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he ITC Digital campus introduced us a very
valuable IT certificate course. The course deals
with practical and theoretical teaching. An
assignment was given related to the syllabus
taught in the course. Various topics were given
as the assignment. I chose the topic "methods to
develop Sri Lanka ”(IT field)”.


Table of contents
Topic Page number
What is information technology? 4
Information technology in Sri 5-6
Methods to develop Sri Lanka IT -
Agriculture 7-8
Education 9 -11
Health 12-14
Transportation 15-17
Business 18-21
Bank and financial 22-24

Public Admiration 25


What is information technology?

Information technology (IT) is the use of computer systems or devices to access

information. Information technology is responsible for such a large portion of our
workforce, business operations and personal access to information that it comprises
much of our daily activities. Whether you are storing, retrieving, accessing, or
manipulating information, IT greatly impacts our everyday lives.
Information technology is used by everyone from enterprise companies all the way
down to one-person businesses and local operations. Global companies use it to
manage data and innovate their processes. Even flea market sellers use smartphone
credit card readers to collect payments and street performers give out a Venmo name to
gather donations. If you use a spreadsheet to catalogue which Christmas presents you
bought, you’re using information technology.

Types of Information technology

• Automation
• Artificial intelligence
• Cloud computing
• Communications
• Cybersecurity
• Data/database management
• Infrastructure
• Internet of things
• Machine learning
• Maintenance and repair
• Networks
• Robotics
• Software/application development


Information Technology in Sri Lanka

How big is the IT industry in Sri Lanka?

• Currently 66.7% of people in Sri Lanka use Information Technology.

• According to the statistics of 2023, provided by the Sri Lanka Association for
Software and Services Companies (SLASSCOM), the IT sector has been able to
generate a revenue of $ 1.5 billion.
• The Sri Lankan ICT sector serves a number of Industry verticals with over
500 companies at present. These include Communication, Apparel and Textiles,
Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BFSI), Healthcare, Manufacturing,
Media, Retailing, Transportation, Travel and Leisure and many more.

What is the rank of Sri Lanka in technology?

• Sri Lanka ranks 68th among the users of information technology in the world. It is
an increase compared to the years of 2020 and 2021

How many professionals are in Sri Lanka?


• There are over 113,000 It professionals in Sri Lanka

What is the best campus for information technology ?

• Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

Highest Paying IT Jobs in Sri Lanka

• NET Programmer: A . ...

• SAP/ ABAP Programmer: An SAP/ABAP Programmer is responsible for
designing and creating software programs and applications through the SAP and
ABAP programming codes. ...
• DevOps Engineer: ...
• Lead Developer: ...
• Software Engineer:

Which course is best for an IT course in Sri Lanka?

• Cloud computing.
• Networking.
• Software Development.
• Cyber security.
• Digital Marketing.
• Project Management.
• Big data.
• Business Intelligence.


Methods to develop Sri Lanka IT field.

Agriculture can be introduced as an economic system that has existed since ancient
times in the world. Agriculture is extremely important for man's staple food. Paddy,
cereals, potatoes, vegetables, and fruits are the main agricultural crops.

Access to clean, reliable energy enables farmers and agribusinesses to increase food
production and engage in value-added processing. It also allows farmers living in off-
grid areas to replace expensive diesel generators with new and cleaner technologies,
such as solar food dryers and solar water irrigation. The solar agricultural market is still
in the early stages of development and barriers include the relatively high technology
costs, limited awareness of the benefits, lack of appropriate policy incentives and limited
access to finance for farmers and suppliers to make solar technologies more affordable.
We support enterprises that adopt, develop and market sustainable, cost-effective
solutions for agricultural production, post-harvest, and storage processing, including
solar pumping, cooling, chilling, and drying. These technologies result in saved costs,
increased yields, and local value capture for farmers or local argon enterprises. Our
advice to businesses includes markets entry, product pricing, sales strategies, market
assessments, payment solutions, route-to-market strategies, and the agricultural value

❖ The Netherlands, China, India, Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Russia,
and Japan use information technology for agriculture, but the use of
information technology for agriculture in Sri Lanka is at a minimum.


❖ The Sri Lankan farmers is still not very interested in using technology. By
applying information technology to agriculture, it is possible to achieve high yield,
safe transport of harvest, export, dehydration, canning, and by-products.

❖ Also, technology can be used to irrigate crops, i.e. water can be supplied to the
entire crop at the same time. Desert countries are currently growing vegetables
and fruits in greenhouses very successfully. We should take those countries as
an example and develop our country's agriculture.



