Cases On Sales

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SMPPI VS SPS HUANG  Since there was no agreement on the

Facts terms of payment, no contract of sale

 Subject: two parcels of land totaling 1,738 sq. m. at the may be enforced
corner of Meralco Avenue and General Capinpin Street in  To be binding to the promisor,
Pasig City pursuant to Art. 1479, an accepted
 The properties were offered for sale for P52.14M in cash unilateral promise to buy or sell a
to Atty. Dauz who was acting for the Spouses Huang. determinate thing for a price certain is
 Atty. Dauz made an offer which was accepted by binding upon the promisor only if the
Socbrecarey, SMPPI vice president and operations promise is supported by a distinct
manager for real estate consideration. No showing of any
 The offer has the following terms: consideration for the option.
o Earnest-deposit money of P1M o During the option period, the parties would
o Sps would be given the exclusive option to negotiate the terms and condition of the
purchase the property within 30 days from the purchase
acceptance of the offer Stages of Contract of Sale
o During the period  negotiation on the terms 1. Negotiation: period from the time the prospective
and conditions of the purchase contracting parties indicate interest in the
o If no agreement  P1M should be returned contract to the time the contract is perfected.
 No agreement was made so SMPPI returned the P1M 2. Perfection: takes place upon the concurrence of
 The Spouses did not accept the P1M and instead, filed an the essential elements of the sale which are the
action for specific performance against SMPPI meeting of the minds of the parties at to the
 RTC dismissed the action object of the contract and upon the price
 CA reversed RTC on the following grounds: 3. Consummation: begins when the parties perform
o There is already a perfected contract of sale their respective undertakings under the contract
o The P1M is the earnest money of sale, culminating in the extinguishment thereof
o Applied Art. 1428: whenever earnest money is  In this case, the parties never got past the
given in a contract of sale, it shall be considered negotiation stage.
as part of the price and as proof of the Rule: The manner of payment of the purchase price is an
perfection of the contract essential element before a valid and binding contract of
Petitioner’s Argument: CA erred sale can exist.
 A contract of sale was not perfected; There was merely  Agreement on the manner of payment goes into the
an option contract which is unenforceable for lack of price such that a disagreement on the manner of
distinct consideration payment is tantamount to a failure to agree on the
 The absence of agreement as to the mode of payment price
was fatal to the perfection of the contract of sale.
SC’s Ruling: Petition GRANTED (CA decision is reversed) o Petitioner would secure the necessary approvals
 The P1M is not an earnest money but a deposit of what while respondents would handle the
would eventually become the earnest money of documentation.
downpayment should the perfection of the contract of
o Not part of a purchase price but only as a Facts
guarantee that respondents would not back out  Subject: Parcel of land with an area of 2,450 sq.m. in
of the sale Davao City
o Described as “earnest-deposit” in the offer  SSS filed a case before the Social Security Commission
 The P1M cannot be considered as an earnest money (SSC) against Dalisay Group of Companies (DGC) for the
because no contract of sale had not yet been perfected collection of unremitted SSS premium contributions of
as shown by the following conditions: DGC’s employees
o Respondents asked to be given the exclusive  Desiderio Dalisay, then President, sent a letter to SSS
option to purchase the property within 30 days offering the subject land to offset the DGC’s liabilities at
from the acceptance of the offer P3.5M
 Shows that there is no perfected sale  Parties failed to arrive at an agreement as to the
but merely an option or an accepted appraised value thereof
unilateral promise on the part of  Atty. Cabaroguis, as a representative of DGC, explained
respondents to buy the subject to SSS that DGC cannot settle its liabilities in cash and
properties within 30 days offered the subject land as a dacion which is accepted by
SSS as the appraised value of P2M. He also relayed to SS
that they are requesting that the P2M amount be applied
first to the unpaid premiums and the excess be used to such authority is being questioned
settle part of the penalties due. He also assured that the when many years have passed.
properties would be turned over to SSS free of liens and o Perfection
encumbrances. Rule: An acceptance is considered absolute
 SSC approved and accepted the dacion offered by Atty. and unqualified when it is identical in all
Cabaroguis. respects with that of the offer so as to
 Dalisay-Tirol, acting President and GM informed SSS that produce consent or a meeting of the minds.
