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Republic of the Philippines


Paterno St., Tacloban City

GE 10-7

Title of the article/s

Prepared by:
(Name of Student)
Instructions for the article
Articles will be given to you each month, or as the need arise. Then, you are to read these articles and
make a technical review for each.
There will be three parts of the outputs enumerated below. There are also questions/statements that will
help you answer each part. You may have a minimum of one paragraph of no less than five sentences for
A and B, and with a minimum of ten sentences for C.
A. Description
1. What was the article all about?
- Give a minimum of five-sentence summary of the article.
B. Interpretation
1. What do I understand from the article?
2. What salient points can be seen from the article?
C. Evaluation
1. What can you say about it?
i. The thing I like the most about this article is…
ii. The thing that triggered my interest from this article is…
iii. If I will have a question to the author/s, I will ask him/her/them…
2. How is the article relevant to my career as a future biologist or any field I chose?
Lastly should there be any other reference you used for this output, include them in your Cited Literature
Format; Body
Font style and size= Time New Roman 12; Line spacing 1.5; Margins: 0.75 all sides
Bold faced subheadings each part like this
A. Description

B. Interpretation

C. Evaluation
As to the naming of the file, follow this format: Your Family Name_ TechPaperNo1_EvoBioLec
Submit the output in your respective Google Drive folder. Corresponding points per part are as follow:
Description (7 points), Interpretation (8 points), Evaluation (15 points)
Just follow the format for the cover page. Edit those parts that needs editing.
*Should there be any case that you will opt for a handwritten output, please contact me personally.

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