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Premier Law College Moot Court Rules

All students of Premier Law College, participating in the Law Moots shall strictly follow the following

1. The Moot Court shall be called/referred as “The Moot Court, Premier Law College, Gujranwala”.

2. The Appellants and the Respondents shall each prepare the facts and the grounds of appeal in
writing in a presentable form and shall file the same with the person nominated for this purpose, at
least one day before the Scheduled day for the law moot.

3. All moots shall start at 8:30 a.m on the Scheduled day.

4. All students/counsels shall dress in a professional manner for participating in the law moots. The
students shall wear “court appropriate” attire such as dress pants and a dress shirt with or without
ties. Jeans, T-shirts and other casual attire shall not be appropriate for the moot court. The female
students may wear shalwar- qameez.

5. When the Presiding Officer/judge enters the room, all students/counsel must rise and remain
standing until told to sit down by the Presiding Officer.

6. The appellant counsel shall stand on the right side of the Rostrum and the respondent counsel shall
stand on the left side of the Rostrum.

7. First the appellant counsel shall present his/her arguments then the respondent’s counsel shall
present his/her arguments. The appellant and respondent counsels shall not interrupt each other
while arguments; however the presiding Office may ask any question from any counsel during

8. The Facts and Grounds which are to be filed in writing shall be in English; however the arguments
may be delivered in English, urdu or both.

9. The participants shall strictly observe the courtroom decorum.

10. The counsels shall address the presiding officer appropriately and in a respectful manner. The
Presiding Officer may be called “sir”, “My Lord”, “Your Lordship” or “janaab”. The participants
shall not lose their temper or interrupt the presiding officer while he is speaking.

11. The counsels shall address the opposing counsel courteously as “my learned friend”, “Learned
Counsel for the appellant or respondent” or in urdu “fazil dost”.

12. Both the appellant’s and respondent’s arguments shall be reason based, concise and logical,
supported with some principle of law or fairness. The emotional or rhetoric speeches shall be

13. The decision of the presiding officer will be considered final.

14. The counsels participating in the law moot shall be officer of the court and as such shall enjoy the
confidence of the presiding officer. In return for this professional privilege, they are expected to
instruct the moot court fairly and honestly.

15. The Moot Court Society reserves all the rights, at its sole discretion, to take appropriate
action for any unethical, unprofessional and wrongful conduct during the entire period of the
Moot Court activities.

(Law Moot Society)

Case Assignment No.1

The Breaking News Network (BNN) used a video which was secretly made by reporters who, under the
instructions of BNN management, had obtained a job in Fresh Fried Chicken (FFC) by telling a lie that
they were the experienced and professional waiters. The said reporters were not allowed to enter the
kitchen of FFC. They stealthily entered the kitchen with their cameras and made the videos which showed
that FFC was selling spoiled meat and cheese that was uncovered and was even exposed to rats. The BNN
broadcasted the said video which at first resulted into the heavy decline in business of FFC, which once
was the one of the most popular restaurants, and subsequently the management was forced to shut down
the FFC due to the above videos.

Now the FFC has to sue the BNN in this Court for compensation and damages.

(Law Moot Instructor)

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