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4.1. Block Diagram of RFID based attendance system
The RFID based automatic attendance system incorporates the use of a
microcontroller (Arduino Uno); RFID devices like an RC522 13.56MHz RFID
reader, RFID tags; a 16x2 LCD; a buzzer and a 9v power supply. The block
diagram in Fig 4.1 below shows how the various components are interfaced with
the arduino microcontroller.

Card Reader

Micro- Buzzer

Micro SD Card

Figure 4.1. Block diagram description of RFID based attendance system.

The primary purpose of the Radio Frequency Identification system is to

register student attendance wirelessly by a mobile device called a tag, which is
read by an RFID reader. Tags and cards of 13.56MHz frequency were used. Also,
an RC522 Arduino RFID reader which is of same frequency was used.

4.2. Arduino to LCD show association

Simply interface the wiring according to the beneath graph and use 10 kilo
ohm potentiometer to change the complexity

Figure 4.2. Arduino to LCD show association

4.3. Arduino to RFID module association

Figure 4.3. Arduino to RFID module association

4.4. Main Circuit of RFID based attendance system

Figure 4.4. Main circuit of RFID based attendance system.


Presently we need to set the right time to RTC module to do this, pursue the
underneath ventures with finished equipment setup.
 Open the Arduino IDE.
 Explore to File> Examples> DS1307RTC> Set Time.
 Transfer the code.
 When the code is transferred to Arduino, open the sequential screen.
Presently the RTC is synchronized with the season of your PC.
 Presently you need to discover UID or extraordinary ID number of each of
the 3 RFID cards/labels. To discover UID, transfer the underneath code and
open the sequential screen.

4.5. Result
The potential system is configured for potential purpose. When we need to
attendance for official or practical there will apply this application in a school or
university we need to count attendance of the students. In a secret area we need to
how many people in and out of the area for this purpose apply this application. We
apply this application in a school where we take attendance of 3 students we gave
them each a RFID card. We set up this classroom door. They take a card and show
thee card to the device, and device take attendance each of them correctly. We
observed a day to a classroom how many people enter the classroom.

Figure 4.5. Attendance result of 3EC-1 student


Figure 4.6. Attendance result of 3EC-2 student

Figure 4.7. Attendance result of 3EC-3 student

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