they would turn over the building  SSS’ agreement to the P2M offer was
 In the meantime, Desiderio Dalisay passed away not a counter-offer but an acceptance
 Later, PNB executed a Deed of Confirmatory Sale in favor of the new reduced offer.
of DDII for properties that it reacquired o Consummation
 SSS then filed an adverse claim over the properties Consummation begins when the parties
 DDII asked for the condonation of the penalties, the perform their respective undertakings under
return of the property and to offset their obligations the contract of sale
against the back rentals of SSS for occupying the subject
property Art. 1497: The thing sold shall be understood
 DDII filed an action to quiet title as delivered, when it is placed in the control
 RTC ruled in favor of DDII holding that there was no and possession of the vendee.
perfected dation in payment but a qualified acceptance  DDII turned over the property.
which amounts to a counter-offer Furthermore, nowhere in their
 CA reversed RTC. CA found that there was a perfected communications that the company will
dation in payment and the sale was consummated upon turn over the possession of the
the delivery of the subject property to SSS. CA added that property to SSS to show its goodwill
even assuming that the dation is defective, said defect is while the negotiations were pending.
immaterial due to DDII’s inaction which lasted for 20 Delivery is an act by which one party parts
years. with the title to and the possession of the
SC’s Ruling property, and the other acquires the right to
Requisites for an action to quiet title and the possession of the same.
1. Plaintiff has a legal or an equitable title or interest
in the real property subject of the action It may either be actual or constructive but
2. The deed, claim, encumberance, or proceeding both forms of delivery contemplate the
claimed to be casting cloud on his title must be absolute giving up of the control and custody
shown to be invalid or inoperative despite its of the property on the part of the vendor and
prima facie appearance of validity of legal efficacy the assumption by the vendee.
 Petitioner has lost its title over the property which would
A dation en pago is perfected give it legal personality to file an action to quiet a title.
Dacion en pago: property is alienated to the creditor in
satisfaction of a debt in money PICHEL VS ALONZO
Art. 1245 provides that the law on sales shall apply to a  Subject: Coconut fruits
dacion en pago  Alonzo was awarded by the Gov’t a parcel of land
o The award was cancelled because it was proven
It requires delivery and transmission of ownership of a that Alonzo alienated the land to another in
thing owned by the debtor to the creditor as an accepted violation of the law.
equivalent of the performance of the obligation. o However, in 1972, Alonzo’s rights were
 To determine if there was a dation in payment, the Court reinstated.
reviewed the evidence and events whether these  Alonzo sold to Pichel the fruits of the coconut trees at
correspond to the 3 stages of a contract of sale P4,200. The Deed of Sale provided that the sale included
o Negotiation the future fruits to be produced by the trees in the said
 Atty. Cabaroguis offered the property land.
at P2M which the SSS accepted. No one  A case was filed to annul the said Deed of Sale
questioned his authority after the  RTC ruled that the contract is not a contract of sale but a
conclusion of the negotiations. contract of lease since it was consensual; its purpose is to
Furthermore, the company allow the enjoyment of the thing; and, the enjoyment or
immediately arranged for the use of the thing is for a certain and definite period of
property’s turnover. It is only now that time. RTC further added that deed of sale violated RA
SC’s Ruling: It is a contract of sale and no violated of RA 477.  Tuparan defaulted in the payment of her obligations. She
 Cancellation of an award granted pursuant to the paid Reyes in small amounts from time to time to
provisions of RA 477 does not automatically divest the perform her obligation.
awarded of his rights to the land unless an appropriate  Reyes alleged that despite finding a buyer, Tuparan
proceed is instituted by the State. Since no proceeding reneged to cancel the sale.
was instituted, Alonzo is not deemed to have lost any of  Later, Tuparan offered P751K to fully paid the property.
his rights as grantee.  Reyes did not accept and filed for rescission of contract.
 The terms of the agreement are clear and unequivocal.  RTC & CA:
The subject matter of the sale are the fruits. o Breach was not substantial
Rule: thing having a potential existence may be the object o Tuparan had already paid a substantial amount
of the contract of sale. of the purchase price
 Not a contract of lease o Rescission cannot be granted.
