

Industry vs. Inferiority - According to

Erikson, children in middle childhood are
very busy. They are constantly doing,
planning, playing, getting together with
friends, achieving. Erikson considered
that if these hard-working kids can
succeed in their activities, they will gain
confidence for tougher difficulties in the
future. But If a child feels that they are
not measuring up to their peers, self-
doubt will develop.

Gender typing - The process of forming

gender roles, gender-based preferences
and behaviors accepted by society.

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