Information and Communications Technology (ICT) can impact student learning

when teachers are digitally literate and understand how to integrate it into
Schools use a diverse set of ICT tools to communicate, create, disseminate, store, and
manage information.(6) In some contexts, ICT has also become integral to the teaching-
learning interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive
digital whiteboards, using students’ own smartphones or other devices for learning
during class time, and the “flipped classroom” model where students watch lectures at
home on the computer and use classroom time for more interactive exercises.
When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, these approaches can lead
to higher order thinking skills, provide creative and individualized options for students to
express their understandings, and leave students better prepared to deal with ongoing
technological change in society and the workplace.(18)
ICT issues planners must consider include considering the total cost-benefit equation,
supplying, and maintaining the requisite infrastructure, and ensuring investments are
matched with teacher support and other policies aimed at effective ICT use.(16)

Digital culture and digital literacy: Computer technologies and other aspects of digital
culture have changed the ways people live, work, play, and learn, impacting the
construction and distribution of knowledge and power around the world Graduates who
are less familiar with digital culture are increasingly at a disadvantage in the national
and global economy. Digital literacy—the skills of searching for, discerning, and
producing information, as well as the critical use of new media for full participation in
society—has thus become an important consideration for curriculum frameworks.


❖ South Korea, USA, Denmark , Sweden , Thaiwan , Japan , Finland , Switzerland
, Netherland , Germany ,Saudi Arabia ,United Arab Emirates use Information
Technology for Education. But use of Information Technology for education in
Sri Lanka is at a minimum.

How information technology can be linked to education in Lanka

• One laptop per child: Less expensive laptops have been designed for use in
school on a 1:1 basis with features like lower power consumption, a low-cost
operating system, and special re-programming and mesh network functions.
Despite efforts to reduce costs, providing one laptop per child may be too costly
for some developing countries.

• Tablets: Tablets are small personal computers with a touch screen, allowing
input without a keyboard or mouse. Inexpensive learning software (“apps”) can
be downloaded onto tablets, making them a versatile tool for learning The most
effective apps develop higher order thinking skills and provide creative and
individualized options for students to express their understandings.

• Interactive White Boards or Smart Boards: Interactive white boards allow

projected computer images to be displayed, manipulated, dragged, clicked, or
copied. Simultaneously, handwritten notes can be taken on the board and saved
for later use. Interactive white boards are associated with whole-class instruction
rather than student-centered activities. Student engagement is generally higher
when ICT is available for student use throughout the classroom.

• E-readers: E-readers are electronic devices that can hold hundreds of books in
digital form, and they are increasingly utilized in the delivery of reading material.
Students—both skilled readers and reluctant readers—have had positive
responses to the use of e-readers for independent reading Features of e-readers
that can contribute to positive use include their portability and long battery life,
response to text, and the ability to define unknown words. Additionally, many
classic book titles are available for free in e-book form.


• Flipped Classrooms: The flipped classroom model, involving lecture and
practice at home via computer-guided instruction and interactive learning
activities in class, can allow for an expanded curriculum. There is little
investigation on the student learning outcomes of flipped classrooms. Student
perceptions about flipped classrooms are mixed, but generally positive, as they
prefer the cooperative learning activities in class over lectures.



❖ How Information Technology is use in the health sector in developed countries,

1. Remote Monitoring and Automated Healthcare Systems

Remote monitoring of patients’ healthcare is a growing trend that goes beyond

traditional healthcare and into mainstream culture. Smartwatches and fitness trackers
have become standard for many people, monitoring health factors like heart rate, blood
oxygen, irregular heartbeat monitoring, and more. 

In healthcare, providers are turning to devices to help patients by continuously

monitoring their conditions and making proactive care choices based on data trends and
predictions.  For example, connected inhalers are smart technology in healthcare that
saves lives by helping patients track usage and by reminding them when to take a
dosage to maintain a healthy schedule. 

There are several wearable items or devices healthcare providers and patients can take
advantage of to improve overall healthcare, including: 

• Biosensors 
• Smart thermometers 
• Connected inhalers.
• Smart watches 
• Fitness trackers (Fitbit) 
• ECG monitors 
• Blood pressure monitors 

Wearable biosensors are another technology used in hospitals. These allow providers
across the world to monitor patients and administer proactive care. These sensors are
worn on the body and monitor vital health signs like temperature and heart rate to give
healthcare providers more information and insights on the progression of diseases,
illnesses, and overall health. 


