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Good afternoon, Ms.Clark. Please sit down.

My name is Robelt Wilson and I’m

the director of human resources. I understand you’re applying for the position of
accounts managers
Yes,that’s right.
Great can you tell me about your working experience?
Sure, I’m currently working as an accounts manager in a large pharmecutical
pharmaceutical company .Before that, I managed the sales accounts for a sporting goods
company .Altogether, I’ve had over 8 years of working with many different types of
Oh I Alright .May I ask you why you’re interested in working for Handson
Well,I’ve been working in my present job for 3 years now. I just don’t feel like
I’m making progress.It’s time to move on. I did some research on your company and I
thought we’d make a good match bcz your company has a strong focus on customer
services and I’ve worked in that area for many years.
OK in this position there will be in a need for a lot of teamwork. Do you work
well with other people?
Oh yes I enjoy working with in groups.I’m also good at meeting deadlines and
I’m prepared to work overtime when necessary
Well thank u very much for coming in today.I’ll be in touch

Hello, this is Tony Barker speaking from Hasley office supplies. I’m calling about
your order for new desks
Oh, have they alright ARRIVED already?
Well,yes they have but I’m afraid there’s a problem
Oh,what’s the problem
The deskS’s ARE the wrong color .There is THEY ARE IN dark brown gụt
WOOD instead of the light brown would WOOD you ordered
That’s not good news .We specifilly SPECIFICALLY requested the light brown
I know, I’m very sorry .I can send them back but if you IT usually takeS 3 weeks
for the new order too alright TO ARRIVE
I need to check with the head of my department In the meantime, don’t return the
desk since I’ll UNTIL I talk to him. I call you later today and like LET you know what
to doWB0301035303
OK thanks for being so understanding
Again I apologize for the since convenience THIS INCONVENIENCE.

Hi this’s John from office supplies again.Don’t disappear. We’re office staff online
have a solution for you from desk and chair to pen and pencil stabl label paper. We have
thousand of offices central available online with huge discount on our entiring of
products.For your shopping convenience, we have real people you can call for assistant
and they can help you get the em you need and affordable price . Furthermore, orders
value đá about 115 dollars will be ship free of charge to anywhere in US.For all
international orders they properly will delivery charge will apply .We make sure the
online shopping and office staff online is perfectly safe . Our buyers protection shop
wearing sure your personal details and credit card information are safe. Office staff
online.Let us help you find the perfect solution for all your office requirement.

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