2nd Detailed Lesson Plan in English For Academic and Professional Purposes in Grade 11

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Detailed Lesson Plan in English for Academic and Professional Purposes in Grade 11

Stating the Thesis Statement

A. Content Standard
The learner acquires knowledge of appropriate reading strategies for a better understanding of
the texts.
B. Performance Standard
The learner produces a detailed abstract of information gathered from the various academic
C. Learning Competency
States the thesis statement of an academic text.
a. Identify a good thesis statement;
b. Write an arguable thesis statement effectively and;
c. Acquire the importance of identifying thesis statement in an academic text.
A. Topic: Stating the Thesis Statement
B. Skill: Write an arguable thesis statement effectively.
C. Materials: Visual Aids, Pictures
D. References: RO_Senior_HS_EAPP_Q1/3_LP$, pp.1-5, EAPP, Quarter 3- Self-Learning
Module 4; Stating the Thesis Statement pp. 1-6
A. Preliminary Activities
Good afternoon class! Good afternoon Ma’am!
How are you today? We’re good Ma’am!
Alright, that was pleasant to hear.
Class, before we start, let us all pray first, please stand, The student who was called will lead the prayer.
please lead the prayer ______.
Classroom Management
Class, before you take your seats, align your chairs The students will follow what the teacher said and
properly, pick up the pieces of dirt under your chairs or get ready for the discussion.
tables. And after that, you may sit down, get ready, observe
silence, please keep your phones and unnecessary things
on your tables.
Checking of Attendance
(It will be done by the class monitor)
Review of the previous lesson.
Who can give the recap of our previous lesson? Our lesson last meeting is about Various Techniques
Okay______, please stand. in Summarizing Academic Texts, some method in
summarizing text like the Cornell Method,
Alright very good. Experimental Method and Argumentative Method.

Before we start our lesson, let us have first this activity.
The class will be divided into 4 groups. The teacher will give
each group a picture and each group think and write 3
sentences of what the picture is all about. Each will group
will write their answers at the back of the picture and one of
their groupmates will present their works afterwards. You
will do the activity in 5 minutes.

Group 1 Group 2

Group 1: The picture shows people conducting rally.

Group 2: The picture shows squatter areas.
Group 3: The picture shows different tourist
Group 4: The picture shows students and teacher
Group 3 Group 4
having a class outside the classroom.

(Or their answers may vary)

B. Lesson Proper

Alright, based on the activity you presented, what did you It talks about what is/are the picture all about.
observe with the sentences you created? (Or answers may vary)
Alright, that was a good answer!

Ok class, based on our activity, you write your own I guess Ma’am our lesson for this afternoon is about
sentences that talks or describes the pictures what it is all Thesis Statement.
about which also defines our lesson this afternoon.
Can you guess what is it?

Alright, very good!

This afternoon, we are going to tackle about Thesis “Thesis is a proposition to be proved or one
Statement. advanced without proof or hypothesis”
What do you mean by thesis?
“I guess Ma’am, Thesis statement is about stating
Alright very good! the thesis of an academic text”.
What do you think is the thesis statement?
“I guess Ma’am thesis statement is the center idea of
Okay, that was good! the text”.
Any other hand?
Ok ___________
Student will stand, and read the definition and
Okay, very good, afterwards explain on his/her own understanding
Class these are the definition of Thesis Statement. about what they read.

Please read one by one.


A controlling The central idea of a The thesis

idea about the multiple paragraph statement may
topic that the composition. A one be expressed
writer is sentence summary or implied.
attempting to that guides, controls,
prove. It is and unifies ideas
usually found at when writing a
the beginning of paper. In simple
the text or at the terms, all other ideas
end of it. present in a text
revolve around the
thesis statement.

Students will stand and answer.

Class, why do we have to write a thesis statement? “We have to write Thesis Statement to determine the
main idea of a certain text”

Okay very good!

We must write thesis statement:

● to test your ideas by narrowing them into a sentence or (Some students will stand and explain each
two. importance of writing thesis statement.
● to better organize and develop argument.
● to provide the reader with “guide” to the argument.
Alright, next are the characteristics of a good thesis

What are the characteristics of a good thesis statement?

Students will be asked and explain on their own
words each characteristics of good thesis statement.
takes a
stand Good
on the Thesis
one main

does not simply state a fact but

sets the stage for analysis of a

Thesis Statement can be:

(Student’s answers may vary)

Based on you own understanding, what are the differences
of the two?
“1 sentence Ma’am”.
How many sentence/sentences a thesis statement must

Alright, thesis statement must compose of one sentence or

“It can be found at the beginning of the text”.
Where do you think thesis statement can be found in a
certain text or paragraph?

Is it only can be found at the beginning of the text or “No Ma’am, it can also be found at the middle,
paragraph? conclusion and or it is not visible on the text”

Alright, very good answers class!

Thesis statement can be found at the beginning, middle, last
part and sometimes are not visible on a certain academic

Every thesis statement has to have supporting arguments,

usually three to five of them. You can think of the main
ideas in supporting arguments as mini-thesis statements.