These biosensors helped the world track the spread of COVID-19 by monitoring
patients to detect symptoms and other signs of the virus. Medical staff could monitor
patient data thanks to the devices and avoid unnecessary exposure.

3. Connected Emergency Response Solutions

Connectivity can greatly improve the efficiency and response times of emergency care,
something that can be the difference between life and death. With modern healthcare
smart technology, it’s possible to share data between ambulances, physicians, first
responders, and accident and emergency departments in a reasonable amount of time
that facilitates real-time responses.  

This technology enables faster communication, video calls with doctors from inside
ambulances, quicker patient histories, and easier hospital admittance with history and
conditions already established.  

On arrival, doctors can already have patient data on-hand—including vital signs, blood
pressure, heart rate, temperature, etc.


4. Smart Hospital Management

Smart hospital management can help improve efficiency and effectiveness, improve
patient experience, and help doctors by connecting digital systems to make it easier to
access information like bed occupancy, device usage, equipment status, materials and
supply counts, and other operational data. 

Tracking this information and using it in decision-making can improve resource

management, reduce waste, and help hospital staff avoid not having what’s needed due
to bad tracking or incorrect data collection.

5. AI in Healthcare

Using AI within healthcare can help providers make more informed decisions and
greatly improve patient care with proactive care predictions, quicker data analysis, and
even more rapid diagnosis.  

Using trained AI to recognize and diagnose certain diseases within test results can
greatly increase the number of patients being processed and diagnosed (in some
cases, 4x as quickly), reducing wait times significantly. 

Although the health sector in Lanka is at a high level, the use of technology in the health
sector is at a minimum level. The activities of residential patients and clinical activities
are the same as they were a year ago. Private hospitals use information technology
only to a certain extent. If it is possible to add the technical methods used in the
developed countries of the world to our health system, it will be possible to improve our
health system.



How Technology is Changing Transportation

Technology has changed life and society as we know it and that naturally includes travel
and transportation. The need and desire to travel has never been greater and people
have looked to technology to improve the quality and efficiency of transportation in
every form.
It’s important to realize that the advances in transportation technology aren’t always
about making things faster. New technology can also lead to better passenger
experiences, as well as greater safety and security. Travel tech is also not limited to the
journey itself but can also include the planning and organization of transportation.

1) Underground Tunneling

Underground transit is all about moving people or things through vast systems of
tunnels underneath the Earth’s surface. Musk’s Company derived as Musk sat in Los
Angeles traffic is an infrastructure and tunnel construction company that builds
underground pathways for cars to travel through at higher speeds and with less traffic
congestion. So far, the company has built a tunnel in Las Vegas called the LVCC Loop
system. The three-station tunnel system connects the LVCC New Exhibit Hall with the
existing campus and is said to reduce a 45-minute walk time to approximately two
driving minutes. Underground tunneling, though in its early stages, is seen as an
interesting concept that has the potential to reduce traffic congestion and the overall
environmental effects of current car travel.


2)Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are having a massive effect on how we get around, whether it’s across
the city or across the country. Companies like Tesla and Nissan have popularized the
electric car, which runs strictly on battery power to get us to where we need to go.
Instead of refueling at a gas station, electric vehicles need a battery charge to get them
back on the road. Today’s most advanced electric vehicles can run from 150 miles to
350 miles on a single charge. These vehicles are fantastic examples of transportation
tech because they’re fundamentally changing how vehicles operate and how they’re

Electric bikes, scooters (known as e-bikes and e-scooters) have become viable travel
options for traversing neighborhoods or entire cities. These vehicles provide ease of use
and convenience that hasn’t been provided by other last-mile forms of transport.
Subverting traffic to get to work or making that dinner reservation across town is now
easier thanks to the options and eco-friendly benefits provided by electric scooters and

3)Bullet Trains

The most obvious developments with rail transport in recent memory have been the
faster speeds offered by high-speed rail. A perfect example of this is Japan’s
Shinkansen network, often known as bullet trains.

Linking up cities across the country, bullet trains are high-speed trains that quickly and
comfortably take passengers about Japan. The speed and convenience of the bullet
train means that they’re often just as fast as flying when considering all the necessary
pre- and post-flight activities. The Japanese Shinkansen is such an innovative model
that it is inspiring similar approaches in places like India.

