Does Your Health Insurance Cover

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SWADL - Blogs 08/06/23, 2:28 PM

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Does Your Health

Insurance Cover
Anyone who begins their maternity journey
knows that it’s going to be a journey filled with
mixed feelings. From joy and cries to excitement
and hurdles, you’re going to face it all. 

A major concern here for a couple even before

they conceive is the financial burden it comes
with. Maternity involves a lot of expenses
starting from day 1. And, not always are these Page 1 of 3
SWADL - Blogs 08/06/23, 2:28 PM

expenses covered in your health insurance

policy. That is why it is important to understand
maternity coverage under health insurance in

If you’re an employee with corporate group

health insurance, you’re in luck. Maternity is
generally covered under corporate health
insurance. But, if you’re an individual health
policyholder, maternity will not necessarily be
covered under your health policy. Coverage and
its extent vary across different health policy
plans and insurance providers. 

So, when you think of family planning you

should also think of maternity cover as a part of
your health insurance. Else, you’ll have to pay a
huge amount entirely from your own pocket. A
situation you wouldn’t want to be in. 

For an individual health policy plan, you can

always purchase a maternity add-on cover with
your base plan. An add-on gives you additional
coverage that is not initially offered in your base

With already so much going on in the maternity

period, you can at least be free of the financial

Under maternity coverage in your health policy,

maternity (pre & post-natal) and childbirth
related expenses are covered during pregnancy.
However, maternity coverage comes with a sub- Page 2 of 3
SWADL - Blogs 08/06/23, 2:28 PM

limit. This means that when you file for a

maternity claim, insurance will cover your bill
only up to a certain limit (50k - 75k usually).
The over and above has to be paid by you from
your own pocket. 

You must read all such clauses very carefully to

minimize your out of pocket expenditure. This
includes, selecting the right hospital and the
right room as well - everything that can align
with your policy coverage. 

For this, you have SWADL - for the perfect

choice that fully aligns with your policy. 

If you’re planning a family, ensure that you have

maternity cover in your health policy. Page 3 of 3

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