The essential difference between a contract of sale and a SC’s Ruling: Affirms the ruling of the courts below
lease of things is that the delivery of the thing sold  The subject contract is a contract to sell and not a
transfers ownership, while in lease no such transfer of contract of sale.
ownership results as the right of the lessee are limited to  The petitioners obligation to sell the subject properties
the use and enjoyment of the thing leased. becomes demandable only upon the happening of the
 The possession and enjoyment of the coconut trees positive suspensive condition, which is the respondents
cannot be said to be the possession and enjoyment of full payment of the purchase price. Without respondents
the land itself because these rights are distinct and full payment, there can be no breach of contract to speak
separate from each other, the first pertaining to the of because petitioner has no obligation yet to turn over
accessory or improvements (coconut trees) while the the title. Respondents failure to pay in full the purchase
second, to the principal (the land). A transfer of the price is not the breach of contract contemplated under
accessory or improvement is not a transfer of the Article 1191 of the New Civil Code but rather just an
principal. event that prevents the petitioner from being bound to
 What the law expressly disallows is the encumbrance or convey title to the respondent.
alienation of the land itself or any of the permanent Sale, by its very nature, is a consensual contract because
improvements thereon it is perfected by mere consent. The essential elements
of a contract of sale are the following: 
REYES VS TUPARAN o Consent or meeting of the minds, that is,
Facts consent to transfer ownership in exchange
 Subject: residential and commercial lot located in for the price;
Valenzuela o Determinate subject matter; and
 Reyes was the owner of the subject property where she o Price certain in money or its equivalent.
built a commercial building and a residential apartment.
She had been operating a drugstore and cosmetics store A Contract to Sell may not be considered as a Contract of
on the ground floor of the building. Sale because the first essential element is lacking. In a
 Tuparan leased a space on the ground floor of the contract to sell, the prospective seller explicitly reserves
building for her pawnshop business. the transfer of title to the prospective buyer, meaning, the
 Reyes mortgaged the property to Farmers Savings Bank prospective seller does not as yet agree or consent to
and Loan Bank (FSL) to secure a loan. transfer ownership of the property subject of the contract
 Reyes decided to sell her properties to liquidate her bank to sell until the happening of an event, which for present
loan and finance he business. purposes we shall take as the full payment of the purchase
 Tuparan verbally offered to buy the properties for P4.2M price.
on installment basis and to assume the bank loan. Other
conditions on the offer: In a contract to sell, upon the fulfillment of the suspensive
o Condition sale will be cancelled when Reyes condition which is the full payment of the purchase price,
found a buyer within 3 months ownership will not automatically transfer to the buyer
o Reyes would not pay rent and continue although the property may have been previously delivered
operating her store to him. The prospective seller still has to convey title to the
o Lease for 15 years in favor of Reyes when prospective buyer by entering into a contract of absolute
Tuparan fully paid sale.
o Tuparan will renew the fire insurance policies
 Their agreement was not made in writing because of In a contract of sale, the title to the property passes to the
their friendship. vendee upon the delivery of the thing sold; in a contract to
sell, ownership is, by agreement, reserved in the vendor
and is not to pass to the vendee until full payment of the
purchase price. one which extinguishes or modifies the first, either by
changing the object or principal conditions, or by
In the contract of sale, the buyers non-payment of the substituting another in place of the debtor, or by
price is a negative resolutory condition; in the contract to subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor.
sell, the buyers full payment of the price is a positive
suspensive condition to the coming into effect of the Article 1292 of the Civil Code provides that [i]n order that
agreement. an obligation may be extinguished by another which
 A substantial amount of the purchase price has already substitutes the same, it is imperative that it be so declared
been paid. It is only right and just to allow Tuparan to pay in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new
the said unpaid balance of the purchase price to Reyes obligations be on every point incompatible with each
 Granting that a rescission can be permitted under Article other. Novation is never presumed.
1191, the Court still cannot allow it for the reason that,
considering the circumstances, there was only a slight or Article 1292 of the Civil Code provides that [i]n order that
casual breach in the fulfillment of the obligation. an obligation may be extinguished by another which
SPS VALENZUELA VS KALAYAAN DEVT substitutes the same, it is imperative that it be so declared
Facts in unequivocal terms, or that the old and the new
 Subject: a parcel of land owned by Kalayaan but being obligations be on every point incompatible with each
occupied by Spouses Valenzuela who introduced several other. Novation is never presumed.