4) Metro train
is a type of high-capacity public transport generally found in Urban areas. Unlike buses
or trams, rapid transit systems are electric railways that operate on an exclusive right of
way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or other vehicles of any sort, and which
is often grade separated in time tunnels or on elevated railways.


5) E-ticket (electronic ticket)

An e-ticket (electronic ticket) is a paperless electronic document used for ticketing

purposes, such as airfare or concert admission- E tickets are stored in a database and
can be printed out at home or at the ticket counter of the venue. This practice has
become an increasingly popular option for travel companies and event venues because
of its convenience, cost savings and environmental friendliness. Another advantage is
that it eliminates the possibility of losing entrance to a venue or a flight because of a lost
paper ticket.

many countries in the world were far ahead of us. Public transportation activities
are at a very low level. For a country to develop, transportation must be
developed. Therefore, some appropriate ways to improve transportation in our
country have been given above That is, ways to improve transportation in Lanka
such as setting up human railway lines to reduce urban congestion, using
electric vehicles to reduce environmental pollution, booking internet tickets to
save time, and using metro trains can be used to improve transportation in


How information technology use for Business
Now, a lot of countries use Information technology for business.

1)streamlining Operations

Information technology is now used in daily operations of any business. IT has enabled
an ease of doing business by managing overheads, regulating recruitment, dealing with
market uncertainty, managing inventory, monitoring employee performance, dealing
with employee grievances and so much more.

Today, IT has also automated various manual and time-consuming tasks to speed up
regular operations. For example, there are multiple software available today to record
the daily attendance of employees, process leaves, and compute monthly salaries of
employees with minimal human interference.

2) Implementing Cloud-based Solutions

Cloud technology is another useful tool that helps businesses store their data on third
party servers through the internet. It is a revolutionary tech that has helped small and
large businesses massively cut down costs and opt for subscription packages to suit
their business needs. Businesses .do not have to worry about hiring a substantial IT
team to maintain and manage large servers within their workspace. They can pay third
party companies to store relevant data. Things like servers crashing, downtime and data
being lost are now a thing of the past with cloud technologies coming into the picture .


3) Facilitating Cyber Security

As more and more businesses store data online, the risk of cyber-attacks arises. Even
third-party companies that offer cloud solutions to businesses need to safeguard the
data of their clients from cyber-attacks. Businesses in the banking and finance sector
need to be more concerned about cyber security.

4) Enabling Efficient Communication

Easy and efficient communication is one of the main advantages of information

technology. Communication does not only refer to communication done on an
organizational level, it also means communication done with clients and customers.

IT software like emails, WhatsApp, personalized chatbots, feedback forms etc. can be
categorized as a form of communication. Living in the information technology era means
that businesses can receive instantaneous communication. This communication
includes sales figures, consumer feedback, customer enquiries, market trends and so
much more.

5)Conducting Data Analysis

Companies depend on IT professionals to gather, assimilate, segregate and study

relevant data to understand current market trends and customer behavior. They then
use the data to make various organizational-level decisions to develop their business.

Data analysis is another important tool used by businesses to develop business

strategy, analyze market forecasts, stay ahead of the competition, understand customer
behavior, and develop product development strategies accordingly. It can also help
businesses stay ahead of the competition in a cut-throat market.


Businesses can be introduced as one of the main economic methods that can win
the world. In the world that has become a global village, business is done very
successfully. But unfortunately, business in Lanka is stagnating. Our country is a
very suitable country for business. Ways that technology can be used for
business. Examples given above.
The above-mentioned examples can improve the use of technology for
businesses in Sri Lanka.

Smart cities

Smart cities are place where traditional networks and services are made more efficient
with the use of digital solutions for the benefit of its inhabitants and business. A smart
city goes beyond the use of digital technologies for better resource use and less

1)Why we need smart cities

The primary goal of a smart city is to create an urban environment that yields a high
quality of life to its residents while also generating overall economic growth. Therefore,
a major advantage of smart cities is their ability to facilitate an increased delivery of
services to citizens with less infrastructure and cost.
As the population within cities continues to grow, it becomes necessary for these urban
areas to accommodate the increasing population by making more efficient use of their
infrastructure and assets. Smart city applications can enable these improvements,
advance city operations and improve the quality of life among residents.
Smart city applications enable cities to find and create new value from their existing
infrastructure. The improvements facilitate new revenue streams and operational
efficiencies, helping governments and citizens save money.

