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“An injury to one is an injury to all”

“Filthy Children”

The children of the Industrial revolution are the change of the big world that
is ahead of them however they are facing the extreme fear of poverty that is
constantly around them. Lower
class families were forced to live
in high industrial working areas.
This is because of the increase in
population, the vast majority of
children had to be working as
early as ”6 - 11 years of age". The
population increased day by day
and many urban cities
“cramped” up, resulting in many
families moving to a high
socio-economic area. The mental
conditions that women and
children had to experience is beyond our understanding. Children underwent
many types of exploitation that ranged from, little to no breaks, unhygienic
food and low wages. Education, which is a big factor in a child's life, was taken
away from them and the time was put into factories. Furthermore, many
women were undertaking their time raising their child or spending some time
on the farms. However, this was taken away as machines took the role of
harvesting that led to women working in factories. Hence, Women and
children had whatsoever no respect or importance and were treated like


As technology evolves each day, one of the most common modes of transport, “the steam
engine” was the first of many machines that were built during the Industrial Revolution.
The steam engine was the most popular machine that was used to transport many items
that ranged from gold, iron and metal ores. The concept of steam engines goes back 2000
years but was developed by Thomas Newcomen and later was used across England that we
use today. Many steam engines were built after and they were soon used globally
that ultimately transported passengers interstate. As steam engines being the highest
form of transportation, it can be dangerous as technology was not advanced enough to
find a solution. One of many problems Thomas Newcomen faced was how the
uncontrolled heat can
generate extreme
pressure that can cause
the boiler to burst which
is a catastrophe. As a
result of this many
charges can be pressed
against you and can lead
to prison. Another
disadvantage of steam
engines is the amount of
pollution released into
the atmosphere. In the
Industrial Revolution
many people didn't see
pollution as a threat to
the environment, however it has affected the planet decades after. Therefore, steam
engines have their own advantages and disadvantages that they had in the Industrial

Worthy or Not?
There are many reasons why the Industrial Revolution is a positive outcome
because of the place and the state of living we are in currently. I believe that the
Industrial revolution did help society
because of the development across
small towns. Without it occurring
many items that we use daily that
ranges from a mobile phone,
dishwasher, TV and the list goes on.
The society's development over the last
few decades has been outstanding. The
Industrial Revolution benefited the
present world as trading and warfare
had improved, where many countries had a worthy defence to protect their country.
Despite children and women working in poor conditions during that era, it has all
contributed to the world we live in today. There are many debates over what was
wrong and right in the industrial revolution, however what has occurred is
benefiting us in the present and future. As a result the industrial revolution can be
finally debated as a positive outcome as it provides us countless services that we can
use from machines.


National geographic. (2019). Industrial Revolution. [Online].

Industrial Revolution. Last Updated: N/A. Available at:
volution-and-technology/ [Accessed 6 March 2023].

Western Culture. (N/A). Women’s Roles in the Industrial

Revolution. [Online]. Women’s Roles in the Industrial
Revolution. Last Updated: N/A. Available at:
[Accessed 6 March 2023].

Though.Co. (N/A). Steam in the Industrial Revolution. [Online].

Steam in the Industrial Revolution. Last Updated: N/A.
Available at:
-1221643 [Accessed 6 March 2023].

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