What do you mean by this statement? “It means that the thesis statement must have
supporting arguments”.
Alright, good, any other idea?

Alright, very good! “A thesis statement must be provided by supporting

details to prove that the statement is true or correct”.
Let us define what is supporting details or arguments.

Supporting Details/Arguments
These details are pieces of information necessary to
better understand the main idea. They can be facts,
reasons, testimonies, statistics and experiments.

Thesis Statement: The cafeteria management is doing a
good job.

Supporting Arguments:
➢ Cafeteria hours accommodate every student’s
➢ The cafeteria offers a variety of main courses at
each meal.
➢ The cafeteria serves plenty of food that is both
healthy and tasty.
➢ The cafeteria has citation free for over two years.

What does the four statements mean?

Yes_____? “The four statements are the supporting arguments

of thesis”
Alright, any other idea?
Yes_____? “The four statements offer evidence that cafeteria
management is doing a good job”

Alright, very good!

The four statements served as evidence or support the
thesis statement or what being said is true about the
management in the cafeteria.
Here are some more points to remember when we are
stating out thesis statement:
A thesis statement is:
✓ Specific

Example: Vape smoking should be completely banned (The students who will recite or will be called will
because studies show that it can be harmful to health. explain some points to remember when stating
-This thesis statement is clear with definite point. The writer thesis statements.)
gives a reason on why vape smoking should not be allowed
due to scientific studies regarding the harms or dangers of

✓ Debatable

Example: Men and women should not be restricted on roles

they should perform even if they have definite tasks
assigned to them.
-Here, the thesis statement calls or suggests for an
argument. Readers may or may not agree with what is

✓ Provided or supported by evidences

Example: Pregnant women shouldn’t use medical marijuana

without first checking with their health care provider. Animal
studies have shown that moderate amounts of THC given to
pregnant or nursing women could have long-lasting effects
on the child, including abnormal patterns of social
interactions and learning issues. (Using medical Marijuana
During and After Pregnancy www.drugabuse.gov).
-In pointing out that there are pregnant women who use
medical marijuana without proper advice from a health
professional, the writer backs up his thesis statement by
adding some details regarding the dangers of self-

Did you understand our lesson? Yes Ma’am!

Okay, for you to be able to understand our lesson, let us
answer this activity.


Underline the supporting argument in the text and encircle

the thesis statement.
Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South because of its
stunning landscape, hospitable people and delicious foods. Tagaytay is an enthralling city of the South
The city has a magnificent scenery that never fails to because of its stunning landscape, hospitable
people and delicious foods.
capture the awe of visitors. One major tourist spot that
exudes the beauty of Tagaytay is Taal Volcano, the smallest The city has a magnificent scenery that never fails to capture the
volcano in the world. The lake which surrounds it is another awe of visitors. One major tourist spot that exudes the beauty of
attraction that cannot be missed. The city is also Tagaytay is Taal Volcano, the smallest volcano in the world.
characterized by the warmth of this people, the Cavitenos. The lake which surrounds it is another attraction that cannot be
missed. The city is also characterized by the warmth of this
They bring them their smiles as they welcome both local
people, the Cavitenos. They bring them their smiles as they
and foreign visitors. Aside from this, Tagaytay is also known welcome both local and foreign visitors. Aside from this, Tagaytay
for its sumptuous native foods. Tourists who drop by the is also known for its sumptuous native foods. Tourists who drop
city make it a point to try Tagaytay’s famous bulalo and by the city make it a point to try Tagaytay’s famous bulalo and
other delicacies. other delicacies.

1. What is/are the importance of identifying thesis statement “It is important to identify thesis statement in a
of an academic text? certain academic text to know whatbis the main point
or central idea of the text”
Okay, very good!

2. Why do we have to write good thesis statement? “We need to write good thesis statement so that the
reader will understand what the text is all about and
to provide the reader with guide to the other
Alright, very good answers class. I assumed that you now
understand our discussion.
Let us have again this activity.

Directions: Write two (2) arguable thesis statements, each with at least three supporting
arguments. They do not need to be complicated. The important thing is that your thesis and
supporting arguments logically align. It will be written in a ½ sheet of paper and each item has 5
Thesis Statement: Education is important to have.
Supporting Argument:
1. It could enable one to get a better paying job.
2. It makes a person a more interesting individual.
3. It makes a person a more informed citizen.

A. Thesis statement: ______________________________

Supporting Arguments:1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
B. Thesis statement: ______________________________
Supporting Arguments:1. __________________________
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
Write a thesis statement about the struggles you encounter as a Grade 11 student. You will
write also 5 supporting arguments of your thesis statement. Write it in a one whole paper and
will be pass on our next meeting.

Prepared by:
Ma. Kristina Cassandra T. Obbus
Student Teacher

Reviewed and checked by:

Ms. Mary Joy Nanoz
Cooperating Teacher

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