2)Features of smart cities

Emerging trends such as automation, machine learning and the IoT are driving smart
city adoption.


Theoretically, any area of city management can be incorporated into a smart city
initiative. A classic example is the smart parking meter that uses an application to help
drivers find available parking spaces without prolonged circling of crowded city blocks.
The smart meter also enables digital payment, so there's no risk of coming up short of
coins for the meter.
Also in the transportation arena, smart traffic management is used to monitor and
analyze traffic flows to optimize streetlights and prevent roadways from becoming too
congested based on time of day or rush-hour schedules. Smart public transit is another
facet of smart cities. Smart transit companies can coordinate services and fulfill riders'
needs in real time, improving efficiency and rider satisfaction. Ride-sharing and bike-
sharing are also common services in a smart city.
❖ London, New York, Dubai, Vienna, Toronto, Tokyo, Barcelona, Hong Kong
these are the examples of smart cities.

❖ smart city has not yet been created in our country. One of the main
features of a country's development is a smart city. Being able to attract
tourists, being able to do all activities in one city, reducing environmental
pollution, and being able to save time can be especially mentioned. Lanka
is small. Being an island, the concept of smart city is very important for our


Bank and financial

• Banking environment has become highly competitive today. To be able to survive

and grow in the changing market environment banks are going for the latest
technologies, which is being perceived as an ‘enabling resource’ that can help in
developing learner and more flexible structure that can respond quickly to the
dynamics of a fast-changing market scenario. It is also viewed as an instrument
of cost reduction and effective communication with people and institutions
associated with the banking business.


• Safekeeping of public money, transfer of money, issuing drafts, exploring
investment opportunities and lending drafts, exploring investment being provided.
Information Technology enables sophisticated product development, better
market infrastructure, implementation of reliable techniques for control of risks
and helps the financial intermediaries to reach geographically distant and
diversified markets. Internet has significantly influenced delivery channels of the
banks. Internet has emerged as an important medium for delivery of banking
products and services.


1) E-Banking:
E-banking made its debut in UK and USA 1920s. It becomes prominently popular during
1960, through electronic funds transfer and credit cards. The concept of web-based
baking came into existence in Europe and USA in the beginning of 1980.

2) E passbook
The E Passbook facility provides you the account history of all your accounts in a similar
manner of a savings passbook or a current account statement. This application provides
an online-real time view of the account transactions.

3) Online money transfer

Online money transfer can be simply defined as a completely electronic way of
transferring money from one bank account to another. Direct deposit payroll transfers
money from your employer's account to yours.

The banking system can be introduced as a case where information technology is

used very carefully. In Lanka, the banking system uses information technology to
some extent. Private banks use information technology more than public banks.
However, our banking system is still full of paperwork. It takes hours to open an
account. Also, it will be very difficult to get a bank loan. There are many
applications to fill. Guarantors will be required. The bank will come to investigate.
This will take more time.

But this only takes a very short time. When information technology is added to
the banking system, time and labor can be saved. People do not want to deal with
banks because of these unnecessary documents. In developed countries, all
transactions are done through bank cards. But our Transactions in the country
are carried out like money transactions.

It is a problem that people in Sri Lanka are not aware of banks. Taking into
account the above-mentioned points about the banking system of the developed


countries of the world, the banking system of this country should be given the
opportunity to use information technology to make banking work successful.


Public administration

Information technology is still used at a very minimal level in government institutions in

Sri Lanka. Government institutions function as a collection of clerks and files. Even for a
very small task, they must roam around in regional secretariats and district secretariats.
From getting the birth certificate to getting all the certificates, the general public must
follow a difficult procedure. Also, taking ID cards, flight tickets, etc. has become a very
difficult task. has. But these characteristics are not found in developed countries.
Information technology is used to do all those activities very quickly and simply.
Connecting all activities of individuals to the national identity card is a very important
thing that is happening in the developed countries of the world. It is not so difficult for
our country to follow it. They can introduce the app. Starting from there, it is essential to
create facilities for all activities in the public sector. The low level of information
technology in Sri Lanka's public sector activities has been a major reason for the
slowdown of public sector activities.
For example, the examination department has not conducted the national examinations
on time, and the future of the entire generation has been put in jeopardy. Therefore, the
use of information technology for public sector activities should be increased and all
activities should be networked. Since Sri Lanka is a highly literate country, it is not that
difficult to add information technology to the public sector. Thus, information technology
should be added to make the public sector a broad and efficient sector.


• Websites used to find information






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