Bee 7 Preliminary Paper Candidate 2020

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Task 1

Read the text. Find ten misspelled words and circle them. Then write the correct spelling on the
numbered lines below. There is an example.

Every year, my school takes part in a national grammar competishen, and this year one of the
students got to the final round! Unfortunately, he fell ill the day before, and my teacher asked me to
reprisent our school instead. The competition rules allow a sabstitute student to participate in such
situations. This was a terifying prospect! Everybody knows that I love grammar, and that I have a
reamarkable knowledge of the use of tenses, apostrofes and semicollons. I guess you could even call
it an obseission. But I think that it was the confidense that I lacked. However, the reputatione of our
school was at stake, so I felt I had no choice but to agree. In the end, it was a traiumph! I won a silver
medal in my age category.

Example: ___competition_________

1) _______________________________ 6) _______________________________

2) _______________________________ 7) _______________________________

3) _______________________________ 8) _______________________________

4) _______________________________ 9) _______________________________

5) _______________________________ 10) ______________________________

Task 2

Read the definitions of words and put the letters in the right order to make correct spelling of the
words given below.

A C S T O R E N noun a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is


BEE 7 PRELIMINARY CANDIDATE NAME: ____________________________________________

1. PCHARAUTE noun a large piece of cloth joined to heavy strings, used by someone jumping out of
a plane.


2. PLIARANTME noun an official elected group of people in some countries who meet to make the
laws of the country and discuss national issues.


3. RESCESINO noun a period when trade and industry are not successful and there is a lot of


4. SPCAIOSU adj one that has a lot of space inside it, roomy.


5. OSBOTLEE adj no longer used because of being replaced by something newer and more effective.


Task 3 – Listening

You will hear a short recording.

Read the text on your paper and complete the gaps.
You should write one word in each gap.
You will hear the recording twice.

1. I recently purchased a new printer, which pretty soon developed a ________________ fault.
2. I wanted to get a refund, but the shop was ________________ to do that.
3. The assistant ________________ me that it would get fixed very easily.
4. I shouldn’t have let him ________________ my decision.
5. The printer was not just faulty, but also completely ________________ for my needs.

This is the end of the paper.

BEE 7 PRELIMINARY CANDIDATE NAME: ____________________________________________

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