 Spouses negotiated with Kalayaan to purchase the Requisites:
portion of the lot they were occupying 1) There must be a previous valid
 The parties executed a Contract to Sell wherein the obligation;
petitioners would purchase 236 sqm. The Spouses 2) There must be an agreement of the
initially gave 500k upon signing and agreed to pay the parties concerned to a new contract;
balance in 12 equal monthly installments 3) There must be the extinguishment of
 Sps paid for the first three months but failed to pay for the old contract; and
the incoming months 4) There must be the validity of the new
 Sps requested that a deed of sale be issued for 118 sqm contract.
representing the payment they have made  All the requisites are not present in this case. Kalayaan
 Kalayaan did not execute a deed of sale but continued to never agreed to the creation of a new contract between
ask the Sps to settle their obligation them or Juliet.
 The Sps proposed that Juliet, sister of the wife, would
assume the payment of the balance. Juliet paid made SPS PAMPLONA VS SPOUSES CUETO
payments which were accepted by Kalayaan. Facts
 Kalayaan however filed an action for rescission of  Subject: a lot in Batangas City
contract and damages  The registered owner of the lot are the Spouses Cipriano
 The RTC and CA ruled in favor of Kalayaan. Pamplona and Bibiana Intac
 Sps maintained that they are entitled of the half of the  Lilia Cueto, sister of Bibiana, agreed to Bibiana that Lilia
land as they already paid for it. They argued that there would buy the lot on installment basis
was a valid novation as there was a change in the person  The agreement was verbal
of the principal debtor.  Bibiana sent a notebook to Lilia wherein she can enter
SC’s Ruling: Denied the petition the list of remittances
On the Contract to Sell  Lilia allowed her son to reside in the subject property.
 Since petitioners failed to fully pay the purchase price for She, through her son (Roilan), religiously paid the annual
the entire property, Kalayaans obligation to convey title realty taxes including electric and water bills.
to the property did not arise. Thus, Kalayaan may validly  Bibiana filed an unlawful detainer against Roilan. Being
cancel the contract to sell its land to petitioner, not indigent, Roilan failed to defend themselves and they
because it had the power to rescind the contract, but were evicted.
because their obligation thereunder did not arise.  Coming back to the Philippines, Lilia learned about the
 Petitioners failed to pay the balance of the purchase unlawful detainer case and executed an Affidavit of
price. Such payment is a positive suspensive condition, Adverse Claim.
failure of which is not a breach, serious or otherwise, but  After compliance with her obligation, Lilia demanded
an event that prevents the obligation of the seller to from Spouses Pamplona to execute the necessary deed.
convey title from arising.  Bibiana argued that the remittances were not for the
On Novation: There is no valid novation. purchase of property but for a past debt. She also added
Novation is the extinguishment of an obligation by the that she has been the one paying the real property taxes.
substitution or change of the obligation by a subsequent
 RTC ruled in favor of the Sps Pamplona finding that Sps
Cueto failed to substantiate the existence of the contract
to sell
 CA reversed the RTC’s decision and declared that there
was sufficient evidence.
SC’s Ruling: in favor of Lilia Cueto
 Records show that there is sufficient evidence
o Lilia sent money to Bibiana who did not deny
such fact
o Records show that the parties agreed that
Roilan and his father would occupy the property
o Lilia immediately took steps to protect her
interest by annotating her adverse claim on the
petitioners’ title
o Bibiana failed to establish that the payments
were for past debt.
 The admissions by Roilan and his father of the
petitioners’ ownership of the property could not be
appreciated in favor of the petitioner. It should be noted
that the contract is a contract to sell and not a contract
of sale. Under the contract to sell, the ownership had yet
to pass to Lilia upon fully payment of the purchase price.
Contract of Sale Contract to Sell
Title passes to the buyer Ownership is reserved in
upon delivery of the thing the seller and is not to pass
sold until the full payment of the
purchase price
Vendor has lost and cannot Title remains in the vendor
recover the ownership of if the vendee does not
the land sold until and comply with the condition
unless the contract of sale is precedent of making
itself resolved and set aside payment
 The failure of Roilan to raise as defense in the unlawful
detainer suit against him the existence of the contract to
sell could not be property construed as an admission by
silence on the part of Lilia.


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