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10 18 BAHASA INGGRIS Petri A digunakan untuk mengerskan soal nomor 4 sampai dengan soal nomor 60, |. Study the text and choose the best answers fo the questions that follow. Ifyou had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? The obstacles to keeping your body alive indefinitely siil seems insurmountable, but some scientists think there is another possibility opened up by digital technology: creating a digital copy of your “sel and keeping that “aive" enfne long after your physical body has ceased to function, In effect, the proposal is to clone a person elactronicaly. Unlike theit famiar physical clones ~ offspring that have identical features as their parents, but that are completely separate organisms with a separate conscious life ~ your electronic clone would believe itself to be you. How might this be possible? The first step would be to map the brain How? One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology. Ray Kurzweil - ona of the prophets of artificial inteligence ~ predicts that within two or three decades we will have nanotransmitters that can be injected into-the bloodstream. In the capillaries of the brain they would line up alongside the neurons and detect the details of the cerebral electronic activity. They would be able to transmit that information to a receiver inside a special helmet or cap, so there would be no need for any wites protruding from the scalp. ‘As a further step, Ray Kurzwell also envisages the nanotransmitters being able fo connect you to the world of virtual realty on the intemet, similar to what was depicted inthe film ‘Matric. With the nanotransmiters in place, by thought alone, you could log on to the internet and instead ofthe pictures coming up on your screen they would play inside your mind. Rather than send your friends e-mails you would agree to meat up on some virtual topical beach. For Ray this would be, quite literally, heaven, Once you upload the brain onto the intemet and log on to that Virtual world the body can be left to rot wile your vitual self carries on playing Counter Strike forever. Therefore, ‘why wait when you can have a shot of nanobots and upload your brain onto the intemet and live on as an immortal virtual surfer? ‘Adapted fom “Digital Heaven’. hitpstulspat.dgteleounterevclutn coublengish-artdes-advanceddgtal-heaven hint ‘Accessod Mach 18, 2016. 44. The text mainly discusses 43, The word “insurmountable” nine 2iscossst ; in meaning to (A) an endeavor to seek immortal fe (6) how nanotechnology relates to the concept (&) impossible. of heaven. (@) inexplicable. (C) nanotechnology and its possibity to (C)unbelevabie. facitate eternal fe for human mind. (©) insuperable. (0) how nanotechnology can work withthe (©) unimeginable. human brain. {he contradiction betweon techaclogy and 44, Wherein the text does the author compare : electron cloning with physical cloring? 42. lean be inferred from the text that electronic (A) Lines 5-7 cloning (@) Lines 9.13 (C)Lines 14-15 (A) wil be highly expensive. (0) Lines 15-17 (@) canbe done na few years. (6) Lines 18:21 (C)is against religious doctrines. e) son? ' person's body healty and 45, ttis implied in paragraph 2 that electronic (©) involves a complex procedure and highly coning is advanced technology. (a) anidea. (@) init st step. (Chascience fiction. (0) a workin progress. {€) somewhat similar to physical doning 46. Where in the text does the author mention how Ranotransmitters would work? (A) Lines 5-8 (8) Lines 11-13 (C)Lines 14-15 (©) Lines 15-17 ©) Lines 18-21 47. 3 ‘The text states all of the following EXCEPT (A) nanotransritters might be available in 20 1030 years. ~ (B) electronic cloning might be possible through nanotechnology. (C) Ray Kurzweil supports the idea of electronic cloning. (0) nanotransmitters can be injected into the human brain, (€) aspecial head cover will play an important role in electronic cloning. 48. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? (A) Nanotransmitters alow pictures to appear on a screen, (8) Nanotransmitters can connect a person to both virtual and real world. (C) Nanotransmitters can function as depicted inamovie. (D) Nanotransmitters can help a person make ‘an appointment with others to physically meet up at a certain place. (©) Nanotransmitters wil need to be connected through sore wires installed in ahuman's head. ~ 49. What kind of information is presented in paragraph 3? (A) a fect (8) 2 prediction (C) an opinion (0) an argument (©) anexample ~ 50. Why does the author mention an online game in paragraph 52+ (A) To encourage people to play online games (8) To compare electronic cloning with an online game (C) To illustrate how nanotransiters work with the human brain (0) To support the idea of electronic cloning - (E) To give an example of the benefits of electronic cloning at. 52. 53. 55. 11, The text below has incomplete sentences. Choose the one word or phrase from each number that best completes the sentences. Food irradiation is one ofthe current technologies being implemented to preserve and protact the nation’s food supply. radiating food is not a new idea; it frst (51) in the United States during World Wer I when the U.S. Army supported experiments with fruits, vegetables, and meats to feed the millions of men 2nd women in uniform, Scientists were (52) preserve food without the use of chemicals such 2s pesticides and herbicides. The iradiation of foods is a technique (63) preserve food and rid itof any unwanted pests and pathogenic organisms. The foods (64)______ limited amounts of ionizing radiation. This use of small amounts of radiation can help (55) the quality of the food supply. Food iradiation is said to be a “cold treatment," meaning that it raises the temperature ofthe food only slightly, (56) and structural changes in the food. The irradiation of fooc-can aid in the elimination of cisease-causing pathogens, (57)____ as well as aiding in the preservation and extension ofthe shelf life of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and meat products, Although the method of food irradiation is a tried and true way to aid in the safety and security of the rrafion’s food supply, irradiated food is still not (58) sold in the United States. 69) people hear the word radiation or anything to do with radiation, their minds instantly conjure up images of nuclear reactor meltdowns such as Chemobyl and Three Mil Island. Large radiation accidents, bring iiness, death, and despair for many years after the initial release of nuclear material. Workers at nuclear plants during accidents (60) _____ and are often exposed to massive doses of radiation. Luckily, in the business of food irradiation, nuclear reactors are not part of the process. Adapted from: F,R. Spellman and R. M. Bieber. 2008. Cccupatoal tty and heath Siplfed the Food Man Maryand: Government inbtutes, pp.109410. (A) begins 56. (A) minimal nutsent losses. (8) begun (8) losing minimal nutrient (C)is beginning (C) loss of minimal nutrient (0) was begun (D) minimal loss of nutrient gl (€) began (€) minimizing nutrient losses 57. (A) decreasing iliness-bome food ® food at teu pari (8) decreasing food-bearing illness (C) looked for new ways to (C) decreasing food-borne illness (0) looking for new ways to (0) to decrease food-bearing illness {E) looking for new: wos for (E) to decrease food-bome illness 58. (A) in common (A) used t ® isused to (8) commonly (C) was using (¢) most conan (0) be used to (0) mosty common (€) was used to (€) in common with . (A) is exposed 59. (A) After (@) is being exposed to 7 re (C)are exposing to (eetore (0) are exposed to ) pers ) are being exposed to (E) Althougt 60. (A) are at risk i (@) are risking Glntproing Clonater being at the ris (C) forimproving (esi at () on improvement €) in improvement

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